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2011, Vol.38, No.8 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Fruit Trees

  • Analysis on Genomic DNA Methylation Modification of Ginkgo biloba by Methylation-sensitive Amplification Polymorphism
  • LI Ji-hong;XING Shi-yan;WANG Cong-cong;ZHANG Qian;and FU Yin-yin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1429-1436.
  • Abstract ( 2324 ) HTML ( 2672 ) PDF (441KB) ( 2672 )    
  • To investigate the DNA methylated modification levels,patterns and sites of the Ginkgo biloba at the genome-wide level,the double digestion of EcoRⅠand HpaⅡ/MspⅠwas used to construct the Ginkgo biloba genomic MSAP(methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism,MSAP)analysis system. By using 16 pairs of selective primers from the 54 pairs of MSAP selective primers,a total of 454 legible and repeatable amplified DNA bands were detected,on average 28.38 bands were observed after amplification with each primer pair. Two-hundred DNA methylated sites were detected among all the amplificated sites,which represented 44% ratio of methylated modification at CCGG/GGCC sites in Ginkgo biloba genome. Eighteen methylated DNA sequences were isolated and sequenced by extracting part of the amplificated sites. BLASTn comparison indicated that the DNA methylated modification phenomenon was existed in multiple types of DNA sequences,including repeated sequences,transcription regulators,retrotransposons,channel protein,promoter-binding protein,protein kinase,etc.
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  • Screen and Identification of Pollen γ-thionin Interacting with Style S-RNase in Apple
  • SUN Hui-ling;MENG Dong;BAI Song-ling;HU Jian-fang;and LI Tian-zhong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1437-446.
  • Abstract ( 1890 ) HTML ( 2196 ) PDF (523KB) ( 2196 )    
  • Yeast pGADT7-cDNA library was successfully constructed for apple‘Ralls Janet’pollen,with a transformation efficiency up to 1.2 × 106 . μg-1 and being inserted by sequences of 300–2 000 bp in size. Through yeast two-hybrid(Y2H)assay,one cDNA of 505 bp in size was screened from the library by C2HVC3 domain of apple S2-RNase as bait. The cDNA was predicted to contain one complete ORF of 216 bp in size,coding an peptide with a signal peptide on its N terminal. The deduced mature peptide was designated apple γ-thionin MdD1 for that it contained both 8 cysteines and γ-thionin motif on its C terminal,was rich in Lys and Arg with positive charge. Structure prediction revealed one α-helix,three β-sheets and four disulfide bones. RT-PCR showed that the gene MdD1 preferentially expressed in anther,though also expressed in other tissues such as leaf,sepal,petal,ovary and style of apple‘Ralls Janet’. Y2H assay showed that MdD1 interacted with S-RNase nonspecifically,because it not only interacted with apple S2-RNase-C2HVC3,but also with S1-RNase-C2HVC3,mature peptide of S1-RNase and S2-RNase. All these results taken together suggest that apple γ-thionin MdD1 may be involved in SI as a pollen non-S factor interacting with S-RNase nonspecifically.
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  • Megasporogenesis,Microsporogenesis and Development of Gametophytes of Pistacia vera
  • LI Xu-xin;BAI Zhi-ying;LU Bing-she;PANG Man;WANG Jie;FENG Xian-bin;and DONG Qian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1447-1454.
  • Abstract ( 2438 ) HTML ( 2172 ) PDF (1236KB) ( 2172 )    
  • The microsporogenesis,megasporogenesis,and development of the male and female gametophytes of pistachio were observed by paraffin section technique to test whether there is any obstacle of reproduction in the process of sexual reproduction. The results showed:(1)The wall of anther consists of epidermis,endothecium,middle layers and tapetum from out to inside,tapetum cell is of glandular tapetum.(2)Cytokinesis during meiosis of the microspore mother cell was simultaneous type,and tetrads were isobilateral.(3)Mature pollen grain was 2-cell type with three germ pores.(4)There is an ovary that contains one ovule,ovules occur at the base of ovary. The ovule was anatropous,bitegmic and crassinucellate. The development of embryo sacs belonged to polygonum type.(5)Some of female gametophyte was abnormal.
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  • Studies on Gynogenesis by Means of Culture in Vitro of Unfertilized Ovary of Strawberry
  • WANG Wen-he;WU Lu-ping;ZHAO Yu-ping;and WANG Chao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1455-1461.
