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2020, Vol.47, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Research Papers

  • Investigation on MdMYB2 from Apple in Response to Abiotic Stress
  • YANG Yuyiing,REN Yiran,ZHENG Pengfei,YOU Chunxiang,WANG Xiaofei*,and HAO Yujin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 613-622. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0548
  • Abstract ( 561 ) HTML ( 1045 ) PDF (2480KB) ( 1045 )    
  • In order to elucidate the biological function of the R2R3-MYB transcription factor gene MdMYB2 of apple(Malus × domestica) under abiotic stress conditions,the promoter sequence of MdMYB2 was analyzed. It was found that the promoter sequence of MdMYB2 contained abscisic acid(ABA),defense,stress,and low-temperature related cis-acting elements,and the expression of MdMYB2 was regulated by exogenous ABA,polyethyleneglycol(PEG),and 4 ℃ treatments. For the MdMYB2-OE Arabidopsis plants and MdMYB2-OE apple calli,it was found that the application of ABA severely inhibited the germination of MdMYB2-OE Arabidopsis,while increased its ABA sensitivity,drought and cold tolerance. At the same time,MdMYB2-OE apple calli also showed sensitivity to exogenous ABA,as well as drought and cold tolerance. Overall,the above results indicated that MdMYB2 played an important role in the abiotic stress response of plants.
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  • CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Mutagenesis of VviEDR2 Results in Enhanced Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Grapevine(Vitis vinifera)
  • YANG Lushan,GUO Ye,HU Yang,and WEN Yingqiang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 623-634. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0660
  • Abstract ( 552 ) HTML ( 714 ) PDF (8001KB) ( 714 )    
  • Grapevine(Vitis vinifera L.)incurs significant yield and quality losses from powdery mildew(Erysiphe necator Schw.). Here,we used the CRISPR/Cas9 system to precisely edit the susceptibility gene VviEDR2(Enhanced disease resistance 2)and provide reference for disease resistance breeding. We designed a target site in DUF1336 domain of the VviEDR2 gene for the CRISPR/Cas9 vector,and obtained transgenic plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation,using somatic embryos of the Thompson Seedless cultivar. Sequencing revealed that 8 out of 25 transgenic plants carried different type of biallelic mutations in target sites and the editing efficiency is 32%. These mutants exhibited reduced growth compared to wild type,such as smaller leaves,thinner and fasciculate stems. Inoculation assays with an adapted grapevine powdery mildew isolate En NAFU1 showed that hyphal growth is significantly restricted on mutant grapevine leaves with obvious H2O2 accumulation in penetrated epidermal cells at 5 days post inoculation. Conversely,massive hyphae and haustoria,but no obvious accumulation of H2O2,were observed in the leaves of wild type. These results indicated that CRISPR/Cas9 technology could be utilized to knockout susceptibility gene VviEDR2 in grapevine,which could improve powdery mildew resistance.
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  • Studies on Agrobacterium rhizogenesis-mediated Transformation of LcMYB1 Gene into Tobacco Leaves
  • QIN Yaqi,HU Guibing,and ZHAO Jietang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 635-642. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0695
  • Abstract ( 418 ) HTML ( 624 ) PDF (1218KB) ( 624 )    
  • A plant expression vector pBA002-LcMYB1 was constructed by using LcMYB1,a key regulator of anthocyanin biosynthesis in Litchi chinensis,and transferred into tobacco K326 mediated by Agrobacterium rhizogenes A4 strain. Results showed that white hairy roots grew one week after leaves infection,and some hairy roots gradually turned red about three weeks later. The induction rate of hairy roots was 100%,and that of red hairy roots was 19.9%. When 5 mg ? L-1 Basta was added to the screening medium,the induction rate of hairy roots decreased to 33.3%,but the induction rate of red hairy roots increased to 75%. High performance liquid chromatography analysis showed that cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-rutoside were accumulated in the red hairy roots. PCR analysis confirmed that the red hairy roots were caused by the over expression of LcMYB1 gene. Real-time quantitative PCR showed that LcMYB1 gene could induce the expression of structural and regulatory genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthetic in hairy roots of tobacco.
