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2009, Vol.36, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effect of Different cultivars Body Interstocks on Fruit Quality of ‘Honglu’Apple
  • JIANG Zhong-wu;SHU Huai-rui;CHEN Xue-sen;LI Yuan-jun;ZHANG Xu;YU Qing;and LIU Mei-ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 1-6.
  • Abstract ( 2204 ) HTML ( 1591 ) PDF (385KB) ( 1591 )    
  • Method of body interstocks, head space-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to measure the composing factors of fruit quality and aroma compound of Honglu fruit on different cultivars body interstocks. The results showed that the firmness (7.02 kg·cm-2) and soluble solid sugar content (12.5%) of Honglu fruit on Fuji Highly graft were the highest compared with the fruit on other body graft. However, the firmness and SSC of Honglu fruit on Jonagold interstock were the lowest, but its fruit weight was the highest (211.85 g). The body interstock could not affect the number of aroma compounds of Honglu, but it could affect kinds of aroma significantly. The relative content of the same aroma category of Honglu fruit was different on different cultivars body interstocks. The contents of esters and alcohols were the highest (4.56% and 42.93%, respectively) on Fuji interstock, and they were the lowest on Jonagold body graft, 1.98% and 29.76% respectively. So grafting on Fuji body interstock could enhance the fruit quality of Honglu apple.
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  • SRAP Markers for Population Genetic Structure and Genetic Diversity in Malus sieversii from Xinjiang, China
  • ZHANG Chun-yu;CHEN Xue-sen;LIN Qun;YUAN Zhao-he;Zhang Hong;ZHANG Xiao-yan;Liu Chong-qi;and WU Chuan-jin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 7-14.
  • Abstract ( 1913 ) HTML ( 2121 ) PDF (907KB) ( 2121 )    
  • The genetic diversity and genetic structure of four Malus sieversii eco-geographical populations from Xinjiang, China were studied by SRAP marker. The results showed that 209 bands were amplified totally by ten pair SRAP primers, of which 206 bands (98.56%) were polymorphic in the species level and the number of polymorphic bands (A) was 180, 169, 178 and 165, respectively, at Gongliu, Xinyuan, Huocheng, and Yumin populations. The average panmictic heterozygosity (hs = 0.3037 ± 0.0058) in the Gongliu population was the highest, followed by the Huocheng population. UPGMA cluster analysis and genetic differentiation among populations showed that there had closer genetic relationship between Gongliu and Xinyuan populations and between Huocheng and Yumin populations and lower genetic variation between the populations. For M. sieversii, genetic variation within population, which was higher than between the populations, accounted for 87.9% of total variation. The principal coordinates analysis showed that the four populations were relatively independent populations, in which between the Gongliu and Xinyuan populations and between Huocheng and Yumin populations had higher gene exchange. On the basis of the study of population genetic structure and genetic diversity, Gongliu population should be given a high priority consideration in Malus sieversii germplasm conservation both in situ and ex situ.
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  • Detection of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in Pear by Primed in situ Labeling
  • ZHAO Ying and NIU Jian-xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 15-20.
  • Abstract ( 1851 ) HTML ( 1655 ) PDF (358KB) ( 1655 )    
  • The slices of pear leaf samples infected by apple chlorotic leaf spot virus were prepared for situ RT-PCR and were detected by primed in situ labeling technique using special primer. It was showed that both staining methods of PRINS-FITC and PRINS-Rhodamine can get good detection results in which the parts have viruses showed green and red fluorescence light, respectively, and the sites of showing fluorescence showed the same sites as the sites detected by RT-PCR method. Therefore, primed in situ labeling technique can be perfectly used for virus in situ detection of fruit trees, and it is also a rapid, simple and reliable in situ detection method.
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  • Study on floral variation in walnut(Juglans regia L.)
  • LI Min;LIU Yuan;ZHAO Yong-gang;SUN Ming-gao;ZHANG Xian-sheng;YANG Ke-qiang;WANG Jun-yi;GUO Qi-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 21-26.
