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2008, Vol.35, No.11 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • The Effects of Earthworms and Effective Microorganisms on the Adsorption-desorption of Cadmium in Orchard Soils and Cadmium Accumulation in Apple
  • SHEN Wei-bao;YANG Hong-qiang;SHEN Jie;and QIAO Hai-tao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1561-1566.
  • Abstract ( 2358 ) HTML ( 1217 ) PDF (243KB) ( 1217 )    
  • The Cd2+ adsorption-desorption in soil and the content of Cd2+ in roots and fruits were studied by treatment with the earthworm and effective microorganisms (EM), using the orchard brown soils and potted three-year-old apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh) as materials. The results showed that the adsorption ratio of the Cd2+ in the soils reduced and the desorption ratio of Cd2+ enhanced as the soil Cd2+ concentration increasing. According to the Langmuir equation, the adsorption strength and the Maximum Buffering Capacity (MBC) of the soil to Cd2+ decreased after the soil was treated with the earthworm and EM. The earthworm and EM reduced the adsorption ratio of the soil for Cd2+ and increased Cd2+ desorption ratio in the soil of higher Cd2+ concentration. And the EM had more obvious effect compared with earthworm. In the root and fruit, Cd content increased with Cd2+concentration increasing in the soil. The earthworm and EM significantly promoted the uptakes of Cd2+ in the root and the accumulation of Cd2+ in the fruit, and the effect was more remarkable when the Cd2+ concentration was higher in the soil.

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  • Correlative Analysis Between Peach Fruit Types Quality, and Yield
  • WANG Li-rong;SHU Huai-rui;CHEN Xue-sen;ZHU Geng-rui;and FANG Wei-chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1567-1572.
  • Abstract ( 2417 ) HTML ( 1404 ) PDF (311KB) ( 1404 )    
  • A comparison of the quality and yield between 496 varieties of plants which produce four different types of peach--normal peach,flat peach,nectarine and flat-nectarine peach, was performed to evaluate the differences in the agricultural characteristics between each type of peach. The results were as follows:(1) Comparing peach and flat peach, nectarine and flat-nectarine, the results showed that saucer shapes had higher SSC, higher soluble sugar contents, but lower titratable acid contents, lower firmness without skin, lower average fruit mass and lower yield index. (2)Comparing peach and nectarine, flat peach and flat-nectarine, glabrous cultivars had higher SSC, higher titratable acid contents, higher red flush degree, higher firmness, but lower soluble sugar contents, lower fruit average weight and yield index. (3)Saucer characteristics influenced stronger on fruit mass and sugar content, but glabrous characteristics on titratable acid contents and flush degree. (4)Comparing peach and flat-nectarine, flat-nectarine SSC and soluble sugar contents were higher and lower titratable acid contents, fruit average weight .

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  • Cloning, Expression and Production of Polyclonal Antibodies of Peach PpLFY
  • AN Li-jun and LI Tian-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1573-1580.
  • Abstract ( 1988 ) HTML ( 1634 ) PDF (1076KB) ( 1634 )    
  • A FLO/LFY homologous gene named PpLEAFYPpLFY)was cloned from 'Bayuecui' peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.] axillary bud sampled in the flower induction period. (GenBank accession No. EF175869). The sequence of complete PpLFY cDNA gene was 1 314 bp, with an ORF 1 248 bp encoding 416 amino acids, which shared highly homology between 74.22% to 84.69% with other FLO/LFY protein from other species in the database. RT-PCR analysis showed that PpLFY gene expressed mainly in the flower induction time and early period of morphology differentiation and also the leaf and petal of peach. The prokaryotic expression systems was constructed and induced. The recombinant protein was purified to immunize the rabbit. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the rPpLFY molecular weight was about 36 kD, EILSA analysis showed that the titer of polyclonal antibody was about 1:10 000.

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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of F3H Gene cDNA from Longan Embryo
  • ZHANG Xi-juan;XU Hong-chuan;YOU Xiang-rong;LI Yan;CHEN Qing-xi;CHEN Wei;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1581-1586.
