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2024, Vol.51, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Functional Study of MrSPL4 Gene in Response to Drought and Low Temperature Stress in Chinese Bayberry
  • WU Xiangqi, SUN Li, YU Zheping, YU Qinpei, LIANG Senmiao, ZHENG Xiliang, QI Xingjiang, ZHANG Shuwen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 927-938. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0258
  • Abstract ( 356 ) HTML ( 362 ) PDF (2378KB) ( 362 )    
  • To investigate the function of MrSPL4 in response to drought and low temperature stress in Chinese bayberry,the cis-acting element of MrSPL4 promoter and treating MrSPL4-OE transgenic tobacco T2 generation strain with drought and low temperature stress were analyzed,observing its seed germination rate and plant phenotype,and measuring plant physiological indexes to clarify the function of MrSPL4. The results showed that the promoter region of MrSPL4 contains cis-acting elements for drought induction,low temperature response,defense and stress response,and the other important cis-elements. Compared with wild-type tobacco(WT),under drought stress,MrSPL4-OE transgenic tobacco seed germination rate was significantly reduced. There was no significant difference in the reduction of plant water loss and wilting between WT and MrSPL4-OE. Except for a significant decrease in H2O2 content,there was no significant difference in other indicators. Transfer to normal conditions after low temperature stress,the germination rate of seeds significantly increased. Plant greening and wilting were reduced. SOD and POD enzyme activities increased significantly,while the content of MDA,H2O2,proline,and soluble sugar decreased significantly. The results indicated that MrSPL4 positively regulates the response process of tobacco to low temperature stress,improves its ability to tolerate low temperature,but inhibits the germination rate of tobacco seeds under drought stress.

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Genetic & Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Biology

  • Cloning of Mandarin Fruit CcHY5 and Its Function in Fruit Coloration
  • DENG Shufang, LIU Qian, LIU Ling, CHEN Ou, WANG Wenjun, ZENG Kaifang, DENG Lili
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 939-955. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0441
  • Abstract ( 403 ) HTML ( 189 ) PDF (2661KB) ( 189 )    
  • 25 ℃ storage accelerated the coloration of mandarin fruits,while 32 ℃ storage inhibited their coloring. Using mandarin peel stored at these two temperatures as material,the key transcription factor CcHY5 was discovered that has a significant impact on chlorophyll metabolism. The structural characteristics of CcHY5 and conducted in-depth research on the gene function of this transcription factor were analyzed using the transient overexpression system mediated by Agrobacterium EHA105 on tobacco leaves and mandarin fruits,respectively. The results showed that the total length of CcHY5 was 507 bp,coded 168 amino acids,and had high homology with the AtHY5 of the model crop Arabidopsis. Its promoter region contains various response elements such as light responsive elements,abscisic acid responsive elements,and auxin responsive elements;subcellular localization in the nucleus with transcriptional activation activity. Tobacco leaves showed significant yellowing after transient overexpression of CcHY5,and the yellowing rate was faster at 25 ℃ than at 32 ℃. After transient overexpression of CcHY5 in the peel of mandarin fruit,a significant coloration occurred near the injection well,while the negative control remained green. CcHY5 was significantly up-regulated in the peel at different temperatures compared to the negative control,but the expression level was significantly reduced at 32 ℃ compared to 25 ℃. The content of chlorophyll and its metabolites(chlorophyll a,chlorophyll b,pheophorbide a,pheophorbide b and pheophytin a)in tobacco leaves and mandarin fruits peel significantly decreased,however,there was no significant difference in the content of carotenoids and their metabolites in the peel of mandarin fruits compared to the negative control. After transient overexpression,the expression of chlorophyll cycle genes CcCHL1CcCHL2,and CcCHL3 in mandarin peel was inhibited to varying degrees,while the expression of chlorophyll degradation metabolism genes CcNYC and CcRCCR was significantly up-regulated. In summary,at an appropriate temperature(25 ℃),CcHY5 may accelerate the coloration process of mandarin peel by promoting chlorophyll degradation.

