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2023, Vol.50, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Research Papers

  • Expression Analysis of MdTOPP13/28 During Axillary Bud Outgrowth in Malus
  • LIU Youxian, LI Guofang, TAN Ming, YANG Zhichang, ZHOU Shiwei, HUO Wenjing, ZHANG He, SUN Jianshe, SHAO Jianzhu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 697-712. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0011
  • Abstract ( 618 ) HTML ( 731 ) PDF (4202KB) ( 731 )    
  • In this study,apple whole-genome data were used to identify and conduct a biological analysis of the MdTOPP gene family. A total of 44 TOPP genes were systematically identified from apple genome,and they distributed on 15 chromosomes. The phylogenetic tree analysis showed that MdTOPP,PpTOPP and AtTOPP were highly homologous;the gene structure and conserved domain analysis showed that 1-2 exons,0-20 introns and 10 conserved motifs were in MdTOPP genes. The promoter cis-acting element analysis showed that the MdTOPP genes were not only affected by the external environment such as light and heat,but also comprehensively regulated by multiple hormones. All the MdTOPP genes have distinctive expression patterns in different apple tissues. MdTOPP13 and MdTOPP28 were identified from the transcriptome data of exogenous cytokinin(6-BA and TDZ)induced apple axillary bud outgrowth,and cloning sequence alignment showed high homology. Using quantitative real-time PCR,the expressions of MdTOPP13 and MdTOPP28 were upregulated after exogenous 6-BA or TDZ applied on the axillary buds of apple rootstock‘SH40’. In summary,MdTOPP13 and MdTOPP28 may play an important role in mediating cytokinin regulation of axillary bud outgrowth.

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  • Cloning and Function Identification of a Potassium Transporter Gene PbKT12 in Pear Fruit
  • KAN Liping, SHI Xiaoqian, YANG Han, JIN Yumeng, CHEN Liyan, ZHANG Lijuan, XU Yangchun, SHEN Qirong, DONG Caixia
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 713-723. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0100
  • Abstract ( 342 ) HTML ( 198 ) PDF (5639KB) ( 198 )    
  • PbKT12 is a potassium(K)transporter gene identified from transcriptome analysis of pear fruit in response to K supply. In order to verify the function of PbKT12,full length PbKT12 gene from‘Huangguan’pear fruit was cloned and analyzed its amino acid sequence by bioinformatics. The total length of the gene sequence is 2 730 bp,encoding 909 amino acids. The amino acid sequence similarity between pear PbKT12 protein and apple homologous protein was up to 97%. Subcellular localization showed that PbKT12 protein was found on the plasma membrane. The yeast mutant strain R5421 transformed by PbKT12 gene recovery growth in the medium containing less than 5 mmol · L-1 K+. qRT-PCR showed that the relative expression level of PbKT12 in pear fruit and leaves increased under high K+ level. The PbKT12 was transformed in Arabidopsis by Agrobacterium-mediated method. Compared with the wild-type,the PbKT12 transgenic plants grew faster with earlier bolting and flowering,and they had higher glucose accumulation. The distribution of K+ in Arabidopsis plants was detected by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. It was found that K+ was preferentially transported to inflorescence of Arabidopsis under potassium deficiency. In conclusion,PbKT12 protein may play an important role in transport of potassium and promotion of glucose accumulation in pear fruit.