  • Abstract ( 2358 ) HTML ( 1484 ) PDF (745KB) ( 1484 )    
  • The protein of 'Lidongben' longan zygotic embryos during different development stages were separated and compared by IEF-SDS-PAGE technique. Flavanone 3-hydroxylase was one of differential proteins identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF/MS. Then F3H gene cDNA sequence was cloned from longan zygotic embryos using RT-PCR and RACE technique. A 1 404 bp full-length cDNA sequence was obtained. Analysis of F3H gene cDNA indicated that it encoded a peptide containing 365 amino acids. The nucleotide sequence comparison with the F3H gene of Citrus sinensis, Gossypium hirsutum and Pyrus communi showed that identity was all higher than 80%. The sequence was accepted and released by GenBank (Accession number:EF468104)。

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  • Transformation of Antisense Ethylene Receptor FaEtr2 Gene in Strawberry
  • ZHU Hai-sheng;;Dong-ming;WEN Qing-fang;and LIN Yi-zhang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1587-1594.
  • Abstract ( 2213 ) HTML ( 1395 ) PDF (707KB) ( 1395 )    
  • Improving keeping quality of strawberry fruit is a difficult problem. Applying antisense gene strategy to control ethylene receptor is a new feasible method. The antigene FaEtr2 was introduced into leaves of stawberry(Fragaria ananassa Duch.)with Agrobacterium tumefaciens,and 26 transgenic plants were selected under kanamycin. It was proved that anti- FaEtr2 was integrated with chromosome of transgenic plant,according to the results of PCR and Southern blot. Northern blot analysis indicated that FaEtr2 mRNA abundance was decresased in antisense strawberry plants. The ethylene production in transgenic strawberry significantly decreased. The results suggest that there is some intricate relation between FaEtr2 and the ripening of strawberry fruits. The anti-transgenic strawberry provide precious materials for the further research.

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  • Effects of Postharvest NaOCl Water-curing Treatment on Several Enzyme Activities of Chinese Chestnut(Castanea mollissima Blume)During Cold Storage
  • WANG Gui-xi;YANG Xiao-hu;LIANG Li-song;and SHI Xue-hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1595-1600.
  • Abstract ( 2149 ) HTML ( 1351 ) PDF (506KB) ( 1351 )    
  • Different postharvest NaOCl(500 mg·L-1)water-curing treatment durations (2 d, 3 d, 4 d and 5d) were conducted on Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume 'Yanchang') and the changes of several enzyme activities (amylase, PPO, POD, SOD, CAT and ADH) were monitored during storage at 0℃. The results revealed that the amylase activity was not affected by 2 d water-curing treatment, while 4 d and 5 d water-curing treatments could keep amylase activity at a lower level than control. All the treatments reduced PPO activities, and the most effective durations were 4 d and 5 d. Water-curing durations of 4 d and 5 d increased the POD activities during the cold storage. All the treatments enhanced the SOD activity, among which 3 d, 4 d and 5 d had the better results than the other treatment and control. CAT activity was enhanced by water-curing at all storage period, and for ADH, 4d and 5d treatments were ideal. This experiment indicated that the pre-storage NaOCl water-curing treatments durations of 4 d and 5 d were the most benefit for chestnut storage.

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  • Effects of Calcium on Activities of Protective Enzymes and Soluble Protein Content in the Leaves of Tomato under Low Light Stress
  • LI Tian-lai;LI Yi-qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1601-1606.
  • Abstract ( 2277 ) HTML ( 1899 ) PDF (448KB) ( 1899 )    
  • In order to investigate the regulating mechanism of calcium on tomato low light tolerance, leaves of one tomato low light tolerance strain W (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) were used to study the changes of protective enzymes activities and soluble protein content in leaves after the tomato were treated by calcium or calcium and IAA under the 50% nature light intensity (identical radiant flux of 556.8 to 656.6 μmol·m-2·s-1). The results showed that 27 mmol·L-1 CaCl2 treatment could significantly decrease MDA content, increase the activities of SOD,CAT,and POD, promote the content of soluble protein in the leaves of tomato under low light stress reach the control level under 100% nature light intensity; auxin could promote the effect of Ca2+ further. These results indicated that the effects of calcium on the activities of protective enzymes and the content of soluble protein in the leaves of tomato under low light stress maybe one of the important reasons for that calcium could increased low light tolerance of tomato and prevented low light damage to the plant.

