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2024, Vol.51, No.10 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Genetic & Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Biology

  • Exploitation and Genetic Identification of Triploid Plants from Seedling Populations of Orah Mandarin(Citrus reticulata
  • FENG Yisi, TIAN Xiaoyu, YANG Chongshan, CHEN Xiangling, DENG Xiuxin, XIE Kaidong, GUO Wenwu, XIE Zongzhou, CHAI Lijun, YE Junli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2231-2242. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0522
  • Abstract ( 579 ) HTML ( 311 ) PDF (3587KB) ( 311 )    
  • Discovering natural triploids from diploid seedling offspring is an effective mehod to cultivate new seedless citrus cultivar. In this study,the small plump seeds of Orah were germinated and sowed,and the ploidy of seedling offsprings was identified by morphological screening,flow cytometry and chromosome counting. A total of 98 triploid lines of Orah seedlings were obtained. Two pairs of SSR primers with polymorphism between the female parent and its candidate male parent were used to analyze the hybrid origin of triploid progenies. It was found that only the amplification product of Orah mandarin could be detected in the triploid progenies. Further genetic analysis was performed using 36 pairs of S-RNase primers. Results showed that the S genotype S11/SM of Orah mandarin was detected in all triploid progenies,and the S genotype S22 of the candidate male parent Shatangju occurred in two lines,presumed that these two lines were triploid progenies produced by the hybridization of Orah and Shatangju,and were formed by fertilization of 2n female gametes. The remaining lines might be autotriploids produced by selfing of Orah. Compared with the diploid seedlings,the triploid seedlings of the same age grew slowly,the internodes became shorter,the dwarfing was obvious,the main roots were short and thick,the fibrous roots were less,the leaves were dark green and thicker. Under the same cultivation and management conditions,the expression of multiple stress response related genes(CitCOMTCitGRASCitERF4 and CitERF9)in the leaves of allotriploid plants was significantly up-regulated compared with diploid and autotriploid plants.

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  • Study on the Cold Resistance Function of VaJAZ9 and VaCOI1 Genes in Vitis amurensis
  • SUN Yutong, LIU Deshuai, HUANG Xuzheng, CHI Jingnan, QI Xun, YAO Wenkong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2243-2254. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0910
  • Abstract ( 293 ) HTML ( 198 ) PDF (3463KB) ( 198 )    
  • In this study,the VaCOI1 gene from Vitis amurensis Rupr.‘Zuoshan-1’were cloned,and the gene function was analysed. The results show that the VaCOI1 gene is located on chromosome 13,and its ORF has a full-length of 1 797 bp,encoding 598 amino acids,and belongs to the F-box family. Clustering analysis indicates that the VaCOI1 protein performed a high homology with HuCOI1(Herrania umbratica)and TcCOI1(Theobroma cacao). Bimolecular fluorescence complementation(BiFC)assays indicate that VaJAZ9 can interact with the VaCOI1 protein. The heterologously overexpressing of VaJAZ9 and VaCOI1 in Arabidopsis thaliana shows that at the low temperature,the VaCOI1 overexpressing plants had a higher survival rate and a lower conductivity than the wild type plants,whereas the VaJAZ9 overexpressing plants had a lower survival rate and a higher conductivity than the wild type plants. Quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR)analysis show that the low temperature related genes including AtKIN1AtCOR15A and AtRD29A were up-regulated in the VaCOI1 overexpressing A. thaliana,whereas these genes were down-regulated in overexpressing VaJAZ9 plants. In conclusion,the results show that the VaCOI1 acts as a positive regulator in response to low temperature stress,whereas the VaJAZ9 acts as a negative regulator.

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  • Whole Genome Resequencing Analysis of‘Cuihongli’Plum and Its Early-Ripening Bud Sport Mutation
  • YAO Yuan, DENG Lijun, HU Juan, TANG Xiaoyu, WANG Tie, LI Hang, SUN Guochao, XIONG Bo, LIAO Ling, WANG Zhihui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2255-2266. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0799
  • Abstract ( 205 ) HTML ( 134 ) PDF (2567KB) ( 134 )    
  • In order to reveal the molecular basis of formation of‘Cuihongli’plum’s early-ripening bud sport mutation,this study used high-throughput re-sequencing technology to resequence the whole genomes of‘Cuihongli’and its early-ripening bud sport mutation,with an average sequencing depth of 19.40× and 22.82×,with a genome coverage of over 85%. The results showed compared with the reference genome,1 860 745 and 1 931 603 single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs),419 134 and 444 892 small fragment insertion/deletion sites(InDels)were detected in‘Cuihongli’and its early-ripening bud sport mutation. There are 61 997 and 63 498 nonsynonymous mutations in the coding region,causing a total of 2 391 gene mutations. Metabolic pathway analysis(KEGG)indicated that these genetic variations were mainly involved in the pathways of Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes,RNA transport,phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and plant-pathogen interaction. In addition,12 variant genes were annotated with functions in the plant hormone signal transduction pathway. These genes and other related genes variations can affect the activity or specificity of their corresponding proteins or enzymes,leading to changes in the growth and development process,and advancing the mature period of‘Cuihongli’plum’s early-ripening single plant.