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  • The Role of BAG1 in the Infection of Citrus with Alternaria Brown Spot
  • ZHOU Huizhen, ZHANG Jia, HU Junhua, LI Baixue, CAO Li, YU Xin, WANG Fusheng, ZOU Xiuping, ZHOU Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 956-970. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0273
  • Abstract ( 305 ) HTML ( 118 ) PDF (3402KB) ( 118 )    
  • In this paper,the regulatory mechanism of citrus BAG1 gene in response to Alternaria alternata infection was explored. BAG1 was amplified from the leaves of‘Chengtuo Hongju’(Citrus tangerina Hort.ex Tanaka),‘Miyagawa Wase Unshiu’(C. unshiu Macf),‘Ehime 38’(C. reticulata Blanco)and‘Jinqiu Shatangju’(C. reticulata Blanco). BAG1 protein was relatively conserved and had Ubiquitin domain and BAG domain. There are only three amino acid changes in the BAG domain of Ehime 38,resulting in changes in the side chain groups. The upstream promoter sequence showed that the four citrus cultivars contained the same hormone and stress-related cis-acting elements. Systematic analysis showed that the four citrus cultivars had the highest similarity to the BAG1 protein of mandarin,and had a distant relationship with sweet oranges and pomelo. qRT-PCR showed that the expression of BAG1 gene was significantly different in the resistant and susceptible cirtus cultivars during infected by A. alternata strain THJ. Hormonal stress treatment showed that BAG1 was up-regulated by exogenous plant hormones MeJA,ABA and SA. Trasient expression of tobacco showed that BAG1 protein was localized to the cell nucleus and cell membrane. BAG1 gene silencing and overexpression showed that BAG1 silencing could enhance the resistance of citrus to A.alternata. Overexpression reduced the resistance to A.alternata. The results showed that citrus BAG1 was involved in the regulation of A. alternata by participating in ROS excitation and ABA and JA signaling pathways.

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Genetic & Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Biology

  • Effects of Overexpression of CsEXPA8 on Growth and Canker Disease Resistance in‘Wanjincheng’Orange
  • PENG Aihong, ZHANG Jingyun, CHEN Zhiyi, SU Juan, HE Yongrui, YAO Lixiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 971-981. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0145
  • Abstract ( 116 ) HTML ( 65 ) PDF (1848KB) ( 65 )    
  • To clarify the biological function of the expansion protein gene CsEXPA8,the vectors which excessed and inhibited the expression level of CsEXPA8 were constructed and then introduced in‘Wanjincheng’orange,respectively. The phenotype of transgenic plants was observed and their resistance to citrus canker was evaluated. The results showed that CsEXPA8 has tissue specific expression characteristics and its expression level in‘Wanjincheng’orange could be induced by Xanthomonas citri pv. citri,and that overexpression of CsEXPA8 could promote the growth of leaf length and width,and spring shoot,but also increase the sensitivity of transgenic plants to citrus canker,and that inhibiting the expression level of CsEXPA8 reduced the leaf length and width,and spring shoot,and enhanced the resistance of transgenic plants against citrus canker. These results indicated that CsEXPA8 positively and negatively regulates growth and resistance to citrus canker of‘Wanjincheng’orange,respectively.

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  • Mapping of the Sharp Blossom-end Gene and Screening of Candidate Gene in Tomato
  • LIU Zeying, SUN Shuai, LIU Zhiqiang, CUI Xia, LI Ren
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 982-992. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0060
  • Abstract ( 188 ) HTML ( 126 ) PDF (4123KB) ( 126 )    
  • The sharp blossom-end mutant was obtained from cultivar tomato Money Maker(MM),named as shb. Fruits of shb mutants had a pointed tip and a predominantly increased fruit shape index,shown heart-shaped with smaller size,suggesting that SHB regulates tomato fruit size and shape. The freehand section and paraffin section observations showed that the pericarp thickness and cell layers of shb mutants were significantly decreased compared with MM. During early style development,different from the small and dense cells at the base of the MM style,the shb mutant style base and the cells at this region continued to expand,eventually forming a pointed end after style dropping. An F2 population which was derived from a cross between MM(flat blossom end)and shb(sharp blossom end)was generated. Genetic analysis indicated the sharp blossom end was a qualitative trait controlled by a single recessive gene. The individual plants with extreme fruit phenotypes of the pointed end and the flat one were divided into two groups for DNA pooling,and four candidate genes were preliminarily screened by using Bulked Segregant Analysis Coupled with Whole-Genome Sequencing(BSA-Seq).