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  • Molecular cloning and Expression Analysis of a CONSTANS-Like Gene, SlCO1, from Solanum lycopersicum
  • Ye Xue-ling;Liu Zhi-yong;Wang Xiao-xuan;Du Yong-chen;and Guo Yan-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1607-1612.
  • Abstract ( 2210 ) HTML ( 1921 ) PDF (1231KB) ( 1921 )    
  • Derived from tomato and influenced by circadian clock, a TDF(transcription-drived fragments, TDF)was used as a seed sequence for searching homologous ESTs through electronical elongation in NCBI database. A full-length CONSTANS-Like gene designed as SlCO1(GenBank accession number, EU636698), is cloned using RT-PCR. The deduced SlCO1 protein consisting of 386 amino acid residues contains two B-box zinc finger motifs near the amino terminus and a conserved CCT domain near the carboxy terminus. Moreover, a 535 bp intron is located between the B-box and CCT domain. Although SlCO1 proteins shares 34 %~46 % identity with other CO proteins, the deduced amino acid sequence is highly conserved in the B-box and CCT domain. SlCO1 expresses specifically and strongly in leaf, but weakly in roots and stems. Cloning of SlCO1 will provide a scientific basis for understanding the role of CONSTANS-like genes in tomato flowering process.
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  • Androgenesis and Embryogenesis in Isolated Microspore Culture of Capsicum annuum L.
  • LI Chun-ling;TONG Xi-ran;ZHU Zhi-qing;GU Shu-rong;JIANG Zhong-ren;and ZHANG Shu-gen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1613-1620.
  • Abstract ( 2349 ) HTML ( 1813 ) PDF (828KB) ( 1813 )    
  • Androgenesis and embryogenesis were observed in isolated microspore culture of Capsicum annuum L. Different fruit type of sweet and hot pepper were used as experimental material. The results indicated that after pretreatment and isolation the microspores expanded in volume were able to develop while the shrivelled ones were dead and that the first sporophytic division was symmetric or asymmetric. It was also observed that the dedifferentiated microspores have two developmental pathways: embryogenesis and organogenesis and the two pathways could change each other in developmental process. Embryogenesis course of microspores was similar to that occurred in zygotic embryogenesis. Suspensor- like structure was observed before and during heart embryo stage. Matured embryoid could germinate but the root tip growth more easily than shoot tip. Embryogenesis of microspores was strong asynchrony and there were many abnormality occurred in every stage of entirely process; when a divisional microspore was breakthrough the cell wall in early stage, it changed to thin-walled cell and then divided to form callus. It was showed that some of microspore-derived callus differentiated secondary embryoids but not adventitious buds although adventitious root differentiation was easily occurred from the callus. Androgenesis and embryogenesis of isolated microspores were similar in different type of Capsicum annuum L.
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  • In Vitro Induction of Tetraploid Watermelon Using Dinitroanilines
  • YAN Zhi-hong;LIU Wen-ge;ZHAO Sheng-jie;and HE Nan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1621-1626.