  • Abstract ( 2325 ) HTML ( 1557 ) PDF (641KB) ( 1557 )    
  • The type and character of floral organ variation in Juglans regia L. were observed, and the anatomy of hermaphroditic development was also analyzed through paraffin section. The 2942 seedlings from cross combination were raised using 6 precocious forms, and 2 later mature forms.Among 2648 seedlings from artificial cross by precocious forms and open pollination of precocious forms, 20.34% of the seedlings were produced flowers in the third years .The 294 seedlings from later mature forms produced no flowers in the third years. 12 seedlings of the 538 precocious cross seedlings were observed on floral organ variations. The variation type includes Hermaphrodite flower, spike inflorescences, branch spike inflorescences, male and female flowers in one spike inflorescence, rosette male inflorescences. The study on floral organ variation was kept from 2003 to 2008. Stable inheritance of floral organ variation only appeared in C3 cross seedling from Xin 1 × Xiangling. The floral organ variation was found in adventitious shoots of Xiangling cultivar. The anatomy of Hermaphrodite flower development procedure was: inflorescence primordium - flower primordium - bract primordium - stamen primordium - stigma primordium - ovary primordium. The floral organ variation only took place in secondor shoots and secondor flowers. The walnut with floral organ variation is a valuable material to study the earlier fruiting character and the floral organ development of walnut.
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  • Analysis of Karyotype on Fifteen Hazelnut Germplasms
  • GUO Yuan-yuan;XING Shi-yan;MA Ying-min;TANG Han-xia;and HAN Ke-jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 27-32.
  • Abstract ( 1922 ) HTML ( 1389 ) PDF (673KB) ( 1389 )    
  • The karyotype of fifteen hazelnut germplasms was studied by method of squash with the young leaves as test materials. The results showed that all the chromosomes were diploid; The karyotypes were divided into three types, i. e. 2 n = 2x = 22 = 22m type, 2n = 2x = 22 = 20m +2 sm type and 2n = 2x = 22 = 16m +6sm type. There was no satellites found in the morphological observation of chromosomes; The average of chromosome absolute length on fifteen hazelnut germplasms was 1.50 μm, so it was small in size; the karyotype of the fifteen hazelnut germplasms all belonged to 1B type except that of C. avellana L. and 7# which were 1A type and B-23 which was 2B type, respectively. There was great similarity of karyotype among the germplasms.
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  • Obtaining and Studies of Chinese Cabbage Monosomic Alien Addition Line with Chromosome 3 of Cabbage
  • GU Ai-xia;ZHENG Bao-zhi;WANG Yan-hua;XUAN Shu-xin;LUO Shuang-xia;and SHEN Shu-xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 39-44.
  • Abstract ( 2052 ) HTML ( 1669 ) PDF (548KB) ( 1669 )    
  • The BC1 progenies derived from allotriploid hybrid (AAC) and diploid Chinese cabbage (AA) were used materials. The Chinese cabbage-cabbage monosomic alien addition line introduced chromosome 3 of cabbage was identified by karyotype analysis of root tip. The results from specific SSR markers for cabbage linkage groups compared with Chinese cabbage showed that the introduced cabbage chromosome in Chinese cabbage-cabbage monosomic alien addition line was grouped into linkage group 03. During reproductive growth, the monosomic alien addition line height is short, the flowering branch is gracility and lodging, the pollen regularity, the pollen activity and seed set ratio are low. And there are a series of abnormal phenomena in meiosis of PMCs, such as chromosome unbalanced separation, backward chromosomes, and so on..
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  • Detecting Chlorophyll Content of Tomato Leaves with Technology of Computer Vision
  • CHAI A-li;LI Bao-ju;WANG Qian;SHI Yan-xia;and HUANG Hai-yang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 45-52.
