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2011, Vol.38, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Studies on Histochemistry of the Developmental Epiphyllous Ovule in Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla
  • HAN Chen-jing;XING Shi-yan;DONG Zhang-kai;ZHANG Fang;and LI Ji-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 817-824.
  • Abstract ( 2060 ) HTML ( 1892 ) PDF (707KB) ( 1892 )    
  • Observation and histochemistry analysis were taken on all stages of epiphyllous ovule in Ginkgo biloba var. epiphylla development using resin semi-thin section technique. The results showed that:(1)The epiphyllous ovule apparent“gibbosity”at the stage of origin,its main construction were vascular bundle,parenchyma cells,and cavities;In the center of the“gibbosity”,there were a few starch grains,but a lot of starch grains were in the junction of“gibbosity”with leaf and distributed along the cell wall. (2)The development of epiphyllous ovule female gametophyte experienced free nuclei stage and cell wall formation stage;At free nuclei stage,the female gametophyte was liquid;At early cell wall formation stage,it was constituted by many big parenchyma cells,and there were no starch grains,lipid droplet and protein in them;Later,the starch grains became more;At the late wall formation stage of female gametophyte,the starch grains became more and bigger,and there was black lipid droplet surrounded cell wall. (3)At the stage of endosperm development,the cells accumulated starch grains and protein. The distribution of nutrients was centre-intensive,sparse-edge.(4)The differentiation of outer integument and meso-integument began at early free nuclei stage of female gametophyte;At the beginning of July,the inner integument appeared. (5)Between the meso-integument and inner integument,which was above the middle line,there was a“conoid”structure;Between the outer integument and meso-integument there were plenty starch grains.
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  • Effects of Root Restriction on Soluble Sugar Contents and Related Enzyme Activities in‘Jumeigui’Grape Berries
  • LU Cai-yu;ZHENG Xiao-yan;JIA Hui-juan;LU Ru-guo;and TENG Yuan-wen;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 825-832.
  • Abstract ( 2275 ) HTML ( 1830 ) PDF (279KB) ( 1830 )    
  • Jumeigui’grape(Vitis vinifera L. × V. labrusca L.)was subjected to root restriction to study the metabolic mechanism of soluble sugar accumulation in grape berries during the berry development from veraison to maturation. The results showed that the main sugars accumulated in ‘Jumeigui’grape were glucose and fructose. From the beginning of veraison,contents of glucose and fructose in berries increased continuously,and meanwhile acid invertase(AI)activity increased gradually with berry development. What’ more,AI activity was significantly correlated with the contents of glucose and fructose which are the most important soluble sugars in the grape berry. The activity of neutral invertase(NI)and sucrose synthase(SS)activity in the sucrose cleavage direction increased 3 weeks after veraison and lower than that of AI. The activity of enzymes for sucrose synthesis including sucrose synthase(SS)in the sucrose synthetic direction and sucrose phosphate synthase(SPS)increased slightly just at the early veraison and then kept constant,and was lower than that of SS in the sucrose cleavage direction,AI and NI related to sucrose cleavage. The root restriction could increase the content of soluble sugars in grape berries and enhance AI activity during the period of sugar accumulation and NI activity at harvest. Therefore,we speculate that AI is the most important regulator for sugar accumulation and also the key enzyme accounting for increased sugar content by root restriction cultivation.
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  • Nitrification-inhibiting Effect of Dicyandiamide and Sulfur on Apple Orchard Soil Using Barometric Process Separation
  • GE Shun-feng;JIANG Yuan-mao;WEI Shao-chong;WANG Hai-ning;FANG Xiang-ji;and CHEN Ru
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 833-839.
  • Abstract ( 1854 ) HTML ( 1385 ) PDF (288KB) ( 1385 )    
  • A natural field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of dicyandiamide(DCD)and DCD + S on nitrification-inhibiting on apple orchard soil. The results were as follows:soil NH4+-N contents in N + DCD and N + DCD + S treatments were higher than that of N treatment within 40 days after fertilization,while the NH4+-N content in soil with N + DCD treatment was significantly higher than that of N treatment within 6–20 days after fertilization,yet the NH4+-N content in soil with N + DCD + S treatment was still significantly higher until 30 days after fertilization,prolonging 10 days than DCD for nitrification inhibition;Soil NO3--N content was obviously lower in the two nitrification inhibitor treatments than that of N treatment, decreasing by 18.72%–58.91%. Compared with N treatment,gross nitrification and denitrification rates in soil were low in N + DCD and N + DCD + S treatments,and the biggest difference appeared at early times,this confirmed that nitrification inhibitor could inhibit the transformation of soil NH4+-N to NO3--Neffectively.
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  • Fruit Quality Diversity of Mango(Mangifera indica L.)Germplasm
  • SHI Sheng-you;WU Hong-xia;WANG Song-biao;YAO Quan-sheng;LIU Li-qin;WANG Yi-cheng;MA Wei-hong;and ZHAN Ru-lin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 840-848.
