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2004, Vol.31, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Flower Formation and Patterns of Carbohydrate Distribution in Litchi Trees
  • Chen Houbin;Huang Huibai;Liu Zongli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 1-6.
  • Abstract ( 1928 ) HTML ( 1906 ) PDF (330KB) ( 1906 )    
  • The study aimed to investigate the carbohydrate changes during flower induction of litchi (Litchichinensis Sonn. ) trees. In‘Guiwei’litchi, 95.8% terminal shoots flowered on trees of early (Oct.5) terminal flushing whereas only 18.0 % on trees of late (Nov.15) flushing. Over 99 % of terminal shoots in ‘Nuomici’and‘Feizixiao’litchi trees , irrespective of flushing early or late (from Oct.1 to Nov.5) , formed flower panicles. The contents of soluble sugars and starch in roots (1 cm in diameter) , trunks (5-8 cm in diameter) , large branches (3-5 cm in diameter) , small branches (1 cm in diameter) , terminal autumnal shoots and leaves were investigated over the period from November to January. Results showed that the concentration of soluble sugars increased from November to December and then decreased in January, while the starch concentration increased progressively , especially in the upper parts of the canopy. Starch concentrations in the heavy flowering trees were highest in small branches and decreased acropetally and basipetally , whereas the concentrations of soluble sugars were highest in the terminal shoots. Starch concentration in the leaves was higher than that in the terminal shoots of the light flowering trees. It is suggested that carbohydrate distribution pattern may serve as an indication for the judging of the floral induction effect in litchi .
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  • Studies on Dynamics of Calcium and Potassium during Fruit Development ofParthenocarpic and Self-pollinated Citrus Varieties
  • Xiao Jiaxin;Peng Shupang;Zhang Hongyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 7-10.
  • Abstract ( 1988 ) HTML ( 1273 ) PDF (159KB) ( 1273 )    
  • Changes of calcium and potassium contents in the ovary or fruitlet and fruit different part (rind andpulp) from ovary development before full bloom to fruit maturation for harvest of citrus i1e. parthenocarpic ‘Guo-qing 1’(Citrus unshiu Marc. ) and self-pollinated ‘Huanong Bendizao’ ( C.reticulata Blanco) were investigated. The results showed as follows : 1) Calcium contents in the ovary (fruitlet) of ‘Guoqing 1’ (GQ1) were at high levels before and at full bloom , and then decreased. But its potassium contents were relatively low before and at full bloom , thereafter increased. 2) Calcium contents in‘Huanong Bendizao’ (HB) were at low levels before full bloom , and presented an increasing trend after full bloom. While its potassium contents were comparatively high before and at full bloom , and then declined. 3) Dynamics of calcium in the pulp of ‘GQ1’and‘HB’were all declining from 65 days after full bloom (DAFB) , while calcium content in rind of ‘GQ1’signifi2
    cantly rose at 80 DAFB , that of‘HB’sharply increased at 125 DAFB too , since then kept at high levels until maturation for harvest . 4) Potassium contents in rind and pulp in both of ‘GQ1’and ‘HB’were similarly declining during fruit development .
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  • Influence of Orchard Sod Mowing on Nutrient Competition between Citrussinensis and Stylosanthes gracilis and Mechanisms
  • Yao Qing;Zhu Honghui;Chen Jiezhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 11-15.
  • Abstract ( 1542 ) HTML ( 1346 ) PDF (267KB) ( 1346 )    
  • To investigate the influences of mowing on the fruit tree growth and nutrient competition in a sod culture system, and to elucidate the corresponding mechanisms, Citrus sinensis and Stylosanthes gracilis were grown in rhizoboxes as tested plants. The results showed that mowing significantly alleviated the grass competition for phosphorus , and promoted the citrus plant growth , in a low P soil . Mechanism analysis indicated that mowing
    strongly inhibited the grass root growth , significantly decreased the total root length, and also changed the root system distribution, which resulted in a significant decrease in plant P content and P uptake. For citrus plants,the total root length and apparent P uptake rate of root were increased , P content and P uptake were significantly enhanced, to a comparable level with fertilized plants. It is suggested that mowing changed the competition status between fruit tree and grass through the influence on root system, and the root distribution pattern may play a important role in the nutrient competition.