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  • Adaptability of Peach Under Air Temperature Change Based on Chilling Requirment
  • YAN Juan, ZHAO Bintao, SUN Meng, SONG Hongfeng, CAI Zhixiang, LI Jiyao, SU Ziwen, ZHANG Minghao, SHEN Zhijun, XU Jianlan, MA Ruijuan, YU Mingliang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 724-736. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1297
  • Abstract ( 646 ) HTML ( 152 ) PDF (1442KB) ( 152 )    
  • The objective of this research is to provide reference for the new germplasms creating,new cultivar breeding and regions of peach with low chilling requirement through clarifying the impact of air temperature change on the adaptability. Based on the air temperature data of 12 regions with different geographical locations and climate types in China from 2011 to 2021,this paper evaluates the chilling accumulation of the tested regions for breaking peach dormancy,and counts the chilling requirement of 589 peach resources by 0-7.2 ℃ model. Then,this study analyzes the air temperature change in the studied regions and its impact on the chilling accumulation to judge the peach adaptability challenge and point out some strategies. The results show that the temperature in the regions increased year by year with an average increase of 2 ℃ in 10 years,during the period of peach chilling accumulation from early November to the end of March of the following year,but some great fluctuation of the temperature in some years. There are significant differences of chilling accumulation in various regions. As the reduced latitude (from North to South),the start date of chilling accumulation changes from early to late,and the end date changes from late to early,and days of the chilling accumulation gradually decreased. The average chilling accumulation in each region varies from 4.5 to 1 315 h in 10 years. There is an obvious downward trend of the chilling accumulation year by year in each region with the lower the latitude,the more lowering tendency. In addition,the climate type also affects the chilling accumulation. The decrease of chilling accumulation in each region had a slight or moderate or severe impact on the peach adaptability with different chilling requirement. Based on these results,the range of peach chilling requirement in tested regions is predicted. The range of peach cold requirements for growth in different regions was predicted as follows:< 1 000 h for Beijing,Mengyin,Zhengzhou and Nanjing,600-700 h for Shanghai and Hangzhou,< 400 h for Guilin,< 200 h for Wenshan and Gutian(400 h adaption for some high-altitude areas in Gutian),< 100 h for Fuzhou and < 50 h for Guangzhou. There is non-dormant and evergreen peach in Hainan Province. In the future,the development of peach industry needs to increase the creating and breeding new germplasms and varieties with low chilling requirement,and also optimize the variety layout,and reasonably formulate the south extension cultivation plan.

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  • Preliminary Investigation of C2H2 Family Genes in Blueberry Flower Bud Dormancy Release
  • LI Ke, SHEN Mengxiao, PAN Weihao, ZHANG Shixuan, MAO Xinye, YIN Yahong, LI Yongqiang, ZHU Youyin, GUO Weidong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 737-753. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0044
  • Abstract ( 395 ) HTML ( 138 ) PDF (5871KB) ( 138 )    
  • In order to explore the function of C2H2 zinc finger protein in blueberry flower bud dormancy,members of VcC2H2-ZFP gene family were identified in blueberry by bioinformatics analysis. The expression pattern of C2H2 genes during the process of flower bud endodormancy release and treatment of exogenous abscisic acid(ABA)were analyzed through transcriptome data and Quantitative Real-time PCR(qRT-PCR). In this study,79 VcC2H2-ZFP family members were identified in blueberry. According to the results of phylogenetic tree and conservative motif analysis,VcC2H2-ZFP family members were divided into three groups. The results of gene expression showed that VcC2H2-ZFP genes family were expressed in all organs of blueberry,among which 15 VcC2H2-ZFP genes were significantly differentially expressed during flower bud endodormancy release;the expression levels of Vc31g303.5Vc7g51.6,and Vc16g355.5 were high at deep endodormancy stage,but decreased with the process of dormancy release. Cis-acting element analysis showed that the promoter of VcC2H2-ZFP genes contained a large number of hormone response elements such as photoreaction,stress defense,ABA,and gibberellin. The results of qRT-PCR showed that exogenous ABA treatment of blueberry flower buds can significantly promote the expression of VcC2H2-ZFP genes such as Vc16g355.5Vc7g51.6,and Vc31g303.5. The results revealed that part of VcC2H2-ZFP might participate in the regulation of blueberry flower bud dormancy by responding to ABA.