  • Abstract ( 2784 ) HTML ( 1637 ) PDF (376KB) ( 1637 )    
  • Tetraploid watermelons were successfully induced in vitro by treating cotyledons of diploid watermelon lines Z-A and Z-R in liquid MS medium with three dinitroanilines oryzalin, pendimethalin and trifluralin in different concentrations, colchicine or no inductor used as control. The results indicated that the effects of tetraploid induction were better by using three dinitroanilines than those of colchicine. The induced tetraploid rate of oryzalin, pendimethalin,trifluralin and colchicine was 40.0%,33.3%,26.7% and 13.3% respectively. The induction rate of direct treatment in which the cut cotyledons were directly planted intoinductive medium was higher than that of indirect treatment in which the cotyledons were pre-cultured on differentiation medium (MS+BA 2.0 mg·L-1 ) for 7 d before planted into inductive medium. The tetraploid of watermelon plantlets was determined in the early stage with FDA fluorescence method in which the chloroplasts of epidermal guard cells were counted under a microscope and UV light. The detective rate was above 90%. The confirmed tetraploid plantlets were transplanted into a greenhouse and self-pollinated and the seeds of tetraploids were obtained.
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  • Molecular Tagging of ISSR and Conversion of SCAR Maker Linked to a Mutant Dwarf Gene in Cucumber
  • JI Yi;XU Qiang;MIAO Ming-ming;LIANG Guo-hua;and CHEN Xue-hao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1627-1634.
  • Abstract ( 2186 ) HTML ( 1445 ) PDF (1173KB) ( 1445 )    
  • In this study, 124 of F2 plants from the cross combination of the dwarf cucumber D8 and the vine plant JIN5 were used to screen the molecular marker linked to the dwarf mutant gene in cucumber with ISSR molecular tagging and BSA (bulked segregation analysis) method. UBC818, a specific primer of polymorphism, was obtained from eighty ISSR primers screening for a cucumber dwarf traits specific in the dwarf line. The marker from the results of PCR with UBC818 was tested in individual DNAs reaction for the F2 population and the UBC818 amplified fragment could only be detected in the vine plants. Linkage analysis showed that the genetic distance between the specific marker and the cucumber dwarf mutant gene was 11.1 cM. According to the sequence of the fragment analysis, one pair of primers has been designed. The ISSR marker was successfully converted into a SCAR marker which was named UBC818-S.
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  • A CAPS Marker Linked to Bolting Related Gene BrFLC1 in Brassica rapa
  • YUAN Yu-xiang;SUN Ri-fei;ZHANG Xiao-wei;WU Jian;XU Dong-hui;ZHANG Hui;HE Jiang-ming;ZHANG Yan-guo;and WANG Xiao-wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1635-1640.
  • Abstract ( 1949 ) HTML ( 1533 ) PDF (220KB) ( 1533 )    
  • Bolting time of 16 Brassica rapa accessions were investigated under artificial vernalization treatment. The result showed that there was a wide range variation of bolting time among these accessions. Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) with a primer pair based on the BrFLC1 gene sequence generated a 980 bp fragment from all accessions. A base variation located at P3 was significantly associated with bolting time, and the base variation at this position is the recognition site of restriction enzyme Mva I. Therefore, a Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequnence (CAPS) marker designated as G-Mva I was developed for this locus by digesting the amplified fragment with Mva I. The marker was verified in 96 B. rapa DH lines, displaying a significant association between the bolting phenotypes and the genotypes of G- Mva I. These results indicated that G-Mva I can be easily used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in late bolting or bolting-resistance breeding.
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  • Observation on Microstructure of Mycorrhizal Root of Rhododendron fortunei L.
  • ZHANG Chun-ying;HOU Yi-min;and DAI Si-lan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1641-1646.
  • Abstract ( 2375 ) HTML ( 1787 ) PDF (677KB) ( 1787 )    
  • The microstructure of mycorrhizal root of Rhododendron fortunei L. were observed with scanning electron microscope and fresh mount of hair root stained with trypan blue and resin section. Results showed that the hair roots consisted of one layer of epidermis cells and 1-2 layers cortical cells surrounding the stele; the hair roots did not form root hair and were covered with loose or compact fungal mantle; the presence of the mycorrhizal fungus in epidermal cells did not appear to disrupt the primary tissue structure of the root, except that mature epidermal contain ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) hyphal coils; the fungal complex were mostly observed in epidermal cells and the cell wall of 90% epidermal cells with fungus were not obviously thickened; according to the morphological feature of the hyphae and hypha complex, at least two types of fungi appeared to form mycorrhizal coils in epidermal cells. One type was a thick mycelium fungus which formed tight coils, the other was a thin mycelium fungus formed loose coils.
