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2014, Vol.41, No.11 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Cloning and Function Analysis of Part of PGIP Gene Family Member Promoters from Apple
  • FU Cong-Hui, WANG Jian-Ping, ZHANG , CHONG , MA Feng-Wang, ZHANG Jun-Ke
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2169-2178.
  • Abstract ( 455 ) HTML ( 1049 ) PDF (384KB) ( 1049 )    
  • Primers were designed according to the published sequence of the apple genome and two PGIP gene promoters of Malus× domestica Borkh.‘Qinguan’and‘Pacific Rose’were cloned. PGIP1 were 71% homology with PGIP2 gene promoters in both apple cultivar;Both PGIP1 and PGIP2 gene promoters of‘Qinguan’and‘Pacific Rose’shared a sequence identity of 99%. PGIP1 promoters had more TATA-box and CAAT-box than that of PGIP2 promoters,and PGIP1 gene promoters contained methyl jasmonate-responsive elements,while PGIP2 gene promoters owed salicylic acid responsive elements. It’s speculated that there are different disease response pathways of PGIP1 and PGIP2. PGIP promoter activity were evaluated by promoter︰︰GUS fusion expression in transgenic tobacco leaves and the results showed that the PGIP1 promoters activity was not significant between cultivars while PGIP2 promoter of‘Qinguan’was higher than that of‘Pacific Rose’,and the former’s activity was 2.37 folds of the latter,which was probably related to the resistance difference. In the same apple cultivar,PGIP1 gene promoters’activities were significantly higher than that of PGIP2.
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  • Correlation Analysis of Leaf Mineral Nutrients with Fruit Quality in‘Fuji’Apple in the Loess Plateau
  • ZHANG Dong, ZHAO Juan, HAN Ming-Yu, GAO Chen-Xi, LUO Wen-Wen, ZHENG Li-Wei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2179-2187.
  • Abstract ( 595 ) HTML ( 940 ) PDF (276KB) ( 940 )    
  • The objective of this experiment is to find out the effects of leaf nutrients on fruit quality in‘Fuji’apple. The leaf mineral nutrients and fruit quality were surveyed at 108‘Fuji’orchards in Loess Plateau during 2012 and 2013. The methods of canonical correlation analysis were applied to screen the major leaf nutrient elements affecting fruit quality,obtain optimum proposal of leaf nutrient elements for good apple qualities,and point out the existing problems in leaf nutrients. The results showed that thewhole apple quality in Loess Plateau was fine,but the fruit firmness was relatively low,the variation of titratable acid was slightly larger. The mass per fruit was influenced by leaf mineral nutrients K,P,Mg,Fe,Ca and K > P > Mg > Fe > Ca;Fruit firmness was affected by leaf mineral nutrients Mg,K,P,Ca,Fe and Mg > K > P > Ca > Fe,soluble solids was affected by leaf mineral nutrients Mg,K,P,Zn,Ca and Mg > K > P > Zn > Ca,titratable acid was influenced by leaf mineral nutrients Mg,K,N,Zn and Mg > K > N > Zn,the order of fruit shape index affected by leaf mineral nutrients was Mg > K > P > Fe > Ca. The optimum proposals for leaf nutrient elements content of high quality apple were:21.5–26.6 g ? kg-1,1.18–1.86 g ? kg-1,5.5–11.6 g ? kg-1,13.6–26.1 g ? kg-1,4.8 g ? kg-1,15.0–75.0 mg ? kg-1,100.0–180.0 mg ? kg-1 of total N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Zn and Fe,respectively. And mass per fruit,fruit firmness,soluble solids,titratable acid and fruit shape index will achieve 382.5 g,8.59 kg ? cm-2,19.11%,0.157% and 0.93. In the investigated orchards, total P,K,Ca,Fe content are higher,the total N and total Zn content are relatively appropriate. In addition,leaf nutrient content is higher in the whole investigated orchards. In order to manage tree nutrients in the future,it is a key point to fertilize reasonablely,balance tree nutrients and prevent vigorous growth.
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  • Effects of Overexpressing Pingyi Tiancha MhSnRK1 on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Tomato
  • WANG Gui-Fang, PENG Fu-Tian-*, ZHANG Ya-Fei, DANG Zhu-Qing, WANG Na-Na
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2188-2195.