  • Abstract ( 2266 ) HTML ( 1363 ) PDF (440KB) ( 1363 )    
  • The Neoregelia type strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)‘Mingxu’were used to induce gynogenesis by means of the suitable culture in vitro of unfertilized ovary. Three methods were employed to prepare sections during the growth period. Ehrlich hematoxylin intact staining-paraffin method,intact staining-holly oil cleaning-paraffin method and dissection-intact cleaning method. The embryological studies on unfertilized ovaries of strawberry cultured in vitro showed that the gynogenesis had three different phenomena.(1)Egg cell started to divide into proembryo,which is egg cell parthenogenesis.(2)Some antipodal cells started to divide into cell group occasionally,but the further developing of the cell group was unclear and difficultly formed into embryo. Moreover the apogamic of synergid was not observed additionally.(3)Polar nucleus individually divided into a few endosperm like free nuclei or the structure of free nuclei group. The in vitro embryos could be classified into three types,the typical embryo,the embryo with abnormal cells,and the callusized embryo. All the above embryos derived from the parthenogenesis of egg cells. The development of typical embryo from culture in vitro was similar to the normal embryo of the plant. The gynogenic plants primarily developed from the typical embryo. Embryos with abnormal cells and embryos with callus tissue are hard to develop into embryo sac plants.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of MADS box Gene in Sweet Cherry(Prunus avium)
  • LIN Miao-miao;ZHAO Chang-zhu;JIANG Jian-fu;GU Hong;CHEN Jin-yong;and FANG Jin-bao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1462-1468.
  • Abstract ( 1770 ) HTML ( 1370 ) PDF (536KB) ( 1370 )    
  • A MADS box gene was isolated from the floral bud of sweet cherry(Prunus avium L.‘Lapins’)by using RT-PCR and RACE approaches,the gene was named PaMADS3(The accession number in GenBank:HQ229605). The full length cDNA of PaMADS3 is 1 095 bp,with an ORF of 723 bp encoding 240 putative amino acid residues. Sequence analysis indicated that PaMADS3 shared highly homology with Arabidopsis SEP gene. Tissue specific analysis showed that PaMADS3 expressed in petal,stamen,and carpel. Real-time RT-PCR revealed that when the shoots were treated with 15 ℃ and 25 ℃,respectively,the expression of PaMADS3 was increased in carpel under the temperature of 25 ℃.  expression
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  • cDNA Cloning and Characterization of a Eggplant Peptide Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase(SmMsrA)
  • ZHANG Ying;CHEN Yu-hui;ZHANG Zhen-xian;FANG Zhi-yuan;LIAN Yong;and LIU Fu-zhong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1469-1478.
  • Abstract ( 1942 ) HTML ( 1342 ) PDF (1291KB) ( 1342 )    
  • Using parthenocarpic fruit of eggplant(Solanum melongena)harvested seven days after anthesis from line D-10 as material,based on the EST Z569 from eggplant parthenocarpic suppression subtractive hybridization library,a full cDNA(934 bp)was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends(RACE). The cloned gene was Methionine sulfoxide reductase A(MsrA)gene(SmMsrA),containing an open reading frame(600 bp)and encoding a protein of 199 amino acids. The predicted protein was a member of the peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase(PMSR)superfamily,and contained a conserved sequence GCFWG. The tertiary structure of SmMsrA was similar to the poplar MsrA model(2j89)with a similarity of 67%. Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic tree analyses showed that SmMsrA had the highest similarity(92%)with the tomato MsrA(accession number P54153). The expression of SmMsrA was determined by real-time quantitative RT-PCR during the fruit development of line D-10(parthenocarpic fruits and seeded fruits)and line 03-2(unparthenocarpic fruits and seeded fruits). The result showed that the SmMsrA gene was expressed throughout eggplant fruit development in different cultivars,and in parthenocarpic ovaries the highest expression was at anthesis day and under suboptimal temperatures.
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  • Studies on the Construction of S Domain of SRK and SCR Gene’s Yeast Expression Vectors and Their Interaction in Yeast Two-hybrid System
  • PENG Yi-bo;ZHU Li-quan;YANG Hong;XUE Li-yan;LUO Bing;WU Zhi-gang;HUANG Dan;YANG Kun;GAO Qi-guo;LI Cheng-qiong;REN Xue-song;and WANG Xiao-jia;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1479-1488.