  • Abstract ( 2261 ) HTML ( 1491 ) PDF (253KB) ( 1491 )    
  • Fruit quality diversity of forty accessions of mango germplasm,preserved in South Subtropical Crops Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,China,were studied for three consecutive years. Variance,correlation and principal component analysis(PCA)were used to evaluate experimental results. Fruit physical parameters including shape,vertical diameter and cross section,weight,stone weight,pulp recovery,pulp fibrosis and fruit colour,chemical parameters including total soluble solids content,titratable acidity,reducing sugar and vitamin C and sensory parameters such as taste and aroma were investigated. A high variability was found among forty mango varieties. The ShannonWeinner index ranged from 0.94 to 1.60 indicated that striking differeces in the studied qualities traits. Principal component analysis(PCA)showed multi-directional variation of mango fruit quality traits. Less fluctuation of all fruit quality traits except for titratable acidity and reducing sugar was observed among different production years. Significant correlations was found among some mango quality attributes.
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  • Effects of Magnesium Stress on Growth,Distribution of Several Mineral Elements and Leaf Ultrastructure of‘Harumi’Tangor
  • SHEN Yan;XIAO Jia-xin;;YANG Hui;and ZHANG Shao-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 849-858.
  • Abstract ( 2560 ) HTML ( 1507 ) PDF (731KB) ( 1507 )    
  • To investigate the effects of magnesium(Mg)stress on physiological responses and anatomical characteristics of‘Harumi’tangor [Citrus reticulate ×(C. reticulata × C. sinenesis)] plants grafted on Xiangcheng(C. junos)rootstock,Mg at five levels(0,2.4,12,24 and 240 mg · L-1)in nutrient solution was exogenously supplied to the plants grown at sand medium,in which 24 and 240 mg · L-1 were considered as control and excess treatments,respectively,and the other three were treated as low Mg. Our results showed that,Mg stress(either under low or excess conditions)significantly decreased plant height,root length,root viability,leaf chlorophyll content as well as dry mass in various parts,whereas it induced leaf relative conductivity and MDA content. The effects were more pronounced in plants supplied without Mg(0 mg · L-1 Mg 2+ treatment),while the activities of antioxidant enzymes(SOD and CAT)in leaves declined synchronously. Mg concentration in all plant parts increased significantly as external Mg concentration increased,and it was found that compared to the other tissues,Mg tended to be accumulated more in leaves,where upper younger leaves had higher Mg concentrations than those in basal old leaves(except under excess Mg conditions). Zn concentration showed various degrees of decreases in various tissues of plants under Mg stress treatments,especially under the low Mg treatment 2.4 mg · L-1. Moreover,concentrations of boron(B)and calcium(Ca)were higher in basal old leaves than those in upper young leaves with the exception of 2.4 mg · L-1 Mg,and excess Mg decreased those concentrations in leaves of either upper or basal parts. According to the anatomical observation in leaf structure and chloroplast ultrastructure,Mg deficiency stress resulted not only in the disorganization of chloroplsts(in a darker appearance of chloroplast stroma and a reduced volume of thylakoid membranes),but also of the other organelles like the mitochondria having blurred membranes with reduced volume and abnormal black spots). Excess Mg treatment also caused the mitochondria having blurred membranes,however,it led to disappearance of chloroplast lamellar,increment of the number and enlargement of the volume of starch grains and plastoglobulus.
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  • Effect of UV-B Radiation on Gene Expression in Peels of‘Liangping’Pommelo[Citrus grandis(L.)Osbeck]
  • CHENG Chun-zhen;ZHU Shi-ping;WU Bo;YANG Jia-wei;BEI Xue-jun;MA Yan-yan;and ZHONG Guang-yan;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 859-866.
  • Abstract ( 2129 ) HTML ( 1791 ) PDF (406KB) ( 1791 )    
  • A suppression subtractive hybridization library was successfully constructed using cDNA synthesized from RNA extracted from peels of‘Liangping’pemmelo[Citrus grandis(L.)Osbeck] receiving UV-B radiation as tester and non-UVB treatment as driver. Two hundred randomly-picked positive clones were sequenced,and a total of 168 EST sequences were obtained. One hundred and fourteen ESTs,involving in 57 genes,were found to share considerable homology with known genes while the rest 54 ESTs had low or even no homology with known genes. Function analysis showed that these differentially expressed genes were related to numerical celluar events such as stress-tolerance,growth and development,cell apoptosis,cell differenciation,gene transcription and translation,signaling,energy metabolism,carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism and secondary metabolism.
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  • Meiotic Observations of Pollen Mother Cells in Diploid and Autotetraploid Ziziphus jujuba Mill.‘Lajiaozao’
  • WU Gai-e;LIU Ping;;LIU Meng-jun;;and LIU Guan-nan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 867-874.