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  • Accumulation of Jasmonic Acid in Apple Seedlings under Water Stress
  • Lan Yanping;Han Zhenhai;Xu Xuefeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 16-20.
  • Abstract ( 1715 ) HTML ( 1348 ) PDF (219KB) ( 1348 )    
  • Two apple species with different drought resistance were exposed to a polyethylene glycol-induced water deficit . The concentration of jasmonic acid (JA) in roots , leaves and xylem sap were measured by gas chromatograph. Sensitive increases of JA in roots , leaves or xylem sap were showed in two species. A significant logarithm correlation existed between leaf stomatal resistance and concentration of JA in xylem sap or roots. This suggest that JA in xylem sap may be the signal responsible for communication between roots and shoots in apple trees under water stress.
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  • Effect of Ice Nucleation Active Bacteria on the Ultrastructure of Apricot VarietiesOvule
  • Peng Weixiu;Yang Jianmin;Zhang Qin;Meng Qingrui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 21-24.
  • Abstract ( 1645 ) HTML ( 1412 ) PDF (147KB) ( 1412 )    
  • The ultrastructure of two kinds of apricot ( Prunus armeniaca L. ) ovule by ice nucleation active (INA) bacteria and low temperature was investigated with transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the ultrastructure of ovule was influenced by the INA bacteria. (1) The plasmolysis phenomenon occurred in the nucellus cells, a great lot of vesicle structures existed in the cytoplasm. The structures of mitochondrion was entirely damaged and turned transparent . Furthermore there were multi2membrane inclusions with concentric circles in some nucellus cells. (2) The ectoblast nuclear membrane of ovum in embryo-sac was inflated. The nuclear membrane was disintegrated partly and number of organelles in cytoplasm decreased. Therefore , the ovule could not develop normally , which interfered the spermatiation and led to the reduction in apricot yield or even no outputat all. In addition, compared with the treatment of only low temperature , the ovule ultrastructure by the treatment of both low temperature and INA bacteria inoculation were devastated more seriously. Therefore , INA bacteria was one important factor to aggravate frost injury to apricot flowers.
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  • Cloning and Sequencing of cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed betweenAborted and Normal Development Embryo in Litchi
  • Zhang Yishun;Xiang Xu Fu Jiarui;Huang Shangzhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 25-28.
  • Abstract ( 1516 ) HTML ( 1646 ) PDF (116KB) ( 1646 )    
  • The suppressive subtraction hybridization (SSH) technique was used to clone the cDNA fragments differentially expressed between aborted and normal development embryo of ‘Guiwei’varieties. One positive differential expressing cDNA library were constructed using cDNAs of normal development embryo of Guiwei as driver and the cDNAs of aborted embryo of Guiwei varieties as tester. This cDNA library indicated the differential expressing
    cDNA fragments in Guiwei aborted embryo and Guiwei normal development embryo. By Virtual Northern blots, 3 positive clones were obtained. Subsequently sequencing analysis showed the 3 clones were corresponding 3 knew gene sequence and the 3 cDNA fragments were first reported in litchi varieties.
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  • Cryopreservation of in Vitro Papaya Shoot2tips by Vitrification Technique andIts Regeneration
  • Zeng Jiwu;Yi Ganjun;Zhang Qiuming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 29-33.
  • Abstract ( 1638 ) HTML ( 1960 ) PDF (232KB) ( 1960 )    
  • Experiments were conducted about tissue culture systems and cryopreservation on papaya ( Carica papaya L.) . The cluster buds were subcultured on the proliferation medium containing 0.5 mg/ L BA , 0.1 mg/ L
    NAA and 1.0 mg/ L GA3. The procedure of cryopreservation was studied using the shoot tips as materials. In vitro, the shoot tips of papaya about 3-5 cm in length were precultured for 3 days at 25 ℃on MS medium supplemented
    with 5 %DMSO. Shoot tips about 1.5-2.5 mm in length with one or two leaf primordiumwere loaded in a solution containing 60 % PVS2 for 40-50 min at room temperature. The shoot2tips were sufficiently dehydrated with a highly concentrated vitrification solution (PVS2) for 40 min at 0 ℃. After changing the solution with fresh PVS2 , the shoots were immersed into liquid nitrogen directly and conservated for 24 hour. After rapidly thawing in a water
    bath at 40 ℃, the shoot tips were washed twice with 1.2 mol/ L sucrose solution and transferred on the same MS medium as the previous one. Survival rates of shoot tips was 53.7 % , and regrowth rate reached 52.6 %. Almost
    all the shoot tips formed roots on hormone2free solidified MS medium and were successfully transferred to soil in pots. The plantlets could normally root and survive after transplantion.