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  • Cloning and Functional Analysis of SmDAD1 Promoter in Solanum melongena
  • ZHANG Shaowei1,*,YUAN Chao1,*,NIU Yi1,*,TANG Qinglin1,WEI Dayong1,WANG Yongqing2,TIAN Shibing2,YANG Yang2,**,and WANG Zhimin1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 643-652. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0599
  • Abstract ( 330 ) HTML ( 740 ) PDF (3118KB) ( 740 )    
  • The promoter of SmDAD1 gene with 746 bp was cloned from eggplant accession‘F142’. Bioinformatics online software prediction showed that the promoter contained a plurality of cis-acting elements related to plant development and stress response. In order to further analyze the function of SmDAD1 promoter,prSmDAD1::GUS fusion expression vector was constructed. It was transferred into Arabidopsis thaliana,and GUS staining analysis was performed on T3 generation homozygous transgenic plant. The results showed that SmDAD1 promoter had very high activity in the roots,leaves and anthers,especially in the roots,but no activity in stems. Detection of GUS gene expression in transgenic plants indicated that SmDAD1 promoter was induced by MeJA,ABA,SA,GA,IAA and ACC. Therefore,we speculate that SmDAD1 may play important role in eggplant development and resistance to external stress.
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  • Re-identification of Tomato AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Superfamily and Phenotypic Analysis of the Overexpressing SlERF.D.3 Lines
  • XU Zhixuan and REN Zhonghai*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 653-664. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0474
  • Abstract ( 408 ) HTML ( 521 ) PDF (2000KB) ( 521 )    
  • In this study,based on the update of the tomato genome database,we performed the systematical analysis of tomato AP2/ERF superfamily members,including their chromosomal localization,conserved motifs,gene structure,and responses to Botrytis cinerea and auxin stress. A total of 141 ERF family genes including 42 new ones were identified and randomly distributed on 12 chromosomes. Most of them only contained one exon. Some genes could be induced by B. cinerea and auxin treatment in different degrees. AtERF109 plays important roles in both growth and development and stress responses in Arabidopsis,and tomato homologous gene SlERF.D.3 could be inhibited by B. cinerea and induced by auxin rapidly and strongly. In order to further clarify the biological function of SlERF.D.3,its coding region of 888 bp was cloned from tomato variety‘Ailsa Craig’and constructed into the overexpression vector. Three transgenic tomato lines overexpressing SlERF.D.3 were obtained through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and had more slender and downward curling leaves,and the external surface of the fruits had a small number of protuberances compared to wild type. This study provides a basis for further clarifying SlERF.D.3’s role in the regulation of plant growth and development and stress responses.
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  • Genome-wide Identification and Analysis of HSP90 Gene Family in Pepper
  • WANG Jing1,TAN Fangjun1,LIANG Chengliang1,ZHANG Xilu1,OU Lijun1,Niran Juntawong3,WANG Fei2,JIAO Chunhai2,ZOU Xuexiao1,*,and CHEN Wenchao2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 665-674. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0470
  • Abstract ( 418 ) HTML ( 537 ) PDF (3240KB) ( 537 )    
  • The pepper HSP90 gene family was identified and analyzed. Their physicochemical properties,structural characteristics,phylogenetic relationships,tissue-specific expression patterns and heat stress responses were also analyzed. The results showed that 7 genes of HSP90 were identified and they were located on five chromosomes. The HSP90 gene family contained 2–19 introns and 5 conserved motifs. The HSP90 genes were divided into three groups. Subcellular localization analysis indicated that HSP90 targeted the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum. Moreover,the HSP90 gene family showed different expression profile in different tissues by analyzing published RNA-Seq data. And the expressions of HSP90 were induced by heat stress to varying degrees.