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  • Analysis of Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency in Natural Population of Tomato and Screening of Low Phosphorus Tolerant Germplasm
  • LI Pin, GAN Ning, CHEN Jiawei, XIANG Sixiang, SHEN Jingyi, OUYANG Bo, LU Yong’en
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 993-1004. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0053
  • Abstract ( 138 ) HTML ( 83 ) PDF (2358KB) ( 83 )    
  • A natural population of tomato containing 196 accessions was treated with three levels of phosphorus including full nutrition(P,830 μmol · L-1 HPO42-),1% P(8.3 μmol · L-1 HPO42-)and 10% P(83 μmol · L-1 HPO42-)by nutrient solution at seedling stage using vermiculite as substrate. This natural population was evaluated for phosphorus efficiency and screened for low phosphorus tolerant accessions based on shoot dry weight,shoot fresh weight,plant height and chlorophyll content of seedlings. The results showed that both fresh and dry weights of the shoots exhibited a vast variation among the investigated indexes,indicating abundant genetic variation among these accessions. Using fresh weight ratio and dry weight ratio of shoot as evaluation indexes for low phosphorus tolerance,three accessions with low phosphorus tolerance at 1% P(TS-653,yf4 and pl1)and 10% P(TS-26,TS-643 and TS-653)were screened out,respectively,by cluster analysis,and the relative phosphorus contents as well as the ratios of shoot phosphorus contents to root phosphorus contents of these accessions were also analyzed. Phosphorus efficiency comprehensive value of all the accessions was calculated using the fuzzy membership function method. Based on scatter plots,the accession TS-614 was selected,which showed high efficiency under three phosphorus levels.

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  • The Development and Verification of SNP Lquid Chips for Common Bean Based on Targeted Sequencing Technology
  • YUAN Na, XU Qinyuan, XU Zhaolong, ZHOU Ling, LIU Xiaoqing, CHEN Xin, DU Jianchang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1017-1032. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0301
  • Abstract ( 111 ) HTML ( 95 ) PDF (2849KB) ( 95 )    
  • A total of 61 950 high-quality SNP loci were identified based on published common bean genome and resequencing data using bioinformatic methods. By evaluating the target loci for probe design,40K,20K and 10K liquid chips containing 40 352,20 855 and 10 486 SNP loci were finally designed and developed,respectively. Using the 10K liquid chip,89 common bean varieties were genotyped by targeted sequencing. The results showed that the mean polymorphic information content and genetic diversity values of 89 common bean varieties were 0.35 and 0.29,respectively. The 89 common bean varieties were classified into two genetic subgroups by STRUCTURE and cluster analysis,which showed that the genetic background and fruit traits of common bean varieties in the same region were mostly similar. Based on selection signal analysis,a total of 103 regions subject to strong selective pressure were identified,and the loci in these regions will provide candidates for subsequent functional gene studies.