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  • Studies on Changes of Field - Vegetable Ecosystem under Long-term FixedFertilizer Experiment
  • Ge Xiaoguang;Zhang Enping;Zhang Xin;Wang Xiaoxue;Gao Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 34-38.
  • Abstract ( 2041 ) HTML ( 1311 ) PDF (160KB) ( 1311 )    
  • After 14 and half years long-termfixed fertilization trial with vegetables , the amount and quality of soil organic matter changed evidently. Soil fertility was highly improved by 10 - 15 yearspuse of organic manure in the view of organic matter accumulation and quality improvement . The soil organic matter in the combination of organic manure and inorganic nitrogen was higher than that in organic manure only , while in the trial with only inorganic nitrogen the organic matter decreased. The organic matter content in the control plot fluctuated around 19.0 g·kg -1 . The accumulation rate of organic matter in open area was quicker than that in protected field , but for the CKwas not the case. The yearly mineralization rate of organic matter was between 7.0 % - 11.1 %. The average mineralization rate for open area was 8.67 % , while for protected condition was 9.54 %. Phosphorous and potassium could increase organic matter content to some extent , but it must be based on application of organic manure.With the extension of fertilization with organic , especially with the combination with organic and inorganic fertilizer,the soil readily oxidizable organic matter increased, while Kos decreased ; The soil active humus content, humus acid and E4/ E6 value were increased , while molecular weight and aromaticity of humus acid were decreased , thus progress to humus formation and quality of organic matter were enhanced.
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  • Studies on the Nitrate Content of Different Pak-choi Genotypes
  • Wang Liping;Xiang Changping;Wang Yunhua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 43-46.
  • Abstract ( 1598 ) HTML ( 1231 ) PDF (187KB) ( 1231 )    
  • The genotypic differences of nitrate content in 46 pak2choi cultivars were studied during winter of 1998 and spring, summer, autumn of 1999. The results showed that there were significant differences of nitrate content among different cultivars of pak-choi. The cultivars of high and low nitrate content have been grouped by cluster analysis based on the experiment of four seasons. The result also showed that the nitrate content of the same
    cultivar in different seasons was different. The nitrate content in spring and summer was higher than that in autumn and winter.
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  • Construction of AFLP Molecular Genetic Map for RIL Population of Watermelon
  • Yi Ke;Xu Yong;Lu Xiang-yang;Xiao Lang-tao;Xu Xiang-li;Gong Guoyi;Zhang Hai-ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 47-58.
  • Abstract ( 1884 ) HTML ( 1345 ) PDF (161KB) ( 1345 )    
  • A recombinant inbred lines of 117 F2S7 progenies derived from the cross 97103 (which is a cultivarwith higher total soluble solids concentration , thin rind , susceptible to Fusarium wilt disease ) ×PI296341 (which is an African wild germplasm with lower total soluble solids concentration , thick rind , resistant to Fusarium wilt disease) was used to construct a map containing 150 AFLP markers. This map consists of 17 linkage groups , covering 1240.2 cMwith an average distance of 8.3 cM between locus. It will contribute to construction of a high-density map of watermelon , QTL analysis of important agronomic traits and map-based gene clone.
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  • The Effects of Different Rootstocks on the Sugar Metabolismand Related Enzyme Activities in Small and Early2maturing Watermelon during Fruit Development
  • Liu Huiying;Zhu Zhujun;Qian Qiongqiu;Ge Zhiping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 47-52.