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  • Cloning and Functional Analysis of BcAMT1;4 Gene Promoter in Flowering Chinese Cabbage
  • ZHU Yunna1,2,ZHOU Xiaoxia1,LIANG Wenwen1,LIU Jianguo2,CHEN Riyuan1,*,and SONG Shiwei1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 675-685. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0518
  • Abstract ( 298 ) HTML ( 436 ) PDF (2085KB) ( 436 )    
  • In the present study,ammonium transporter gene BcAMT1;4 promoter sequence with upstream length of 2 086 bp for ATG was obtained from flowering Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee)using genomic walking. Bioinformatics analysis indicated that the promoter contains multiple cis-acting elements associated with light signals,hormone signals,stress response,and tissue-specific expression. To further analyze the promoter function of BcAMT1;4,a recombinant vector of BcAMT1;4 promoter and GUS was constructed and transformed into Arabidopsis by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Analysis of T3 transgenic Arabidopsis tissues with GUS staining showed that GUS was mainly expressed in leaf,while expressed slightly in root,stem,and flower. Also,the activity of BcAMT1;4 promoter was affected by nitrogen source forms in Arabidopsis. Nitrogen starvation induced the GUS activity in transgenic Arabidopsis,however,the GUS activity was inhibited by 0.25 mmol ? L-1 NO3-,NH4+,or NH4NO3 treatment. In conclusion,the results showed that BcAMT1;4 might play an important role in regulating ammonium nutrient in leaf of flowering Chinese cabbage.
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  • Selection and Identification of Petal-specific Promoter in Rose
  • WANG Huan*,ZHENG Riru*,CAO Shenghai,ZHANG Tong,SHI Ruoming,WANG Caiyun,and LUO Jing**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 686-698. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0246
  • Abstract ( 841 ) HTML ( 509 ) PDF (3828KB) ( 509 )    
  • Thirteen color/scent-related genes in Rosa hybrida‘Samantha’were selected,and their expression in root,stem,leaf and petal showed that RhOOMT2(orcinol o-methyltransferase 2)and RhCCD4(carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 4)had relatively high expression in petals. RhNUDX1 had high expression in root,moderate in petal,and weak in stem and leaf. The other ten anthocyanin synthesis-related genes did not show much difference in root,stem,leaf,and petal. The promoter sequences of RhOOMT2,RhCCD4 and RhNUDX1 were got by using FPNI-PCR method,whose length was 1 601,1 539 and 1 433 bp,separately. Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 carrying 35S::GUS,proRhOOMT2::GUS,proRhCCD4::GUS,or proRhNUDX1::GUS was transferred into petals of rose (R. hybrida‘Samantha’),eustoma(Eustoma grandiflorum‘Green Pelleted’),and lily(Lillium Oriental hybrida‘Siberia’)by vacuum aspiration. The GUS staining result showed that the promoter of RhOOMT2 had stronger activity than 35S in rose,eustoma and lily petals,the promoter of RhCCD4 had relatively weak activity in lily petals,and very weak activity in rose and eustoma,and the promoter of RhNUDX1 almost had no activity in three kinds of flowers. The promoter activity of RhOOMT2 and 35S was also compared in four cultivars of rose,‘Samantha’,‘Diana’,‘Champagne’,and‘Snow Mountain’,the result confirmed that the promoter of RhOOMT2 had higher activity than 35S in petals.