  • Abstract ( 519 ) HTML ( 768 ) PDF (292KB) ( 768 )    
  • MhSnRK1-overexpressing tomato(O-7)and wild type tomato were used to investigate the function of MhSnRK1 on carbohydrate metabolism. The results showed that ten genes in photosynthesis pathway were differentially expressed between MhSnRK1-overexpressing line and wild type,among which seven genes were up-regulated in MhSnRK1-overexpressing line through digital gene expression(DGE)analysis. Compared with wild type tomato,the average photosynthetic rates increased by 20.3% in mature leaves of MhSnRK1-overexpressing tomato. SnRK1 activities in young and mature leaves increased respectively by 20.6% and 25.0% of MhSnRK1-overexpressing tomato. The soluble sugar contents in young leaves and in mature leaves increased by 57.7% and 27.0% respectively. In young leaves of MhSnRK1-overexpressing tomato SnRK1 activity was obviously higher than that in mature leaves. Thestarch contents were nearly doubled in young leaves of MhSnRK1-overexpressing tomato,while there was no obvious difference in starch content between these leaves of the wild type. After trehalose treatments,the photosynthetic rates decreased in mature leaves of MhSnRK1-overexpressing and wild type tomato and wild type tomato decreased more. SnRK1 activities in young and mature leaves of MhSnRK1-over- expressing and wild type tomato both decreased,while MhSnRK1-overexpressing line was still higher than wild type tomato.
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  • Prediction,Evolution and Expression Analysis of Reverse Transcriptase of LTR Retrotransposons in Pear
  • JIANG Shuang, CAI Dan-Ying, TENG Yuan-Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2196-2207.
  • Abstract ( 659 ) HTML ( 1416 ) PDF (859KB) ( 1416 )    
  • Different types of reverse transcriptase(RT)sequences in the whole genome of Pyrus pyrifolia white pear group‘Suli’were predicted by bioinformatics methods. A total of 345 RT sequences were obtained from copia group and 99 RT sequences were from gypsy group. The cluster analysis indicated that there were six lineages(Ivana,Ale,TAR,Angela,Maximus and Bianca)in copia group and five lineages in gypsy group(Athila,Tat,CRM,Reina and Tekay). Sequence alignment showed a high heterogeneity in both copia group and gypsy group,and the divergence of RT in both groups was 0.44 and 0.38,respectively. Eight types of RT were selected to design primers,each pair of primers showed clear amplified bands by PCR using genomic DNA of other Pyrus species. Eight types of RT were expressed with different levels in leaves,seeds and fruits of‘Wonhwang’pear,which was the first report on the expression of RT in the organs of pear trees under normal growing condition.
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  • Effects of Herbicides on Growth and Photosynthesis of Prunus persica Seedlings
  • SONG Hong-Feng-*, GUO Lei, ZHANG Bin-Bin, WANG Chen-Yu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2208-2214.
  • Abstract ( 499 ) HTML ( 794 ) PDF (353KB) ( 794 )    
  • Taking one-year old peach[Prunus persica(L.)Batsch.] seedlings as test materials. This paper studied the effects of herbicides(glyphosate and paraquat)on growth and development,root structure and photosynthesis in peach seedlings. The results showed that at early days after spraying paraquat,the electrolyte leakage rate of roots was raised,after that,the damages to the roots was reduced as time went on afterward. On the 40th day after spraying paraquat,the leaf transpiration rate(Tr)increased while the water utilization efficiency(WUE)decreased and total aboveground dry matter lower than that of control. Glyphosate showed obvious influence on external morphology of peach. On the 7th day after spraying glyphosate,the young leaves getting yellow,curling upwards. The electrolyte leakage rate of roots was always higher than that of the control. On the 40th day after spraying glyphosate,the total length,volume,surface area and tip number of roots were decreased significantly. The leaf photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr)and stomatal conduction(Gs)decreased. The glyphosate treatment also significantly inhibited dry matter accumulation of peach. These results imply the glyphosate have a influence on plant aboveground through root transduction. We should avoid using systemic herbicides in peach orchard.
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  • HRM Identification and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics on Leaf Color Mutants in Chinese Cabbage
  • LIU Meng-Yang, LU Yin, ZHAO Jian-Jun, WANG Yan-Hua, SHEN Shu-Xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2215-2224 .