  • Abstract ( 1322 ) HTML ( 1650 ) PDF (262KB) ( 1650 )    
  • The sugar metabolism and their related enzyme activities during fruit development of own-rooted and grafted on Hangzhou-long gourd , Chaofeng F1, Yongshi and Figleaf gourd watermelon were studied. The results showed that the changes of sugar content and sucrose metabolism enzyme activity during the fruit development of different grafted and own-rooted watermelon were similar. At an early stage of fruit development, sugars accumulated slowly due to higher enzyme activity for sucrose cleavage than for sucrose synthesis. At a fruit ripening stage, the sugar content increased rapidly because the enzyme activity for sucrose synthesis was higher than for sucrose cleavage. However , the sugar content in the fruits of all grafted watermelons were lower than that in the fruit of own-rooted watermelon. Among the grafted watermelon fruits , the sugar content of the watermelon grafted on Chaofeng F1 and Hangzhou-long gourd was higher than that of watermelon grafted on Figleaf gourd and Yongshi . The activities of invertase at the early stage, sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose synthase at the late stage influenced by grafting may be responsible for the decrease of sugar content in the grafted watermelon fruit . The good relationship between sugar accumulation and net enzyme activity of sucrose metabolism indicated that sucrose metabolism enzymes including invertase, sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose synthase may function together, which resulted in the difference of sugar content in own-rooted and grafted watermelon fruits.
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  • Effects of CO2 Treatment of Root Zone on Potato Growth and Photosynthesis by Areoponics Culture
  • Sun Zhouping;Li Tianlai;;Yao Li;Zou Hongli;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 59-47.
  • Abstract ( 1626 ) HTML ( 1548 ) PDF (258KB) ( 1548 )    
  • The root systems of potato plants ( Solanum tuberosum L. ) ‘Favorita’treated with different CO2concentrations by areoponics culture for 35 days showed an increase in plant height , leaf area , root mass , stole number , tuber mass and overall plant fresh mass for the greenhouse gas treatment (CO2 380 - 920μL·L - 1 + O221 %) and outdoor air treatment (CO2 380μL·L - 1 + O2 21 %) , compared with a high CO2 concentration treatment (CO2 3600 μL·L - 1 + O2 21 %) . In addition , there was an increase in stomatal conductance (Gs) of leaf ,intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), net hotosynthetic rate ( Pn) and photochemical efficiency ( Fv/ Fm) of leaf , at same time there was an decrease in CO2 compensation point (Γ) , photo respiratory rate (Rp) and carboxylation efficicency (CE) for the formers. The results indicated that the appropriate CO2 concentration (CO2380 - 920μL·L - 1 + O2 21 %) in the root zone may be an important reason why the areoponics culture may advance the growth and the development of potato plant .
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  • Analysis of Dehydrins in Cryopreservation of Protocorm-like-bodies of Dendrobium candidum by the Air-drying Method
  • Lin Weiqiang;Bian Hongwu;Wang Junhui;Zhu Muyuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 64-68.
  • Abstract ( 1688 ) HTML ( 1458 ) PDF (214KB) ( 1458 )    
  • Protocorm2like2bodies of ( PLBs) Dendrobium candidum were desiccated to different water contents by an air-drying method. Samples at different water contents were cryoperserved , and the heat-stable proteins of samples were immunological detected by anti-dehydrin antibody. Water content was based on dry mass , its linear equation was expressed as y = - 0.1208 x + 9.9636. The optimal water content for cryopreservation seemed to be at the range of 0.1 g/ g DM to 0.5 g/ g DM. The amount of heat-stable proteins increased significantly when water content decreased to 1.0 g/ g DM. Results from immunological detection showed that two bands of the heat-stable proteins with respective molecular masses of 28.7 and 34.3 kD were dehydrins , which appeared when water content dropped to 1.0 g/ g DM. Our work revealed that water content might be a key factor for successful cryopreservation as well as for accumulation of dehydrins.
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  • Relative Physiological and Biochemical Features of Redifferentiation Differencein Three Types of Calli Subculture in Anthurium andraeanum
  • Guo Weiming;Zhao Yunpeng;Wen Fangde
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 69-72.