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  • Research on Flower Buds Growth Development and Pollination Habits of Forsythia suspensa Heterostyly
  • QIAO Yonggang,CAO Yaping,JIA Mengjun,WANG Yongfei,HE Jiaxin,ZHANG Xinrui,WANG Wenbin,and SONG Yun*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 699-707. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0587
  • Abstract ( 490 ) HTML ( 542 ) PDF (2752KB) ( 542 )    
  • In order to explore flower buds growth and development of Forsythia suspensa heterostyly(long style type and short style type)and its pollination habits,we took advantage of paraffin section and stereomicroscope to observe flower buds differentiation process,and conducted pollination tests of F. suspensa. In the middle of May,we started to take materials when F. suspensa began to sprout young shoots,and the flower buds of heterostyly with lengths of 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 mm were used for paraffin section. From August to the second year before flowering,we observed and photographed the flower buds structure of F. suspensa. We did self-crossing,intramorph and intermorph mating test of heterostyly in the flowering. The results showed that flower buds differentiation and flower organ growth and development process included flower buds differentiation,dormancy,flower buds germination and expansion,flower buds scale abscission phase,squaring period,dew corolla phase,flowering stage. The flower buds differentiation process can be divided into these stages:initial differentiation,sepal primordium differentiation,petal primordium differentiation,stamen and pistil primordium differentiation,pistil and stamen formation,pollen grains formation. One year before flowering,there was no significant difference in flower buds differentiation and development of heterostyly. In the flowering year,after the flower buds outer scales fell off,long style type elongated and exceeded the stamen height,and the filament began to develop,while short style type was basically developed,the filament grew rapidly over style height. The results of pollination experiments showed that the seed setting rate of intermorph mating was more than 50%,intramorph mating was slightly more than 20% and self-crossing was about 5%,indicating the characteristics of self-incompatibility.
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  • Flower Shape Changes of African Violets Caused by LjCYC1 Gene in Lotus japonicus
  • YANG Mengting,XU Jing,and PANG Jiliang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 708-716. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0414
  • Abstract ( 217 ) HTML ( 429 ) PDF (4195KB) ( 429 )    
  • In order to investigate the function of LjCYC1 gene,floral symmetry gene LjCYC1 in Lotus japonicus was transformed into Saintpaulia ionantha,by using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation technology. Phenotypic observations showed as following:(1) The floral symmetry was obviously changed,the flowers of 14.3% transferred from actinomorphy to bilateral symmetry;(2) The corolla of 57.1% flowers crack deeply to the base,and the shape of petals changed,and number of petals reduced;(3) The stamens of 17.1% flowers conversed partially or whole into petal-like structures;(4) The pistil of 11.4% flowers conversed into petal-like structures or degenerated.
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  • Association Analysis and QTL Mapping for Vase Life of Cut Chrysanthemum
  • YE Dan*,LU Zhaowen*,SU Jiangshuo,GUAN Zhiyong,FANG Weimin,CHEN Fadi,and ZHANG Fei**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 717-724. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0467
  • Abstract ( 369 ) HTML ( 510 ) PDF (861KB) ( 510 )    
  • To examine the quantitative genetic mechanism of vase life of cut chrysanthemum,with the attention of future genetic improvement,80 cut chrysanthemum cultivars and the previously established‘Nannong Xuefeng’בMonalisa’F1 mapping population were used to investigate phenotypic variation of vase life. Genome-wide association analysis and QTL mapping were performed to dissect the genetic control of vase life. The results showed that 80 cut chrysanthemum varieties varied in a range of 20–58 d for vase life with a coefficient of variation 17.96%. The vase life in the F1 population ranged between 24–56 d in a normal distribution,and some transgressive individuals were observed in both directions. The mixed linear model(MLM)based association analysis detected six marker sites significantly associated with the vase life,with phenotypic contribution rate ranging from 8.67% to 11.26%. Markers SSR131-3,SSR149-4 and SSR150-5 showed a phenotypic contribution rate > 10% and thus should be main-effect alleles. QTL mapping identified two QTLs(qVLX2-1 and qVLX2-2)for vase life at the X2 linkage group of‘Nannong Xuefeng’genetic map at LOD ≥ 2.5,and the additive effects and contribution ratio were calculated at 11.60 d and 10.86 d,6.34% and 3.15%,respectively.