  • Abstract ( 2907 ) HTML ( 2190 ) PDF (456KB) ( 2190 )    
  • The rapid methods detecting chlorophyll concentration by the computer vision technology,and a unary quadratic model to predict chlorophyll content based on color parameters of tomato leaf images have been established in this study.The images of tomato leaves were taken in the image acquisition system,then the color characteristics were extracted with the MATLAB image processing software.The correlation between color parameters of tomato digital image and chlorophyll content of tomato functional leaf were analyzed by nonlinear regress models.The results showed that the color characteristics such as R/G、(G-R)/(G+R)、G-R、r、r-g in the RGB color system,and H-value in the HIS color system were significantly correlation with chlorophyll content of tomato leaf at . 6 sets of prediction model were established and among them 3 models with high fitting degree were selected to use.The prediction accuracy of the selected model were tested,and error ranged 0 to 22.22%.According to the determination coefficients and RMSE (root mean square error),G-R was the best color characteristic to predict chlorophyll content of tomato leaf. The corresponding models are Chl a = 0.0926 + 0.1208 (G-R) - 0.0009 (G-R)2,Chl b = - 0.0252 + 0.0397 (G-R) - 0.0003 (G-R)2 and Chl a+b = 0.1271 + 0.1600 (G-R) - 0.0011 (G-R)2.

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  • Effects of Seedling Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Cucumber with Different Rates of Controlled Release Fertilizer
  • SI Dong-xia;HU Shu-wen;CHEN Qing;YANG Jun-gang;CHEN Xin-ping;and ZHANG Fu-suo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 53-58.
  • Abstract ( 2025 ) HTML ( 1767 ) PDF (377KB) ( 1767 )    
  • Nutrient management in seedling period is a general problem in China vegetable cropping systems. Excessive or deficient nutrient supply can restrain seedling growth. In this study, traditional medium (vermiculite and turf, 1:1) as seedling substrate, different application rates of controlled release fertilizer (CRF, 19-10-11) were designed to determine proper CRF application rates and optimum mineral nitrogen content of planting substrate for cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings. Shoot and root dry matter accumulating status, root morphology and nutrient uptake of cucumber seedlings were detected in this experiment. Five treatments were conducted in this trial, CRF application rates were 0, 3.42, 6.84, 10.26, 13.68 kg?m-3 respectively. The results showed that nitrogen, phosphate and potassium supplied could meet with cucumber seedlings demand; shoot and root dry matter, root length and root surface area were higher, when the CRF application rates were 3.42~6.84 kg?m-3, optimum mineral nitrogen content of planting substrate ranged from 292 mg?kg-1 to 884 mg?kg-1 at transplanting time correspondingly. The ratio of root to shoot (R/S) decreased with the CRF application rates increasing.

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  • Cloning and Expression of Genes Involved in Anthocyanins Synthesis in Ornamental Sunflower
  • ZHANG Jian-liang;PAN Da-ren;ZHOU Yi-fei;WANG Zhan-cheng;HUA Shu-mei;HOU Li-li;and SUI Feng-feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 73-80.
  • Abstract ( 2166 ) HTML ( 1982 ) PDF (983KB) ( 1982 )    
  • Six structural genes (PAL, CHS, CHI, F3'H, DFR, ANS) involved in anthocyanins synthesis were cloned from the ray florets of ornamental sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.)by homology sequence cloning. Sequence analysis showed that these genes shared high similarity with genes from other plants, ranging from 95%-97%, 83%-99%, 64%-80%, 80%-82%, 64%-85% and 87%-89% respectively. The results of phylogenetic analysis was in agreement with that described in plant taxonomy. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicated that the transcripts of all six genes were detected in ray florets, tubular florets, buds, leaves, and barks except that the transcripts of CHS was not detected in tubular florets. Expression levels of most structural genes were higher in first florescence and full bloom periods and then decreased. The transcripts of these genes were higher in purple petals than in chocolate petals, and higher in petal with deep color than with multi-color.