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  • Isolation and Identification of the Antagonistic Bacterial Strain ZL7-5 Against Root Rot Disease of Cymbidium hybridium
  • LI Lu-bin;LI Shu-na;LI Jia;WANG Qian;ZHU Bao-cheng;and PENG Zhen-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1647-1652.
  • Abstract ( 2113 ) HTML ( 1573 ) PDF (483KB) ( 1573 )    
  • In order to obtain antagonistic strain which has the potential application possibility on biocontrol of root rot disease of Cymbidium hybridium, five hundreds and nineteen bacterial strains were isolated from the soil samples and there were twenty six bacterial strains showed antagonistic activity to Fusarium oxysporium.A strainwith the highest antagonistic activity, ZL7-5, was obtained during the secondary screening. 16S rDNA sequences analysis of strain ZL 7-5 revealed that it had 100% similarity to that of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NBRC 15535. After the morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of this strain were further studied and compared with that of the type strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NBRC 15535, strain ZL7-5 was finally identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.

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  • Separation and Purification as well as Properties of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase in Lily Bulbs
  • SUN Hong-mei;ZHAO Shuang;WANG Chun-xia;WANG Jin-xia;ZHAO Bo;and CHEN Li-jing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1653-1660.
  • Abstract ( 2166 ) HTML ( 1554 ) PDF (724KB) ( 1554 )    
  • Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) was isolated and purified from lily (Lilium davidii var. unicolor) bulbs via precipitating with ammonium sulphate grading from 40% to 75% and DEAE-Sepharose ion-exchange chromatography techniques. A 13.19-fold purification with a yield of 4.68% was obtained. The subunit molecular weight was estimated as 58.7 kD by SDS-PAGE. Results of studies on zymological properties indicated that PAL in the lily bulbs was not able to endure acid and alkali, especially the former. The PAL activity declined gradually along with the increasing of temperature and prolonging of bath duration, however it still remained 47% after 30 min at 40 ℃. This revealed that 40 ℃ was the optimum bath temperature. PAL had a Km of 4.1×10-3 mol·L-1 for L-Phenylalanine at 40 ℃. Ions such as Mn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+ and Fe3+ enhanced the PAL activity and 1.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 1.0 mmol·L-1 were the most effective respectively within the tested concentrations. Ag+, Co2+ and Ca2+inhibited the PAL activity and the impact of Ag+ was the severest.
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  • Ultrastructural Localization of ATPase Activity in Cells of leaf Chlorenchyma of Aloe vera L. under Salt Stress and the Effect of Silicon
  • XU Cheng-xiang;;LIU You-liang;YU Bin-jun;and GAN Xi-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1661-1666.
  • Abstract ( 1873 ) HTML ( 1759 ) PDF (857KB) ( 1759 )    
  • Ultrastructural localization of ATPase activity in cells of leaf Chlorenchyma of Aloe vera L. under NaCl stress with or without Si addition were investigated by electron-microscopy-cytochemical technique. The results showed that ATPase activities, indicated by the status of cerium phosphate (CePO4) precipitated products, were mainly localized in primary pit field and tonoplast of chlorenchyma cells of aloe seedlings irrigated with Hoagland's solution, next was in plasma membrane. Treated with 100 mmol·L-1 NaCl without added Si for 30 d, ATPase activities in primary pit field, plasma membrane and tonoplast of the cells were all significantly decreased. Nevertheless, irrigated with 100 mmol·L-1 NaCl with 2.0 mmol·L-1 added Si, ATPase activities in these apartments of the cell were significantly enhanced, particularly in tonoplast and primary pit field. Based on results in this study and our previous findings, we believe that differences of ATPase activity in cells of aloe leaf Chlorenchyma reflect the differences of physiological status and function of aloe leaves, regulating and/or enhancing ATPase activity is an important cyto-physiological mechanism of Si-alleviated effect on salt injury to aloe.