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Research Notes

  • Identification of Viruses Causing Apricot Decline and Leaf Chlorosis Disease by siRNA High-throughput Sequencing and RT-PCR Detection
  • CHEN Yahan1,2,*,MA Qiang1,*,SUN Pingping1,ZHANG Lei1,and LI Zhengnan1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 725-733. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0433
  • Abstract ( 249 ) HTML ( 423 ) PDF (1405KB) ( 423 )    
  • To identify viral pathogens associated with apricot tree decline and leaf chlorosis,we conducted a high-throughput sequencing of the small interfering RNA(siRNA)of the leaf samples. Based on the siRNA sequences,potential viral pathogens were detected,including the Asian prunus virus(APV)1 and APV 3. To confirm the existence of the viruses in the symptomatic samples,ten leaf samples were collected and tested by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The result showed that the infected number of APV1 and APV3 was 3 and 4,respectively. Moreover,cloning and phylogenetic analyses were carried out on the coat protein(CP)of the APV1 and APV3. The CP fragments of the APV1 in the three samples were identical to each other in size of 653 bp,while the CP fragments of the APV3 in the four samples were 1 031 or 1 032 bp in size. Pairwise comparison analysis revealed that the nucleotide sequence identities between the three APV1 isolates were from 99.2% to 99.8%,and they shared the nucleotide sequence identities of 44.0% to 99.8% with other published APV1 isolates in NCBI. The four APV3 have nucleotide sequence identities from 78.5% to 99.5% between each other,and they shared nucleotide sequence identities of 44.7% to 99.5% to those published in NCBI.
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  • AFLP Analysis of the Short-vegetative-growth-period Mutant‘14-1’in Ananas nanus
  • LUAN Aiping1,HE Junhu1,*,LIU Jiarou2,ZHANG Wei2,XIE Tao2,and HE Yehua2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 734-740. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0819
  • Abstract ( 248 ) HTML ( 410 ) PDF (1115KB) ( 410 )    
  • The genetic differences between‘Hime Pineapple’(Ananas nanus)and its short-vegetative- growth-period mutant‘14-1’were analyzed by AFLP molecular marker technology. Identifying the authenticity of mutants could provide references for the molecular breeding of short-vegetative- growth-period pineapples. The young leaves of mutant‘14-1’and‘Hime Pineapple’were used as experimental objects and their leaf genomic DNAs were extracted by improved CTAB method. Totally 1 952 clear bands were obtained by 64 pairs of AFLP selective amplification primers(each pair of primers produced 30.5 bands on average),among them,DNA molecular polymorphisms were detected in 18 pairs and 76 polymorphism bands were obtained which accounted for 4.54%. The difference fragments mainly appeared between 200–500 bp and the genetic similarity coefficient was 95.39%. After selecting,recycling,cloning,sequencing and homologous analysis of 76 amplified difference bands of AFLP,two of them were homologous to the MADS-box transcription factor 6-like gene of pineapple,which indicated that the character differences between mutant‘14-1’and‘Hime Pineapple’were related to the changes of genetic material. Corresponding specific bands could be used as candidate gene segments that regulate vegetative duration or were linked with genes that regulate vegetative duration. The results could provide good reference value for exploration of the key genes of early flowering and variation mechanism of early flowering with short-vegetative-growth-period varieties.
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  • Screening and Identification of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Gray Leaf Spot of Tomato Caused by Stemphylium solani
  • LI Xinyu1,2,LI Lei1,CHEN Lida1,SHI Yanxia1,CHAI Ali1,XIE Xuewen1,*,and LI Baoju1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 741-748. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0630
  • Abstract ( 363 ) HTML ( 488 ) PDF (734KB) ( 488 )    
  • Gray leaf spot is one of major diseases on tomato. At present,chemical control was the only way against the disease. So it has a significant meaning to screen and use biocontrol bacteria to deal with the disease. A bacterial strain,named ZF161,isolated from rhizosphere soil of tomato in a continuous cropping system,exhibited a high antagonistic effect on gray leaf spot of tomato caused by Stemphylium solani Weber. The plate bioassay showed that the inhibition rate on S. solani was 70.51%. The control effect of ZF161 against tomato gray leaf spot of inoculated tomato detached leaf was 69.83%. The strain was identified as Bacillus subtilis based on morphological,biochemical and physiological analysis. The pot experiment result revealed that the control effect of ZF161 against tomato gray leaf spot was 63.27%. The antifungal activity of strain ZF161 was tested by plate confrontation method. The result showed that strain ZF161 exhibited a broad spectrum against seven pathogenic fungi. Overall,B. subtilis ZF161 is a beneficial bacteria in biocontrol of plant disease.