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  • Population Structure Analysis of Old Germplasms of Chinese Bayberry Based on WGS
  • ZHANG Shuwen, LIANG Senmiao, YU Zheping, SUN Li, YE Haiping, HU Xiaojin, YAN Liju, WU Yuyong, YING Zhengzheng, ZHENG Xiliang, QI Xingjiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2267-2280. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0723
  • Abstract ( 245 ) HTML ( 53 ) PDF (2825KB) ( 53 )    
  • Based on whole genome sequencing(WGS)technology,SNPs covering the whole genome of Chinese bayberry were excavated,and the distribution characteristics of SNPs were clarified. A population structure analysis of 36 old germplasm was conducted. A total of 36 germplasm resources obtained high-quality sequencing data of 398.26 Gb,with a sequencing depth of 37.34×,an average GC content of 38.57%,and a Q30 of 97.56%. A total of 5 362 434 SNP loci were detected,and SNP numbers ranging from 655 299 to 897 575 for Chr.1 to Chr.8. A total of 16 regions with low SNP variation frequency with a total length of 9.45 Mb. Population evolution analysis were divided into three groups,with six germplasm from Tengchong,Yunnan clustered into groupⅠ,which has the farthest genetic relationship with other germplasm. Four germplasms from Jingzhou,Hunan were clustered into Group Ⅱ. The the other 26 germplasms are clustered into Group Ⅲ,the closest genetic relationship exists between Huangyan and Xianju germplasm in Zhejiang Province,with‘Dongkui’being the main cultivar. The analysis of population linkage imbalance found that the linkage disequilibrium(LD)decay rate of the Tengchong,Yunnan population was the fastest,followed by the Huangyan,Zhejiang population,and the Cixi,Zhejiang population was the slowest. A Fst analysis was conducted on the populations of Huangyan(‘Dongkui’)and Cixi(‘Biqizhong’)in Zhejiang Province. The genes with significant differences between these two populations were mainly related to stress resistance,secondary metabolites,and plant morphogenesis,resulting in phenotypic differences between these two varieties. Population structure analysis found that the genetic backgrounds of Fujian,Jingzhou,Hunan and Laifeng,Hubei included the genetic backgrounds of more than three populations,including Xianju,Zhejiang. Additionally,hybridization signals were also found in the Jingzhou,Hunan population,indicating that the quality of Xianju,Zhejiang bayberry had a significant impact on the formation of cultivated cultivars in Fujian,Hunan and Hubei over the past century.

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  • Genome-Wide Identification and Stress-Responsive Expression Analysis of the Cucumber SRS Gene Family
  • HAN Shiwen, LIU Tao, WANG Liping, LI Nanyang, WANG Suna, WANG Xing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2281-2296. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0569
  • Abstract ( 247 ) HTML ( 177 ) PDF (5868KB) ( 177 )    
  • The SHORT INTERNODESSHI-related sequenceSRS)gene family is a crucial group of transcription factors involved in plant growth and development. A genome-wide screening and functional analysis of the SRS gene family in cucumber were conducted. A total of nine members of CsSRS gene family were identified,which unevenly distributed across seven chromosomes in the cucumber genome. Based on phylogenetic relationships,the CsSRS genes were classified into three subfamilies. Gene structure and motif composition analysis revealed that members of the same subfamily contained similar intron/exon patterns and motifs. Sequence analysis indicated that the N-terminal of CsSRS possessed a highly conserved RING domain,while the IGGH domain of C-terminal exhibited signs of loss during evolution. Further analysis of the promoter regions of CsSRS genes uncovered various cis-acting elements related to growth,development,and stress responses. Tissue expression pattern analysis demonstrated significant tissue-specific expression of CsSRS genes. Additionally,transcriptomic expression analysis revealed that CsSRS genes exhibited diverse responses to various biotic and abiotic stresses,indicating functional divergence. Among them,the cucumber CsSRS6 showed high expression in most tissues and displayed differential expression under stress conditions.