  • Abstract ( 2515 ) HTML ( 1525 ) PDF (1757KB) ( 1525 )    
  • Meiosis of pollen mother cells(PMCs)in diploid and autotetraploid‘Lajiaozao’Chinese jujube were observed,and all stages of the meiosis were analyzed. The results showed that the behavior of meiosis in autotetraploid was much more complicated than that in diploid. Compared with meiosis in diploid,the behavior of meiosis in autotetraploid was much more complicated. Diakinesis,univalents,bivalents,trivalents and quadrivalents appeared in autotetraploid‘Lajiaozao’,while two nuclei,including a large one and a small one,were observed. Some of the chromosomes were found not being arranged on equatorial plate at metaphaseⅠand metaphaseⅡfollowed by lagged chromosomes and chromosome bridges appeared at anaphaseⅠand anaphaseⅡ in the autotetraploid. At tetrad stage,dyads,triads with micronucleus,tetrads with micronucleus appeared. In conclusion,abnormal meiosis of PMCs is the cytogenetic reason for fertility reduction in autotetraploid‘Lajiaozao’.
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  • Research on Screening of Resistant Resources to Fusarium Wilt and Inheritance of the Resistant Gene in Cabbage
  • L? Hong-hao;FANG Zhi-yuan;YANG Li-mei;XIE Bing-yan;LIU Yu-mei;ZHUANG Mu;ZHANG Yang-yong;and YANG Yu-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 875-885.
  • Abstract ( 1856 ) HTML ( 1332 ) PDF (554KB) ( 1332 )    
  • One hundred and seventeen cabbage inbred lines were evaluated for their resistance to Fusarium wilt through being inoculated with pathogen FGL③-6,which was isolated from diseased cabbage in Yanqing,Beijing. Forty-seven materials were resistant,with 37 of them showing high resistance. The correlations of their resistance with geographic origins,with types and leaf colors were analyzed respectively. The result showed that materials with high resistance were mostly from Japan,Korea,Russia,Netherlands,etc.;More inbred lines with high resistance possessed flat head and grey-green leaf,while no resistant material was found in pointed head type. With repeated experiments and field tests,5 inbred lines with high resistance to cabbage wilt and excellent economic traits were screened out. Comparison experiments between FGL③-6 from Yanqing and Race 1 FOAM from USA were performed on 21 materials and the results suggested that the same material exhibited similar resistance to the two pathogen strains. Study on the pathogen Race 2 from USA indicated that it possessed stronger pathogenicity. 8 cabbage hybrids,all with one parent resistant and the other susceptible,were evaluated for resistance inheritance. 2 of the 8 F1 hybrids were used for creating F2,BC1-P1 and BC2-P2 separately and all populations produced above were used for resistance inheritance analysis. It showed that the inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt in cabbage was dominant single gene pattern.
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  • Construction of Wild Cucumber Substitution Lines
  • LI Xue-feng;HU Xiao-wen;ZHANG Sheng-ping;GU Xing-fang;ZHANG Zhong-hua;and HUANG San-wen;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 886-892.
  • Abstract ( 2144 ) HTML ( 1685 ) PDF (430KB) ( 1685 )    
  • Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii Royle is the only extant wild subspecies of domesticated cucumber(Cucumis sativus var. sativus L.). The wild cucumber contains several favorable traits including root-knot nematodes and CMV resistance,etc. It has a strong branching capability. The fruit shape of wild cucumber is oval and it tastes very bitter. In this study,we created a set of substitution lines using wild cucumber accession lines PI183967 as the donor and domesticated cucumber inbred Xintaimici as the receptor. During the process of backcrossing and self crossing,the wild cucumber genomic fragments were tracked using 62 SSR markers distributed in the cucumber genome. Subsequently,21 single-segment substitution lines and 10 double-segment substitution lines were obtained,which in total cover 96.81% of the wild cucumber genome. These substitution lines provided a new resource for the utilization of genes from wild cucumber and also the materials basis for the precise genetic analysis of quantitative traits in cucumber,as well as for the investigation of molecular mechanism of evolution from wild cucumber to domesticated cucumber.
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  • Effects of Water and Fertilizer Coupling on Nitrogen Metabolism of Cucumber Under Soilless Culture in Greenhouse
  • ZHANG Li-ying;WANG Rong-lian;ZHANG Jun-sheng;CHENG Xing-hua;YUN Xing-fu;;and YU Jian;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 893-902.
  • Abstract ( 2136 ) HTML ( 1678 ) PDF (336KB) ( 1678 )    
  • Cucumber‘Zhongnong19’was used to investigate the effects of water and fertilizer coupling on several nitrogen metabolism enzymatic activities and related substance contents under soilless culture in greenhouse. Three single plant irrigation levels:87 L(W1),125 L(W2),162 L(W3),and three fertilization levels:64 L(F1),92 L(F2),119 L(F3). The results showed that nitrate reductase(NR),glutamine synthetase(GS),glutamate synthase(GOGAT),glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH),nitrate nitrogen and soluble proteins content were remarkably influenced by different irrigation levels. Under the F1 level,several metabolism indexes of the W1 level were higher than other levels. Under the F2 level and F3 level,the W2 level was the best. Activities of NR,GS,GOGAT,GDH,nitrate nitrogen and soluble protein contents were remarkably affected by the fertilization levels,the order was F3 level,followed by F2 level and F1 level under the same irrigation levels. There was an obvious interaction between irrigation treatment and fertilization treatment. Correlation analysis showed that nitrogen metabolism enzymatic activities and related substance contents were positively correlated with yield,nitrate contents of fruit,free amino acid of fruit,soluble protein of fruit,soluble sugar of fruit.