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  • Semilethal Temperature of Fingered Citrons(Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis Swingle) under Low Temperature Stress and Evaluation on Their Cold Resistance
  • GUO Wei-dong;ZHANG Zhen-zhen;JIANG Xiao-wei;CHEN Min-guan;ZHENG Jian-shu;and CHEN Wen-rong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 81-86.
  • Abstract ( 2596 ) HTML ( 1889 ) PDF (423KB) ( 1889 )    
  • The semilethal temperatures (LT50) of two cultivars of fingered citrons (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis Swingle), C. medica 'Qingpi' and C. medica 'Aihua', were calculated and their resistance to low temperature stress were evaluated. The relative electric conductivity (REC) in leaves of the two cultivars were determined and their semilethal temperatures (LT50) were determined after the plants had been treated under a series of low temperatures for 24 h. Then the REC, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, the malondialdehyde (MDA) and free proline (Pro) contents were analyzed under LT50 after a serial treatment period. The results showed that the REC of the both cultivars increased following an S-curve with temperature drop and treatment length and the LT50 was between - 4 and - 5℃. The activity of SOD increased at the beginning of cold treatment at LT50 then decreased afterwards. Concentrations of MDA and the Pro gradually increased with time of low temperature exposure. 12~ 24 h was considered to be a critical period for cold injury of C. medica under the LT50.

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  • Differences of Contents of Sugars and Acids among Peach, Flat peach, Nectarine and Their Progeny populations
  • ZHAO Jian-bo;;LIANG Zhen-chang;YANG Jun;JIANG Quan;WU Ben-hong;and LI Shao-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 93-98.
  • Abstract ( 2095 ) HTML ( 2000 ) PDF (207KB) ( 2000 )    
  • Sugar and acid contents were determined in two progeny populations (Early Star×Zaolupantao and 94-1-40×Early Red Ⅱ) in 2004 and 2005 in order to study the relationship of fruit shape (flat peach/peach), hairs on fruit epidermis (peach/nectarine) and flesh color (white / yellow ) with sugar and acid contents. Sucrose is predominant at maturity, followed by reducing sugars (glucose and fructose) and in smaller amounts by sorbitol. The main acids are malic acid, citric acid and quinic acid, while shikimic acid accounts for 0.3% of total acids. Sucrose, total sugar and soluble solids contents were significantly higher in flat peaches than peaches, while no significant difference was found in glucose, fructose, citric acid and shikimic acid contents between flat peaches and peaches. The difference in malic acid and quinic acid contents between flat peaches and peaches varied with year. Nectarines had significant higher malic acid and total acid contents than peaches, and did not show significant difference in citric acid,quinic acid and shikimic acid contents with peaches. Glucose, total sugar and soluble solids contents were significantly higher in nectarines than peaches in 2005, so was sorbitol contents in 2004. There were no significant difference in sugars, soluble solids and acids contents between white-flesh and yellow-flesh genotypes.

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  • Adventitious Shoot Regeneration in Vitro from Immature Cotyledon of the Sweet Cherry
  • LI Ming;ZHAO Gai-rong;HAN Li-xing;HUANG Zhen-guang;QIU Xiu-juan;and LI Yu-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 99-102.
  • Abstract ( 2052 ) HTML ( 1350 ) PDF (304KB) ( 1350 )    
  • The aim of this experiment was to examine the effects of the different development stage of cotyledon, BA and NAA concentration, cultivar and culture condition on adventitious shoot regeneration from the immature cotyledon explants of the sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.). The results showed that MS culture medium with BA 2.0 mg·L-1+NAA 0.2 mg·L-1 was the optimal for the adventitious shoot regeneration in the cultivar'Napoleon'and the optimal size of the immature cotyledon was PF (cotyledon length / embryo length×100) = 50-80 and the regeneration rate reached to 79.2%. Dark culture for 2 weeks prior to light culture was helpful to adventitious shoot regeneration. Shoot regeneration rate also reached to 72.2% in'Rainier', 61.1% in'Van'and 33.3% in'Lapins'. Adventitious shoots were mainly regenerated at proximal cutting region of cotyledon adaxial surface.