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  • Functional Analysis of CaWRKY39 Under Phytophthora capsici Infection in Pepper
  • WU Dan, LIU Jiaxin, ZHUO Linxi, LI Yu, LUO Ying, ZHOU Yong, YANG Youxin, YU Ting
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2297-2310. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-1013
  • Abstract ( 238 ) HTML ( 134 ) PDF (4108KB) ( 134 )    
  • A WRKY transcription factor gene CaWRKY39 was cloned from pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)inbred line 007EA. The open reading frame of CaWRKY39 was 984 bp,encoding a protein of 327 amino acids,which contained a WRKY domain and a C2H2 zinc finger structure. Amino acid sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis showed that CaWRKY39 had the highest homology with SmWRKY7,SlWRKY4 and StWRKY7 and gene structure analysis showed that CaWRKY39 contained three exons and two introns. Promoter analysis showed that CaWRKY39 promoter included W-box,and cis-acting elements responsive to light,ABA,MeJA,SA and auxin. Subcellular localization results showed that CaWRKY39 was located in the nucleus and cytoplasm. qRT-PCR results showed that CaWRKY39 displayed the highest expression in leaf,followed by stem,root,and other tissues,and its expression level was significantly increased after plant leaves infected by Phytophthora capsici. The function of CaWRKY39 was further studied by VIGS technology. TRV:CaWRKY39-silenced pepper plants were much sensitive to P. capsici infection compared with the TRV:00 control plants. These results of this study showed that CaWRKY39 may be involved in the resistance of pepper to phytophthora blight.

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  • Karyotype Analysis of Four Cultivars of Peppers Based on Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
  • LUO Yin, LUO Xirong, WU Shiqi, LI Tangyan, LI Jing, QIU Huarong, QIN Cheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2311-2319. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2024-0047
  • Abstract ( 289 ) HTML ( 58 ) PDF (2617KB) ( 58 )    
  • In order to analyze the karyotype characteristics of different cultivars of peppers,‘Zunla-1’(Capsicum annuum L.),‘Hainan Huangdenglong’(Capsicum chinense Jacquin),‘Muaraparte Rojo’(Capsicum baccatum L.)and‘Mijiaolü’(Capsicum frutescens L.),were used in this study. Karyotype analysis was performed using chromosome Fluorescence in situ Hybridization technique(FISH). The results showed that the four peppers were diploid,and the chromosome number was 2n = 2x = 24. The chromosome length of Zunla-1 is 3.4-7.4 μm,which is mainly metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes,and the karyotype belongs to 20m + 3sm + 1st type. The chromosome length of Hainan Huangdenglong is 4.6-7.4 μm,which is mainly composed of median centromere and median centromere chromosomes,and the karyotype belongs to 2M + 22m. The chromosome length of Muaraparte Rojo was 3.0-4.5 μm,mainly metacentric chromosome,and the karyotype formula was 24m. The length of Mijiaolü chromosome was 3.9-4.9 μm,and it was mainly metacentric chromosome,which was 23m + 1sm type. The results of 5S rDNA and 18S rDNA FISH showed that 18S rDNA(20 loci)as probe showed more loci than 5S rDNA(8 loci)on chromosome,individual differences exist among four cultivars of peppers,the number of 5S rDNA loci on chromosome was 2,but the number of 18S rDNA loci was different,Mijiaolü has the highest number(8),followed by Muaraparte Rojo(6),and the lowest is Hainan Huangdenglong(2).

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  • Identification and Analysis of Complete Genomic Sequence of Broad Bean Wilt Virus 2 Beijing Rose Isolate
  • LIANG Yuqing, SUN Chunhui, DENG Congliang, SHI Xiju, ZHONG Yan, LI Yongqiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2320-2328. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0884
  • Abstract ( 103 ) HTML ( 46 ) PDF (1675KB) ( 46 )    
  • In order to detect the pathogen of rose plants with yellow and stunt in Huairou,Beijing,small RNA deep sequencing(sRNA)and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)were conducted with leaf samples collected from the diseased plants. Broad bean wilt virus 2(BBWV2)was identified after sRNA deep sequencing followed by bioinformatic analyses. To further characterize the identified BBWV2(BBWV2-rose),the complete genome sequence was cloned with primer pairs designed according to the assembled contigs. Sequence analysis showed BBWV2-rose RNA1 and RNA2 were 5 903 and 3 535 nt,respectively. Phylogenetic tree analysis based on RNA1 and RNA2 CP gene sequences suggests that BBWV2-Rose RNA1 and isolate BBWV2-CN:SY:Chenopodium album(MN786954)clustered together,and BBWV2-Rose RNA2 and isolate BBWV2-CN:SY Chenopodium album(MN786955)clustered together,which was closely related. According to Fabavirus classification criteria,the virus should be an isolate of BBWV2.

