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2016, Vol.43, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Identification and Expression Analysis of Potassium Transporter Gene Family in Apple
  • YANG Lin,DONG Ling,LI Ming-jun,MA Feng-wang,and ZOU Yang-jun*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1021-1032. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0944;
  • Abstract ( 359 ) HTML ( 1230 ) PDF (4037KB) ( 1230 )    
  • In this studythe information that contained phylogenetic relationship and distribution of apple potassiumK+transporter genes was analyzed based on Malus genome databaseand their expression characteristics were explored by means of qRT-PCRs in apple. The results showed that 65 K+ transporter genes were identifiedand they were divided into 4 familiesCHX familyHAK familyHKT family and KEA familyincluding 33241 and 7 membersrespectively. These genes are highly homologous with Arabidopsis thaliana K+ transporter genes. Chromosomal localization exhibited that these K+ transporter genes were distributed in the thirteen of seventeen apple chromosomes unevenly. Quantitative expression analysis showed that most of the K+ transporter genes had differential expression patterns. The thirty-two genes had higher expression abundance in root while 12 genes in mature leaves11 genes in shoot tips and 19 genes in fruit. The results lay a basis for revealing the function of K+ transporter genes in apple.

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  • Expression and Function Analysis of Apple MdDRB1 Gene
  • REN Yi-ran,ZHAO Qiang,ZHAO Xian-yan,HAO Yu-jin,and YOU Chun-xiang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1033-1043. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0719
  • Abstract ( 373 ) HTML ( 995 ) PDF (1908KB) ( 995 )    
  • A gene named MdDRB1 cloned from Malus × domestica‘Royal Gala’was analyzed. To understand sequence characteristics of the gene,prokaryotic expression and subcellular localization were carried out. In addition,real-time quantitative PCR were performed to determine the expression levels of MdDRB1 in response to various abiotic stresses. Finally,MdDRB1 was genetically transformed into apple seedlings to identify its function. The analysis of gene structure revealed that there were two introns and three exons in genomic sequence of MdDRB1. Subcellular localization showed that MdDRB1 were mainly distributed in the nucleus,a small number distributed in the cytoplasm. Then,the induced protein showed that MdDRB1 fusion protein existed in the form of inclusion body. Furthermore,the miRNA related to resistance expression level raised in antisense transgenic apple callus. In addition,real-time quantitative PCR found that the MdDRB1 gene expression level significantly raised after treated with PEG,NaCl,ABA and 4 ℃. Overexpression of MdDRB1 remarkably increased the tolerance of transgenic apple seedlings to abiotic stresses. These results indicated that MdDRB1 might be involved in the response of apple to abiotic stresses.

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  • Effects of High Temperatures on Leaf Structures and Physiological Metabolism of North Highbush Blueberry
  • HUANG Lei1,SUN Yao-qing2,HAO Li-hua3,DANG Cheng-hua3,ZHU Yu4,WANG He-xin4,CHENG Dong-juan3,ZHANG Yun-xin3,and ZHENG Yun-pu3,5,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1044-1056. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0728
  • Abstract ( 384 ) HTML ( 768 ) PDF (2707KB) ( 768 )    
  • The effects of high temperatures on leaf traits,chloroplast ultra-structures,gas exchange,chlorophyll fluorescence parameters,antioxidant enzyme activity,pigment contents,and electrolyte leakage of three north highbush blueberry cultivars(‘Bluecrop’,‘DukeandBrigitta’)were examined with four growth chambers by controlling growth temperatures at 253035 and 40 . The results showed that temperature barely changed the activity of superoxide dismutaseSODof the three cultivarsbut significantly affected the activity of peroxidasePODand catalaseCAT. Meanwhilethe chloroplast ultrastructure was seriously damaged at the growing temperature of 40 except forBrigitta. Moreoverboth the chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments of the three north highbush blueberry cultivars were decreased with the increase of temperature. The net photosynthetic ratesPn),transpiration ratesTr),and water use efficiencyWUEalso featured a similar trend. Moreoverthe measurements on the electrolyte leakage and Fv/Fm indirectly supported the above conclusions and suggested that 30 and 35 had little effects on the leaf structure and function of the three blueberry cultivarsbut 40 resulted in severe damages on the cellular membrane structure. These results suggested that three north highbush blueberry cultivars had different ability in resisting heat stress withBrigitta>Bluecrop>Duke.