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  • Effects of Bag-removing on the Cell Ultra-microstructure of Apple Fruit Peel during the Sunburn Development in Vitro
  • HAO Yan-yan;REN Hong-Wei;and HUANG Wei-dong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1667-1670.
  • Abstract ( 2242 ) HTML ( 1286 ) PDF (577KB) ( 1286 )    
  • Apple fruits(Malus domestica‘Fuji’)bagged for three months were removed bags in vitro. Bag-removing included two ways, both outer bag and inner bag removed at a time, and outer bag removed, after 3 d then inner bag removed. The fruits were exposed to sunlight and the sunburn development was studied. The results showed that the fruits removed outer and inner bags, appeared the symptom of sunburn on the first day exposed to sunlight, and their epidemic cells were disorganized and chloroplasts were disaggregated. The fruits removed outer bag then inner bag after 3 d became red without sunburn, and some chloroplasts in epidemic cell were converted chromoplasts. The no-bag-removed fruits were heath, and their cells kept intact. It is suggested that retaining red bag could avoid sunburn from sudden strong sunlight which resulted in cell membrane injured.
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  • Cloning, Characterization and Expression of a Putative Galactinol Synthase Gene from Cold Stressed Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
  • Miao Min-min;Li Na;Ren Xu-qin;Zhang Zong-dong;Chen Hao;and Cao Bei-sheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1671-1675.
  • Abstract ( 1942 ) HTML ( 1462 ) PDF (735KB) ( 1462 )    
  • Full length cDNA sequence of a putative galactinol synthase gene (GS) (Genbank locus: EF566470) was cloned from cold-stressed pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. 'Suchanghong') leaves using RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The cDNA consists of 1 444 bp encoding a putative protein of 336 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that this gene is high homologous to reported GS genes of other plants. RT-PCR analysis showed that the mRNAs of this gene was induced in pepper leaves after 4 ℃ or 10 ℃ cold-treatment for 6 h, but was not accumulated in cold -stressed stems and roots, no mRNA of this gene can be detected in pepper tissues under normal temperature. Southern blot analysis indicated that there may be other GS family gene copies in the pepper genome.

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  • The Low Temperature, Light and Seedling Age Requirement for Seedling Vernalization in Chinese Cabbage
  • ZHANG Lu-gang;KONG Xiao-ping;HUI Mai-xia;and ZHANG Ming-ke
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1676-1680.
  • Abstract ( 4153 ) HTML ( 1756 ) PDF (235KB) ( 1756 )    
  • The seedlings of six varieties of Chinese cabbage with different coldness were treated at low temperature for 0, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43 d respectively, the time of bud emerging of them were investigated and compared, the results showed that the requirement of low temperature treatment days for vernalization is dependended on the coldness of variety, the weaker of coldness, the shorter of low temperature treatment is needed, the requirement range is from 8 days to more than 29 days respectively. As the low temperature treatment days is increased, the floral bud is emerging earlier; the duration for all plant emerging bud is shorted. It was found that the light during low temperature treatment is needed for vernalization, the plant do not produce floral buds even treated for 29 d under dark condition. When the different coldness varieties with different seedling age were treated at 4—5 ℃ for 25 days, it was found that the sensitivity to low temperature for vernalization is 4—5 leaves seedling>2—3 leaves seedling>7—8 leaves seedling, such as the time of bud emerging is earliest in 4-5 leaves seedling,latest in 7—8 leaves seedling for weaker coldness varieties, and the days for all plant producing bud is shortest in 4—5 leaves seedling, and longest in 7-8 leaves seedling for all various coldness varieties.
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  • Effects of Short-term High Temperature Stress on Antioxidant System in Poinsettia
  • TAO Jun;YU Ju;YU Li-qing;SU Jia-le;and ZHANG Cai-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1681-1684.