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  • Studies on Distant Crossing Compatibility and Hybrid Ploidy in Different Ploidy Chrysanthemums
  • YE Yuqing, SUN Liping, ZHANG Yichi, LI Yi, XU Jun, MA Chenyue, NIU Yajing, ZHANG Mengmeng, DAI Silan, HUANG He
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2329-2342. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0923
  • Abstract ( 230 ) HTML ( 106 ) PDF (4205KB) ( 106 )    
  • The 60 distant crossing combinations were designed by utilizing ten cultivars,eight wild species and variants of Chrysanthemum genus as the parents,and identified the ploidy of all parents and certain hybrids using the conventional tableting method,aiming to assess the crossing compatibility. The results indicated notable variations in compatibility of distant crossing among various ploidy cultivars and wild species in Chrysanthemums. The combinations of tetraploid × tetraploid and tetraploid × pentaploid exhibited the highest compatibility indexes,while pentaploid × diploid and hexaploidy × diploid had the lowest compatibility indexes. It was worth noting that all crossing combinations with differences in ploidy were able to set seeds and germinate. The ploidy variation of the hybrids was readily obvious,the hybrids resulting from crosses with the same ploidy exhibited similar ploidy to their respective parents,but there was diversity observed in the ploidy of hybrids resulting from different ploidy crossing combinations. In addition,the problems of distant crossing,which involve limited or inadequate compatibility,can be partially overcome by utilizing intermediate germplasms derived from crossing low-ploidy wild species or low-ploidy wild species with cultivars of chrysanthemum as bridging parents.

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  • SSR Molecular Markers Development and Parentage Relationship Identification Based on Whole Genomic Sequences of Jasminum sambac
  • LI Chunniu, SU Qun, LI Xianmin, HUANG Zhanwen, SUN Mingyan, LU Jiashi, WANG Hongyan, BU Zhaoyang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2343-2357. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0752
  • Abstract ( 356 ) HTML ( 71 ) PDF (1918KB) ( 71 )    
  • This research is the first time developing SSR molecular markers based on whole genomic sequences of Jasminum sambac,analyzing the composition and characteristics of SSR loci in the whole genomic of J. sambac,and conducting genetic diversity analysis of 40 collected Jasminum germplasms and parentage relationship identification of 41 open pollination lines of J. sambac. The research results were as follows:a total of 140 803 SSR loci were detected in the whole genome sequences of single and double petal J. sambac using MISA software. There are five types of repeat motifs,the highest number of repeat types are dinucleotides and trinucleotides,87 785 and 46 735 respectively,accounting for 62.35% and 33.19% of the total SSR loci. The SSR loci that are common and have variations in single and double petal J. sambac are selected based on the reference genome of single petal J. sambac,1 847 pairs of primers were successfully designed using Primer v3.0 software,and 240 pairs of evenly distributed SSR primers were randomly selected. The mixed DNA of 8 Jasminum germplasms with significant genetic background differences was used as the template for amplification,and 14 pairs of polymorphic SSR markers were finally developed. Using the developed SSR markers,a total of 169 alleles were detected in 40 Jasminum germplasm materials. The average number of alleles per locus(Na),effective number of alleles(Ne),Shannon’s Information Index(I),observed heterozygosity(Ho)and expected heterozygosity(He)were 12.1,4.067,1.772,0.505 and 0.725,respectively. The polymorphism information content(PIC)ranged from 0.378 to 0.817,with a mean of 0.702. Through UPGMA clustering,40 Jasminum germplasms were divided into three major groups at Nei’s genetic distance of 0.82. J. sambac and J. multiflorum were separately clustered into one group with Nei’s genetic distance of 0.66. Genetic structure analysis shows that 40 Jasminum germplasms can be divided into 3 groups,and there are some genetic exchange between groups. 41 open pollination lines and 14 candidate male parents of J. sambac were detected using the developed SSR markers,103 alleles were found. The mean value of NaNeIHo and He were 7.4,2.446,1.061,0.366 and 0.522,respectively. The PIC ranged from 0.159 to 0.744,with an average of 0.477,and 6 pairs of primers were highly polymorphic loci. The 55 test materials were divided into three major groups at a genetic distance of 0.82,with all tested maternal parents of J. sambac and their open pollination lines clustered in one group. At a genetic distance of 0.28,2 maternal parents of J. sambac were clustered together with their open pollination lines. Using Cervus v3.07 software to analyze the genetic diversity parameters of SSR loci in open pollinated lines,known maternal parents and candidate paternal parents,the cumulative exclusion probability increased with the number of loci. For the single parent known non-paternal exclusion probability(NE-2P),the cumulative exclusion probability of 14 loci is as high as 0.9962. When the confidence levels of candidate male parents and triplets were both 95%,30 out of 41 open pollination lines of J. sambac identified male parents,LOD values were positive. Of these,26 open pollination lines of J. sambac were identified as self-crossing offspring,86.67%,and 4 open pollination lines of J. sambac were identified as hybrid offspring,13.33%. All male parents of the hybrid offsprings are J. sambac‘Thailand Double Layers’.