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  • Identification,Expression and Function Analysis of ALDH Gene Family in Lentinula edodes
  • CHEN Jiayue, DUAN Yingming, ZHOU Yan, XIAO Yang, BIAN Yinbing, GONG Yuhua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1033-1046. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0200
  • Abstract ( 357 ) HTML ( 138 ) PDF (4750KB) ( 138 )    
  • In this study,17,20,19,and 18 ALDH family members were identified in the four published genomes W1-26,NBRC111202,Bin0899,and B17 of Lentinula edodes,respectively. ALDH encoded proteins belong to 11 families,among which family 1 has the largest number of genes. These ALDH genes were distributed in 17,16,16,and 10 scaffolds of four genomes,respectively,and one or two pairs of tandem duplication ALDH genes were found except W1-26 genome. Only four pairs collinear ALDH genes existed between L. edodes and the model fungus Schizophyllum commune. The promoter regions of 17 ALDH genes in the W1-26 genome of L. edodes contained ten kinds of response elements such as light,hormone,oxygen and drought,among which the number of light response elements was significantly more than other elements. The transcriptome and proteome data showed that LeW1-26ALDH1N1,LeW1-26ALDH3L1 and LeW1-26ALDH6C1 had significant responses to different time periods of heat stress. Compared with wild-type S606 strain,LeW1-26ALDH3L1 gene RNAi transformant had 55% decrease of IAA content of mycelia after heat stress at 40 ℃ for 24 h,and had 71% and 45% decrease of mycelial regrowth rate and biomass separately at 25 ℃. These phenotypes of LeW1-26ALDH1N1 and LeW1-26ALDH6C1 gene RNAi transformants did not change compared with wild-type S606 strain. Above all,it is indicated that the decreased gene expression level of LeW1-26ALDH3L1 may lead to mycelia’s lower IAA content under heat stress,and then reduced the thermotolerance of mycelia.

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  • Cloning of RhRNF185-like Gene from Rose and Its Effect on Petal Senescence
  • WANG Wenyu, WANG Jiayin, DU Tingting, ZHANG Jingjing, ZHANG Chao, XIN Cuihua, GUO Jiangbo, PEI Haixia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1047-1055. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0373
  • Abstract ( 169 ) HTML ( 100 ) PDF (1421KB) ( 100 )    
  • In order to explore the senescence mechanism of rose petals and provide gene reserve for the creation of anti-senescence rose varieties through molecular breeding and other means,a RhRNF185-like gene belonging to E3 ubiquitin ligase RING domain family were screened by transcriptome sequencing using cut rose‘Carola’as the test material in this study. The results of qRT-PCR showed that the expression level of RhRNF185-like in the rose petals was significantly increased in the middle and late stage of rose flower opening,indicating that RhRNF185-like expression might affect the senescence of rose petals. Transient overexpression of RhRNF185-like in tobacco mesophyll cells showed that the GFP signal of RhRNF185-like coincided with the nuclear signal of DAPI through Confocal microscope,indicating that RhRNF185-like was located in the nucleus. Virus-induced gene silencing technique(VIGS)was used to silence RhRNF185-like gene in rose petals. It was found that the senescence degree of petals with RhRNF185-like gene silencing was significantly greater than that of TRV control group. In addition,compared with TRV control group,the relative expression level of senescence marker gene RhSAG12,ion permeability and fading rate of rose petals were significantly increased in the RhRNF185-like gene silencing group,indicating that silencing RhRNF185-like promoted the senescence of rose petals. These results indicated that RhRNF185-like affected the senescence of rose petals in an antagonistic regulatory manner.

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Genetic & Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Biology

  • Development and Application of Universal SSR Molecular Marker Primers in Phalaenopsis and Rhynchostylis
  • XIAO Wenfang, LI Zuo, CHEN Heming, LÜ Fubing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1056-1068. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0285
  • Abstract ( 100 ) HTML ( 66 ) PDF (2528KB) ( 66 )    
  • Based on simplified genome sequencing data of 38 germplasm resources from 28 native species of Phalaenopsis and nine germplasm resources from three native species of Rhynchostylis,19 pairs of universal SSR primers in Phalaenopsis,12 pairs of universal SSR primers in Rhynchostylis,and 12 pairs of universal SSR primers between the two genera were developed and selected for their high polymorphism and universality. Fluorescent-labeled capillary electrophoresis was used for allele variation detection. Among the 47 germplasm resources,a total of 134 alleles were detected by the 12 pairs of universal primers between genera,with 6-17 alleles amplified per pair of primers. The mean observed number of alleles(Na)was 11.17,the mean effective number of alleles(Ne)was 6.36,and the expected Heterozygosity(He) ranged from 0.66 to 0.88,while the observed heterozygosity(Ho) ranged from 0.07 to 0.38. All primer sites showed high polymorphism,with Shannon's index ranging from 1.30 to 2.43 and a mean of 1.88,indicating that the primers have high polymorphism and were suitable for identifying germplasm resources of both two genera. Cluster analysis and population structure analysis of the 47 germplasm resources could clearly reveal the genetic relationships between Phalaenopsis and Rhynchostylis species,which is consistent with the results of botanical classification. In the detection of F1 hybrid populations between Phalaenopsis Jiuhbao Red Rose and Rhynchostylis retusa 23 pairs showed polymorphism,and a total of 75 polymorphic bands were amplified. The genetic similarity coefficient between hybrids ranged from 0.58 to 1.00,with an average genetic similarity coefficient between maternal parents and intergeneric hybrids(0.62)higher than that between paternal parents(0.54),indicating that the F1 generation of intergeneric hybrids showed maternal inheritance,which is consistent with the phenotypic observation results.