  • Abstract ( 1639 ) HTML ( 1489 ) PDF (102KB) ( 1489 )    
  • Calli of Anthurium andraeanum‘Jolanba’derived from leaves of in vitro plantlets were cultured with three different treatments to observe their redifferentiation behaviors , and their physiological and biochemical features are discussed. The results went as followed. Decrease of base medium concentration , reduction of sub-culture frequency , or prolongation of sub-culture period favored differentiation and growth of regenerated plantlets.High content of soluble protein favored shoot differentiation , and high content of soluble sugar enhanced shoot growth. There was obvious positive correlation between activities of POD and SOD and number of differentiated shoots. So was between GA1 + 3/ ABA , as well as ZRs/ ABA , and shoot height . The IAA/ ABA ratio or IAA was also related to rhizogenesis. One of the physiological and biochemical causes for the enhancement growth vigor of aseptic plantlet by renewing in vitro culture system and prolonging culture period was maintaining high content of endogenous soluble sugar and favorable balance of endogenous phytohormes.
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  • Studies on Endogenous Hormones in the Pericarp of ‘Feizixiao’Litchi in Relation to Different Fruit Sizes from Early and Late Bloom
  • Li Jianguo;Zhou Biyan;Huang Xuming;Huang Huibai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 73-75.
  • Abstract ( 2677 ) HTML ( 1547 ) PDF (155KB) ( 1547 )    
  • Endogenous hormone levels in the pericarp and the fruit mass were comparatively studied between the fruits from early and late blooms on the same panicles of ‘Feizixiao’litchi . The results showed that fresh mass of the early-bloom fruit was significantly larger than that of late2bloom , and contents of GA1 + 3 、IAA , ABA and IAA/ABA ratio in the pericarp from early-bloom fruit were lower than those from late-bloom fruit , whereas , ZRs level and ZRs/ ABA ratio were higher during fruit development . It is suggested that higher ZRs level and ZRs/ ABA ratio are associated with the formation of larger fruit size in early bloom , while higher IAA level and IAA/ ABA ratio might be related to higher fruit set for the fruit from late bloom.
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  • Investigation on Floral Induction in Axillary Buds of Guava
  • Li Ping;Chen Weiguang;Wen Hualiang;Tan Tiebing;Zheng Runquan;Wu Yongjun;Deng Xuwen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 76-77.
  • Abstract ( 1781 ) HTML ( 1480 ) PDF (79KB) ( 1480 )    
  • ‘Xinshiji’,‘Wuhe’and‘Shuijing’guava ( Psidium guajava L. ) were used to investigate the floral features. The results showed that there was bigger flush diameter at 2 - 4 node of the shoot bearing the buds than other parts of the same shoot ; at the same time , there were always higher starch content and soluble sugar content in shoots than the others. This features in shoot was proposed as a relative factor to flower induction process.
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  • Embryo Abortion and Young Embryo Culture of Chinese Jujube
  • Qi Yefeng;Liu Mengjun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 78-80.
  • Abstract ( 1690 ) HTML ( 1418 ) PDF (177KB) ( 1418 )    
  • The embryo abortion rate of 30 excellent cultivars of Chinese jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba Mill . ) were investigated 30 days after fruit set . The results showed that , the high abortion cultivars with more than 75 % aborted embryo , the middle abortion cultivars with 25 % - 75 % aborted embryo and the light abortion cultivars with less than 25 % aborted embryo made up 53.4 % , 3.3 % and 43.3 %of the cultivars studied respectively. 10 - 70 days old embryos of Z. jujuba‘Dongzao’and‘Jinsifeng’etc were employed to study embryo culture system. There were 3 growth-styles of the young embryos after inoculated , i . e. , forming callus , multiplicating small leaf in the center of cotyledons and forming seedling directly. The measures improving embryo culture and transplant of seedling were also studied.
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  • Studies on the Standard Range of Apple Leaf Nutritional Elements in ShaanxiProvince
  • An Guiyang;Shi Lianrang;Du Zhihui;Yu Junyi;Deng Fengchan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 81-83.