  • Abstract ( 619 ) HTML ( 942 ) PDF (1222KB) ( 942 )    
  • Forty-two leaf color mutants of Chinese cabbage obtained through EMS seeds mutagenesis were used as materials in this study. According to leaf color and leaf chlorophyll content at generative growth mutations were suggested to be divided into 9 types:Dark green,gray-green,green,light green,white-green,light white-green,yellow-green,light yellow-green and yellow. By detecting the nucleotide variation of the gene HCF164 related to chlorophyll fluorescence using HRM technology and by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics,we identified one yellow-green leaf color mutant A29 with high photosynthesis efficiency,one yellow-green leaf color mutant A35 with photosynthetic structure damages,one light green mutant A21 with photosynthetic electron transport obstruction. Through identifying other 7 leaf-color-related genes by HRM,mutation of chlorophyll-related genes ATRCCR,CLH2 and PORA could be the main reason resulted in 18 leaf color mutants,mutation of yellow-leaf- specific genes was also affected the variation of leaf color.
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  • Genetic Analysis of Clubroot Resistance in the Populations of Broccoli × Wild Cabbage Accession‘B2013’
  • ZHANG Xiao-Li, LI Zhan-Sheng, FANG Zhi-Yuan, LI Bao-Ju, CHAI A-Li, SUN Ji-Feng, YANG Li-Mei, ZHUANG Mu, ZHANG Yang-Yong, ZHANG Li-Li, FAN Yan-Yan, SUN Pei-Tian, LIU Yu-Mei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2225-2230 .
  • Abstract ( 534 ) HTML ( 1141 ) PDF (324KB) ( 1141 )    
  • Six generations(P1,P2,F1,BC1,BC2 and F2)derived from the crosses of broccoli inbred line‘93219’(high susceptible)and the wild cabbage accession inbred line(Brassica macrocarpa Guss.)‘B2013’(high resistant)were used to investigate the inheritance of clubroot resistance by using mixed major gene plus polygene inheritance model. The results showed that the clubroot resistance was controlled by two additive-dominant-epitasis major genes(B-1 model)in the joint analysis of the six generations. The major genes heritability of BC1,BC2 and F2 were estimated to be 81.22%,78.36% and 80.00%,the genetic variance and the environmental variance accounted for 79.86% and 20.14% of the phenotypic variance in each population respectively. It indicated that the clubroot resistance was dominated by major genes though the environmental factors had a great effect. In practical breeding,higher heritability of major genes can be favorable to an efficient selection in early generations,such as BC1 and F2 for resistance to clubroot in broccoli breeding plan.
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  • Cloning and Characterization of IAA Family Gene SmIAA19 in Eggplant
  • ZHANG Wei-Wei, LIU Fu-Zhong-*, ZHANG Ying, ZHAO Zhen, CHEN Yu-Hui, LIAN Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2231-2240.
  • Abstract ( 396 ) HTML ( 1126 ) PDF (1867KB) ( 1126 )    
  • A full length cDNA(800 bp)is cloned by RT-PCR and RACE from parthenocarpic fruit of eggplant(Solanum melongena)line D-10,based on the EST Z732 from eggplant parthenocarpic suppression subtractive hybridization library. The cloned gene belongs to IAA family gene(SmIAA19 accession number KP114221),which contains an open reading frame(558 bp)and encodes a protein of 185 amino acids. The result of amino acid sequence alignment shows that the protein posses typical structure domain and conservative basic sequence of Aux/IAA gene families. The gene is much more close to potatoes in the evolutionary tree,and on the same branch with tomatoes. Real-time PCR was used to analyze the expression pattern of SmIAA19 in different varieties and growing period. Result of qRT-PCR indicates that SmIAA19 gene is expressed in ovary and fruit of parthenocarpic and non parthenocarpic eggplant. The expression in parthenocarpy is significantly higher than that of non-parthenocarpy. The highest expression is measured at anthesis day in parthenocarpic ovaries. SmIAA19 expression quantity keeps at low level in the non-parthenocarpy strain neither the condition of low temperature nor theoptimum temperature. The test shows that the change trend of IAA content is basically the same during the development of eggplant fruit in both parthenocarpic fruits and unparthenocarpic fruits,and IAA content is higher at the early stage. The expression of SmIAA19 gene in the different eggplant strain is consistent with the change of IAA content under the condition of low temperature(the first inflorescence fruit). So this research suggested that SmIAA19 gene may be associated with the eggplant parthenocarpy.
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  • Cloning,Expression and Interaction of Anthocyanin-related Transcription Factors SmTTG1,SmGL3 and SmTT8 in Eggplant
  • LIU Xin-Yu, HAN Hong-Qiang, GE Hai-Yan, JIANG Ming-Min, CHEN Huo-Ying
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2241-2249.