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  • Relationship Between Osmoregulation and Bacterial Wilt Resistance of Grafted Pepper
  • LIU Ye-xia;JIANG Fei;ZHANG Ning;WANG Hong-tao;and AI Xi-zhen;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 903-910.
  • Abstract ( 1898 ) HTML ( 1583 ) PDF (236KB) ( 1583 )    
  • Bacterial wilt is one of the primary diseases of pepper grown in solar-greenhouse. In order to select an resistant rootstock and elucidate the resistant mechanism of grafted pepper,changes of disease incidence and disease index of bacterial wilt in different rootstock varieties of pepper were investigated by manual inoculation,with‘Xinfeng 2’as control. The result showed that‘Weishi’was diseased in later days,and showed the lowest disease incidence and disease index,therefore represent the highest disease resistance among the four rootstock varieties and the control. Changes of disease incidence and disease index of bacterial wilt and osmoregulation in grafted(‘Xinfeng 2’scion grafted onto‘Weishi’)and own-root plants(‘Xinfeng 2’,control)of pepper were investigated after being inoculated. The results showed that the disease incidence and disease index of grafted plants were lower than those of control. Measured on 20 d after inoculation,the disease incidence and disease index of grafted plants were lower by 33% and 43% respectively compared with the control. Before inoculation,grafted plants showed lower water content,water potential and osmotic potential,but higher bound water/free water,soluble sugar and proline content in roots and leaves,compared with the control. The water content,water potential and osmotic potential in roots and leaves of pepper plants decreased gradually after inoculation,but bound water/free water increased,the soluble sugar and proline contents increased at early stage,but decreased later. Compared with control plants,the grafted peppers showed less decreasing rates in water content,water potential and osmotic potential,and less increasing rate in bound water/free water. Soluble sugar and proline contents in leaves and roots of grafted peppers were significantly higher than those of control plants. These data indicated that graft significantly increased the bacterial wilt resistance in pepper,and is closely related to the osmoregulation.
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  • Application of Common Bean Anthracnose Resistance Gene SCAR Markers in Snap Bean Disease Resistance Identification
  • GU Yu;HAN Qi-hou;WANG Wu-tai;LI Su-wen;SUN De-ling;and WU Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 911-920.
  • Abstract ( 1834 ) HTML ( 1662 ) PDF (295KB) ( 1662 )    
  • Five SCAR primer combinations(SCA1000,SH181100,SAB3400,SB12350 and SCF101072)of common bean anthracnose resistance gene were used to check the genome DNA of 143 snap bean germplasms. Meanwhile,their anthracnose resistance was identified by seedling inoculation method. The results indicated that the SCAR markers were found in 61 out of 143 germplasms,40 germplasms were detected having marker SCA1000,40 germplasms were detected having marker SCF101072,19 germplasms were detected having both marker SCA1000 and SCF101072. SCAR markers,SAB3400,SB12350 and SH181100,were not detected in all germplasms. Population resistance results revealed that 16 germplasms out of 143 tested germplasms were disease resistant. Among them,5 germplasms possessed two SCAR markers and disease resistance,3 germplasms possessed only one of the two SCAR markers with disease resistance. The results also showed that the content of Co-2 and Co-10 are very rich and distribute evenly in snap bean germplasms,except that the Co-2 content of is higher than Co-10 in purple bean pod. There are more resistance gene in green pods and You Dou. Numbers of owning both resistance gene and disease resistance are the most in You Dou.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of α-tubulin Gene from Tremella fuciformis
  • DONG Ji-yuan;YANG Shuang-xi;CHEN Ye-ye;LIU Juan;and MA Ai-min
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 921-929.
  • Abstract ( 2050 ) HTML ( 2224 ) PDF (606KB) ( 2224 )    
  • Partial cDNA sequence of α-tubulin gene was amplified from Tremella fuciformis by degenerate primers designed according to the conserved regions of published α-tubulin sequences of other fungi on GenBank. The DNA and cDNA full length sequences of α-tubulin gene of T. fuciformis were cloned by SEFA-PCR and RACE,respectively. The DNA sequence of α-tubulin gene of T. fuciformis consisted of 1 962 bp,containing 9 introns and the cDNA sequence consisted of 1 347 bp,coding 448 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis showed the similarity between α-tubulin cDNAs of T. fuciformis and Cryptococcus neoformans reaches to 80%,the α-tubulin of T. fuciformis belongs to α-tubulin subfamily of Tubulin_FtsZ superfamily and its amino acid sequence contains a conservative GTP binding region GGGTGSG. Phylogenetic tree revealed the evolutionary distance between T. fuciformis and C. neoformans is the nearest.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Preliminary Identification of Leaf Color Mutational Strain from Oxalis triangularis Using RAPD and ISSR Markers
  • HU Su;WANG Yong-qing;;TAO Lian;FU Yan;and YANG Qin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 930-938.