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Genetic & Breeding·Germplasm Resources·Molecular Biology

  • Analysis of the Difference of Flavonoids in Dendropanax dentiger Leaves with Different Drying Processes Based on Untargeted Metabolomics
  • YAO Fengping, WANG Yanbin, QIN Yuchuan, WANG Liling
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1069-1082. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0219
  • Abstract ( 114 ) HTML ( 97 ) PDF (3800KB) ( 97 )    
  • Ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS)was used to detect the flavonoids accumulated in leaves of Dendropanax dentiger under three drying methods(freeze-drying,hot-air drying and microwave drying). Principal component analysis(PCA)and orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis(OPLS-DA)were applied to identify the differential metabolites. The results indicated that 204 flavonoid compounds were identified,dominated by 53 flavonoids,37 flavonols and 24 isoflavones. A total of 80 differential compounds were screened,among which 69 different metabolites were found between hot-air drying and freeze-drying,67 were found between hot-air drying and microwave drying,and 45 were found between microwave drying and freeze-drying. The metabolites of these differences were mainly involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. The contribution rate of different substances to the characterization of different drying methods was obvious. Through the study of up-regulation and down-regulation of differential metabolites, it was found that the flavonoid components in the leaves could be retained better by freeze-drying,followed by microwave drying.

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Cultivation·Physiology & Biochemistry

  • Analysis of Quality and Aroma Components of‘Merlot’Grape from Different Areas in Hexi Corridor
  • MA Zonghuan, LI Yumei, WEI Xiaxia, LI Wenfang, CHEN Baihong, MAO Juan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1083-1098. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0163
  • Abstract ( 636 ) HTML ( 135 ) PDF (2687KB) ( 135 )    
  • In order to clarify the fruit quality and aroma substance content characteristics of‘Merlot’grape from different producing areas in Hexi Corridor,this study analyzed the climate data,soil nutrients,fruit quality and aroma substance components of Jiayuguan,Zhangye and Wuwei producing areas for three consecutive years. The results showed that the soil of the three regions was generally lack of organic matter,and the content of organic matter was below grade 4(lack). The pH value of soil was from 7.72 to 8.23,belonging to neutral to alkaline soil. The contents of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in the surface soil are relatively rich,and the contents of iron,copper and manganese in the soil at different depths in Wuwei are relatively high. The monthly effective accumulated temperature and diurnal temperature difference in Zhangye from April to September are significantly higher than those in other regions,and the rainfall in Wuwei region is the largest. The glucose content in the fruit quality of the three producing areas was Zhangye > Jiayuguan > Wuwei,and the sucrose content was the opposite,and the content of tartaric acid,citric acid and ascorbic acid in Wuwei was higher than that in the other two producing areas. The total content of aroma compounds in fruit quality in Jiayuguan in 2018 and 2019 was higher than that in the other two producing areas. Environmental factors such as temperature and precipitation were significantly correlated with fruit sugar and acid content,and mineral elements such as calcium,manganese,copper and iron in soil were also significantly correlated with fruit sugar and acid content. Therefore,it can be considered that the differences of aroma substances in different habitats are the result of the combined action of environmental factors and soil nutrition.