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  • Isolation,Expression and Subcellular Localization Analysis of Citrus Transcription Factor Gene CitMYB22
  • LI Yong-jie1,MA Yan-yan1,XIE Rang-jin1,HE Shao-lan1,YI Shi-lai1,Lü Qiang1,ZHENG Yong-qiang1,WANG Wu2,and DENG Lie1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1057-1068. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0129
  • Abstract ( 301 ) HTML ( 1159 ) PDF (2251KB) ( 1159 )    
  • CitMYB22an member of MYB family genewas cloned using RT-PCR from leaf of Citrus junos Sieb. exZiyang. Comparison between cDNA and genomic DNA sequences showed that two introns were existed in CitMYB22 gene. The 696 bp length ORF of CitMYB22encoding a putative protein of 231 amino acids. The conserved R2R3 domain was observed in the amino acid structure sequence of CitMYB22. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that CitMYB22 shared the highest amino acid identities with homologous Arabidopsis R2R3-MYB transcription factor AtMYB15. A 2 500 bp long promoter of the CitMYB22 gene was isolatedsequence analysis showed that the promoter harbors multiple stress- responsive cis-elementssuch as HSESARE and MYS. The green fluorescent protein transient expression assay revealed that the CitMYB22 protein was localized in nucleus location. qRT-PCR analysis indicated that the higher expression of CitMYB22 gene was in leaves and flowers than in roots and fruitlets. MoreoverCitMYB22 was induced by exogenous hormone abscisic acidABA),salicylic acidSA),methyl jasmonate MeJA),1-amino cyclopropane carboxylateACCand physiological stresses of salinitydehydration and low temperature4 in leaves and roots. The results demonstrated that CitMYB22 may play a positive role in abiotic stress tolerance of citrus.

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  • Study on Interspecific and Intergeneric Hybridization Compatibility of Eriobotrya and Related Genera
  • LI Gui-fen1,2,YANG Xiang-hui1,*,QIAO Yan-chun1,GAO Yong-shun1,JIANG Yuan-yuan1,and LIN Shun-quan1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1069-1078. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0215
  • Abstract ( 416 ) HTML ( 887 ) PDF (3281KB) ( 887 )    
  • The cross-compatibility experiments of 91 inter-specific combinations and 21 inter-generic combinations were carried out among 7 Eriobotrya plants and 2 related generaRaphiolepis indica Lindl. and Photinia serrulata emasculationbaggingand artificial pollination. The results showed 28 in 91 inter-specific combinations set no fruitwhich means nearly 30% was incompatible. In the rest combinationsmost of them were partial cross-compatibilitya few of them were complete cross- compatibility. The cross between Eriobotrya and its related genera plantsR. indica Lindl. and P. serrulata Lindl.were incompatibility. The back cross of them have 5 compatible combinations could set fruitswhich incompatibility developed. The F1 plants could obtain only after embryo rescue. Various species as male or female got difference fruit setting ratioE. prinoides Rehd. & Wils.common loquatE. japonicaand Eriobotrya × daduheensis H. Z. Zhang ex W. B. LiaoQ. Fan et al. as female plant got 36.2%58.2% average fruit-setting ratiowhile E. deflexa Nakai and its two formsand E. elliptica Lindl. as female plant just got 2.9%16.3% average fruit-setting ratiobut got as high as 22.4%43.1% average fruit-setting ratio when they used as male plant. Fluorescent observation of pollen tube growth showed that no fruit-setting from E. deflexa f. koshunensis Nakai × E. prinoides Rehd. & Wils. might be derived from the sporophyte incompatibility.

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  • Genetic Analysis and Primary Mapping of the Purple Gene in Purple Heading Chinese Cabbage
  • WU Jun-qing,ZHAO Jing,QIN Mei-ling,REN Yan-jing,ZHANG Hua-min,DAI Zi-hui,HAO Ling-yu,and ZHANG Lu-gang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1079-1088. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0240
  • Abstract ( 504 ) HTML ( 995 ) PDF (4112KB) ( 995 )    
  • To analyze genetic linkage and map the location of purple geneBrPurcontrolling purple inner leaves trait of Chinese cabbagea F2 population constructed by the single-plant-selfing of F1 hybridized from homozygous purple heading line14S839and homozygous orange heading line14S162was used. The field investigation of head color shows that the separation proportion of purple heading individuals to non-purple heading individuals fitted to the ratio of 31 in F2 populationwhich means that the purple heading of Chinese cabbage was a dominant phenotype and consistent with genetic pattern of a single dominant gene. Thentwo flanking linkage markersA710 and A714were obtained by a modified BSA method with 297 SSRs in whole genomeand the BrPur was primarily mapped on linkage group A07 based on the location of the two flanking markers sequence in BRAD. Subsequentlytwo novel flanking markersCL-12 and B214-87were developed by cloning and homology sequence alignment analysis of Br4CL3 and Bra004214 involved in anthocyanin related genes in previous reports. Finallywe verified the linkage relationship of all markers using F2 populationand found that their genetic map obtained by Join Map 4.0 was consistent with the result from Plant Genotype Matrix of all non-purple crossover individualswhich placed CL-12 and B214-87 flanking two side of BrPur locus at genetic distances of 3.1 cM and 3.5 cMrespectively. 