  • Abstract ( 1930 ) HTML ( 1341 ) PDF (896KB) ( 1341 )    
  • A leaf color mutational strain and the wild type of Oxalis triangularis were identified preliminarily at the molecular level. DNA-pooling method was used in this study to establish the DNA-pools of the wild type and the mutational type,respectively. These DNA-pools were used as templates for RAPD-PCR and ISSR-PCR,respectively. Two specific RAPD primers,i.e.,S76 and S118,and two specific ISSR primers,i.e.,UBC818 and UBC868,were selected from 70 RAPD primers and 100 ISSR primers,respectively,producing 6 specific bands. And these specific bands could identify the two DNA-pools mentioned above. The sequencing result of the absent specific band,S118 700-800,in the mutational type showed that the sequence contained a gene coding for subunit Ⅶ,i.e.,PsaC protein,in photosystemⅠ. The results indicated that compared with the wild type,the genetic material of the mutational strain had changed indeed,and it could maintain stable in the given subcultures in this study.
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  • Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide are Involved in Indole-3-butyric Acid-induced Adventitious Root Formation of Marigold
  • LIAO Wei-biao;HUANG Gao-bao;YU Ji-hua;;and ZHANG Mei-ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 939-946.
  • Abstract ( 2102 ) HTML ( 1663 ) PDF (316KB) ( 1663 )    
  • The roles of NO and H2O2 in indole-3-butyric acid(IBA)-induced adventitious root formation in marigold plants(Tagetes erecta L.)and the order of action of these molecules within the signal transduction pathway were investigated. IBA treatment was able to induce de novo root organogenesis in marigold explants mimicking the effects of NO and H2O2. Treatment of IBA plus NO or H2O2 promoted adventitious root development compared with explants treated with NO,H2O2 or IBA alone. The IBA-mediated effect was differently reversed by NO scavenger cPTIO and H2O2 scavenger CAT. IBA was able to recover adventitious root development in auxin-depleted explants by NPA,whereas c-PTIO and CAT prevented this effect. Thus,NO and H2O2 were the prerequisite of adventitious root development induced by IBA. IBA treatments enhanced endogenous NO and H2O2 levels in hypocotyls. Therefore,the enhancing effect on the formation of adventitious root of IBA was through the promotion of NO and H2O2 formation. cPTIO inhibited IBA-triggered H2O2 generation. However,CAT failed to depress the NO content induced by IBA. Thus,H2O2 and NO may be the two downstream signal molecules of auxin signaling cascade,and NO may be an upstream signal molecule before H2O2.
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Other Horticulture Plants

  • Isolation and Identification of the Principal Acaricidal Components from Stellera chamaejasme
  • LIANG Wei;BAI Xue-na;CHENG Jun;SHI Guang-lu;WANG You-nian;;and WANG Zhan-quan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 947-954.
  • Abstract ( 1710 ) HTML ( 1311 ) PDF (358KB) ( 1311 )    
  • Using the acaricidal activity to guide the isolation,the compound Ⅳ,which had the highest contact and systemic toxicity to Tetranychus cinnabarinus,was obtained from ethyl acetate extracts of roots of Stellera chamaejasme L. The structure of compound Ⅳ was established as scopoletin by analysis of NMR(1H NMR,13C NMR)and IR data. The results of acaricidal activity analysis showed that scopoletin may be the principal acaricidal substance in the ethyl acetate extracts of S. chamaejasme extracts. And the mean lethal concentrations(LC50)of scopoletin for contact and systemic toxicity were 1.267 and 7.388 mg · mL-1,respectively. Subsequently,compound Ⅳ was analyzed by NMR and IR methods,and its contact and systemic toxicity to mites were determined. In accordance with the spectral data(1H NMR,13C NMR and IR)of compound Ⅳ,the chemical compound was identified as scopoletin. Scopoletin may be the principal acaricidal substance in S. chamaejasme extracts. And the mean lethal concentrations(LC50)of scopoletin for contact and systemic toxicity were 1.267 and 7.388 mg · mL-1,respectively.
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Research Notes

  • Comparation of Pollen Ultrastructural Morphology Among Pomegranate (Punica granatum)Cultivars in Shandong Province
  • YIN Yan-lei;YUAN Zhao-he;FENG Li-juan;ZHAO Xue-qing;and TAO Ji-han
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 955-962.
  • Abstract ( 2118 ) HTML ( 1690 ) PDF (1752KB) ( 1690 )    
  • The ultrastructures of pollen grains from 20 pomegranate(Punica granatum)cultivars in Shandong Province were examined using a Hitachi S-570 scanning electron microscope. The results showed that pollen grains were tricolporate,N3P4C5 type according to Erdtman’s NPC system. They were sub-spheroidal in equatorial view,and 3-lobed sub-spheroidal or triangle in polar view. The polar axis length of pollen grains was 23.08–28.57 μm. The equatorial axis length of pollen grains was 13.07–19.74 μm. In addition,there were significant differences in some morphological aspects of pollen grains,for example,pollen size and colporate,between cultivars. Thus,it was suggested that morphological characters of pollen grains were very important for cultivars differentiation in pomegranate.