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  • Effects of AMF on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Gene Expressions of Tea Plants Under Drought Stress
  • CHEN Xin, WU Xiaolong, LIU Shengrui, HU Xianchun, LIU Chunyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2358-2370. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0655
  • Abstract ( 192 ) HTML ( 99 ) PDF (2317KB) ( 99 )    
  • In order to explore the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)on the photosynthetic characteristics of tea plants under drought stress,the seedlings of Camellia sinensis. ‘Fuding Dabaicha’were subjected to water and AMF inoculation experiments under greenhouse pot conditions. The results showed that drought stress(55% of the maximum field water capacity)significantly inhibited the AMF infection on tea plant roots,reduced the chlorophyll b content,maximum quantum effect(QY_max)value,intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci),stomatal vertical and horizontal diameter and stomatal opening,as well as down-regulated the expressions of carbon assimilation-related enzymes (CsRbcLCsTKCsFBPaseCsPRK)genes and chlorophyll synthesis-related enzyme gene CsHEME. Whereas,drought stress significantly increased the chlorophyll a/b and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ_lss)parameters,and up-regulated the expression of chlorophyll synthase enzymes gene CsHEMA1 in tea seedlings. Howbeit,under well-watered(75% of the maximum field water capacity)and drought stress conditions,inoculation with AMF significantly increased the content of chlorophyll a and total chlorophyll,net photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs),Ci,and transpiration rate(Tr)but decreased NPQ_lss and stomatal density,accompany with the up-regulated expressions of carbon assimilation-related enzyme genes CsRbcLCsTKCsFBPaseCsPRK and chlorophyll synthesis-related enzyme genes CsHEMA1CsHEMCCsHEMECsHEMG and CsCHLE in different degrees. Meanwhile,AMF inoculation also significantly increased the chlorophyll b content,QY_max,stomatal vertical,horizontal diameter and aperture under drought stress and chlorophyll a/b under well-watered. The results indicated that AMF can improve the adaptability of tea plant under drought stress by promoting photosynthesis,and the promotion effect was more significant under drought stress.

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  • Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis of the HSF Family Gene in Pinellia ternata
  • YOU Qian, LIU Xiao, LIU Mengmeng, LIU Dan, BO Chen, ZHU Yanfang, DUAN Yongbo, XUE Jianping, ZHANG Aimin, XUE Tao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2371-2385. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0710
  • Abstract ( 204 ) HTML ( 117 ) PDF (4370KB) ( 117 )    
  • In this study,the PtHSF genes involved in the high-temperature-induced ST of Pinellia ternata were identified and characterized. Twenty-two members of the PtHSF gene family were accordingly identified in P. ternata,which were unevenly distributed across its 10 chromosomes. All PtHSF genes were found to contain HSF-characteristic domains(DBD conserved domains),and phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that these genes can be divided into three major subclasses. PtHSF genes in the same subclass were established to have similar gene structures and conserved motifs,and encode similar amino acids. Subcellular localization prediction indicated that 81.82% of the PtHSF protein is located in the nucleus,with the remainder being distributed outside the cell. Collinearity analysis revealed that the PtHSF gene family has only a single collinear pair,and that PtHSF and rice OsHSF have a close homologous evolutionary relationship. Expression pattern analysis revealed that the expression of PtHSF family members differs significantly among different plant tissues,with most members being observed to be highly expressed in roots and tubers. In response to exposure to high temperature stress,the induced expression of 12 PtHSF genes and inhibited expression of eight PtHSF genes were detected.

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Cultivation·Physiology & Biochemistry