  • Abstract ( 1613 ) HTML ( 1616 ) PDF (150KB) ( 1616 )    
  • According to the results of X2 test , the distributions of N , P , K, Ca , Mg , B content in leaves conformed to the normal distribution , but those of Cu , Fe , Mn , Zn looked rather like X2 distribution. The values of normally distributed characters could be divided into 5 grades by 4 dividing points (standardized probability grading-SPG method) , presented the absence , low value , normal value , high value , excess of standard range of nutritional elements , and the occurrence probability of 1 - 5 grades is 10 % , 20 % , 40 % , 20 % and 10 % respectively. The third grade , which valued from ( X - 0.5246S) to ( X + 0.5246S) , could be the normal value of standard range , rather same to the average value of leaf nutritional elemets in high yield orchards. The values of X2 distributed characters graded by SPG method could be corrected by the average value of leaf nutritional elemelnts in high yield orchards. Therefor , proposed the standard range of apple leaf nutritional elements of Shaanxi province ,compared to the others , the characteristics of N , Ca , Mg , Cu are higher , P , Zn , Fe , K are lower , Mn , B are same to.
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  • In Vitro Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Chinese Wild Vitis
  • Zhang Jianxia;Wang Yuejin;Li Peiling;Zhang Jinjin;Pan Xuejun;Xu Yan;Tang Haibo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 90-93.
  • Abstract ( 1796 ) HTML ( 1642 ) PDF (228KB) ( 1642 )    
  • Using the stem-segment with single bud as the explant , in vitro culture and high frequency propagation of Chinese wild Vitis including 22 clones of 12 species were studied. The results showed that the most appropriate medium for producing buds to wild Vitis clones was MS +BA 0.5 - 1.0 mg·L - 1 + IBA 0.2 mg·L - 1 except the clone Tangwei and for rooting was 1/ 2 MS + IBA 0.1 - 0.2 mg·L- 1 . The optimum midum for subculture and rooting to a few clones was 1/ 2 MS + IBA 0.1 - 0.2 mg·L - 1 + NAA 0.02 mg·L - 1 . In addition , the optimum medium for producing buds and rooting of explants of Baihe-35-1 , Huadong (The clone has not been named) ,Liuba-7 , Zuoshan-1 , Anlin-3 , Yanshan-1 , Guangxi-1 , Guangxi-2 and Taishan-1 was 1/ 2 MS + IBA 0.2 mg·L - 1 , Which could develop seedling directly. As seedling domestication matrixes , pearlite and nutrient soil were adopted and the survival percent of seedlings could reach 90 %.
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  • Studies on the Photosynthetic Characteristic and Protective Enzyme of GraftedCucumber Leaves in Solar Greenhouse
  • Zhang Yanpeng;Yu Xianchang;Zhang Zhenxian;Zhao Xueli;Li Yansu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 94-96.
  • Abstract ( 1415 ) HTML ( 1464 ) PDF (211KB) ( 1464 )    
  • The changes of physiology and biochemistry during the development of the leaves of the grafted and own root cucumber in solar greenhouse were studied , so as to realize physiological reasons of high yield of grafted
    cucumber in solar greenhouse. The results indicated : Content of chlorophyll and soluble protein , apparent quantum yield (AQY) , carboxylation efficiency (CE) and activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) , catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) in the leaves of grafted cucumber were evidently higher than these in the leaves of own root cucumber. Whereas , MDA accumulated slowly in the grafted cucumber leaves by comparison the own root cucumber leaves. Photosynthesis in the grafted cucumber leaves was much higher than that in the own root cucumber leaves under the low light intensity and the low concentration of CO2 and these were the main reasons why grafted
    cucumber got high production in solar greenhouse.
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  • Studies on Genetic Relationship among Local Cucumber Germplasm of Shandong Province by AFLP Analysis
  • Wang Zhifeng;Sun Rifei;Sun Xiaolei;Gu Xingfang;Cao Qiwei;Qu Shisong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 103-105.