  • Abstract ( 1742 ) HTML ( 1641 ) PDF (773KB) ( 1641 )    
  • For further study on the interaction of SRK-SCR and between these two determinant factors,Brassica oleracea with high self-incompatibility was used as research materials to construct a group of pGADT7-eSRKs and pGBKT7-SCRs recombinant vectors that were subsequently transformed accordingly into Y187 and Y2HGold yeast. The interaction between these two recombinant plasmids transformed into the yeasts were tested by SD/-Ade-His-Trp-Leu fungal colony formation of plates,PCR and x-α-gal color reactions. The results showed that there existed two kinds of interactions among all interaction assays,which preliminary indicated that their interaction region span 16–421 bp fragment of the first exon of SRK and 1 876–2 068 bp fragment of SCR. These results reconfirm the SRK-SCR interaction,adding some insights into the mechanism of selt incompatibility in Brassica.
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  • Effects of Different Ratios of NO3- -N︰NH4+ -N on Black Sesame Spot in Chinese Cabbage
  • GUO Ying;YANG Xiao-yun;SI Chao-guang;ZHANG Shu-xia;ZHANG Qing-xia;and WANG Yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1489-1497.
  • Abstract ( 1880 ) HTML ( 1207 ) PDF (357KB) ( 1207 )    
  • Chinese cabbage line 03B9 with high sensitivity to Black sesame spot were used as material to investigate the effects of (NH4)2SO4,NH4Cl,NH4NO3,urea,Ca(NO3)2 and KNO3 on Black sesame spot in Chinese cabbage. 03B9 and P8-2 with high sensitivity,C24 and P8-1 with high resistance to Black sesame spot were selected as materials,in hydroponic culture to study the effects of different NO3- -N︰NH4+ -N ratios(3︰7,5︰5,7︰3)with a total nitrogen concentration of 25 mmol · L-1 on nitrogen metabolism and antioxidant system. The determination indicators included activities of nitrate reductase (NR),glutamine synthetase(GS),glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH),polyphenoloxidase(PPO),the electric conductivity,and contents of nitrate nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen,malondialdehyde(MDA)and polyphenol. The results showed that ammonium nitrogen affected the occurrence of Black sesame spots more seriously than nitrate nitrogen and different NO3- -N︰NH4+ -N ratios affected the number of Black sesame spots. With the elevation of ammonium nitrogen ratio,the number of Black sesame spots in lines 03B9 and P8-2 increased more seriously than that in lines C24 and P8-1. In lines 03B9 and P8-2,the activity of PPO,electric conductivity,content of ammonium nitrogen and MDA increased,while the activity of NR and content of phenolics decreased. In lines C24 and P8-1,the activity of GDH and content of phenolics increased,while the activity of PPO,electric conductivity and content of MDA did not change significantly. It was presumed that in the high sensitive lines of Chinese cabbage,the increasing of the proportion of ammonium nitrogen influenced the activities of enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism,and then excessive ammonium nitrogen accumulated in plants,thus caused the injury of cell membrane. When contacted with PPO in cytoplasm phenolic compounds in vacuole were oxidized to quinone substances,and caused browning on the surface of petiole showing symptom of Black sesame spots. This research laid the foundation for further study on the mechanism of Black sesame spot in Chinese cabbage.  
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Ornamental Plants

  • Genetic Relationship of Some Lilium Species and Cultivars Based on SRAP Marker
  • SUN Ming-wei;YUAN Su-xia;XU You-ming;LIU Chun;and MING Jun;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1498-1506.
  • Abstract ( 1686 ) HTML ( 1900 ) PDF (584KB) ( 1900 )    
  • The genetic relationship of 80 Lilium species and cultivars was investigated at DNA level with SRAP(Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism)marker. Fifteen polymorphic SRAP primers including 144 polymorphic loci were selected and hybrid embryo numbers was used to perform genetic structure analysis by Pritchard method. The total materials mentioned above were clustered into four main groups(gene pools) representing Asiatic hybrids and some wild species(S1),Longiflorum hybrids(S2),Oriental hybrids and others wild species(S3),and Oriental × Trumpet hybrids(OT)and another wild species(S4),which was consistent with the result of hybrids classification methods. Furthermore,genetic structure analysis revealed the pedigree between individuals better than traditional methods,and clarified the genetic relationship among species or cultivars. In addition,some cultivars from S3 groups as parents were used to hybridize,and significant correlations between the zygotic embryo numbers per 30 flower buds obtained from each cross combination as one of the indexes in crossing compatibility and absolute value of difference between female parent and male parent in main estimated membership coefficients was revealed. This research will be useful to select parents in lily breeding.