  • Preparation of Fermented Fertilizer from the Waste of Fish,Peanuts,and Soybean and Its Effect on Peach Quality
  • ZHANG Zexiong, QIU Yuanxin, MO Guanlian, CHEN Caiyun, LIU Jianliang, WANG Qin, ZHONG Le, XIE Hongfeng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2386-2400. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0599
  • Abstract ( 243 ) HTML ( 47 ) PDF (4085KB) ( 47 )    
  • In order to enhance the industrial added value of by-products in the food industry,improve the utilization rate of resources,and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers to promote the high-quality development of green agriculture,with fish offal,peanut dreg and okara as substrates,effective microorganisms(EM)were used as fermentation strains to optimize the process using response surface methodology,to develop fermentation liquid organic fertilizer(hereinafter referred to as the fermented fertilizer)sprayed on the leaves of‘Yingzui Mitao’to investigate the effect on fruit quality with the application of compound chemical fertilizer(NP2O5K2O = 151515)as the control. The results showed that the optimal process parameters for the preparation of fermented fertilizer were 4.6% inoculum of EM bacterial,solid-to-liquid ratio of 12.6,and fermentation time of 11 d,and the content of amino acid nitrogen was(5.64 ± 0.13)g · L-1 under these conditions. At maturity,the weight,soluble solids content,soluble pectin content,total soluble sugar content,reduced vitamin C content,and hardness of fruits treated with fermented fertilizer were significantly higher than that of the control,by 14.43%,9.66%,24.42%,8.96%,11.72%,and 19.55%,respectively,which indicate that these were of better quality and had higher commercial value. Additionally,low-field nuclear magnetic resonance and Pearson correlation analysis showed that water freedom in fermentation fertilizer-treated fruits was increased with fruit maturation,which was more conducive to metabolism and growth. Meanwhile,with the growth of fruit,the water content in fruit was significantly negatively correlated with soluble sugar,soluble pectin,and other nutrients,while the water content gradually decreased. The results of this study showed that fermented fertilizer prepared from food industry by-products applied to‘Olecranon Honey Peach’can effectively improve the overall quality,providing a scientific basis and theoretical foundation for the high-value utilization of food waste resources.

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  • Effects of Irrigation Before Soil Freezing on Bacterial Community Composition and Available Nutrient Content in‘Fuji’Apple Rhizosphere
  • CHEN Bing, CHENG Yujin, SUN Baozhen, SONG Jianfei, ZHANG Weiwei, YANG Hongqiang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2401-2412. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0742
  • Abstract ( 156 ) HTML ( 49 ) PDF (1840KB) ( 49 )    
  • In this study,the 5-year-old‘Fuji’apple trees were used as materials. After full irrigation before soil freezing,samples were taken in the next January and April to analyze the changes of bacterial community composition and available nutrients in rhizosphere soil. The results showed that irrigation before freezing not only increased soil moisture status and stabilized soil temperature,but also significantly increased soil available nutrient content,and reduced soil organic matter content. The content of soil available nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium increased by 15.83%,21.13% and 8.22%,while the content of organic matter decreased by 19.86%. In addition,the root density,root activity and root nitrogen content increased by 10.3%,15.6% and 13.3%,respectively in early spring. Quantitative PCR analysis of functional genes showed that the irrigation before soil freezing significantly increased the number of soil bacteria and fungi,including ammonia-oxidizing archaea(AOA),nitrogen fixing bacteria and denitrification bacteria abundance increased 35.18%,18.12% and 19.53%,respectively,thus promoting soil nitrification and denitrification.

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  • Effects of Coronatine on Endogenous Hormone Content and Activities of Key Anthocyanin Synthesis Enzymes in‘Flame Seedless’Grape Berry
  • MAI Sile, WANG Yanmeng, ZHU Xuehui, HAN Shou’an, WANG Min, XIE Hui, HANG Linfeng, ZHANG Wen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2413-2426. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0872
  • Abstract ( 227 ) HTML ( 54 ) PDF (2826KB) ( 54 )    
  • ‘Flame Seedless’grape,the main red grape cultivar in Xinjiang,was used as the test material in this study. To explore the mechanism of action of the plant growth regulator coronatine (COR)in promoting anthocyanin accumulation in grape peel and improving fruit coloring,it determined the effects of COR on fruit quality,anthocyanin,endogenous hormones,and the activity of key enzymes involved in anthocyanin synthesis. Three COR concentrations were prepared for solution dipping treatments in the early fruit color conversion stage(47 days after full blooming). The results showed that the treatment with all three concentrations of COR could improve fruit quality,significantly increase anthocyanin content in peel,and increase indoleacetic acid(IAA),gibberellin(GA),jasmonic acid (JA)content in some periods as well as the abscisic acid(ABA)content at the late stage of color conversion. The activities of key enzymes involved in anthocyanin synthesis,namely PAL,CHS,CHI,F3H,DFR,ANS,and UFGT,were increased,which promoted the synthesis and accumulation of anthocyanins and improved fruit coloring. Among the three treatments,the treatment with COR diluted 3 000 times yielded the excellent results. Compared with the control(water),the treatment with COR diluted 3 000 times exhibited 12.34% higher total soluble sugars content,22.40% lower total organic acids content,44.70% higher TSS/TA ratio,56.88% higher anthocyanin content,and 80.04% higher JA content. Correlation analysis showed that the JA content was positively correlated with the activity of key enzymes involved in anthocyanin synthesis in most periods,and both JA content and key anthocyanin synthesis enzyme activities were positively correlated with the anthocyanin content. Comprehensive analysis showed that COR treatment in the early stage of fruit coloration mainly promoted the synthesis of JA in berry,thereby increasing the activity of key enzymes involved in the anthocyanin synthesis pathway,which promoted anthocyanin synthesis in the peel and enhanced the appearance fruit color.