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  • Molecular Characterization of a Transcription Factor BrWRKY75 Related to Leaf Senescence of Chinese Flowering Cabbage
  • TAN Xiao-li,FAN Zhong-qi,LI Lu-lu,WU Ya,KUANG Jian-fei,LU Wang-jin,and CHEN Jian-ye*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1089-1098. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0231
  • Abstract ( 359 ) HTML ( 1055 ) PDF (3019KB) ( 1055 )    
  • In the present worka WRKY transcription factortermed BrWRKY75 was isolated from Chinese flowering cabbage. Analysis of deduced amino acid sequence and phylogenetic tree found that BrWRKY75 showed high homology with Brassica oleracea WRKY75 and Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY75and belong to c sub-group. Real-time quantitative PCR displayed that BrWRKY75 was up-regulated during leaf senescence of Chinese flowering cabbage. Sub-cellular localization and transcriptional activity analysis revealed that BrWRKY75 is a nuclear protein with transcriptional repression activity. In additionelectrophoretic mobility shift assayEMSAconfirmed that BrWRKY75 directly bound to the W-boxTTGACcis-element. Taken togetherthese results provide basis for the further investigation of the transcriptional regulation mechanism of Chinese flowering cabbage leaf senescence.

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  • Function Analysis of Carrot SOC1 Homologues Responding to Photoperiod
  • LIU Li-jie,OU Cheng-gang,ZHAO Zhi-wei,SUN Ting-ting,and ZHUANG Fei-yun*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1099-1106. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0323
  • Abstract ( 344 ) HTML ( 618 ) PDF (1521KB) ( 618 )    
  • Basis on the RNA-seq analysisthe relative expression and function of carrot SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANTS 1SOC1homologues under photoperiod treatment were investigated with wild sensitive speciesSongziand cultivarAmsterdamwhich was tolerant to premature bolting. There were two carrot SOC1 homologuesDcSOC1-1 and DcSOC1-2which were annotated with complete open reading framesORFencoding 217 and 211 amino acids respectivelywhich both containing MADS-box and K-box domain and a conserved SOC1 motif at the carboxy terminus. Phylogenetic analysis showed that DcSOC1-1 and DcSOC1-2 were closely related with kiwifruit AcSOC1f and grape VvSOC1belonging to SOC1/TM3 subfamily. The expression of DcSOC1-1 in the leaves ofSongziwas significantly higher than that inAmsterdamunder short day and long day treatmentsand long day can promote its expressionbut the expression of DcSOC1-2 inSongziandAmsterdamwas low. During the growth of spring and autumnthe maximum expression values of DcSOC1-1 inSongzileaves were 522.4 and 401.7 respectivelybut its expression was very low in levels ofAmsterdam. The correlation analysis revealed that the expression of DcSOC1-1 was significantly correlated with the ratio of premature boltingwhich indicated DcSOC1-1 played an important role in carrot premature bolting.

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  • Detection of Viruses Infecting Hami Melon and Their Molecular Identification in Xinjiang
  • PAN Ya-nan1,2,*,HAN Jian1,2,*,WU Hai-bo3,JI Yan-ling4,WANG Chun-li5,LIU Fang5,LUO Ming1,2,**,and ZHANG Xiang-lin6
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1107-1116. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0144
  • Abstract ( 807 ) HTML ( 830 ) PDF (1009KB) ( 830 )    
  • This research aims at identifying the currently prevailing viruses infecting Hami melon in Xinjiang and their genetic variations for providing scientific basis to prevent these virus diseases. Field survey was conducted in TurpanShanshan and Changji and samples with viral symptoms were collected for the lab tests. Both DAS-ELISA and RT-PCR were applied for the detection and molecular identification of 7 common viruses as well as Cucumber green mottle mosaic virusCGMMVthe important quarantine virus infecting Hami melon. The results showed that the detection rates of Cucumber mosaic virusCMV),Watermelon mosaic virusWMV),Zucchini yellow mosaic virusZYMV),and Melon necrotic spot virusMNSVamongst the 121 detected samples were 70.2%62.0%37.2%and 2.5% respectivelywhereas Squash mosaic virus SqMV),Papaya ring spot virusPRSV),CGMMV and Tobacco necrosis virusTNVhad not detected as positive. CMVWMV and ZYMV are widely distributed in the field. Mixed infection with two or three different viruses on the same individual host was common with an occurrence of 60.19%. Based on the CP gene amplificationsequencing and phylogenetic analysisCMV isolates from Hami melon in Xinjiang were categorized into subgroupB. Although WMVZYMV and MNSV had high homology with other reported strains in CP gene nucleotide sequencethere were still some variations. ZYMV and WMV had a significant geographical differentiation.