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Research Notes

  • Effects of Bagging on Browning Spot Incidence and Content of Different Forms of Calcium in‘Huangguan’Pear Fruits
  • WANG Ying-tao;LI Xiao;LI Yong;LI Liu-lin;and ZhANG Shao-ling;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1507-1514.
  • Abstract ( 1965 ) HTML ( 1404 ) PDF (242KB) ( 1404 )    
  • In order to further explore the relation between browning spot incidence on fruit peel of ‘Huangguan’pear and calcium nutrition,Ca compounds in‘Huangguan’pear fruit were gradually extracted and determined under investigation of browning spot. The results showed that browning spot incidence on fruit peel of three-layer bagged mature fruit was 22.5%,and the rate of non-bagged mature fruit was 1.5%. There were no significant differences in the contents of calcium in total and different forms in fruit with different bagging treatment before the stage of enlargement. However,from the stage of fruit enlargement till mature,contents of total calcium,water-soluble calcium,NaCl soluble calcium and acerate calcium were significant lower,while the content of hydrochloric soluble calcium was significant higher in three-layer bagged fruit than that in non-bagged fruit. In the later stage of fruit development,water-soluble calcium in non-bagged mature fruit was dominated,accounting for 45.6% of total calcium,however,instead of water-soluble calcium,hydrochloric soluble calcium was dominated and accounted for 47.7% of total calcium in three-layer bagged mature fruit. Through multiple stepwise regression analysis and path analysis,it was found that water soluble calcium,NaCl soluble calcium and acetate soluble calcium had significant negative correlation with browning spot incidence,among which negative effect of NaCl soluble calcium was the largest. HCl soluble calcium had significant positive correlation,and total calcium had not significant effect on browning spot incidence.
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  • Effects of Exogenous ALA on Thinning and Fruit Quality in‘Hosui’Pear(Pyrus pyrifolia)
  • SHEN Ming;DUAN Chun-hui;ZHANG Zhi-ping;CHENG Yun;WANG Liang-ju;and LI Bai-jian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1515-1522.
  • Abstract ( 1914 ) HTML ( 1548 ) PDF (921KB) ( 1548 )    
  • Spraying with exogenous 5-aminolevulinic acid(ALA)in high concentrations(600,900 and 1 200 mg · L-1)at the late of full blooming could significantly thin flowers of pear(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai.‘Hosui’),and then promote fruit weight and quality at harvest. High concentrations of ALA treatment significantly reduced the stigma fertilizability of pear but increased the production rate of superoxide anion of floral organ,meanwhile,the activities of SOD and CAT were decreased greatly. In vitro,high concentrations of ALA inhibited pollen germination. Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence showed that although the ALA solution was applied at blooming,leaf photosynthesis was obviously promoted in at least three months.
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  • Research of Antioxidants and Active Oxygen Metabolism During‘Toyonaka’Strawberry Fruit Ripening
  • LUO Ya and TANG Hao-ru
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1523-1530.
  • Abstract ( 1895 ) HTML ( 1667 ) PDF (693KB) ( 1667 )    
  • Fruits of strawberry(Fragaria × ananassa‘Toyonaka’)were used to investigate the changes of reactive oxygen and antioxidants during strawberry fruit ripening. The results showed that the production rate of superoxide anion()increased gradually,the activities of catalase(CAT)and ascorbate peroxidase(APX),and the contents of vitamin E,total polyphenol and total flavonoids decreased significantly during strawberry fruit ripening,which is the main cause of accumulation of reactive oxygen and MDA content. Meanwhile,the main antioxidant of strawberry fruit were vitamin E,total phenols and flavonoid,which were correlated with the antioxidant capacity closely and played an important role to inhibit the production of and H2O2,but not the anthocyanins and ascorbate acid.
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  • Cherry Germplasm from Guizhou Province Analyzed by ISSR Markers
  • SONG Chang-mei;WEN Xiao-peng;and YANG Er-tai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1531-1538.
  • Abstract ( 2207 ) HTML ( 1595 ) PDF (468KB) ( 1595 )    
  • Sixty-four cherry(Prunus pseudocerasus L.)accessions from Guizhou Province,as well as the cultivar Black Pearl,were analyzed by ISSR markers. A total of 228 markers were scored from the 21 primers,which were screened out from 90 primers and demonstrated highly reproducible,clear and polymorphic bands. Among the obtained markers,199 were polymorphic,accounting for 87.28% of the total. Analyzed by NTSYS2.01,the genetic similarity coefficient among the accessions ranged from 0.49 to 0.90,reflecting the high genetic diversity of cherry germplasms in Guizhou Province. The UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated that the accessions from Bijie,Zunyi and Qiannan areas were genetically more diversified. In particular the accessions from Bijie exhibited the highest degree of diversity in fruit quality,which may be used as elite materials for further genetic improvement in this species.