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  • Location and Analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci in Chinese Jujube Fruit
  • TANG Haixia, PEI Guangying, ZHANG Qiong, WANG Zhongtang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 754-764. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0056
  • Abstract ( 394 ) HTML ( 137 ) PDF (1763KB) ( 137 )    
  • The separation of ten fruit characters(single fruit weight,fruit longitudinal diameter,fruit diameter,fruit shape index,soluble solids content,total sugar content,total acid content,sugar-acid ratio,vitamin C content,edible rate)in F1 population of 103‘Dongzao’בJinsi 4’and quantitative trait loci were analyzed by a high-density molecular genetic linkage map. Ten characters were distributed continuously on chromosomes,being typical quantitative characters. A total of 157 QTLs related to ten fruit traits were detected. Among these QTLs,44 were associated with the fruit weight,16 related to fruit diameter,36 associated with fruit longitudinal diameter and nine related to fruit shape index. The other QTLs were related to fruit quality,including 11 QTLs related to soluble solids,13 QTLs related to vitamin C,three QTLs related to total sugar,eight QTLs related to total acid and four QTLs related to sugar-acid ratio. Besides,there were 13 QTLs related to edible rate. The range of LOD for each QTL was 2.65-6.25,which can explain 15.60%-31.90% of phenotypic variation. One hundred and fifty-seven QTLs were distributed in ten linkage groups of linkage map,among which,27 loci in four linkage groups were linked with two to three phenotypes at the same time. The overlap of QTL mapping for different phenotypes suggested that some genes may be pleiotropic on the control of fruit traits.

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  • Evaluation of Resistance to Citrus Canker Disease in Hybrid Progeny of Red Pomelo and American Citron
  • WANG Ping, SHENG Ling, YANG Jinpeng, ZHOU Linglei, JIN Yan, LUO Xuzhao, MA Xianfeng, DENG Ziniu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 765-777. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0094
  • Abstract ( 300 ) HTML ( 110 ) PDF (5245KB) ( 110 )    
  • In order to investigate the genetic mechanism of citron in resistance against citrus canker disease(Xanthomonas citri subsp. citriXcc),in this study,the susceptible variety Red pomelo was crossed with the resistant genotype American citron and F1 hybrids were obtained. F2 progeny was further gained by self-crossing the F1 plants. Resistance identification wan performed on the F1 hybrid plants by in vivo inoculation of Xcc. All the F2 plants were in vitro inoculated and 225 F2 plants were successively identified for the resistance by in vivo inoculation. Bacterial quantification was conducted on some of the F2 plants following the inoculation with Xcc. The results from in vivo inoculation of F1 plants indicated that all F1 hybrids were susceptible,and no segregation between resistance and susceptibility was observed on the F1 progeny. In vitro identification of 253 F2 plants showed that 76 plants were resistant and 177 were susceptible. The results of in vivo inoculation on 225 F2 plants demonstrated that 72 plants were susceptible,with symptoms similar to those of the susceptible variety Bingtang sweet orange,118 slightly less susceptible than Bingtang sweet orange,but similar to those of the susceptible parent Red pomelo;10 were resistant,similar to the resistant parent American citron and four were resistant as the resistant genotype citron C-05. In addition,the symptoms of 21 F2 plants showed different reaction following the inoculation with Xcc between the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface. On 10 plants,typical canker symptoms appeared on the adaxial leaf surface but not on the abaxial one;while for the other 11 plants,the typical symptoms inversely emerged on the abaxial leaf surface and not on the adaxial leaf surface. The quantification results of Xcc on the inoculated leaves was consistent with the of in vivo identification. In summary,no segregation of resistance and susceptibility was observed in F1 progeny,but did in the F2 generation. The ratio of resistant to susceptible F2 plant was 115,indicating that resistance and susceptibility may be inherited as quantitative traits.