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  • Glucosinolate Profile and Accumulation in Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis
  • LIAO Yong-cui;SONG Ming;WANG Hui;XU Dong-hui;and WANG Xiao-wu;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 963-969.
  • Abstract ( 2680 ) HTML ( 1763 ) PDF (234KB) ( 1763 )    
  • The 129 Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis(Lour.)Olsson DH lines grown in different seasons were used to identify glucosinolate profile and accumulation in leaves by HPLC analysis. Eight main glucosinolates were detected in all the accessions including 3 aliphatic glucosinolates,4 indolic glucosinolates and 1 aromatic glucosinolate. Principal component analysis showed Aliphatic glucosinolates,Gluconapin(NAP),Glucobrassicanapin(GBN)and Progoitrin(PRO)were the main glucosinolate profiles with the highest ratio of about 60.0% in Chinese cabbage,and 6 materials with a high content of glucosinolate were identified. Combined variance analysis showed that there were significant differences among varieties in aliphatic glucosinolates(NAP,GBN and PRO). The accumulation of several indolic glucosinolates was affected greatly by environment,and a significant variance was appeared in different seasons. The aromatic glucosinolate,Gluconasturtiin(NAS)concentration varied significantly between two different seasons and season × variety interaction. Correlations analysis between individual glucosinolates showed that the accumulation of different glucosinolates was affected by each other,and correlation between NAP and total glucosinolate content,GBN and total glucosinolate,NAP and GBN was all significant respectively in the two seasons.
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  • Observation on Ploidy Levels of Lily Cultivars
  • LI Ke-hu;ZHOU Gui-xue;REN Gui-ling;ZHANG Xian-xian;GUO Fang-qi;and ZHOU Shu-jun;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 970-976.
  • Abstract ( 2510 ) HTML ( 2765 ) PDF (1856KB) ( 2765 )    
  • 45 lily cultivars imported from the Netherlands,including 21 Asiatic lilies,three Longiflorum lilies,seven Oriental lilies,eight LA hybrid cultivars,two LO hybrid cultivars and four OT hybrids cultivars,were analyzed using conventional chromosome preparation in this paper. Among the 21Asiatic cultivars,12 of them(‘Eleganza’,‘Monte Negro’,‘Renoir’,‘Black Bird’,‘Butter Pixie’,‘Orange Matrix’,‘Petit Brigitte’,‘Pink Pixie’,‘Lollypop’,‘Red Latin’,‘Marrakech’,and ‘Pollyanna’)are diploid(2n = 2x = 24),five of them(‘Navona’,‘Orange Pixie’,‘Elodie’,‘Vermeer’and‘Lyon’)are triploid(2n = 3x = 36),the rest four(‘Brunello’,‘Tresor’,‘Val di Sole’and‘Detroit’)are tetraploid(2n = 4x = 48). All the three Longiflorum lilies(‘White Heaven’,‘Gelria’and‘White Fox’)are diploid(2n = 2x = 24). All seven Oriental lilies(‘Siberia’,‘Sorbonne’,‘Maru’,‘Dynamite’,‘Dordogne’,‘Montezuma’and‘Miss Lucy’)are also diploid(2n = 2x = 24). The eight LA hybrids(‘Brindis’,‘Courier’,‘Pavia’,‘Advantage’,‘Mestre’,‘Mombasa’,‘Pirandello’and‘Serrada’)are all triploid(2n = 3x = 36). Two LO hybrids(‘Triumphator’and‘White Triumph’)are also triploid(2n = 3x = 36). Among the four OT hybrids,‘Yelloween’and‘Red Dutch’are diploid(2n = 2x = 24),while‘Conca D’Or’and‘Golden City’are triploid(2n = 3x = 36). The results show that most of the lily cultivars from intra-section hybridization(i.e.,Asiatic,Oriental and Longiflorum lilies)are diploid except for five triploid and four tetraploid Asiatic lilies,by contrast,nearly all lily cultivars from inter-section hybridization(i.e.,LA,OT and LO)are triploid except for two diploid OT cultivars.
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  • Studies on Compatibility of Interspecific Hybridization Between Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis Koidz. and I. sanguinea Hormen.
  • BI Xiao-ying;;LOU Qi;and ZHENG Yang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 977-984.
  • Abstract ( 1780 ) HTML ( 1290 ) PDF (380KB) ( 1290 )    
  • The cross-compatibility between two Iris species,Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis Koidz. and I. sanguinea Hormen. was studied by capsule-setting and pollen tube behaviors after common pollination,so was the effects of different pollination methods on fruiting rate. The results showed that no capsules were obtained from reciprocal crosses between the two species,which inferred cross-incompatibitily between them. Pollen grains of I. sanguinea germinated at stigma of I. lactea var. chinensis after 2 hours of pollination,significantly lagging behind self-fertilization of parents,no germination of I. lactea var. chinensis pollen grains was observed on stigma of I. sanguinea. The optimum pollination method for I. lactea var. chinensis × I. sanguinea was 0.1% 6-BA treatment before pollination,fruiting rate and embryo rate reached to 10% and 16.67%,respectively,while the benefit way for I. sanguinea × I. lactea var. chinensis was pollination in advance,fruiting rate was arrival at 15%,and embryo rate was 25.70%,respectively.