  • Abstract ( 1604 ) HTML ( 1487 ) PDF (200KB) ( 1487 )    
  • AFLP analysis was applied to study the genetic relationship among 80 local cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. ) cultivars from Shandong province and 24 cultivars collected from other regions. 11 pair of primers were screened from 128 pair of primers and generated 559 bands , 21 % of which were polymorphic. Cluster analysis showed that the accessions cultivated in Shandong , Jinan , Europe and America were divided into different groups or
    sub-groups. While local cultivars of Shandong province were divided into 8 sub-groups. In addition , specific markers of four ecotypes and the genetic distance between them were also obtained.
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  • RAPD Identification of Different Carnation Cultivars
  • Su Youbo;Lin Chun;Mao Jing;Mo XiJun;Yang Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 109-111.
  • Abstract ( 1574 ) HTML ( 1355 ) PDF (140KB) ( 1355 )    
  • The technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to amplify the genomic DNA fragments of 87 carnation cultivars by 4 selected arbitrary 10-mer primers , 2113 bands were obtained , and the size range was 500 - 4300 bp. The average number of DNA bands amplified by each primer was 915 cluster analysis showed that the extensive genetic variation existed among 87 cultivars of carnation. The 87 cultivars were divided into 10 groups at DNA level. This result has significance for the genetic breeding and identification of cultivars of carnation
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  • Studies on Plant Regeneration of Cleome spinosa Jacq. in Vitro
  • Wang Jianmei;Gao Hui;Liu Zhibin;Wu Jun;Li Xufeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 115-116.
  • Abstract ( 1509 ) HTML ( 1132 ) PDF (208KB) ( 1132 )    
  • Taking MS as basic media , adopting 6-BA , NAA , KT of different concentration compoundings to induce callus from cotyledons and hypocotyls of Cleome spinosa Jacq. , the result showed that the mediumof MS +6-BA 0.5 mg/ L + NAA 0.5 mg/ L + KT 0.5 mg/ L was the best to induce callus from cotyledons with a rate of 100 %frequency , and the highest rate of hypocotyl callus inducement was 93 %. And the differentiation medium MS + 6-BA 2 mg/ L + NAA 0.05 mg/ L was the best to induce buds and had a 100 % plant regeneration. And it was for rooting media , MS + NAA 0.1 mg/ L ,to produce roots from seedings. Taking the stems with single bud as explants on MS + 6-BA 1 mg/ L + NAA 0.05 mg/ L , it was found that there are lots of buds after a month.
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  • Studies on the Relation between Scale Treatment , Color Change and Lily Bullet Formation in Tissue Culture
  • Wang Aiqin;He Longfei;Wen Qinglan;Lin Jianzhao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 117-119.
  • Abstract ( 1739 ) HTML ( 1543 ) PDF (146KB) ( 1543 )    
  • The relations were studied between lily bullet formation and physiological age of scale , cutting ways , phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) concentrations in medium , anatomy and physiological changes. The results showed that middle layer scale crosscut into 6 sections had the highest propagation coefficient . Compared with others sections , the scale base had the highest propagation coefficient and the earliest generation of bullet , propagation coefficient decreased from the base to top of scale. Scale color and shape changed distinctly along with milky white →pale yellow →pale purple →green purple →scale withering and bullet growing. Chlorophyll content of scale increased , but starch and sugar contents of scale decreased. The suitable increases of phosphorus and potassium concentrations in medium increased the quantity and quality of bullet .
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  • The Origin and Applied Region of Zoysiagrasses in USA
  • Xu Ligen;Tan Zhijian;Tan Jiqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 124-129.
  • Abstract ( 1491 ) HTML ( 1854 ) PDF (167KB) ( 1854 )    
  • Zoysia japonica Steud. was first introduced to USA from the northeast part of China in 1895. After that , more than 10 species of Zoysia grasses were introduced from China , Korea and other South-Asia areas.Since 1980ps , the warm-season turfgrasses , particularly Zoysiagrass cultivars , have been increasingly used because of the decline in quality of the cool-season turfgrasses as a result of environmental stresses and diseases in the transition regions between cool and warm climates in USA. Several types of new Zoysia grass cultivars have been selected , bred , and planted in the South and transition regions in USA. On the other hand , China has been importing large quantities of the cool-season turfgrass seeds from USA since 1990's and planted them in almost every city in the country. Many problems with the cool-season turfgrasses have recently surfaced in China. This paper will discuss the valuable lessons that other countries have learned , and will offer suggestions for the development of the domestic industrialization of turfgrasses in China.