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  • Differential Analysis of Sugar,Acid,Polyphenolics and Antioxidant Activities in Fruits of‘Zaofeng’and‘Jixin’Wampee(Clausena lansium
  • CHANG Xiaoxiao, GUO Xinbo, YE Yutong, PENG Cheng, CHEN Huiqiong, PAN Jianping, QIU Jishui, LU Yusheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 778-790. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0085
  • Abstract ( 785 ) HTML ( 113 ) PDF (1601KB) ( 113 )    
  • ‘Zaofeng’wampee and‘Jixin’wampee cultivars were respectively selected as materials representing for sweet and sour wampees. The components and contents of soluble sugars,organic acids and polyphenolics at young fruit stage,color changing stage and ripening stage were measured;antioxidant activities at three different stages were analyzed by ORAC and CAA assay. Results showed that soluble sugars were continuously accumulated during fruit development in both‘Zaofeng’and‘Jixin’wampee cultivars. At ripening stage,the contents of fructose and glucose in‘Zaofeng’wampee were higher than sucrose,while the sucrose content was higher than fructose and glucose in‘Jixin’wampee. The contents of organic acids in‘Zaofeng’wampee and‘Jixin’wampee varied greatly during fruit development. There was little difference between them at young fruit stage,however,organic acids were almost not detected in ‘Zaofeng’wampee at color changing and ripening stages. While the content of citric acid increased sharply at color changing stage and then decreased at ripening stage in‘Jixin’wampee fruit. The contents of total phenolics and phenolic compounds in‘Zaofeng’and‘Jixin’wampee decreased during fruit development. The content of total phenolic in‘Jixin’wampee was 13.6 times higher than that in‘Zaofeng’wampee at young fruit stage,and was about eight times higher than that in‘Zaofeng’wampee at color changing and mature stages. Six phenolic compounds were detected in wampee fruit,in which rutin was the main component,while syringin was the differential component between‘Zaofeng’and‘Jixin’wampees. The young fruit showed the highest antioxidant activity both in‘Zaofeng’and‘Jixin’wampees as measured by ORAC and CAA methods,and then the antioxidant activity decreased during fruit development. The antioxidant activities of‘Jixin’wampee fruit significantly higher than that of‘Zaofeng’wampee fruit.

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  • Identification of Anthocyanin Compositions and Expression Analysis of Key Related Genes in Fragaria × ananassa
  • YUAN Huazhao, PANG Fuhua, WANG Jing, CAI Weijian, XIA Jin, ZHAO Mizhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 791-801. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0066
  • Abstract ( 501 ) HTML ( 156 ) PDF (2299KB) ( 156 )    
  • HPLC-MS/MS was applied to establish a method to isolate and identify anthocyanins in Fragaria × ananassa fruit,and anthocyanins from 12 strawberry cultivars with different fruit colors were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Meanwhile,a comparative analysis was made on the number and chromosome location of genes related to anthocyanin synthesis between diploid(F. vesca)and octoploid(F. × ananassa)strawberry genome,and the transcription levels of which during fruit development were analyzed by RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR. In this study,totally eight anthocyanin components were detected,and peonidin-3-O-glucoside,peonidin-malonylglucoside and peonidin-3-methylmalonylglucoside were first detected in F. × ananassa. Pelargonidin-3-glucoside was the main anthocyanin in all 12 strawberry cultivars,while the total contents were different. Seventy-three genes related to anthocyanin synthesis were identified in the F. × ananassa genome distributed uniformly in four subgenomes,which were almost three-or four-fold than in the F. vesca genome. The results of RNA-Seq showed that on the whole there was no significant difference and biased expression between the expression levels of multi-copy genes in F.×ananassa fruit. The expression levels of key structural genes for anthocyanin synthesis(PAL1,CHS,CHI,F3H,DFR1,ANS,UFGT),transportation(GST)and transcription regulatory factor MYB10 were significantly increased during fruit development,especially during anthocyanin accumulation stages,suggesting that these genes play key roles in anthocyanin accumulation in strawberry fruits.