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  • Gene Cloning and Expression Analysis of ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase in Colocasia esculenta
  • WANG Li,YIN Jian-mei*,HAN Xiao-yong,ZHANG Pei-tong,GUO Wen-qi,and LI Chun-hong
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1117-1125. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0301
  • Abstract ( 266 ) HTML ( 712 ) PDF (2832KB) ( 712 )    
  • Based on the transcriptome data of Colocasia esculentaL.Schottfull-length cDNA of ApS1ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit 1gene was cloned fromJingjiang Xiangsha Taro’,which consisted of 1 596 bp and encoded a protein of 532 amino acidsand tentatively designated as CeApS1NCBIColocasia KU288757unreleased. CeApS1 contained a NTP_transf_3 domainGly104Pro306and a PbH1 domainGly473Ser515. This gene encoded a small subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylaseand isoelectric point and molecular weight were 6.73 and 57.6 kDrespectively. Results displayed ApS1 existed in monocotyledons and dicotyledons. BlastX showed that ApS1 in Colocasia esculenta shared 83.4% identity with Landoltia punctateand showed farther phylogenetic relationships with Fragaria ananassaAAS00541.1),Medicago truncatulaXP_003617925.1),Oryza sativaAAK27313.1and Triticum aestivumCAA46879.1. The CeApS1 transcript widely presented in the main cormlateral cormelsleavespetioles and roots of Colocasia esculentaand displayed higher expression levels in taro corms than those in leaves. The results indicated that there was a significantly positive correlation between CeApS1 transcript expression and starch contents in taro corms.

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  • The Physiological Response of Lily to NaHCO3 Stress
  • LI Ya-nan1,YUAN Su-xia1,XU Lei-feng1,YANG Pan-pan2,FENG Ya-yan1,Younes Pourbeyrami Hir1,and MING Jun1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1126-1140. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0969
  • Abstract ( 404 ) HTML ( 701 ) PDF (804KB) ( 701 )    
  • In this experimentosmotic regulation substancesantioxidant substances and ion were compared between Lilium regale Wilsonsalt toleranceandSorbonne’(salt sensitiveness. The results showed that the change trend of these substances was the same in two lilies and L. regale Wilson produced more substances content thanSorbonne. Soluble proteinproline content increased with the concentration of alkaline-saltNaHCO3increasing. Soluble sugar and AsA content increased under lower concentration of NaHCO3 stressthen decreased under higher concentration and the activities of SOD and GR had the same trend. The activities of APX and GSH content decreased sharply under higher concentration of NaHCO3. Na+ mainly accumulated in middle leaves and upper leaves in‘Sorbonne’,but stem and middle leaves in L. regale Wilson. Middle leaves and upper leaves seemed to be main storage organs for Na+ in‘Sorbonne’,but stem and middle leaves in L. regale Wilson. Compared with‘Sorbonne’,L. regale Wilson had higher K+/Na+ ratios in root,middle leaves and upper leaves. The content of oxalic acid,lactic acid and acetic acid in L. regale Wilson increased,as well as malic acid and acetic acid in‘Sorbonne’. All the data indicated that compared with‘Sorbonne’,L. regale Wilson could increase SOD activity and AsA content under low concentration of NaHCO3,increase soluble protein content and maintain established soluble sugar content under higher concentration of NaHCO3,all of which are good explanations for its alkaline-salt tolerance.