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  • Effects of Biological-Organic Fertilizer Combined with Specialized Fertilizer on Soil Nutrients,Microbial Diversity and Yield in Vineyards
  • WU Shaofu, HAN Kefeng, WU Lianghuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1099-1112. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0157
  • Abstract ( 438 ) HTML ( 157 ) PDF (1554KB) ( 157 )    
  • In order to explore the effects of biological-organic fertilizer combined with specialized fertilizer on soil nutrients,soil microbial diversity and yield in vineyards,this study selected the‘Shine Muscat’grape under protected cultivation as the research object,and conventional fertilization treatment as the control treatment. The research results showed that the soil pH,available phosphorus,available potassium,and exchangeable calcium or magnesium contents under the biological-organic fertilizer combined with specialized fertilizer and specialized water-soluble fertilizer treatment were significantly increased(P < 0.05)compared with the control treatment. The value of soil bacterial diversity Chao1 index,Shannon index,and total OUT on showed a significant increase,but the soil fungal diversity Chao1 index and Shannon index had no significant changes. The results of Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing analysis showed that soil bacterial communities can be classified into 40 phyla,108 classes,240 orders,326 families,and 595 genera,while soil fungal communities can be classified into 13 phyla,32 classes,71 orders,126 families,and 172 genera. Compared with control treatment,biological-organic fertilizer combined with specialized fertilizer and specialized water-soluble fertilizer treatments at the bacterial phyla level,the relative abundance of Actinobacteria increased by 80.33%,and the bacterial classes level,the relative abundance of α-Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria increased by 29.62% and 108.56%,respectively. At the fungi phyla level,the relative abundance of Ascomycota increased by 4.48%,and at the fungi classes level,Sordariomycetes increased by 10.42%,but Eurotiomycetes and Dothideomycetes decreased by 26.38% and 29.42%. Redundancy analysis(RDA)found that at the phyla level,the explanation rates of environmental factors for soil bacterial and fungal communities change were 64.21% and 56.91% respectively. Soil pH,available potassium,and exchangeable calcium or magnesium had a significant impact on the structure of soil microbial communities in vineyards. Compared to the control treatment,the yield and soluble solid content increased by 25.91% and 5.61% under the biological-organic fertilizer combined with specialized fertilizer and specialized water-soluble fertilizer treatment,respectively.

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Plant Protection

  • Studies on the Mechanism of α-Momordicin Gene Enhancing Tomato Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus
  • YANG Ting, XI Dehui, XIA Ming, LI Jianan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1126-1136. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0062
  • Abstract ( 93 ) HTML ( 89 ) PDF (2345KB) ( 89 )    
  • To explore the mechanism of α-momordicinαMMC)resistance to tobacco mosaic virus(TMV),the physiological parameters,virus accumulation,and the transcript levels of pathogenesis- related proteinPR)gene in αMMC transgenic plants and wild-type plants under TMV inoculation were analyzed using the‘tomato-TMV’interaction system. Subcellular localization and phenotypic analysis showed that αMMC was a type I ribosome-inactivating protein and localized in the cytoplasm. Furthermore,αMMC could inhibit virus accumulation in the host and alleviate the disease symptoms in tomato,positively the plant’s defense system. Oxidative damage and enzyme activity assays showed that TMV infection caused an outbreak of reactive oxygen species,and αMMC could enhance the activities of antioxidant enzyme to remove excessive reactive oxygen species,resulting in less oxidative damage. In addition,real-time quantitative PCR results indicated that αMMC could specifically induce the expression level of defense-related genes PR1PR4PR6 and PRB1-3 to improve host resistance to TMV infection.