  • Abstract ( 554 ) HTML ( 1481 ) PDF (764KB) ( 1481 )    
  • Three genes,respectively named SmTTG1,SmGL3 and SmTT8 were isolated from eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)using homology-based cloning method. Sequence analysis shows that the open reading frame(ORF)of SmTTG1 is 1 029 bp long,encoding 342 amino acids and sequence alignment reveals 94% identity with TTG1 in potato(S. tuberosum L.). SmTTG1 protein contains four typical WD domains and protein isoelectric point is at pI 4.90. The ORF of SmGL3 is 1 887 bp long,encoding 628 amino acids and sequence alignmentreveals 94% identity with GL3 in potato. SmGL3 protein contains typical HLH domain and protein isoelectric point is at pI 5.61. While the ORF of SmTT8 gene is 1 896 bp long,encoding 631 amino acids and the multiple alignment of SmTT8 gene sequence with those of otherhomologues showed that it had high identity with homologous genein potato. SmTT8 protein contains typical HLH domain and protein isoelectric point is at pI 5.18. QPCR analysis indicates that SmTTG1,SmGL3 and SmTT8 are expressed in all organs of eggplants,including roots,stems,leaves,petals,peels and sarcocarp. However,the expression level of SmTTG1,SmGL3 and SmTT8 are tissue-specific. Yeast two-hybrid shows that SmTTG1 can interact with SmGL3 and SmTT8. Meanwhile,SmTTG1,SmGL3 and SmTT8 can interact with SmMYB. Therefore,it is speculated that SmTTG1 is a WD40 transcription factor and SmGL3 and SmTT8 are bHLH transcription factors,which are involved in the biosynthesis of anthocyaninin eggplant.
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  • Detection of the Paternal Mitochondrial Inheritance in Cucumis
  • ZHAO Juan, SHEN Jia, LI Hai-Mei, LOU Qun-Feng, LI Ji, CHEN Jin-Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2250-2258.
  • Abstract ( 759 ) HTML ( 1389 ) PDF (1501KB) ( 1389 )    
  • Molecular analyses of cytoplasmic DNA are useful tools for evaluating the systematic position of one genus. The determination of chloroplast and mitochondria inheritance is a pre-requisite for the use of organelle DNA. For the vast majority of angiosperm,mitochondria are maternally transmitted. However study showed that mitochondria of cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)and melon(C. melo L.)are paternally transmitted. In order to study the unique model for organellar genetics,we detected the modes of mitochondrial inheritance of eleven different species in Cucumis by cytological observation here. Organellar DNA in mature pollen grains was observed by 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI)fuorescence microscopy combined with the conventional“squash method”. And then mitochondrial DNA in premature and mature pollen grains was observed by 7 100 resin sections double-stained with DAPI and Mito traker green(MTG)fuorescence microscopy. All thirteen species were classified into two types based on the presence or absence of mitochondrial DNA in mature generative cells or sperm cells. Eleven species in Cucumis could be grouped together with cucumber,which only had mitochondrial DNA, while pumpkin and squash had neither mitochondrial nor plastid DNA. The presence or absence of mitochondrial DNA corresponded to paternal/biparental inheritance or maternal inheritance of mitochondrial. So the resultrevealed that all the species in Cucumis used here had the potential for paternal mitochondrial inheritance,while the control materials displayed maternal cytoplasmic inheritance. These data provide a foundation for further studies on the molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial paternal inheritance in angiosperms.
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Ornamental Plants

  • Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of the Flowering-regulating Transcription Factor PrSOC1 Gene in Tree Peony
  • LIU Chuan-Jiao, WANG Shun-Li, XUE Jing-Qi, ZHU Fu-Yong, REN Xiu-Xia, LI Ming-Yang, ZHANG Xiu-Xin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2259-2267.