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Plant Protection

  • Preliminary Study on the Prevention and Control Effect of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Strain 5 on Cucumber Green Mottled Mosaic Virus Disease on Watermelon
  • WU Qiong, ZHANG Tiantian, LI Maoying, WU Huiling, GUO Shaogui, ZHANG Jie, REN Yi, ZHANG Haiying, GONG Guoyi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2427-2438. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0798
  • Abstract ( 346 ) HTML ( 47 ) PDF (1446KB) ( 47 )    
  • In order to screen for effective microbial agents against cucumber green mottled mosaic virus(CGMMV)disease on watermelon,Paenibacillus polymyxa 246-1,Bacillus velezensis 4-2,and B. amyloliquefaciens 5 microbial agents were applied in advance on watermelon seedlings inoculated with CGMMV. The results showed that P. polymyxa 246-1,B. velezensis 4-2,and B. amyloliquefaciens 5 control effects of CGMMV disease reached 59.89%,46.71%,and 65.77%,respectively. Among them,B. amyloliquefaciens 5 had the best prevention and control effect. Further determination of physiological and biochemical indicators and phenotypic changes in watermelon seedlings on the 21st day was conducted to verify the prevention and control of CGMMV disease by pre-treatment with B. amyloliquefaciens. The results showed that the application of B. amyloliquefaciens 5 microbial agent in advance significantly increased the plant height,root length,fresh weight,and dry weight of watermelon seedlings by 5.93 cm,2.92 cm,2.48 g,and 2.09 g compared to the control group;the net photosynthetic rate,stomatal conductance,and transpiration rate of watermelon seedlings significantly increased by 351.00%,133.33%,and 91.30%,while the intercellular CO2 concentration significantly decreased by 25.88%;simultaneously,the activities of SOD,POD,PAL,and CAT in watermelon seedlings were significantly increased by 100.37%,126.46%,98.45%,and 98.99%. In conclusion,B. amyloliquefaciens 5 can improve the resistance of watermelon to CGMMV by improving the growth and development of plants,the photosynthesis ability of leaves and the activities of resistant enzymes.

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  • Establishment of Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Genetic Transformation System in Vegetable Pea
  • FENG Zhijuan, LIU Na, BU Yuanpeng, ZHANG Guwen, WANG Bin, GONG Yaming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2439-2448. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0944
  • Abstract ( 135 ) HTML ( 70 ) PDF (2981KB) ( 70 )    
  • This study established a simple and efficient Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation system in vegetable pea. The vegetable pea seeds of‘Zhewan1’were sown into pots with wet sterile vermiculite. The hypocotyls of vegetable pea seedlings were cut at the junction of cotyledon node and hypocotyl and the residual seedlings were selected as explants. The hairy roots were induced with Agrobacterium rhizogenes AR1193 strain harboring the construct of pCAMBIA3301-GUS. The results indicated that 100% of the inoculated explants could produce hair roots. The effect of different seedling age of explant on hairy root induction was also investigated. It was found that the 7-day-old seedling was favorable for hair root induction and the number of hairy root per seedling was 14.60. Further,the hair roots were amplified by RT-PCR of GUS gene and stained with the GUS dye. It was proven that the exogenous GUS gene could be successfully expressed in the hair roots and 35.21% of the hair roots were transgenic positive roots.

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  • Research Progress in Potato Nitrogen Diagnosis
  • LI Shuang, LIN Yongxin, QIN Junhong, LI Guangcun, JIN Liping, LIU Jiangang, BIAN Chunsong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2449-2468. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0738
  • Abstract ( 168 ) HTML ( 113 ) PDF (1078KB) ( 113 )    
  • Based on the development law of nitrogen diagnosis technology,this paper systematically reviewed the research progress of potato nitrogen diagnosis,reviewed the research and application status of potato nitrogen diagnosis methods at home and abroad,and compared the advantages and disadvantages of nitrogen diagnosis methods based on plant and soil,so as to provide theoretical reference for the research and application of potato nitrogen precision management. At present,it is an effective means of precise field management to construct a low-cost,spatial coverage nitrogen diagnosis system and further combine the nitrogen status of plants and soil with precise nitrogen application.

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New Cultivars

  • A New Pineapple Cultivar‘Yuelühuang’
  • LIU Chuanhe, HE Han, WU Xiaming, ZHOU Chenping, KUANG Ruibin, YANG Min, WEI Yuerong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2473-2474. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2024-0417
  • Abstract ( 98 ) HTML ( 42 ) PDF (1102KB) ( 42 )    
  • ‘Yuelühuang’pineapple is a mutant selected from‘Smooth Cayenne’. The plant is large in shape. The leaves,spineless in margin grow opening. The color of flower is yellow,and the flower bud and the skin of fruit when immature is green. The fruit is cylindrical in shape with shallow fruit eyes and the skin of fruit turns yellow when matured. The pulp flesh is yellow in color with sweet and fragrant juicy. After being cultivated at different sites for a few years,it was observed that‘Yuelühuang’performed well with high and stable yields at 54 675 kg · hm-2. The fruits are suited for table and processing to pineapple products,which could be properly planted in Guangdong,Guangxi provinces and so on.