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  • A New Early-ripening Grape Cultivar —‘Jingyou’
  • Fan Peige;Yang Meirong;Zhang Yingzhu;Li Shengchen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 130-130.
  • Abstract ( 2822 ) HTML ( 1187 ) PDF (68KB) ( 1187 )    
  • ‘Jingyou’is a selection from the seedlings of the grape ‘Black Olympia’.The fruit cluster is conical , mass 543.7 g on average. The berry is suborbicular or oval , mauve to dark purple , mass 11 g on average ,with 14 % - 19 % soluble solid and 0.55 % - 0.73 % titratable acid. The ripening time is in the middle ten days of August in Beijing , which is 10 - 15 days earlier than grape ‘Kyoho’. The fruit setting rate of accessory shoots is very high and the quality of fruit is superior. It is highly resistant to diseases and has high productivity , with good endurance for storage and transportation.
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  • New Chestnut Cultivars‘Huaijiu’and‘Huaihuang’
  • Li Fengli;Yu Naijing;Wang Jinbao;Qin Ling;Wang Younian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 131-131.
  • Abstract ( 1698 ) HTML ( 1101 ) PDF (69KB) ( 1101 )    
  • ‘Huaijiu’and‘Huaihuang’were selected from natural varieties. The mutiple spots regional trial and test showed that the two cultivars have excellent characteristics such as early fruit , sustaining high yield and good quality. ‘Huaijiu’and‘Huaihuang’can be planted in a moderate density with open center form. The fruits of the two cultivars were small with brown and bright color and can be used as roasted nuts.
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  • A New Early Ripening Strawberry Variety‘Shimei 4’
  • Yang Li;Hao Baochun;Li Li;Wang Jingtao;Jia Yunyun;Chu Fengjie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 135-135.
  • Abstract ( 2010 ) HTML ( 1113 ) PDF (68KB) ( 1113 )    
  • ‘Shimei 4’is a new early-ripening strawberry variety selected from the progenys of ‘Hokowase’בShimei 1’. Its chilling requirement is low. The fruit shape is coniform and fruit skin is nacarat . Average mass of its first grade fruit was 36.7 g. The fruit is well-proportioned and regular and has good storage quality. The flesh is fine and fragrant. It has high resistant to diseases and a high constant yield.
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  • A New Bayberry Variety‘Wanqi Mimei’
  • Qi Xingjiang;Liang Senmiao;Zheng Xiliang;Wang Guoyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 136-136.
  • Abstract ( 1795 ) HTML ( 1239 ) PDF (69KB) ( 1239 )    
  • ‘Wanqi Mimei’, a high quality and late2mature variety , was selected from baybarry cultivar of ‘Biqizhong’. It ripens in early July in Yuyao city of Zhejiang province. The date of maturity in ‘Wanqi Mimei’was 5 d later than that in ‘Biqizhong’. The average TSS of ‘Wanqi Mimei’fruit is 13.7 % and average fruit mass is 12.5 g. The fruit of ‘Wanqi Mimei’can be used for fresh sale or processing. ‘Wanqi Mimei’perform stably in various environmental conditions and has a strong resistance on drought .
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  • ‘Yanshan 1’ —Chinese Dwarf Cherry
  • Zhang Libin;Liu Jun;Xiao Xiao;Li Jianguo;Li Zewen;Gao Haisheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2004, 31(1): 137-137.
  • Abstract ( 1594 ) HTML ( 1102 ) PDF (181KB) ( 1102 )    
  • ‘Yanshan 1’is a new variety with pink flesh , sweet sour and fragrant selected from the wild Chinese dwarf cherry. The fruit shape is near round and the skin color is bright red. The average fruit mass is 15 g and the soluble solid content is 10 % - 15 %. Ripening period is in early August and the fruit can be used to process or take as table. Its posture debuts , and the high is 0.6 m. It bears the characteristics of early-resulting and high yield. It is fit to be planted in mountainous and hilly areas of north China.
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