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  • Studies on the Development of Microspores in Carrot Isolated Microspore Culture
  • LI Jin-rong;OU Cheng-gang;ZHUANG Fei-yun;ZHAO Zhi-wei;HU Hong;and MAO Ji-hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1539-1546.
  • Abstract ( 2350 ) HTML ( 1416 ) PDF (582KB) ( 1416 )    
  • The differences about the development of embryoids and calli arising from microspores were investigated in isolated microspore culture with eleven carrot accessions. After cultured about 92 days,five accessions began to form embryoids or calli. 70198 and 80Q54 produced both,the productions of embryoids were 10.56 and 7.00 per dish,and the productions of calli were 3.56 and 8.38 per dish,respectively. 90234 only produced embryoids,and the production was 6.75 per dish. 70Q78 and 80Q52 only formed calli,and the productions were 3.00 and 1.00 per dish,respectively. Microspores with thin wall,size elongating 1.5–4.0 folds,and large vacuole would develop into embryoids. Firstly they latitude split,arranged in series and connected tightly each other. While the microspores expanding like globe shape,splitting and connecting loosely would grow up to calli. The ploidy level of 137 regenerated plants from 70198,70Q78 and 80Q54 were detected using flow cytometry,and 68.6% were haploid,29.9% double haploid,and 1.5% triploid.
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  • Comparison of Testa Development in Normal and Hull-less Strains of Cucurbita pepo
  • QU Shu-ping;QIN Jun-fen;JIN Nan-nan;GUI Ming-zhu;and CUI Chong-shi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1547-1552.
  • Abstract ( 1696 ) HTML ( 1497 ) PDF (687KB) ( 1497 )    
  • Pumpkin normal strain‘Jinhui 2’(Cucurbita pepo L.)and hull-less mutant strain‘0516-2’were used to determine the difference of the testa development using paraffin section method. The results showed that both normal and hull-less mutant seeds developed a five-zoned testa after 10 days post-pollination. The development course of testa was different between normal and hull-less mutant seeds after 15 days post-pollination. The cell layers of hypodermal were increased in normal strain and the color of that stained. The cell walls of sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissue were thickened,strained. When the seeds were maturity,these tissues became hard and leathery hull. On the contrary,the cell walls of sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissue were not thickened in hull-less mutant strain,the cell of tissue were collapsed and formed a thin testa.
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  • Selection and Identification of the SAT-chromosome Primary Trisomic of Flowering Chinese Cabbage
  • SHEN Er-qiao;ZHANG Cheng-he;LI Xiao-feng;XUAN Shu-xin;and SHEN Shu-xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1553-1556.
  • Abstract ( 1730 ) HTML ( 1190 ) PDF (266KB) ( 1190 )    
  • The flowering Chinese cabbage cultivar‘Qinglu Caixin’was used for the satellite-chromosometrisomic(SAT-trisomic)selection by karyotype analysis and morphological identification from the backcross progeny of triploid(2n = 3x = 30)× diploid parent(2n = 2x = 20). The results showed that one SAT-trisomic was obtained from the 374 progeny identified by chromosome examination and karyotype analysis. Development of the SAT-trisomic was almost normal,but its stigma was above the stamen. Transmission rate of the extra SAT-chromosome was 6.04% by female gametes and 3.20% by male gametes.
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  • QTL Mapping for Flowering Duration Stage of Chrysanthemum
  • ZHANG Fei;CHEN Fa-di;FANG Wei-min;CHEN Su-mei;ZHANG Xian-yan;and YIN Dong-mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1557-1564.
  • Abstract ( 1949 ) HTML ( 2207 ) PDF (227KB) ( 2207 )    
  • In this study,flowering duration stage of chrysanthemum were evaluated in 2008 and 2009,and QTL analysis was undertaken for this trait based on the two-year phenotypic data in 142 F1 mapping population derived from a cross between chrysanthemum cultivars of‘Yuhualuoying’and ‘Aoyunhanxiao’and their SRAP-based genetic linkage maps presently published. The QTL analysis based on the single-year data of 2008 and 2009 with Win QTL Cartographer v2.5 and composite interval mapping method indicated that 3 additive QTL were detected in 2008 but none in 2009. The three additive QTL scattered on linkage group Y20 and A42 of‘Yuhualuoying’map and A14 of‘Aoyunhanxiao’map,with a LOD value of 2.65–3.44 and contribution ratio for phenotypic variation ranging from 6.54% to 11.58% for each QTL. The QTL joint analysis based on the two-year phenotypic data of 2008 and 2009 with QTLNetwork v2.2 suggested that 2 additive-additive epsitatic QTL were mapped,with the similar contribution ratio and effect value to additive QTL detected by Win QTL Cartographer v2.5. In addition,there was interaction between the 2 epistatic QTL and environment.