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  • Comparison Between the Lespedeza formosa and the L. bicolor in Pollen Morphology
  • WANG Kui-ling;LIU Qing-chao;LIU Hong;LIU Qing-hua;;and LIU Ming-jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 985-988.
  • Abstract ( 1900 ) HTML ( 1243 ) PDF (260KB) ( 1243 )    
  • Lespedeza formosa is a kind of euryoecious plant with great resistibility. There are some experimental research reports on the palynology of the Lespedeza Michx. from Shandong,but nor the submicrostructure of the pollen of the L. formosa. In this paper pollen morphology of the L. formosa was examined by the scanning electron microscope(SEM),and using the L. bicolor as contrast which is regarded as the genus species of inferior organic evolution in Lespedeza Michx. It showed that the polar axis of the L. formosa pollen is 23.7 μm,the equatorial axis is 14.2 μm,and the pollen grains are even in size;while the polar axis of the L. bicolor pollen is 20.3 μm,the equatorial axis is 11.5 μm,pollen grains are uneven in size. In equatorial view,pollen grain of the L. formosa is of elliptic,while the pollen grain of the L. bicolor is of rectangular. In polar view,the pollen grains of the two species both have three germinal furrows. Those data are in accordance with the pollen morphology characteristics of the Lespedeza Michx. According to the pollen surface ornamentation,the L. bicolor is more advanced genus species than the L. formosa,and the latter is the genus species of inferior organic evolution in Lespedeza Michx. in Shandong.
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  • Analysis of SSRs Information and Development of SSR Markers from Moso Bamboo(Phyllostachys edulis)ESTs
  • ZHANG Zhi-jun;GUAN Yu;YANG Li;YU Li;and LUO Shu-ping;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 989-996.
  • Abstract ( 1926 ) HTML ( 1419 ) PDF (335KB) ( 1419 )    
  • Uni-ESTs of Moso bamboo(Phyllostachys edulis)from the database of dbEST were screened using Websat software and 408 SSRs in 401 ESTs were mined out,accounting for 13.02% of the total ESTs,corresponding to one SSR in every 6.8 kb of the ESTs. Dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats EST-SSRs were dominant,accounting for 43.14% and 49.57% respectively. (AG)n is the most frequent motif in dinucleotide repeats,accounting for 37.01% in total EST-SSRs,followed by (TC)n,(AGC)n,(GAG)n and (CGC)n. 182 primer pairs were designed which 42 of them showed amplifications,and 39 primer pairs could have products with polymorphisms from 12 different bamboo samples. The results indicated that it is an available approach to develop EST-SSR markers based on ESTs from Moso bamboo.
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  • Application Progress of Safe Marker Gene pmi for Fruit Tree Transformation
  • WANG Hong;and HAO Yan;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 997-1002.
  • Abstract ( 2359 ) HTML ( 1676 ) PDF (159KB) ( 1676 )    
  • Despite the production of fertile transgenic plants through transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens,transformation efficiency is still low in fruit trees. The mannose selection system employs the phosphomannose isomerase(PMI)gene as selectable gene and the transgenic PMI-expressing cells have acquired the ability to convert mannose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate. Compare to antibiotic selection system,it has advantages such as high selective efficiency,safety for the environment and easy to test. It is also affected by some important factors. Here we talk about the application of this system on fruit trees transformation and its perspective based on the existing literature data. The advantages of this select system,some important factors affecting the transformation efficiency are discussed as well as the approaches in fruit tree genetic transformation using this PMI/mannose system.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Edible Ornamental Nectarine Cultivar‘Huachun’
  • LIU Jia-chen;WANG Shang-de;ZHOU Lian-di;and JIANG Hai-yue
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 1003-1004.
  • Abstract ( 1627 ) HTML ( 1013 ) PDF (159KB) ( 1013 )    
  • ‘Huachun’is a edible ornamental nectarine cultivar. It is an open pollinated seedling of ‘93-4-54’which is from G4 Edible Ornamental Peach Breeding Plan of Institute of Agricultural Integrated Development,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. Its corolla is large. Pink petal is semi-doubled. Its fruit is round in shape. The average single fruit weight is about 150 g. The soluble solids content range from 12% to 13%. It blooms in early April,and lasts for 15 days. Fruits ripen in early July in Beijing.‘Huachun’is an excellent edible ornamental plant when they are used in scenic spot,courtyard,park,orchard and vase art.
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  • A New Apricot Cultivar‘Jingzaohong’
  • WANG Yu-zhu;SUN Hao-yuan;YANG Li;ZHANG Jun-huan;JIANG Feng-chao;and WEN Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 1005-1006.