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  • Transcriptional Bases of the Regulation of 2,4-D on Tomato Fruit Shape
  • XU Yue, LI Zixiong, CHEN Jie, SUN Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 802-814. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0023
  • Abstract ( 352 ) HTML ( 180 ) PDF (3243KB) ( 180 )    
  • The application of the synthetic auxin,2,4-D,to the inflorescences is often used in winter and spring to promote fruit set of tomato in the greenhouse. However,the improper use of this method leads to the fruit deformity sometimes,of which the mechanism has not been well illustrated yet. Based on the previous research,2,4-D was sprayed to the plants of the WT,sun and ovate NILs in the LA1589 background in this study. Ovaries and fruits from flowers which were anthesis at three weeks after the treatment were investigated at the morphological and histological levels,and meanwhile flower buds were collected for RNA-seq analysis. Results indicated that the elongation of ovaries and fruits induced by the 2,4-D treatment could be attributed to the elongation of the proximal end part. In the above process,interactions were discovered between the investigated fruit shape loci and the 2,4-D treatment. RNA-seq analysis revealed that the effect of 2,4-D on the fruit and ovary shape may through its activation on the auxin signaling,polar transportation as well as its promotion on the cytokinin biosynthesis and the accumulation of the ATHB and bHLH transcription factors. Meanwhile,interactions were also observed between the investigated fruit shape loci and the 2,4-D treatment at the transcriptional level. Those interactions strengthened the accumulation of auxin biosynthesis,signal transduction and polar transportation and impacted the expression of more transcription factor genes. In addition,those interactions also up-regulated the expression of BRX and CKX5 in sun and ovate NILs,respectively,which may further enhance the effects of 2,4-D on ovary and fruit shape. Besides what is mentioned above,in ovate NIL 2,4-D treatment decreased the expression of two SWEET genes which may affect the transportation of sugars into the ovaries.

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  • Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analysis of the GRAS Gene Family in Response to Cold Stress in Chrysanthemum nankingense
  • WANG Tonghuan, WU Yuxin, WU Yiyuan, LI Xinxin, LIU Mengyang, YANG Lianlian, LI Jiapeng, ZHANG Zhongshan, CAO Fang, ZHONG Xueting, WANG Zhanqi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 815-830. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1238
  • Abstract ( 367 ) HTML ( 258 ) PDF (6441KB) ( 258 )    
  • In this study,the GRAS gene family of Chrysanthemum nankingense was identified by bioinformatics. Furthermore,the expression of CnGRAS gene family in response to low temperature stress was analyzed using the published RNA-Seq data. The results showed that the CnGRAS gene family consists of 80 members,which can be divided into 10 subfamilies;and the gene structures and protein domains were highly conserved between each member of the same subfamily. Replication evolution analysis showed that there was only tandem repeat in replication patterns of the CnGRAS gene family. A tissue-specific expression pattern of the CnGRAS gene family was observed in C. nankingense,and most of them were highly expressed in roots and leaves. GO enrichment analysis indicated that most of the CnGRAS gene family members were mainly located in the nucleus,which have a variety of molecular functions and participate in many biological processes. RNA-Seq data analysis showed that 14 CnGRAS genes were differentially expressed under at least one type of cold stress(short-term cold or long-term cold),and the CnGRAS32CnGRAS33CnGRAS40CnGRAS44CnGRAS56CnGRAS74 and CnGRAS79 were significantly up-regulated under both short-term or long-term cold stress,indicating that these genes may play an essential role in C. nankingense in response to cold stress.

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  • The Molecular Mechanism of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase Gene pal2 Regulating Pleurotus ostreatus Mycelial Growth Under Stimulation of Low-temperature and Light
  • JIANG Yuqing, HE Qi, HOU Ludan, WU Xiangli, HUANG Chenyang, and ZHAO Mengran
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 831-841. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0001
  • Abstract ( 236 ) HTML ( 54 ) PDF (1624KB) ( 54 )    
  • Wild-type strain and pal2 gene interference strains of Pleurotus ostreatus were used as materials in this study. All the strains were incubated at 28 ℃ in the darkness for three days and then were treated with environmental stimulation(15 ℃,12 h light/12 h darkness)for six days. Strains incubated at 28 ℃ in the darkness without the former environmental stimulation were taken as control. The pal2 gene transcription level,enzyme activity,contents of enzyme substrate and product of all the strains treated with different environmental conditions were tested and compared. The effects of various concentrations of exogenous substrates and products on the mycelial phenotype were examined. The results preliminarily explained the reasons for the slowdown of mycelial growth under environmental stimulation. The results revealed that both phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and the gene pal2 responded to environmental stimulation,but there was an obivous response lag in enzyme activity,product and substrate content compared with the expression of pal2. It was further clarified that the environmental stimulation induced down-regulation of both pal2 gene transcription level,increased enzyme activity,which caused the reduction of L-phe content and the increase of t-CA content in the mycelia,and thus negatively regulated the mycelial growth of P. ostreatus.