  • Abstract ( 2238 ) HTML ( 1421 ) PDF (363KB) ( 1421 )    
  • The relative electrical conductivity, production rate, content of H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity were measured in potted poinsettia (Red Velvet) after treatment with high temperature in 45 ℃ /38 ℃ (day/ night) in artificial climatic chambers. The results showed that SOD, CAT and APX activity increased at first, and then decreased in 0.5 d, 1 d, 2 d, respectively, while POD activity increased all the time. Correspondingly, the membrane permeability increased a little within two days and then rose suddenly. The content of MDA firstly increased, then slightly deceased within two days, and then had a large scale rise after two days. At the same time, production rate and H2O2 content enhanced rapidly after two days.Therefore, two days maybe the time limit of tolerance of potted poinsettia (Red Velvet) to high temperature of 45 ℃ /38 ℃ (day/ night).
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  • Phylogenetic Study on Section Camellia Based on ITS Sequences Data
  • TIAN Min;LI Ji-yuan;NI Sui;FAN Zheng-qi;and LI Xin-lei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1685-1688.
  • Abstract ( 1854 ) HTML ( 2258 ) PDF (372KB) ( 2258 )    
  • Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA from 30 taxa of section Camellia were sequenced and analyzed. Taking C. sinensis as an outgroup, phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences was conducted by using PAUP4.0. The results indicated that the most plant in section Camellia formed a monophyletic group. This group could be divided into two main clades (clade I and clade II). The clade I included the species distributed in central south and southeast of China, supported by bootstrap value of 79 %. The species distributed in southwest China formed another clade with bootstrap value of 92 %. The taxonomic and evolutional relationships in section Camellia were discussed based on the phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequences, morphological characters and geographical distribution.

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  • The Variation of DNA Methylation During Successive Transfer Culture of Chrysanthemum(Dendranthema ×grandiflorum
  • NIE Li-juan;WANG Zi-cheng;and HE Yan-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1689-1694.
  • Abstract ( 1764 ) HTML ( 1510 ) PDF (389KB) ( 1510 )    
  • This study analysised the DNA methylation statistic during the successive transfer culture of chrysanthemum(Dendranthema ×grandiflorum)by MSAP(methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism)technique. The results indicated that three single shoot system of the tissue culture seedling had distinct DNA hypermethylation and hypomethylation variety compared to the field materials. 929 fragments were amplified using 7 pairs of selective primers, and the mutation rate were 8.929%, 8.902% and 8.986% respectively. All the successive transfer materials had DNA methylation variety compared to the parent materials. During the variation, hypomethylation were more than hypermethylation. Along with the successive transfer culture, the diversity between the two variety pattern was smaller, and the proportion allmost similar.Meanwhile, the different individual of each single shoot system also existed DNA variation phenomenon, in the 180 individuals of quintic successive transfer culture, 18.38% bands pattern was not identical during the variational bands pattern, 2.99% was one or two individual variation, 1.72% bands pattern was stabilization after variety, while 10.68% showed unstable stochastic variety.

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  • Xenia Effect on Main Qualitative Characters of Siraitia grosvenorii
  • MA Xiao-jun;Shi Lei;MO Chang-ming;TANG Qi;LAI Jia-ye;BAI Long-hua;and FENG Shi-xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1695-1700.
  • Abstract ( 2559 ) HTML ( 1425 ) PDF (322KB) ( 1425 )    
  • To study its consequences for various fruit traits in Siraitia grosvenorii, the effect of seven pollen genotypes and seven female parents on 3 critical quality indexes of fruits was studied. Xenia effects greatly affected fruit quality of Siraitia grosvenorii by experiment and statistical analysis. Five of seven female lines had xenia effect on mogrosidesⅤ, total sugar, and water extract content. In combinations of a same female line the most variance range of the 3 indexes was 21.05%, 38.37% and 20.97%, respectively. Indexes and strength of xenia effects were various in the female lines. The potential to improve quality of the fruits was great by selecting and combining of female and male lines. However, any male line had not same positive or negative xenia effects for different female lines. Furthermore, xenia effects on fruit shape, fruit size, fruit set percentage, development period and water-content in Siraitia grosvenorii were not significant. Anyway, utilization of xenia effects was invaluable in fruit production of Siraitia grosvenorii.