  • Abstract ( 1883 ) HTML ( 1077 ) PDF (189KB) ( 1077 )    
  • ‘Jingzaohong’is a new apricot cultivar bred from the cross‘Dapiantou’בHonghebao’. The fruit is heart-shaped with the ground color of yellow and some flush in the surface. The average fruit weight is 48 g,and the maximum is 56 g. The flesh is yellow with medium amount of juice,fine texture and aroma. The flavour is sweet and moderately sour. The soluble solids,titratable acidity,reducing sugar and protein content account for 13.3%,1.86%,1.62% and 0.84%,respectively. The vitamin C content is 108.4 mg · kg-1. The fruit development period is about 65 d.‘Jingzaohong’is characterized by high yield,sunburn resistance and high comprehensive quality. This early-ripening cultivar can fill the gap between very early maturity varieties and medium maturity varieties.
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  • A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar‘Luzao 4’
  • SHAN Gong-hua;ZHOU Guang-fang;ZHANG Qiong;SHEN Guang-ning;YU Xian-mei;and XU Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 1007-1008.
  • Abstract ( 1628 ) HTML ( 1210 ) PDF (161KB) ( 1210 )    
  • ‘Luzao 4’was selected from the open pollinated seedlings of‘Jinsi Xiaozao’jujube cultivar. The fruit is big,long oval in shape,with the average fruit weight of 10.1 g,40.1% the soluble solids content,3.87 mg · g-1 vitamin C content. The dried rate is 55%. It is suitable for dry and fresh fruit. It ripens in mid September in Tai’an,Shandong. The cultivar is resistant to fruit crack and diseases. The trees are precocious and productive,high yield and highly adaptable to unfertile soil.
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  • A New Walnut Cultivar‘Jingxiang 1’
  • QI Jian-xun;HAO Yan-bin;WU Chun-lin;WANG Wei-xia;CHEN Yong-hao;and ZHU Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 1009-1010.
  • Abstract ( 2005 ) HTML ( 1163 ) PDF (155KB) ( 1163 )    
  • ‘Jingxiang 1’is a new late bearing walnut cultivar selected from wild seedling resources in Yanqing,Beijing. The nut weight ranged from 9.16 g to 16.26 g,and averaged 12.2 g. The thickness of shell is 0.8 mm. Kernel weight is 58.8% of nut weight. It is very easy to take out the whole kernel. The color of kernel is light yellow,and it tastes fragrant and astringent lightly. The contents of total fat and protein are 71.6% and 15.2% respectively. It has high yield and resistance to cold and disease.
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  • A New Areca Cultivar‘Reyan 1’
  • LI He-shuai;FAN Hai-kuo;HUANG Li-yun;CAO Hong-xing;QIN Wei-quan;ZHOU Huan-qi;WU Yi;and LIU Rui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 1011-1012.
  • Abstract ( 1758 ) HTML ( 1237 ) PDF (179KB) ( 1237 )    
  • The new areca cultivar‘Reyan 1’was selected from Hainan areca by Coconut Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences. The cultivar is delicious,high and stable yield. It is suitable for fresh eating and processing. It goes into anthesis for 4–5 years after planting. The average fruit yield of every plant is 16 kg per year,the highest can reach 30 kg. The yield of‘Reyan 1’is 12% higher than Hainan areca.
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  • A New Asparagus Cultivar‘Champion’
  • LI Shu-hua;LI Xia;ZHENG Hong-xia;LI Fang;LI Bao-hua;BAO Yan-cun;and MU Meng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 1013-1014.
  • Abstract ( 1900 ) HTML ( 1089 ) PDF (141KB) ( 1089 )    
  • ‘Champion’is a new cultivar which was selected from the crossing of‘Apollo’× ‘Netherlands all-male’. Its growth period is 260 d. Its average stem height is about 220 cm. It has a series of good characteristics:Such as straight white asparagus,uniform size,close stem tip,no dispersed head,no hollow stem,no abnormal asparagus and first-class shoot 92.6%. The average yield is 22 500 kg · hm-2. It is resistant to stem blight,and suitable to be cultivated for white or green asparagus.
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  • A New Table Wolfberry Cultivar‘Ningqi 6’
  • WANG Ya-li;WANG Jin-xiu;;and CHANG Hong-yu;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(5): 1015-1016.
  • Abstract ( 2949 ) HTML ( 1715 ) PDF (143KB) ( 1715 )    
  • ‘Ningqi 6’is a new wolfberry cultivar from the nature hybridization seedlings. It shows good characteristics such as vigorous growth,high yield,large fruit,less seeds,high nutritional components,and especially suitable for table. The average single fruit weight,transverse diameter,vertical diameter,flesh thickness,and the seed number are 1.29 g,9.29 mm,22.73 mm,2.03 mm,and 20.96 respectively. The polysaccharide content,total amino acids and carotene content are 12.6 mg · kg-1,89.1 mg · kg-1,and 1.5 mg · kg-1. It can shows good characteristics if reasonable mixed cultivated with ‘Ningqi 1’in Haiyuan,Zhongning,Yinchuan,Huinong,Pingluo area in Ningxia Province.
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