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  • Analysis of Volatile Components from the Petal of Intersectional Hybrids of Paeonia
  • HOU Yixuan, ZHANG Ling, LÜ Mengwen, WU Yaoxing, WANG Liangsheng, ZHANG Xiuqing, LI Shanshan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 842-852. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1221
  • Abstract ( 354 ) HTML ( 141 ) PDF (2792KB) ( 141 )    
  • In order to better understand the volatile compounds of intersectional hybrids of Paeonia(IHP),headspace-solidphase microextraction(HS-SPME)combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)was used to analyze the volatiles of the petals among 19 intersectional hybrids of Paeonia cultivars. A total of 84 volatile compounds were identified,comprising of 25 terpenoids,14 benzenoids/phenylpropanoids,29 fatty acid derivatives,12 miscellaneous cyclics and four nitrogen- containing compounds. The results from quantitative analysis showed that the content of volatile compounds varied significantly among IHP cultivars. The total content of volatiles in‘Smith Family Yellow’and‘Callie’s Memory’were higher than other cultivars,which were 97.47 and 97.43 μg · g-1 · h-1,respectively. By contrast,‘Scarlet Heaven’had the lowest content,namely 8.43 μg · g-1 · h-1. Terpenoids were the main volatile components of 19 IHPs,in which β-caryophyllene and linalool were the dominant volatile components. Specifically,they were divided into five groups,in which linalool,β-caryophyllene,both β-caryophyllene and linalool,geraniol were the predominant,respectively. The remaining group emitted extremely low content of volatiles. The varied proportion of volatiles especially β-caryophyllene and linalool between IHPs played an important role in the formation of floral scent.

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Research Notes

  • Research on Nutritional Diagnosis of Leaves and Soil in High Quality Grape Orchard of‘Summer Black’
  • LI Yumei, LOU Yusui, WANG Xiaolong, MA Yuquan, WANG Haibo, LÜ Zhongwei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 864-874. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0026
  • Abstract ( 579 ) HTML ( 119 ) PDF (804KB) ( 119 )    
  • The experimental materials were five-year-old vines of‘Summer Black’grape in the eastern Henan region. The experiment was conducted from 2018 to 2019. The mineral nutrient contents of soil and grape leaves,and the fruit quality at maturity were analyzed. The functional model of fruit comprehensive quality and soil and leaf mineral nutrients was established by the method of component nutritional diagnosis(CND),then the nutritional diagnosis analysis of soil and leaf was carried out to obtain the diagnostic criteria of soil and leaf nutrition. The main results showed that the contents of available N,P,K,Ca,and Mg in soil were at the rich level or above,the contents of available Cu,Fe and Mn were at the very rich level,the contents of available B and Zn were also at the rich level,the content of available Mo was at a low level. The variation range of each trace element caused by soil layer difference was small,the coefficient of variation was also at a medium level. Four high-quality plots were divided by soil nutrition diagnosis,which the range of available N,P,K,Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn,B,and Mo contents in all soil samples were 39.23 to 205.20,11.47 to 31.53,106.38 to 436.62,162.32 to 220.87,86.52 to 93.89,2.18 to 2.54,1.15 to 1.91,1.03 to 1.29,and 0.13 to 0.14 mg · kg-1,respectively. The change in exchangeable Ca contents ranged from 6 599.83 to 7 513.33 mg · kg-1,and exchangeable Mg content ranged from 550.52 to 592.15 mg · kg-1. Five high-quality plots were divided by the leaf nutrition diagnosis,which the range of available N,P,K,Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn,B,and Mo contents in all leaves samples were 18.46 to 23.33 g · kg-1,4.19 to 5.85 g · kg-1,10.91 to 12.46 g · kg-1,198.58 to 382.25 mg · kg-1,67.23 to 119.25 mg · kg-1,93.23 to 231.67 mg · kg-1,29.16 to 52.13 mg · kg-1,22.14 to 33.88 mg · kg-1,0.71 to 1.11 mg · kg-1,respectively. The change in exchangeable Ca contents ranged from 20.85 to 25.95 g · kg-1,and exchangeable Mg content ranged from 3.68 to 4.30 g · kg-1. In summary,conventional fertilization can be used for the diagnosed high-quality plots,and the fertilization suggestion for the corresponding low-quality plots are that for the elements with low contents such as B,Fe and Mo,are firstly considered to supplement with soil application when applying base fertilizer in early autumn. Mg should be management as conventional fertilization in soil,and foliar fertilizer should be applied less or no. Mn should be sprayed on the leaves during the main growth period of grapes. For P,K,Ca,Zn and other elements,the amount of fertilizer should be appropriately controlled in cultivation management.