  • Abstract ( 618 ) HTML ( 1438 ) PDF (582KB) ( 1438 )    
  • One important homologous flowering-regulating transcription factor gene SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1(SOC1)was obtained from tree peony(Paeonia rockii)by RT-PCR. It was designated as PrSOC1 and GenBank accession number was KJ427808. The open reading frame(ORF)of PrSOC1 was 678 bp,with 421 bp in the 3′ UTR,and could encode 225 amino acids.Sequence alignment and motif analysis showed that the deduced amino acids contained typical MADS-box and K-box domain,and a highly conserved motif named SOC1 MOTIF near the carboxy terminus. The phylogenetic analysis showed that it has close relationship with Vitis vinifera,and belongs to SOC1/TM3 subfamily of MADS-box superfamily. The results of semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the highest expression levels were appeared in the flower-bud of Paeonia rockii,followed by root,shoot and leaves,and the lowest in the seed. The expression patterns of PrSOC1 and PsCOL4 from flower-buds was not significant differences in different varieties. It was deduced that PrSOC1 was much conserved in tree peony and it may play important role in flowering of tree peony. PrSOC1 was successfully expressed in the E.coli cell and the plant expression vector was constructed. The results will afford useful information for study PrSOC1 gene function.
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  • The Ethylene Metabolism in Flowers of Chinese Peony‘Taohua Feixue’During Opening and Senescence
  • WANG Zhe, SHI Guo-An-*, MA Xue-Qing, FAN Bing-You
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2268-2274.
  • Abstract ( 467 ) HTML ( 1061 ) PDF (277KB) ( 1061 )    
  • The respiration rate,the ethylene production,the ACC content,and the ACS and ACO activities of the flowers and the petals of Chinese peony‘Taohua Feixue’during the different development stages were analyzed. The results showed that the flower of‘Taohua Feixue’belonged to the like ethylene climacteric type and the respiration climacteric type. The ethylene production of the petals had an obvious climacteric peak,while the ethylene production of the intact flower increased during later stage. It revealed that the respiration rate of the petals and the intact flower was characterized by a typical climacteric peak and the respiration rate of the petals peaked earlier. Compared to the intact flower,the ethylene production and respiration rate of the petals were higher than those of the intact flower. The results indicated that the petals were the major organ of the ethylene production,which was closely associated with the flower opening and senescence. The ACS activity was consistent with the endogenous ethylene production,which suggested that ACS was the important rate-limiting enzyme of the ethylene biosynthesis.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of LsMYB4 Gene in Lycoris sprengeri
  • XU Zhen-Yuan, GAO Yan-Hui-*, ZHOU Fen-Jing, LI Guo-Qing, XIONG Yan, TONG Zai-Kang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2281-2390.
  • Abstract ( 405 ) HTML ( 1132 ) PDF (904KB) ( 1132 )    
  • A MYB gene named LsMYB4 was cloned by RT-PCR and RACE methods from petals of Lycoris sprengeri. Sequences analysis showed that the full-length MYB cDNA was 793 bp and contained a ORF of 606 bp encoding 201 amino acids. The LsMYB4 protein had a conserved R2R3-MYB domain and the amino acids sequence shared up to 96% homelogies with anthycyanin biosynthesis-related R2R3-MYB transcription factor in Narcissus tazetta. The expression analysis by real time qRT-PCR showed that LsMYB4 was expressed in different tissues and flowering periods. The expression level in petal was almost ten times higher than in leaf. And in florescence period the expression of LsMYB4 was twenty times higher than in early budding period. The LsMYB4 expressed discrepantly in four clones of L. sprengeri,and results of it implicated that the lighter flower color,the higher expression level. This showed that LsMYB4 played a possibly negative role in anthocyanin biosynthesis of Lycoris sprengeri.
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Other Horticulture Plants

  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of CsSPMS in Tea Plant
  • HU Jing-Yan, ZHU Xu-Jun, WANG Wei-Dong, WANG Ming-Le, YIN Ying, LI Xing-Hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2291-2298.
  • Abstract ( 413 ) HTML ( 994 ) PDF (997KB) ( 994 )    
  • In order to explore the relationship between spermine synthase(SPMS)and cold resistance of tea plant(Camellia sinensis),the full-length cDNA sequence of SPMS gene was cloned using reverse transcription-PCR(RT-PCR)combined with RACE techniques from tea plant cultivar‘Yingshuang’. This gene was named CsSPMS with GenBank accession number KJ580429. It was 1 374 bp in length,containing a 1 113 bp open reading frame(ORF)which encoded 371 amino acid residues of 41.28 kD molecular weight. The localization assays indicated that CsSPMS protein localized in the cell nucleus,after observing its subcellular localization by the fusion expression vector pJIT166-GFP/SPMS. CsSPMS gene expressed in all the tissues,including root,stem,leaf,flower and fruit analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR),the highest expression level were in root and stem. The qRT-PCR analysis also indicated that the expression level of CsSPMS was up-regulated in roots,stems and leaves by cold treatment. The top expression level of CsSPMS in leaves was after 2 h treatment,while after 12 h treatmentin roots. Furthermore,cold resistance of four tea plant cultivars is closely related to expression levels of CsSPMS under low temperature condition.