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  • Identification of SSR Markers Linked to a Genic Multiple-Allele Male Sterile Gene
  • Feng Hui;Wei Peng;Li Cheng-yu;Choi Su Ryun;Lim Yong Pyo;and Piao Zhong-yun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 103-108.
  • Abstract ( 2389 ) HTML ( 1427 ) PDF (298KB) ( 1427 )    
  • A BC1 mapping population was constructed with Chinese cabbage inbred line "Chiifu" which is the model material of Multinational Brassica Genome Project as the male parent and genic multiple allele male sterile material 'AB01' as the female parent. Major effects of components in SSR-PCR system on amplification result were probed. 250 SSR primer pairs were employed to identify SSR markers linked to the genic multiple allele male sterile gene "Ms". Within the eight SSR primer pairs showing polymorphism between two gene bulks, two SSR markers named cnu_m273 and cnu_m295 were found linked to the Ms gene, at the genetic distances of 4.95 cM and 7.92 cM respectively.

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  • Construction of High Regeneration Systems for Diploid Potato
  • CHAO Xiang-jian;YANG Yu;JIN Li-ping;ZHANG Yu;LIU Sheng-xiang;DING Han-feng;QU Dong-yu;and LI Guang-cun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 109-114.
  • Abstract ( 2136 ) HTML ( 1511 ) PDF (259KB) ( 1511 )    
  • High regeneration system for diploid potato was developed using segments as explants of in vitro plantlets of three genotypes, ED13 (bacterial wilt resistant), CE171 (bacterial wilt resistant), and ED25 (bacterial wilt susceptible). The role of plant hormones and their combinations was studied for callus formation and shoot differentiation. The result showed that different genotype needed different hormone combination for its callus formation and shoot differentiation. Solid-liquid nurse medium was helpful for callus induction of diploid potato and the best hormone combination in solid medium was NAA (2.0 mg · L-1): 6-BA (2.0 mg · L-1). For ED13, the best hormone combination in liquid medium was 2,4-D (2.5 mg · L-1) : KT (0.5 mg · L-1); whereas, for CE171, combination of 2,4-D (1.5 mg · L-1) : KT (1.0 mg · L-1) was the best. Both of these medium combinations gave high callus induction up to100%. But for genotype ED25, only the combinations of NAA (2.0 mg · L-1) : 6-BA (1.0 mg · L-1) and 2,4-D (1.5 mg · L-1) : KT (1.0 mg · L-1) could give good callus induction result. ZT played an important role in the induction of shoot differentiation. More than 95% explants of genotype ED13 and CE171 were differentiated using only ZT (1.0 mg · L-1). However, the combination of ZT (0.5 mg · L-1): 6-BA (2.5 mg · L-1) was needed for high shoot differentiation of ED25.
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  • Genetic and Heterosis Analysis for Root Width and Length in Carrot (Daucus carota L.)
  • OU Cheng-gang;ZHUANG Fei-yun;ZHAO Zhi-wei;HU Hong;and PEI Hong-xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 115-120.
  • Abstract ( 2020 ) HTML ( 1517 ) PDF (837KB) ( 1517 )    
  • By using an additive - dominance genetic model with genotype and environments interaction, the genetic and heterosis for carrot root width and length were investigated with 19 varieties (or inbreeding lines) and their 16 F1 crosses. It was indicted that additive variance (VA) and additive × environment interaction variance (VAE) were major genetic components for root width, and VA and dominance × environment interaction variance (VDE) were major genetic components for root length. The general narrow sense heritabilities were higher than interactive narrow sense heritabilities for root width and length. The negative value for hybrid heterobeltiosis indicted that root width and length couldn't be increased by utilizing heterosis, but be improved by using some special types of parents in carrot breeding.

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  • Effect of Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate on Preservation of Cut Carnation(Dianthus caryphyllus L.)