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  • Genetic Diversity of Chinese Herbaceous Peony Resources from Various Cultivation Areas Based on SSR Markers
  • WAN Yingling, JIN Yijia, LIU Aiqing, ZHU Mengting, LIU Yan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 875-884. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1220
  • Abstract ( 371 ) HTML ( 195 ) PDF (2689KB) ( 195 )    
  • Genetic diversity of 386 ornamental herbaceous peonies from four cultivation areas were estimated based on genetic variation and genetic distance by amplification of 33 pairs of SSR fluorescent primers. The results showed that (1) There was rich genetic diversity in Chinese ornamental herbaceous peonies. The polymorphism information content(PIC)of primers was 0.62-0.84,average observation heterozygosity(Ho)and expected heterozygosity(He)was 0.73 and 0.78,respectively,and Shannon information index(I)was 1.35-2.08. (2) The genetic diversity of varieties from various cultivation areas in descending order was Heze,Luoyang,Yangzhou and Lintao. (3) AMOVA analysis indicated the variance mainly came from within cultivation areas, genetic differentiation coefficient(FST)among cultivation areas was 0.031,and the gene flow(Nm)was 7.795. (4) Genetic distances among the varieties in each cultivated areas ranged from 0.032 to 0.123,and the genetic consistency ranged from 0.884 to 0.969. The results of principal coordinate analysis and clustering revealed that genetic differentiation was not related to the cultivated areas. It can be concluded that there was abundant genetic information in Chinese ornamental herbaceous peonies. Cultivars from four cultivation areas did not show obvious genetic differentiation,but existed frequent exchanges.

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  • Research Progress on Accumulation Pattern and Regulation of Soluble Sugar in Fruit
  • TIAN Xiaocheng, ZHU Lingcheng, ZOU Hui, LI Baiyun, MA Fengwang, LI Mingjun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 885-895. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1264
  • Abstract ( 522 ) HTML ( 273 ) PDF (772KB) ( 273 )    
  • Sugar is one of the core substances of fruit quality,the content and composition of soluble sugar are the key factors affecting the edible quality of fruit,especially the fruit sweetness and flavor. The types and proportions of soluble sugars in fruit are different,which mainly controlled by sugar metabolic pathways and transportation. This paper focuses on the sugar metabolism pathways,regulation characteristics and main regulating factors of sugar concentration based on different fruit soluble accumulation patterns,which has important guiding significance for fruit quality improvement,breeding varities of sugar abundant fruit by the pathway of molecular assistant breeding and the research of cultivation with the advantages of quality developed and efficiency enhanced.

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  • Advances in the Functional Studies of MYC2 Transcription Factor in Plants
  • ZHENG Jiarui, YANG Xiaoyan, YE Jiabao, LIAO Yongling, XU Feng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 896-908. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0102
  • Abstract ( 833 ) HTML ( 324 ) PDF (2701KB) ( 324 )    
  • MYC2(Myelocytomatosis proteins 2),a transcription factor in the bHLH family,is the main regulator in JA signaling. MYC2 participates in life activities such as stress defense,growth and development,and secondary metabolism by regulating the transcription and expression of downstream target genes. As a secondary regulator of JA signaling,MYC3/4 can cooperate with MYC2. At present,the functional mechanism of MYC2 has been studied deeply and extensively. This paper summarizes the structural characteristics of MYC2 and its regulatory mechanisms in plant hormone signaling,stress defense,growth and development,and secondary metabolism,providing a theoretical basis for further investigation molecular functions of MYC2.