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  • Biochemical Mechanism of Golden Yellow Pod Color in Common Bean
  • LI Yanmei1,LIU Dajun2,*,FENG Guojun2,LIU Chang2,YANG Xiaoxu2,FAN Youjun2,and YAN Zhishan2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 749-758. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0408
  • Abstract ( 236 ) HTML ( 342 ) PDF (1096KB) ( 342 )    
  • Golden yellow bean pod‘A18’and green bean‘Genoa’were chosen as experimental materials to study the expressing mechanism of color in golden bean pods. The formation mechanism of the golden pod color of kidney bean was studied by determining the amount of related metabolin in the synthetic pathway of chlorophyll,carotenoid,and chlorophyll during pod development in its wall. The results indicated the golden color of tender pod was resulted from the lack of chlorophyll content,which was speculated by the inhibition of chlorophyllide a synthesis. The expression pattern of chlorophyll biosynthesis-related genes was analyzed by real-time PCR. Indeed,the analysis suggested the expression levels of CHLM and DVR decreased in‘A18’from the 12th day after flowering. While the expression levels of CHLP,CHLG and CAO were higher than those in‘Genoa’at multiple time points,indicating that although chlorophyllide a synthesis is blocked,chlorophyll synthesis is still active.
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  • Analysis on SSR Information in Full-length Transcriptome and Development of Molecular Markers in Allium tuberosum
  • LI Yanlong,ZHANG Huamin*,CUI Yungang,CHEN Jianhua,Lü Aiqin,LI Jijun,and LI Yixiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 759-768. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0589
  • Abstract ( 361 ) HTML ( 508 ) PDF (1199KB) ( 508 )    
  • Based on 49 876 transcripts(> 500 bp,89.44 Mb)obtained by full-length transcriptome sequencing of Allium tuberosum,13 111 SSR loci distributed in 10 332 transcripts were detected by MISA software. The frequency of these SSR loci was 26.29% and the average distribution distance was 6.82 kb. Among the six types of SSR loci searched,1–3 nucleotide repeats were dominant and accounted for 98.74% of the total SSR loci,of which mono-,di- and tri-nucleotide repeats were 66.55%,12.52%,and 19.67%,respectively. There are 103 detected repeat motifs,of which AC/GT(2.54%),CA/TG(2.29%),GAA/TTC(1.85%)and AAG/CTT(1.60%)were high frequency repeat motifs in dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats. The lengths of repeat nucleotide sequences for all SSR loci ranged from 10 bp to 289 bp,of which 11 128(84.88%)were less than 20 bp,and 1 983(15.12%)were larger than 20 bp.According to these SSR loci,a total of 3 311 pairs of SSR primers were designed. Two hundred and eight pairs of primers were randomly selected for amplification tests,164 pairs of primers(78.85%)could amplify clear band effectively,and 39 pairs of primers showed polymorphism in 24 Allium tuberosum germplasm resources. Using the polymorphism primer SSR41,six sexual reproductive progenies from‘Malinjiu’ב791’were successfully identified. These results indicated that the SSR markers developed from the full-length transcriptome sequencing of Allium tuberosum could provide sufficient and reliable markers for analysis of genetic diversity,identification of germplasm resources and screening of sexual reproduction progeny of Allium tuberosum.