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  • Biocontrol Efficacy and Mechanisms of Streptomyces purpeofuscus CC2-6 Against Chinese Cabbage Clubroot Caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae
  • WANG Qing, HU Yan, CHEN Shan, LU Jingwei, ZHENG Yang, TAO Weilin, SUN Xianchao, ZHOU Na, CHEN Guokang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1137-1150. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0146
  • Abstract ( 120 ) HTML ( 67 ) PDF (2012KB) ( 67 )    
  • In order to screen out biocontrol strains that can effectively inhibit Plasmodiophora brassicaeFusarium oxysporum was used as the indicator fungus,and the strain CC2-6 was screened by plate confrontation method. The inhibitory rate was 50.03%. The fermentation broth of strain CC2-6 could inhibit the germination of resting spores of P. brassicae and the infection of P. brassicae from root hairs,and and the control efficacy of Chinese cabbage clubroot was 53.20% in pot trials. In addition,CC2-6 had inhibitory effects on nine pathogens including Pestalotiopsis nicotiae,and its inhibition rate rangeed more than 47.20%-76.19%,indicating that CC2-6 had broad-spectrum bacteriostatic activity. The strain CC2-6 was preliminarily identified as Streptomyces purpeofuscus by morphological observation and 16S rDNA gene sequence analysis. The strain CC2-6 could produce protease,cellulase and chitinase,and its fermentation broth could induce the increase of PPO,POD and PAL activities,the increase of SA and JA contents and the decrease of ET content in Chinese cabbage. The results of GC-TOF/LC-QTOF/QE non-target metabolomics showed that the fermentation broth of strain CC2-6 contained antagnostic active substances such as hygromycin B,camptothecin,2-phenylethanol and citric acid,indicating that CC2-6 might inhibit the infection of P. brassicae by metabolizing these compounds.

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  • Effects of Sprouting,Cutting and Coating of Potato Seed on the Occurrence of Rhizoctonia solani Disease
  • FAN Guoquan, YU Jiang, GAO Yanling, LI Qingquan, ZHANG Shu, YU Zhenhua
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1151-1161. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0119
  • Abstract ( 97 ) HTML ( 61 ) PDF (1368KB) ( 61 )    
  • Rhizoctonia solani seriously hinders the industrialization of potato production. This study investigated the effect of the factors on the control of Rhizoctonia solani disease by sprouting,cutting,quality treatment and coating treatments. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the proportion of disease grade between elite sprouted potatoes,whole seed and large tuber treatment,and unsprouted treatment. Similarly,there was no significant difference in disease grade between cut seed potatoes,small tuber treatment,and elite pre-coating treatment on June 17th. The incidence of grade three diseases was significantly reduced in the treatment of elite sprouted potatoes,whole seeds,and large tubers. Additionally,the disease grade in the treatment of pre-elite coated large tubers was notably lower than that in the treatment of coated small tubers on June 21th. Therefore,treatments involving coated seeds,sprouted potatoes,whole seeds,and large tubers can effectively reduce the degree of damage caused by Rhizoctonia solani disease in the early growth stage. These results also indirectly confirm that optimal germination conditions and rapid seed potato emergence can effectively reduce the damage caused by Rhizoctonia solani. In summary,implementing appropriate technical measures for quality control in potato production can effectively manage the disease and improve the quality of seed potatoes.