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  • Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Flowering and Endogenous Hormones of Rhododendron hybridum
  • WU Yue-yan;LI Bo;ZHU Ping;and HU Hua-yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1565-1571.
  • Abstract ( 2252 ) HTML ( 2332 ) PDF (279KB) ( 2332 )    
  • Rhododendron hybridum was chosen as subjects and treated by different concentration of gibberellin(GA3),paclobutrazol(PP333),and dami-nozide(B9). Their flower buds formation was observed and the concentration of endogenous hormones,i. e. zeatin(ZT),gibberellin(GA3),3-indole acetic acid(IAA)and abscisic acid(ABA)in the buds were detected. Experiment results showed that GA3 had a significant promotion of the plant’s florescence,while PP333 and B9 delayed the florescence and B9 increased its tidiness substantially. External GA3 treatment stimulated the endogenous GA3,reduced the concentration of IAA and ABA,and increased ZT concentration followed by a decrease of ZT. Both B9 and PP333 could reduce the concentration of GA3,ZT and IAA while increase ABA concentration. The results indicated that the flowering period can be promoted by high concentration of ZT and GA3 and low concentration of ABA during flower bud shape differentiation.
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  • Desiccation Tolerance of Livistona chinensis Seeds and Effect of Desiccation on Peroxidation of Their Membrane Lipid
  • LI Peng;TANG An-jun;LIU Jian-ping;and LUO An-cai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1572-1578.
  • Abstract ( 1845 ) HTML ( 1275 ) PDF (262KB) ( 1275 )    
  • The paper focused on the effects of desiccation on viability and membrane lipid peroxidation(MLP)in seeds of Livistona chinensis. Seed germination percentage declined to 15% when moisture content was reduced to 12%,and then completely lost at 8% of water content,which suggested that Livistona chinensis seeds were desiccation-sensitive seeds,ranked as recalcitrant. In the process of dehydration,the germination percentage,germination strength and germination index of seeds were gradually decreased. The electrical conductivity,malondialdehyde(MDA)and proline contents were progressively increased,which was caused by increased enhanced MLP. Superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity increased to the maximal value at 22% of seed moisture content,then declined rapidly with further water loss. However,catalase(CAT)activity generally increased during desiccation. Activities of peroxidase(POD)and ascorbate peroxidase(APX)activity initially increased and reached the maximal value at 17% of moisture content,and then declined with further desiccation. These results indicated that decrease in seed viability and activities of antioxidant enzymes occurred,as a result of both MLP and severe desiccation.
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  • Analysis of Interspecific Relationships in Lycoris Herb. Based on trnH-psbA Sequence
  • QUAN Miao-hua;;OU Li-jun;;SHE Chao-wen;;CHEN Dong-ming;;and YE Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1589-1594.
  • Abstract ( 1701 ) HTML ( 2130 ) PDF (313KB) ( 2130 )    
  • The interspecific relationship of 16 species(including 1 variation)in Lycoris was analyzed using trnH-psbA sequences. The results showed that the length of trnH-psbA sequences of the species was 546–641 bp,GC content of them was 35.86%–36.41%. There were 14 variable sites and 5 information sites,which could be used to identify some species of Lycoris. The clustering showed that Lycoris could be classified into 3 clades. The classification was basically consistent with that of morphology except for L. chinensis,L. rosea and L. aurea. This paper suggested that trnH-psbA could be used as a good molecular marker to identify or classify plants of Lycoris.
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  • Studies on Polyploid Induction of Caragana intermedia by Colchicine
  • SHEN He-xi;LIANG Guo-lu;HAN Su-ying;and QI Li-wang;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1595-1600.