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  • Effect of the Trichoderma atroviride T2 Proteinaceous TraT2A Induction Treatment on Photoresponsive and Fluorescent Characteristics of Lily Leaves inoculated Botrytis cinerea
  • LIANG Qiaolan*,WEI Liexin,XU Bingliang,ZHANG Shuwu,and HAN Liang
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 769-778. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0366
  • Abstract ( 245 ) HTML ( 344 ) PDF (3378KB) ( 344 )    
  • Lanzhou lily and Trichoderma atroviride T2 proteinaceous TraT2A were used as experimental materials to explore the physiological mechanisms of TraT2A in the resistance of Lanzhou lily to gray mold. The changes in the physiological characteristics of stomata, photosynthetic- photoresponsiveness,chlorophyll fluorescence of the lily leaves were analyzed,and the resistance of the lily against Botrytis cinerea was measured after a combinatorial treatment of TraT2A and inoculation of Botrytis cinerea(IB). The results showed that the stomatal aperture of the lily leaves became smaller by the TraT2A + IB treatment. With the enhancement of photosynthetically active radiation(PAR),the electron transport rate(ETR)of TraT2A + IB treated lily leaves was significantly higher than that of the control,inoculation of Botrytis cinerea and TraT2A treatment. After TraT2A + IB treatment,the maximum photon yield(Fv/Fm),PSⅡ potential activity(Fv/F0),ΦPSⅡ and qP of PSⅡ were higher,and the NPQ value was lower than those of the control,IB and TraT2A,and they were significantly different. The induction effect of lily against Botrytis cinerea reached above 96% in 5 d and 7 d after the TraT2A + IB treatment. The results indicate that the PSⅡ reaction center could capture light energy more effectively in photosynthesis and thus enhance the photosynthetic characteristics and the disease resistance to gray mold in the TraT2A + IB-treated Lanzhou lily.
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  • Characterization of Complete Chloroplast Genome of Camellia weiningensis in Weining,Guizhou Province
  • LI Qian1,GUO Qiqiang2,GAO Chao2,and LI Huie1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 779-787. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0410
  • Abstract ( 283 ) HTML ( 453 ) PDF (1593KB) ( 453 )    
  • The whole chloroplast genome of Camellia weiningensis was assembled,annotated and analyzed. The results showed that the complete length of the chloroplast genome was 156 490 bp,including typical tetrad structure,and the sequence was deposited in GenBank(MK820035). Comparative analysis of the complete genome of chloroplast showed that,like other Camellia species,the structure and gene order are conservative,but there are still significant differences at the boundaries of the inverted repeat regions of the genome. Simple sequence repeats(SSR)analysis showed that the whole genome contained only fifty-one mononucleotide repeats,and they were only A/T repeat type. Phylogenetic analysis based on the whole chloroplast genome showed that C. weiningensis was most related to C. reticulata,but clusters of the four Camellia species were not consistent with the traditional section classification.
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  • Studies on the Response of Lily Petal Antioxidant Enzyme System to Drought Stress
  • HUANG Yaoyao1,DENG Minghua2,PENG Chunxiu2,and WEN Jinfen1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 788-796. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0469
  • Abstract ( 422 ) HTML ( 605 ) PDF (1492KB) ( 605 )    
  • This study selected three varieties of lily,‘Robina’,‘Sorbonne’and‘Siberia’as materials,to determine the effects of drought stress on their relative water,soluble protein,malondialdehyde content,antioxidant enzyme activity and expression of antioxidant enzyme related genes. Drought resistance was evaluated comprehensively by membership function method. Results showed that relative water content and soluble protein content of petals decreased with the increase of drought stress,while the content of malondialdehyde(MDA),which represents the degree of membrane peroxidation,continued to rise until the end of drought stress. Under drought stress,activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),peroxidase(POD),glutathione reductase(GR)and ascorbic acid peroxidase(APX) of petals continued to rise in the early and middle stages of treatment,but declined in the later stage,showed that petal cells had higher ROS scavenging capacity at early and middle stages,and then antioxidant capacity decreased. Expression of Cu-ZnSOD,MnSOD,CAT,APX and GR increased first and then decreased,while the expression of Fe-SOD decreased all the time,and the POD kept increasing. According to the average value of membership function,drought resistance of these three lily varieties ranked from strong to weak was Sorbonne > Nobina > Siberia.