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  • Screening and Identification of Antagonistic Rhizosphere Bacteria and Their Biological Control Effect on Root Rot of Lycium barbarum
  • HAN Qin, GAO Huihui, MA Xiang, SU Jianyu, XU Chunyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1162-1172. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0298
  • Abstract ( 295 ) HTML ( 66 ) PDF (4504KB) ( 66 )    
  • In this study,rhizosphere soil of the healthy plants of Lycium barbarum‘Ningqi 5’was collected for bacteria isolation and screening using dilution coating method based on the colony morphological characteristics,and the purified rhizosphere bacteria were classified based on biochemical and molecular identification. The preliminary and secondary screenings were conducted based on plate confrontation experiments and the growth inhibition of pathogenic mycelium using fermentation broth,respectively. Results indicated that a total of 18 strains of bacteria with different colony morphology characteristics were isolated and screened from the rhizosphere soil of the healthy‘Ningqi 5’,and were identified subsequently,belonging to Bacillus spp. and Staphylococcus sp. There were 11 strains exhibiting notable inhibitory effects on both Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani,with the bacteriostatic rate of more than 50%. All the 11 strains were identified to be Bacillus spp. The culture broth of Bacillus sp. JK-B-01 was found to possess the best inhibitory effect on four pathogens,R. solaniF. oxysporumF. redolens,and F. solani. There might be high-temperature resistant antibacterial substances present in the extracellular metabolites of Bacillus sp. JK-B-01. In pot experiment,the occurrence of root rot was prevented after inoculation of Bacillus sp. JK-B-01 via root irrigation,suggesting that it had a certain preventive effect on root rot disease of L. barbarum caused by F. oxysporum. In general,an indigenous bacterium Bacillus sp. JK-B-01 was obtained from the rhizosphere of‘Ningqi 5’,and its potential as a candidate strain of BCAs against root rot disease of L. barbarum was proved via in vitro bacteriostatic activity determination and in vivo pot experiment. This study expanded the strain resources for the research and development of efficient BCAs against the root rot disease of L. barbarum in Ningxia.

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New Cultivars

  • A New Cucumber Hybrid‘Zhongnong Cuiyu 1’
  • ZHANG Congying, GU Xingfang, MIAO Han, DONG Shaoyun, LIU Xiaoping, GUAN Jiantao, ZHANG Shengping
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1173-1174. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2024-0245
  • Abstract ( 141 ) HTML ( 101 ) PDF (1028KB) ( 101 )    
  • ‘Zhongnong Cuiyu 1’is a new southern-China type cucumber hybrid using gyneocious line 171051 and inbred line 171009 as paternal parent and maternal parent,respectively. It grows vigorously with high tolerance to low temperature and weak light. Its fruit is about 15 cm in length and 3.5 cm in diameter. Its fruit has white skin,short neck and small chamber. The fruit skin has few white spines and small tuberculates. The cultivar has multi-resistance,good precocity and high total yield. The yield can reach 166 858.5 kg · hm-2. It is suitable for solar greenhouse and plastic tunnel cultivation.

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  • A New Purple Pepper Cultivar‘Jiangda Zijiao 1’
  • GUO Rui, CHEN Gao, ZHAO Huixai, QIAN Yike, LAN Hong, WAN Heping, CHEN Chanyou
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1175-1176. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0381
  • Abstract ( 126 ) HTML ( 79 ) PDF (1272KB) ( 79 )    
  • ‘Jiangda Zijiao 1’is developed by crossing P-9-2-5-1 as a female parent with Zi-11-2-1 as a male parent. The plant is strong,medium maturity;The fruitlet is green,and the commercial fruit is purple and erietiform,with a length of 19.84 cm,a shoulder width of 2.9 cm,a pulp thickness of 2.8 mm and single fruit weight of 56.99 g. Vitamin C content is 625.2 mg · kg-1,anthocyanin content is 44.6 mg · kg-1. The fruit is mild spicy and used as fresh vegetables;The average yield is 45 840 kg · hm-2. It is suitable for protected cultivation in spring and autumn in flat lands of Hubei Province.

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  • A New Azalea Cultivar‘Diehai’
  • LI Chang, LIU Xiaoqing, DENG Yanming, SU Jiale, ZHOU Huimin, SUN Xiaobo, GUO Zhenhao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2024, 51(5): 1177-1178. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0883
  • Abstract ( 107 ) HTML ( 103 ) PDF (1063KB) ( 103 )    
  • The new cultivar‘Diehai’was bred through natural pollination and seeding seletion of Rhododendron pulchyrum. It is characterized by compact plant type,vigour growth. Its flower color is purple red(Red Purple Group N57C). Its flower is single and its petal has five circular lobes,its upper lobes have some striking dark purple spots. The diameter of flower head is about 7.5-8.0 cm. Its natural florescence is from early April to mid April. Its flowering can last 15-20 days. It is high temperature and high humidity tolerance. It is suitable for greenhouse pot and landscape for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

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