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Research Notes

  • Cloning of the Genes of Remorin Family from Embryogenic Callus and Their Expression Analysis During Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan
  • CHEN Yu-Kun, XU Yang, QU Ying, LIN Yu-Ling, YAO Wen, LAI Zhong-Xiong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2299-2312.
  • Abstract ( 510 ) HTML ( 987 ) PDF (775KB) ( 987 )    
  • The RT-PCR combined with RACE method was used to clone the complete cDNA sequences of 5 members of Remorin family from embryogenic callus in Dimocarpus longan. The complete cDNA sequences of DlRemorin1–5 were 2 127,1 829,1 937,1 743 and 1 043 bp,DlRemorin1–5 encoding 572,444,541,466 and 181 amino acids,respectively. The DNA sequences of DlRemorin1–5 were 4 054,3 097,3 505,4 690 and 1 935 bp,and all the splice sites of the introns contained were obeyed to the“GT-AG”rule. DlRemorin1–5 belong to the instability and hydrophilous proteins,they all had the Remorinconserved domain,and had no signal peptide,only DlRemorin1 had transmembrane structure. The sequences of both nucleotides and amino acids of the five members were high homologous with those of the known Remorin genes in other species. Anglicizing phylogenetic tree of Remorin in plants indicated that DlRemorin5 belonged to the classical Remorin,DlRemorin1 and DlRemorin2 belonged to the long Remorin. The results of qRT-PCR indicated that DlRemorin1 showed approximately an“N”curve,it expressed at the highest levels in the heart embryos and cotyledonary embryos cultures. DlRemorin2 expressed at the lowest levels in heart embryos and cotyledonary embryos cultures. The expression of DlRemorin3 increased rapidly at the middle and late developmental stages and peaked at the cotyledonary embryos cultures. DlRemorin4 expressed at the lowest levels in globular embryos and topedo embryos cultures. DlRemorin5 expressed at the lowest levels in incomplete compact pro-embryogenic cultures. Suggesting that DlRemorin1–5 expressed with tissue specific and sequential characteristics during longan somatic embryogenesis. psRNA Target projections show DlRemorin may be regulated by miRNAs.
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  • MSAP and Differential Expression of Homologous Diploid and Triploid Watermelon Under Cold Stress
  • YANG Bing-Yan, HUO Xiu-Ai, LIU Yun-Ting, DUAN Hui-Jun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2313-2322.
  • Abstract ( 464 ) HTML ( 1041 ) PDF (599KB) ( 1041 )    
  • The purpose of this study focused on molecular mechanism in low temperature of watermelon seeding,making homologous diploid and triploid of watermelon of female precocious Jingxin as materials,using MSAP and cDNA-AFLP analysis of genes differentially expressed before and after low temperature stress,and selected different bands to be cloned,sequenced and compared. A total of 2 356 locus were amplied after using 28 MSAP primer combinations. Levels of decline in the total methylation were 8.5% and 10.4% of the diploid and the triploid of watermelon,respectively. Took 13 different bands with watermelon genome database,identified 7 bands as watermelon genome sequence. After being screened with 26 cDNA-AFLP primer combinations,1 267 bands were amplied:48.2% with up-regulatedexpression,51.8% with down-regulated expression in the diploid of watermelon;51.3% with up-regulated expression,48.7% with down-regulated expression in the triploid of watermelon. NCBI Blast search showed that 21 bands were homologous to functional genes,including hypothetical protein(38.1%),energy and metabolism protein(38.1%),signal transduction protein(9.5%),material transportation protein(9.5%),and DNA modification gene(4.8%),the function of the other 9 bands remained unknown. Under low temperature stress,the demethylation rate and up-regulated genes of the triploid of watermelon were greater than the diploid of watermelon,the triploid of watermelon induced more genes involved in energy and metabolism,signal transduction and transportation process,illustrating that the triploid of watermelon had stronger resistance to low temperature than the diploid of watermelon.
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  • Pectin Characteristics,Contents and Its Evaluation Among Different Pumpkin Varieties
  • SU Yan-Ling-1, ZHANG Xue-Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2323-2328.