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New Cultivars

  • A Cherry Tomato Cultivar‘Yuekeda 101’
  • ZHENG Jinrong, NIE Jun, LI Yanhong, TAN Delong, XIE Yuming, ZHANG Changyuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 909-910. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0135
  • Abstract ( 312 ) HTML ( 101 ) PDF (1638KB) ( 101 )    
  • ‘Yuekeda 101’is developed by crossing H035-1 as a female parent with H035-2 as a male parent. It is indeterminate growth type and grows vigorously. Its first inflorescence is ninth leaf. The fruit is round with green shoulder and a smooth surface,and the matured fruit is yellow color. The soluble solids content is more than 8.5%,and the average weight of single fruit is about 16 g. The yield is up to 70 000 kg · hm-2. It is resistant to wilt,TMV,root knot nematodes. It is suitable for protected and open field cultivation in spring and autumn in Guangdong,Guangxi Province.

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  • High Quality Pepper Cultivar of‘Zhenyuan 1’
  • ZHAO Shuheng, MA Yanqing, LIU Rongyun, OU Lijun, LIU Feng, ZOU Xuexiao, MIAO Wu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 913-914. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-1207
  • Abstract ( 321 ) HTML ( 108 ) PDF (1217KB) ( 108 )    
  • ‘Zhenyuan 1’is a new pepper cultivar of high quality derived from DH lines culture after cross breeding of different individual plants of Zhangshugang pepper. It is early maturing,with weak plant growth,low fruiting node,early strong fruit setting and fast fruit growing. The fruit is small horn type,its length and fruit diameter are 11-13 cm and 3.0 cm. The single fruit is about 20 g. The fruit skin is slightly wrinkled,the colors of unripe fruit and ripe fruit are green and red. It is thin skin,tasting crisp and pungent with good flavor,its average yield is 21 750.0 kg · hm-2. It is resistant to pepper phytophthora blight,anthracnose and moderately resistant to sunburn and viruses,suitable for fresh market or processing use. It is also suitable for planting in open field or greenhouse in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River in spring and summer or Hainan Province in winter.

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  • A New Cut Rose Cultivar‘Feiyun’
  • GAO Junping, MA Nan, ZHOU Hougao, WANG Jiaxi, ZHANG Changqing, LI Yonghong, ZHOU Xiaofeng, SUN Xiaoming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 915-916. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0032
  • Abstract ( 373 ) HTML ( 140 ) PDF (1084KB) ( 140 )    
  • ‘Feiyun’is a new cultivar of cut roses and has been bred by cross-pollination of ‘Hollywood’and‘Carola’. The petals are bicolor with lilac on the front and grayish white on the back. The flower diameter is 7-9 cm,and the number of petals is 45-60. The stems are 70-85 cm in length with high growth vigor. The annual yield is 18-20 branches per plant. The flowers of‘Feiyun’are less sensitive to ethylene and harbor high capability of recovery in response to water deficient stress. Vase life of‘Feiyun’is 14-16 d.

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  • A New Paeonia delavayi Cultivar‘Lidan 1’
  • HE Guiqing, XUE Runguang, LI Zhaoguang, ZHANG Zetao, SU Zechun, XU Tiancai, HE Qiongji, HOU Zhijiang, LI Jiancheng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2023, 50(4): 917-918. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0048
  • Abstract ( 673 ) HTML ( 64 ) PDF (1381KB) ( 64 )    
  • A new Paeonia delavayi cultivar‘Lidan 1’which was selected and bred from a single plant in the wild population of Paeonia delavayi. The main characteristics of its flowers are small,numerous,red,gorgeous,pendulous and flat petals when flowering. The pedicels are thin which the diameter is from 1.49 to 3.04 mm. It has 2-3 carpels. The florescence is in June while the fruiting season is from August to September. It is easy to cultivate for rare pests and diseases,and a wide ecological range which includes temperate zone and frigid zone. It is an excellent subshrub flower plant and it is also can be used as ornamental plants.

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