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  • Preliminary Study of 15N-urea Absorption,Transformation and Distribution by Apple Under Different Nickel Levels
  • SUN Feng-jin1,ZHENG Xiao-sheng1,JIANG Yuan-mao1,WEI Shao-chong1,*,and CHEN Ru2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1141-1147. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0740
  • Abstract ( 365 ) HTML ( 731 ) PDF (654KB) ( 731 )    
  • The two years old Fuji/Malus robusta biennial plants were selected as test materials,and potted in sand fertilized with Hoagland’s solution. The solution included five different Ni levels. After 20 days of spraying 15N-labeled urea into apple leaves,effects of Ni on absorption,transformation,and distribution of urea in the apple trees were detected,meanwhile effects of different Ni levels on nickel contentglutamine synthetaseGSactivity and superoxide dismutaseSODactivity of leaves were analysed in the study. The results showed thatwith the increase of nickel levelsthe nickel content in apple leaves improved correspondingly. Under low level of nickel treatment0.51.02.0 mg · plant-1 NiSO4 · 6H2Othe GS activity and SOD activity in leaves were higher than those of the controland the treatment with 1.0 mg/plant NiSO4 · 6H2O had the best effect in the study. Howeverthe GS activity and SOD activity in leaves under high level of nickel treatment10 mg · plant-1 NiSO4 · 6H2Owere significantly lower than those of the control. The 15N-urea utilization ratio of 0.51.0 or 2.0 mg · plant-1 NiSO4 · 6H2O treatment was significantly higher than that of the controland the 15N use efficiency of 1.0 mg NiSO4 · 6H2O treatment was up to 48.74%which was 1.71 times as many as that of the controlbut the 15N use efficiency of 10 mg · plant-1 NiSO4 · 6H2O treatment reduced by 38.26% compared with the control. Nickel also had obvious effect on 15N distribution ratios in apple trees. The 15N distribution ratio in roots was the highestfollowed by leaves and stems in terms of 1.0 mg NiSO4 · 6H2O treatment. However15N distribution to leaves was the highest of the other treatments. Overallthe results suggested that appropriate nickel level could increase the GS and SOD activitiesretard senescence of apple leavesand improve the absorption and utilization of ureabut high nickel level could result in the opposite effect on utilization of urea.

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  • Impacts of 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid on Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Different Strawberry Cultivars
  • QI Yong-zhi and ZHEN Wen-chao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1157-1166. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0010
  • Abstract ( 257 ) HTML ( 741 ) PDF (790KB) ( 741 )    
  • A pot experiment was conducted to determine the impacts of the lowmiddle and high concentrations of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid on the chlorophyll contentphotosynthesis gas exchange parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of the different strawberryFragaria × ananassa Duch. cultivars(‘Tutela’,‘ToyonokaandAll Star’). The results showed that the content of chlorophyll achlorophyll b and carotenoids of three strawberry cultivars were reduced under the 4-hydroxybenzoic acid stress with the largest decline ofAll Star. The net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate ofToyonokawith a little increase under the lowest concentration of 4-hydroxybenzoic acidwhile the net photosynthetic ratestomatal conductance and transpiration rate ofToyonoka’,‘TutelaandAll StarWere all decreased under the 4-hydroxybenzoic acid stressand the greater decline the higher concentration. The initial fluorescenceFoand non-photochemical quenching coefficientqNwere significantly increased under 100 mg · kg-1 and 200 mg · kg-1 4-hydroxybenzoic acid stress. Under the highest concentration of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid stressthe initial fluorescencesFoofAll Star’,‘ToyonokaandTutelawere increased by 15.1%21.5% and 9.3%respectivelyand non-photochemical quenching coefficient of the three strawberry cultivars were increased by 131.3%190.5% and 26.6%respectively. The maximum fluorescenceFm),maximal photochemical efficiencyFv/Fm),efficiency of excitation capture of open PS centerFv/Fmand effective quantum efficiency of PSΦPSIIof three strawberry cultivars were firstly increased with the increasing concentration of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and then decreased. The comprehensive advantage of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of three strawberry cultivars wasTutela>Toyonoka>All Star. Low 4-hydroxybenzoic acid concentration50 mg · kg-1 didn’t affect significantly the dry matter accumulation ofTutelaandToyonoka’,but the aboveground and underground dry qualityand ratio of root/shoot per plant of three strawberry cultivars were significantly decreased in other treatments. The photosynthetic pigmentsphotosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics ofTutelawere less influenced by 4-hydroxybenzoic acid stress thanAll StarandToyonoka. So a higher photosynthetic performance might be an important physiological trait of resistant cultivars in the adaptability to replant disease.