  • Abstract ( 1703 ) HTML ( 1847 ) PDF (309KB) ( 1847 )    
  • Caragana intermedia were treated with different concentrations of colchicine solution at different stages in order to figure out the best inducing method and obtain polyploids. The results indicated that the mutation rate of seeds was 53.3% with the treatment of 0.3% colchicines for 48 h,while for sprouting seeds immersed in 0.15% colchicines for 36 h,the mutation rate was 73.3%. Chromosome observation found that the chromosome number of mutated plants was 2n = 4x = 32(tetraploid)and 2n = 3x = 24(triploid),while that of the control plants was 2n = 2x = 16. The chimera was also found among treatment plants. A few polyploid seedlings were obtained in this study,this will provide the good base for Caragana polyploid breeding.
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Technologies and Methods

  • Differentiation of Microsatellites in Pear by High Resolution Melting(HRM)Analysis
  • YIN Hao;WANG Cai-hong;TIAN Yi-ke;LI Jie-fa;WANG Ran;and DAI Hong-yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1601-1606.
  • Abstract ( 1972 ) HTML ( 2344 ) PDF (525KB) ( 2344 )    
  • The polymorphism of four microsatellites(i. e. SSRs)originated from pear or apple genome,respectively,were tested by high resolution melting(HRM)in the F1 progenies produced by crossing a dwarf seedling of the European pear(Pyrus communis L.)cultivar‘Nain Vert’with‘Chili’(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.). The results revealed that there were two genotypes for each of TsuENH042 and Hi15a13,three genotypes for TsuENH081 and one genotype for Hi08d09 in the testing population. The results indicated that HRM technique can be used as an effective methodology in fruits researches for polymorphism detecting or genotype differentiation of microsatellites.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Citrus Cultivar‘Jinkui Miju’Tangerine
  • ZHOU Bi-rong;YI Gan-jun;ZHOU Cheng-an;ZHENG Run-tian;ZHONG Yun;YUAN Xian;ZENG Ji-wu;ZHENG Gui-fang;JIANG Bo;HUANG Hai-ying;JI Qian-hua;and CHEN Yun-hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1607-1608.
  • Abstract ( 2482 ) HTML ( 1274 ) PDF (179KB) ( 1274 )    
  • ‘Jinkui Miju’tangerine is a chance mutation selected from Shatangju tangerine,in Fogang County,Guangdong Province. It grows vigously. The fruit is globose. The average fruit weight is 39.7 g. The peel is thin,orange-red. The pulp is crisp and tender. TSS 15.50%–16.19%,total acid 0.46%–0.89%,total sugar 11.60%–14.87%,vitamin C 0.379–0.465 mg · mL-1. It matures about 15 days earlier than Shatangju. It is suitable to be planted in Shangtangju cultivation area,Guangdong Province.
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  • A New Rosa roxburghii Cultivar‘Guinong 5’
  • FAN Wei-guo;;XIANG Xian-heng;AN Hua-ming;and LIU Jin-ping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1609-1610.
  • Abstract ( 4317 ) HTML ( 1526 ) PDF (184KB) ( 1526 )    
  • ‘Guinong 5’is a new Rosa roxburghii cultivar which selected from a good plant clons of wild Rosa roxburghii in Guizhou. The fruit is oblate with soft prickle,olden yellow. The average fruit weight is 18.5 g. The largest fruit weight is 25 g. The fruit juice out of rat and soluble solids content are 68% and 13%,respectively. The vitamin C content is 21.85–22.54 mg · g-1 in fresh pulp. The fruit matured in middle late August in the mid-area of Guizhou Province. It has excellent adaptability,resistance to disease and high yield.
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  • A New Early Ripening Hybrid Tomato‘Aihongbao’
  • WANG Yong-zhen and ZHANG Jian-guo
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1611-1612.
  • Abstract ( 1937 ) HTML ( 1054 ) PDF (151KB) ( 1054 )    
  • ‘Aihongbao’is a new hybrid tomato which was developed by crossing‘W04-78’as a female parent with‘H03-12’as a male parent. It is early ripening and determinate growth type with strong growing vigor,dark green leaves,medium resistance to ToMV,resistance to leafmol and complex resistance to some main diseases. Its fruit in mature is subglobose,slick,bright red,and less deformed. It has good quality,good marketability,long storability. Single fruit weight ranges from 200 to 300 g. The marketable yield is more than 72 t · hm-2. It is suitable for open fields and greenhouses in Shanxi Province.
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  • A New Chinese Cabbage Cultivar‘Jienong 4’
  • YANG Pei-xin;XU Hai-tian;and ZHENG Yi-xiong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1615-1616.