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  • A New Chaenomeles sinensis Cultivar‘Xinxiang’
  • ZHAO Hongfei, LIU Ruosen, REN Jie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2475-2476. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2024-0052
  • Abstract ( 116 ) HTML ( 29 ) PDF (1794KB) ( 29 )    
  • Chaenomeles sinensis‘Xinxiang’is a fruit tree,which has been used as a medicinal and ornamental cultivar selected from the wild resources of C. sinensis. It has solitary,bell-shaped flowers that are large,with a corolla diameter of up to 5.0 cm,pink in color. Elliptic leaves with sharply serrated margins,and ovoid,irregularly raised. The fruit has a length of 14.0 cm to 18.0 cm and a width of 12.0 cm to 16.5 cm. It has large flowers and fruits,with a fruit yield of 120-150 kg · hm-2. The fruits can be used as a raw material for medicine,wine,processed food and spices. The branches and trunks have no stem thorns. Its branches,flowers and fruits have high ornamental value,mainly used for landscaping. It is suitable for planting in areas north of the Huaihe River.

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  • A New Early-Maturing and Browning Resistance Sponge Gourd Cultivar ‘Susi 5’
  • YONG Mingli, LIU Xiaohong, FENG Cui, LIU Huiying, QIAN Wei, SU Xiaojun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2477-2478. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1241
  • Abstract ( 109 ) HTML ( 43 ) PDF (1339KB) ( 43 )    
  • ‘Susi 5’is a new early-maturing and browning-resistant sponge gourd cultivar,which was bred by crossing the early-maturing inbred line 43D as female parent and the browning-resistant inbred line 18008 as male parent. The growth of this cultivar is normal,the female flowers occur early,the first female flower grows the 4th-5th node of the main vine,and the fruit-setting ability is strong. Its fruit shows medium stick-shaped,early-maturing,straight,dark green skin,sweet and fragrant,and browning-resistance. The length of the fruit is about 35-40 cm,the transverse diameter is about 4.2 cm,and the single fruit weight is about 320 g. The cultivar is resistant to virus disease and downy mildew,early-maturing and browning-resistance,and the yield is about 68 970 kg · hm-2. It is suitable for protected cultivation in spring and autumn in Jiangsu Province and areas with similar ecological conditions.

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  • A New Mid-Early Maturing Watermelon Cultivar‘Guixi 10’
  • HUANG Jinyan, HE Yi, LI Guifen, YE Yunfeng, XIE Huayun, LI Tianyan, HONG Rixin, QIN Sihua, LIU Tangjing, WEI Zhengguang, LI Zhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2479-2480. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1050
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  • ‘Guixi 10’is a new mid-early maturing watermelon cultivar crossed by inbred line ‘ZS2’as female parent and inbred line‘LPCS-a’as male parent. The fruit has durable rind for transportation,about 0.7-1.0 cm in thickness. The flesh is bright red and crisp with good taste. Its average center soluble solids content is 11.5%. The total growing period is 80-90 days in spring and 60-70 days in autumn. The fruit development period is 25-30 days. The fruit weight is 3.5-6.0 kg and the yield is 37 500-45 000 kg · hm-2. It is suitable for protected and open field cultivation in Guangxi area and similar climate areas in spring,summer and autumn.

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  • A New Magnolia Cultivar‘Bianyelian’
  • YAN Huiling, WANG Yaling, LI Renna, LI Qian, LI Yang, YE Wei, FAN Lu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(10): 2481-2482. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1073
  • Abstract ( 124 ) HTML ( 51 ) PDF (939KB) ( 51 )    
  • The new Magnolia cultivar‘Bianyelian’is a mutant plant which was derived from M.‘Danxin’by grafting and propagation. The main characteristics of this cultivar are its dwarfism and extremely short internodes. The leaf shape is irregular and varied. Each single flower has perianth segments 11-17. The outer surface of the outer wheel is light purple red(RHS color chart N66D),with a slightly darker base color. The outer surface of the inner wheel is purple red(RHS color chart N63B),with both inner surfaces being reddish purple(RHS color chart 69D). The shape of the flower perianth segments is inverted oval on the outer rim and elliptical on the inner rim. The suitable planting range is Xi’an,Hangzhou,and the 7-9 climate zones with similar climates.

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