  • Abstract ( 591 ) HTML ( 1368 ) PDF (230KB) ( 1368 )    
  • The characteristics and contents of pectin were analyzed among eight pumpkin varieties,and grey correlative degree method was used to evaluate the pectin quality and yields of pumpkin varieties comprehensively. The results showed that pectin content was significantly different among pumpkin varieties(P < 0.01),species(Cucurbita maxima,Cucurbita moschata)and maturity(early,middle-late)exhibited substantial impact on pectin content of pumpkin,and pectin content in peel was 1.12 to 1.77 times to that of flesh. Pumpkin pectin showed high degree of esterification ranging from 50% to 60%,while the jelly grade was lower than 115 among eight varieties. Pectin from Beijing 1 expressed good characteristics with relatively high viscosity,jelly grade and yields,and Wuman 4,Jixiang 1,Hunan 1,Wuyuezao,Jarrahdale,Queensland Blue were the next. However,Red Chestnut was not suitable for pectin extraction.
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  • Sequencing and Analysis of the Transcriptome of Asplenium nidus
  • JIA Xin-Ping, SUN Xiao-Bo, DENG Yan-Ming, LIANG Li-Jian, YE Xiao-Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2329-2341.
  • Abstract ( 546 ) HTML ( 1962 ) PDF (502KB) ( 1962 )    
  • The transcriptome of Asplenium nidus was sequenced by Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform that is a new generation of high-throughput sequencing technology to study the expression profiling and predict the functional genes. The target sample sequencing,a total of 29 254 595 reads fragment contains 5 908 586 517 bp in sequence information were generated. A total of 42 907 unigenes contains 40.16 Mb in sequence information were formed by initial sequence splicing,with an average read length of 936 bp. 24 993 unigenes were annotated using BLASTX searches against the Nr and SwissProt databases. In this study,all assembled unigenes can be broadly divided into biological processes,cellular components and molecular function categories of 51 branches by gene ontology,including metabolic process,binding,catalytic activity and cellular process. Unigenes were further annotated based on COG category,which could be grouped into 24 functional categories. KEGG pathway analysis showed that unigenes can be broadly divided into 116 classes according to the function. There were 6 067 SSR in 42 907 unigenes werefound. The types of SSR were analyzed that AG/CT was the highest repeat,following by AC/GT,A/T and AGG/CCT. Based on flank sequence of detected SSR,20 primer pairs were designed and tested for the amplification efficiency and polymorphism. The results showed that 7 primer pairs showed polymorphism among different fern varieties.
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Technologies and Methods

  • High Quality Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Method from Citrus for Disease Detection
  • SU Hua-Nan, WANG Xue-Feng, HUANG Ai-Jun, LI Zhong-An, TANG Ke-Zhi, ZHOU Chang-Yong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2342-2352.
  • Abstract ( 552 ) HTML ( 1328 ) PDF (686KB) ( 1328 )    
  • The presence of high concentrations of polysaccharides,polyphenols,pigment,and other secondary metabolites in mature citrus leaves is big challenging to obtain high quality DNA/RNA for citrus disease research. In this study,a reliable,fast and enhanced total nucleic acid extraction protocol(CTAB-Triton),modified from the cetyltrimethylammonium bromide(CTAB)method,was established for DNA extraction of mature citrus tissues. The novel extraction buffer was superior to traditional buffer in cell lysis,and avoided low yield due to CTAB-DNA co-precipitation when temperature was lower than 15 ℃. Meanwhile,good-quality DNA and higher DNA yield were obtained through this extraction method,comparing with the commercial DNA isolation kits. The infection rate of‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’(CLas)extracted by CTAB-Triton and Sephadex G-50 extraction method was compared,CTAB-Triton method significantly improved the detection rate. SYBR Green-based quantitative PCR(qPCR)assay was performed to compare the concentration of CLas within different parts of pummelo leaves. This new method was also suitable for the extraction of citrus fungi,bacteria,and DNA/RNA viral diseases for the pathogen detection and genetic diversity analysis.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Early-ripening Grape Cultivar‘Guiyuan’
  • JIANG Jian-Fu, FAN Xiu-Cai, ZHANG Ying, SUN Hai-Sheng, LI Min, GU Hong, LIU San-Jun, WEI Zhi-Feng, LIU Chong-Huai
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2353-2354.