  • LIU Ji-ping;HE Sheng-gen;Lü Pei-tao;CAO Jing-ping;SHENG Ai-wu;and ZHANG Zhao-qi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 121-126.
  • Abstract ( 2013 ) HTML ( 1704 ) PDF (692KB) ( 1704 )    
  • The effects of a new-type bactericide, stabilized chlorine formulation, sodium dichloroisocyanurate (DICA) on vase life of cut carnations (Dianthus caryphyllus L.) were investigated. The results showed that vase solution containing 15.4 and 77.0 mg·L-1 DICA extended the vase life by 6.0 and 6.8 d respectively. DICA treatments significantly delayed the declination of hydraulic conductance in the stems, and maintained the water uptake and fresh weight of cut carnations. However, 77.0 mg·L-1 DICA had adverse effects on the appearance quality of cut flowers. Further studies indicated that the growth of microorganism in the vase solution of cut carnations was effectively inhibited by 15.4 mg·L-1 DICA. Conclusively, the optimum concentration of DICA for cut carnation flowers as the vase solution was 15.4 mg·L-1.
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  • Colchicines Induced Polyploid Plants and Their Identification in Three Species of Lagerstroemia indica
  • TONG Jun;YE Yao-mei;FENG Biao;and YUAN Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 127-132.
  • Abstract ( 2273 ) HTML ( 2254 ) PDF (435KB) ( 2254 )    
  • The effects of colchicine concentration and treatment time duration on the apical meristems of the seedlings in three species of Lagerstroemia indica have been conducted in this study, and the ploidy level was identified by morphological trait, chromosome number and flow cytometry techniques. The results showed that treated L.indica or L.indica var.alba with 0.5%-0.8% colchicine for 48-96 h lead to a high mutation rate, and the highest mutation rate (up to 54.17%) was achieved in the L.indica by treatment of 0.5% colchicine for 72 h. All the three tested species of L.indica have obtained a number of tetraploidy plants. The choromosome number of mutated plants was 2n=4x=96, while that of the control plants was 2n=2x=48. The tetraploid plants exibited some morphological and cytological variations, including larger and thicker leaves, darker leaf color, larger stomata, fewer stomata per unit area, more chloroplasts in stomata guard cell and longer pollen diameter. The ornamental value of single flower had also been greatly improved by increasing of flower diameter, petals and basal claw length.

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  • Ethylene Signal Transduction during Fruit Ripening and Senescence
  • YIN Xue-ren;ZHANG Bo;LI Xian and CHEN Kun-song
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 133-140.
  • Abstract ( 2413 ) HTML ( 4138 ) PDF (257KB) ( 4138 )    
  • Ethylene is a gaseous hormone plays important regulatory roles in plant life cycle through the ethylene signal transduction pathway. The present paper review progresses in ethylene signal transduction and its regulation during fruit ripening and senescence, including isolation of gene family members, analysis of gene expression, identification of ripening-related components. Perspective for further studies of the ethylene signal transduction in ripening fruit is also discussed.

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  • Extraction Method of α-Solanine in Eggplant Fruit
  • ZHOU Bao-li;LI Zhi-wen;DING Yu-wen;LIU Xiang;and YE Xue-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 141-146.
  • Abstract ( 2667 ) HTML ( 1793 ) PDF (301KB) ( 1793 )    
  • Single-factor and orthogonal experiments were conducted to establish a rapid and efficient extraction method of α-solanine from eggplant peel and sarcocarp of eggplant fruit. Different extraction methods were evaluated for their efficiency. The content of α-solanine in the extracts was determined by HPLC. Results showed that the most efficient extraction was obtained when ultrasonic wave was used. Parameters affecting the extraction efficiency of the ultrasonic wave were further optimized. The optimized procedure was to mix the smashed material with 70% methanol (1:10, V/V) and then to apply ultrasonic-wave to the mixture for 60 min at 50 ℃. With the use of the optimized method, the average content of α-solanine extracted from peel and sarcocarp was mg·g-1 and 0.620 mg·g-1 with RSD (relative standard deviation) = 1.80% (n=5) and 1.29% (n=5), respectively, and the average recovery rate was 98.0% with a RSD of 1.23% (n=3). Result analysis indicated that the extraction method established in our study was good in extraction rate, accuracy and reproducibility and was applicable in the extraction of α-solanine from eggplant fruit.