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New Technologies and New Methods

New Cultivars

  • A New Apricot Cultivar‘Jingluofeng’
  • SUN Haoyuan,YANG Li,ZHANG Junhuan,JIANG Fengchao,ZHANG Meiling,and WANG Yuzhu*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 805-806. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-1023
  • Abstract ( 261 ) HTML ( 394 ) PDF (1215KB) ( 394 )    
  • ‘Jingluofeng’is a new apricot cultivar selected from the half-sib progenies of‘Luotuohuang’. The fruit is oval-shaped with the ground color of orange and some flush on the surface. The average fruit weight is 58.6 g,and the maximum is 69.8 g. The yellow flesh is soft with rich amount of juice and medium fiber. The soluble solids,titratable acidity and total sugar content account for 14.5%,0.76% and 12.52%,respectively. The vitamin C content is 127.0 mg ? kg-1. The flavor is sweet with medium aroma. The hardness of flesh is 1.0 kg ? cm-2(peeling)and the fruits perform better in storage and transportation. It is freestone and sweet kernel. The fruit development period is about 66 d.
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  • A New Yellow Flesh Watermelon Cultivar‘Yilan’
  • YAN Congsheng1,3,JIN Jianfang1,3,WANG Mingxia1,3,MA Shaojun1,3,JIA Li1,3,WANG Yan1,3,JIANG Haikun1,3,YU Feifei1,3,FANG Ling1,3,DONG Yanxiang1,3,and ZHANG Qi’an2,3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 807-808. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0702
  • Abstract ( 436 ) HTML ( 431 ) PDF (1192KB) ( 431 )    
  • ‘Yilan’is a new small fruit type early-maturing yellow flesh cultivar selected from the cross-combination of w-10-20 and w-13-02. It has a vigorous growth potential with average single fruit weight of 2.5 kg and yield of 50.0 t ? hm-2. The fruit shape of‘Yilan’is oval and its shape index is 1.35. The fruit skin is bright green,covered with fine walnut grain and the pericarp thickness is about 0.5 cm. The fruit flesh is yellow,crisp and refreshing. The center sugar content is 12.5%,the edge sugar content is about 10%. The whole growth periods of‘Yilan’in spring cultivation and autumn cultivation were 80 days and 75 days,respectively,and the fruit development period is around 30 days. More importantly,this cultivar has a high resistance to low temperature and low light. It is suitable for protected cultivation in Jianghuai River Basin and the same ecological area.
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  • A New Melon Cultivar‘M1001’
  • REN Jian,ZENG Hongxia,ZHANG Na,SUN Yuhong,LI Yuhua,CHEN Wei,XIONG Jianshun,and TANG Mi*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 809-810. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-1044
  • Abstract ( 270 ) HTML ( 210 ) PDF (892KB) ( 210 )    
  • ‘M1001’is a new early-medium ripening thick-skinned melon hybrid. It has strong growth vigor. The fruit is oval,and the average fruit weight is 1.36 kg. The skin is oyster white,and it will become a little yellow when over-matured,with ten light green shallow grooves. The flesh is oyster white,crispy,and 2.3 cm in thickness. The center soluble solids content is 17.6%. The whole growth period is 86–90 d,and fruit developing period is 32–38 d. It has moderate resistance of powdery mildew and downy mildew. This cultivar is suitable for protected cultivation in spring and fall in Hubei Province.
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  • A New Hericium erinaceus Cultivar‘Huhou 3’
  • LI Qiaozhen1,*,ZHANG Henan1,*,WU Di1,LI Zhengpeng1,YU Hailong1,ZHAO Jing2,YAO Songtao2,and YANG Yan1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2020, 47(4): 811-812. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-1045
  • Abstract ( 550 ) HTML ( 317 ) PDF (1151KB) ( 317 )    
  • ‘Huhou 3’is new cultivar of edible mushroom Hericium erinaceus by plasma mutation at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The mycelium is dense and the hyphae has strong growth potential. The optimum growth temperature of hyphae was 24–26 ℃. The average growth rate was 5.72 mm ? d-1. The average length of fruiting body is 9.4 cm,the average width is 8.2 cm,and the average height is 6.2 cm. Fruiting body is solitary,centroid,white,fleshy and dense. The spines are thick and the length is in the middle. The temperature is 14–18 ℃ for mushroom growing. The strain has short growth period,and biological efficiency is 44% for the first tide. The content of polysaccharide in fruiting body is 4.90%.
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