  • Abstract ( 435 ) HTML ( 884 ) PDF (175KB) ( 884 )    
  • ‘Guiyuan’is an early-ripening grape cultivar derived from the self progenies of‘Kyoho’. Its fruit clusters are large and conical with the average weight of 438.7 g. The berries are elliptical shape,weighing averagely 9.2 g and having a black purple skin. The flesh is soft with flavour of slight foxy and with 1–3 seeds,the soluble solids content of berries is 16.4%. Plants have vigorous growth with stable and high yield,it matures in mid-July in the region of Zhengzhou of Henan Province.
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  • A New Triploid Pear Cultivar‘Huaxing’
  • WANG Fei, FANG Cheng-Quan-*, JIANG Shu-Ling-*, LIN Sheng-Hua, 欧Chun-Qing , LI Lian-Wen, MA Li
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2355-2356.
  • Abstract ( 679 ) HTML ( 756 ) PDF (343KB) ( 756 )    
  • ‘Huaxing’is a new triploid pear cultivar hybrid selected from‘Dayali’(tetraploid)בXuehua’(diploid). The fruit is large and the average fruit weight is 295 g. The skin is green-yellow and smooth. The flesh is white and fine with less stone cells,and characterized by crispness and juiciness,sour-sweet with 11.5%–12.5% soluble solids content. It matures in late September in Xingcheng. ‘Huaxing’has various desirable characteristics including early bearing,high yield,enduring storage and high resisitance to scab.
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  • A New Early Ripening Plum Cultivar‘Tezaohong’
  • XUE Xiao-Min, ZHANG An-Ning, CHEN Tie-Niu, WANG Jin-Zheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2357-2358 .
  • Abstract ( 471 ) HTML ( 785 ) PDF (200KB) ( 785 )    
  • ‘Tezaohong’plum is a early ripening cultivar selected from the germplasm resources introduced from North America. The fruit size is medium and oval shape,the average fruit weight is 76.0 g. The fruit skin is full red,and the flesh is yellowish and crisp with juicy,sweet taste;The soluble solids content is 12.4%. This cultivar has those characteristics as early fruiting,early ripening,high yield,good quality and resistance to diseases,etc.
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  • An Early-maturing Table Cultivar of Chinese Jujube‘Wanzao 3’
  • LU Li-Juan, SUN Qi-Bao, SUN Jun, YU Fei-Fei, ZHOU Jun-Yong, LIU Mao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2361-2362.
  • Abstract ( 382 ) HTML ( 709 ) PDF (203KB) ( 709 )    
  • ‘Wanzao 3’is a new early-maturing table cultivar of Chinese jujube(Ziziphus jujuba Mill). It was selected from the local germplasm in Anhui Province. It has high quality and high yield,which is suitable for fresh-consuming. The shape of the fruit is long oval,with the average weight of 13.48 g,up to 18.6 g. The edible rate is 95.33%. The flesh is crisp,succulent and delicate. It matures in the middle of August in Hefei. The fruit developing period is about 80 days. It is suitable for growing in open and protected field.
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  • A New Carya dabieshanensis Cultivar‘Wanjin 2’
  • XIA Guo-Hua, ZHU Xian-Fu, KONG Ling-Bao, XIAO Bin, WANG Zheng-Jia, HUANG Jian-Qin, XU Bu-Qing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2363-2364 .
  • Abstract ( 388 ) HTML ( 931 ) PDF (156KB) ( 931 )    
  • The new hickory cultivar‘Wanjin 2’was selected from the wild seedlings of Carya dabieshanensis in Dabieshan Mountain area. It has excellent characteristics such as good quality,high yield,with extensive adaptability and strong resistance. The average nut weight is 6.50 g. Kernel percent is 55.66%. The kernel total fat content is 66.86% and the content of unsaturated fatty acids is 86.95%. Kernel total protein content is 5.65%. The new cultivar is appropriate to be planted in Dabieshan Mountain areas in China.
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  • A New Ornamental Kale Cultivar‘Fenyu’
  • WANG Jiang, DING Bing, LI Yu-Hua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2014, 41(11): 2369-2370.
  • Abstract ( 469 ) HTML ( 833 ) PDF (232KB) ( 833 )    
  • A new hybrid kale cultivar‘Fenyu’was bred from the crossing the cytoplasmic male sterile line‘CMS2002-18’with in bred line‘2000-13’. The new variety is a dwarf plant with wrinkled leaf,The plant height is about 30–35 cm. The heart leaves are red-purple. The leaf base and the edges of outer leaves are red and green,respectively. The leaves of whole plant are compact carry degrees 35–40 cm. Colorful,groups neat appearance,high ornamental value,hardy,strong growth potential.
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