  • Abstract ( 2089 ) HTML ( 1040 ) PDF (170KB) ( 1040 )    
  • ‘Jienong 4’which is selected by systematic breeding is a new mid-early maturing variety of Chinese cabbage with high yield,good quality,strong winterness and disease resistance. The plant has vigorous growth,compact plant type. The height is 27.7 cm. The leaves are green and oval,with 26.6 cm in length and 16.7 cm in width. The weight per edible plant is 80.0 g. It showed high disease(such as virus disease,soft rot disease and leaf spot disease)resistance and cold tolerance. It is suitable for planting in the Chinese cabbage producing areas of Guangdong Province in winter and spring.
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  • A New Chinese Kale Cultivar‘Qiusheng Jielan’
  • LI Gui-hua;CHEN Han-cai;ZHANG Yan;and SONG Zhao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1617-1618.
  • Abstract ( 1827 ) HTML ( 1648 ) PDF (158KB) ( 1648 )    
  • ‘Qiusheng Jielan’Chinese kale is a middle-early maturing cultivar which crossed by self-incompatibility system. It has good quality. The leaves are round,20 cm in length and 21 cm in width. Main sprouts are 15 cm long,2.2 cm to 2.8 cm in thick. The single sprout weight is 120–180 g.‘Qiusheng Jielan’showed waterlogging tolerance,strong disease resistance and adaptability. It is suitable for producing in Guangzhou area in August to late November.
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  • A New Welsh Onion Cultivar‘Anshu Tieganwang’
  • WANG Guang-yin;CHANG Fa-ping;ZHANG Xue-jiang;LI Shu-hong;and ZHANG Guang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1619-1620.
  • Abstract ( 1990 ) HTML ( 1096 ) PDF (173KB) ( 1096 )    
  • ‘Anshu Tieganwang’is a new cultivar of welsh onion which is bred by systematic directional selection for years. The plant height is 130–140 cm. Its cauloid is about 60–65 cm long and 3.0–5.0 cm in diameter. Single plant mass is 500 g and its yield can reach 75–79 t · hm-2. It is very suitable for fresh-consuming and good for storability. The rate of dry welsh onion is 85.5% after 85 days winter storage. It is not only resistant to welsh onion downy mildew and welsh onion Alternaria leaf spot,but also resistant to lodging. It is suitable for planting in the northern China.
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  • A New Flammulina velutipes Hybrid‘Jinzhengu G1’
  • XU Zhen;SHANG Xiao-dong;and TAN Qi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1621-1622.
  • Abstract ( 2017 ) HTML ( 1527 ) PDF (156KB) ( 1527 )    
  • The spore isolation method,muti-spore self-breeding and monokaryons cross-breeding were taken in the experiment. Two Flammulina velutipes strains,F3 and FM,were selected as the parental strains. A new hybrid,‘Jinzhengu G1’,was selected among those 230 hybrids offspring strains through multi-year trails. Cultural test showed that‘Jinzhengu G1’was superior to F3 in color,lid shape and yield,to FM in cultivation period and resistance. The new cultivar has excellent characteristics such as good quality,short cultivation period,high yield and wide adaptability.
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  • A New Hemerocallis Cultivar‘Xuanjing’
  • CHEN Zhong;LI Yan;ZHOU Yi-liang;DONG Yan-long;YANG Long;HUANG Ying;SHEN Dong-sheng;WANG Hong-cheng;and ZHEN Can-fu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1623-1624.
  • Abstract ( 1868 ) HTML ( 1219 ) PDF (187KB) ( 1219 )    
  • ‘Xuanjing’is a new hemerocallis cultivar with full double edge. The average height of plants is 87.5 cm. It has large and thick leaves,single golden flower and strong growth potential. The petal number range from 8 to 12. It’s flower diameter is 10.2–11.9 cm,flowering period from July to August. The cultivar has strong resistance and high ornamental value. It is with low seed-setting.
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  • A New Acer palmatum Cultivar‘Jinling Huangfeng’
  • LI Qian-zhong;LI Shu-shun;RONG Li-ping;and TANG Ling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2011, 38(8): 1627-1628.
  • Abstract ( 1726 ) HTML ( 1321 ) PDF (191KB) ( 1321 )    
  • ‘Jinling Huangfeng’is a new colored-leaf cultivar which is selected from the progeny of Acer palmatum. Leaf color is golden during the vigorous growth period. The plant grows robustly with extensive adaptability and strong disease resistance. It can be planted for landscape greening in the Yangtze River basin with high temperature and relative humidity,especially in Jiangsu Province and surrounding areas.
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