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  • A New Juicing Orange Cultivar'Yuhongcheng'
  • CHENG Chang-feng;LIU Chang-wen;CHENG Chang-wen;DING ZHI-xiang;QI Ju-rong;HONG Lin;WEI Zhao-xin;and WANG Wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 148-148.
  • Abstract ( 1845 ) HTML ( 1207 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1207 )    
  • 'Yuhongcheng' is a new orange cultivar which selected from 'Xianfengcheng' orange. It grows vigorously with many excellent characteristics, such as few seeds, fine and tender taste without residue. The fruit mass is 170 g, juice rate of 60%, the soluble content of its berry is 11.8%, and the ratio of TSS to TA is 14.It is early fruiting, high and stable yield. The tolerance to stress and easy to cultivate. It is suitable for juice processing and fresh fruit.
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  • A New High-quality Longan Cultivar 'Gui Mi'
  • LIU Ye-qiang;REN Hui;LU Yu-ying;SU Wei-qiang;HE Quan-guang;andLI Dong-bo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 149-149.
  • Abstract ( 1925 ) HTML ( 1152 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1152 )    
  • 'Gui Mi'is a new longan cultivar which was selected from longan seedling in Guangxi.The round and even in size.The single fruit weight is 10.1g.Fruit skin is yellowish brown.Flesh is creamy white,translucent,thick,with no watery surface,easily separated from the seed,crisp texture,less juicy and very sweet with fragrance in flavor. 70.7% flesh recovery rate and 22.5% TSS.
    Key words:longan;cultivar
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  • A New Tomato Cultivar Special for Protected Cultivation ‘Ji dong 218’
  • MAO Xiu-jie;ZHANG Shen-hao;WU Chun-cheng;WANG Jiu-xing;WANG Xue-dong;SUN Zhong-feng;CAO Xia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 150-150.
  • Abstract ( 2169 ) HTML ( 1168 ) PDF (94KB) ( 1168 )    
  • 'Ji dong 218'is a F1 by screening and crossing with import small tomato. It has unlimited branches and common leaf and it grows vigorously .The first inflorescence is situated between the six and eighth node and each inflorescence bears 15~35 tomatos. The average fruit mass is 15~22g. The fruit is red. Fruit shape is ovoid, fruit superficies is slick, fruit shape index is 1.1. Vc content is 230 mg·kg-1and organic acid content is 1.04% in 100g fruit. Ratio of Sugar to acid is 7.48. Fruit has transports tolerant. It is high-resistant to TMV and southern bacterial wilt, mid-resistant to leaf mold and gray mold, tolerant to low grade saline. It is suitable for protected cultivation.

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  • A New Plate Leaves and Red Flesh Radish Cultivar‘Wei Luobo 2’
  • HAN Tai-li;YANG Xiao-dong;XU Li-gong;TAN Jin-xia;and SONG Yin-hang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2009, 36(1): 151-151.
  • Abstract ( 2087 ) HTML ( 1327 ) PDF (425KB) ( 1327 )    
  • ‘Wei Luobo 2’is a new radish cultivar which derived from 'VL02-21'×'VL02-23. It is high quality, fertility and good adaptability. It takes 80 days from sowing to maturation. The plant is of middling size, has immunity against virus diseases, downy mildew , rot pathogen and soft rot disease. Each plant has 12-16 dark green leaves of plate shape, with small top and small succulent root. The root is ball-shaped, and of bright purple. Single fruit radish weights around 1kg, with a yield of 36.72~41.68t·hm-2.The No.2 Wei Radish is a propriate fall planting for Shandong Province and Northeast China.
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