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  • Advances in Studies on Germplasm Evaluation and Genetic Improvement of Genus Poa
  • CHEN Ya-jun;ZU Yuan-gang;LIU Hui-min;ZHANG Xue-yan;and GAO Yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1701-1708.
  • Abstract ( 2386 ) HTML ( 1350 ) PDF (361KB) ( 1350 )    
  • A diverse germplasm of the genus Poa exists in China, and some species of the genus are known worldwide as good, cool-season turf grass, which thus attracts wide attention, both domestically and abroad, for their potential utilization.This paper reviews in depth the general aspects of Poa germplasm introduction, germplasm resource evaluation and utilization, biological characteristics, genetic improvements of germplasm, and applications of biotechnology in plant breeding; it also proposes some strategies to be used in dealing with some problems encountered. Poa pratensis L. is the most widely used turf grass, with American varieties dominating the world seed market; P. compressa L., P. trivialis L. and P. annus L. each can be potentially used as grass species for soil conservation and slope protection. Past researches in China focused on resistances to biotic stresses, ecological adaptations, and ornamental evaluation of those introductions; and on the basis, criteria of selective breeding for new varieties for China domestic uses have been compiled as references. At present, major research interests of Poa are its peculiar facultative apomixes - its mechanisms and biotechnological improvements. Polyploidy apomixes are reported to be controlled by multi-pairs of dominant genes. Some achievements have been made on genetic improvements of regenerated plants derived from tissue cultures and transgenic approaches. It is viewed, however, that applied researches on transgenic plants and basic researches on domestic germplasm resources be emphasized.
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  • A New Early Maturing Grape Cultivar 'Ruidu Cuixia'
  • XU Hai-ying;ZHANG Guo-jun;and YAN Ai-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1709-1709.
  • Abstract ( 2301 ) HTML ( 1740 ) PDF (394KB) ( 1740 )    
  • 'Ruidu Cuixia' is selected from a cross-combination of 'Jingxiu'× 'Xiangfei'. It ripens about the second to third week of August in Beijing. The cluster is medium in size and the average mass is 408 g. The berry is purple and the average mass is 6.7 g(the larger reaches about 9 g). The skin is purple-red,the flesh is fine and crisp texture and flavor is sweet. The average soluble solids content is 16%.The yield is up to 30 t·hm-2.

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  • A Very Early-Ripening Table Grape Cultivar 'Jingmi'
  • FAN Pei-ge;YANG Mei-rong;WANG Li-jun;LI Sheng-chen;WU Ben-hong;LI Lian-sheng;and LI Shao-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1710-1710.
  • Abstract ( 3201 ) HTML ( 1342 ) PDF (73KB) ( 1342 )    
  • 'Jingmi' is a very early- ripening table cultivar derived from 'Jingxiu' × 'Xiangfei'. Berries mature during the last 10 days of July in Beijing. The fruit cluster is conical and dense, weighing 373.7 g on average with uniformly sized berries. The average mass of a single berry is 7.0 g. The berry is oblate or nearly circular and yellow- green and difficult to detach from pedicel. The flesh is firm and slightly juicy with 17.0 %- 20.2 % soluble solid content, 0.31 % titratable acid content and muscat flavor. It has high yield and resistance to diseases.

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  • A New Net-melon Cultivar‘Honglüzaocui’
  • CHEN You-yuan and CHEN Fei-xiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2008, 35(11): 1713-1713.
  • Abstract ( 1512 ) HTML ( 1140 ) PDF (92KB) ( 1140 )    
  • ‘Honglüzaocui’is a new early-muturing melon hybrid. It has resistance to disease, high quality and storability cultivar. Its fruit shape is round with green rind and dense net on it; an d its flesh color is orange, 4.0 cm in thickness. Its flesh is not easy to fermentation. The fruit mass is about 1.5kg and the fruit developing period is about 45 d and the soluable solid content is above 16%.
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