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  • Pollen Morphology Observation of Eight Resources in Diospyros
  • ZHANG Yong-fang,HU Chao-qiong,YANG Yong*,ZHU Ren-sheng,GUO Jing,and WANG Ren-zi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1167-1174. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0741
  • Abstract ( 467 ) HTML ( 1097 ) PDF (4362KB) ( 1097 )    
  • Pollen grains of 8 persimmon species composed of 7 known species and 1 unknown resource were collected from National Field GenBank of China. Pollen grains were examined using scanning electron microscopyto study pollen morphology and taxonomic status. The results showed that:(1Pollen morphology observation revealed the grains pretreated in Diospyros have three germinal furrow and the shape of grains are nearly spherical. The grain is round in polar view. Pollen size was measured by length of polar axis and equatorial axis. The value of pollen size was between 24.7 µm and 52.8 µm in polar axis and between 23.8 µm and 47.9 µm in equatorial axis. In germinal furrowthere are many granular spiral units. Exine of pollen are striped ornamentation like grain. The width of stripe and length of germinal furrow among these species exist significant differences. In additionsurface of pollen have obvious or not obvious perforations.2D. lotus L.D. glaucifolia Metc.D. oleifera Cheng. belonged to groupⅠ;NishimurawaseD. virginianamale strain No. 2 formed group Ⅱ;Deyangshi performed the group . The classification using clustering analysis is positively correlated with their ploidy levels. 3Pollen morphology of Deyangshi is significantly different from other materialsand the results laid the foundation of palynology for taxonomic status of Deyangshi.

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  • The Sugars and Organic Acids Composition in Fruits of Different Chinese Jujube Cultivars of Different Development Stages
  • ZHAO Ai-ling*,XUE Xiao-fang*,WANG Yong-kang,SUI Chuan-ling,REN Hai-yan,and LI Deng-ke**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1175-1185. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0856
  • Abstract ( 260 ) HTML ( 1178 ) PDF (718KB) ( 1178 )    
  • The main sugars and organic acid components in fruits of 20 Chinese jujube varieties of different development stages were determined to compare the difference among varieties and reveal the dynamic changes. The result indicated that major components of sugars in Chinese jujube fruits were sucrose,fructose and glucose,and the sucrose content was the highest,followed by fructose and glucose,it was sucrose accumulation type. Total sugar and each component contents had significant differences in different cultivars’ fruits.‘Xinzheng Huizao’had the highest content of total sugar. With the development of the fruitsfructoseglucose and sucrose contents were accumulated constantly. At the early stage of the fruit developmentfructose and glucose were mainwhile sucrose was main after white period. The major components of organic acid in Chinese jujube fruits were malic acidquinic acid and succinic acidand the malic acid content was the highestso the malic acid was main. Total acid and each components content were significantly different among varieties. The total acid content ofBinxian Jinzaowas the highest. Total acidmalic acidquinic acid and tartaric acid contents were going up slightly along with the development of fruitsand citric acid content had no significant difference during different development stages. Succinic acid content was low in white periodwhich had extremely significant difference with crisp ripe and full ripeness. The sugars and organic acids correlation analysis showed that the total acid and malic acidquinic acidtotal sugar and sucrosefructoseglucosemalic acid and total sugarsucrose had very significant positive correlation. The citric acid and fructose sugarglucose had significant negative correlation. The total acid and fructosetartaric acid and ursolic acid had significant positive correlation.

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  • Identification of the Copy Number of Exogenous Gene in Transgenic Citrus by Quantitative Real-time PCR
  • XU Lan-zhen,HE Yong-rui,LEI Tian-gang,PENG Ai-hong,YAO Li-xiao,JIANG Guo-jin,LI Qiang,ZOU Xiu-ping*,and CHEN Shan-chun*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1186-1194. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0081
  • Abstract ( 315 ) HTML ( 1136 ) PDF (2036KB) ( 1136 )    
  • The copy number of exogenous gene is an important factor influencing the expression and genetic stability of the target gene. Currently,transgene copy numbers by Southern blot,which is laborious and time-consuming,requires relatively large amounts of plant materials and more experimental technology. Here,based on quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR)technology,a protocol for estimating transgene copy number in GM citrus was constructed. The results showed that the low copy number of exogenous gene in transgenic line was one,and the highest copy number was five. One,two and ≥ three copies detected accounted for 40.0%,18.0%,42.0%,respectively,of the total. The exogenous gene copy in the transgenic lines was further confirmed by Southern blot,and the copy number was consistent with the above two methods,although the copy number by qRT-PCR analysis in a few of plants was more than that by Southern blot. Therefore,the evaluation result with Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR method was more accurate and reliable in comparison to that with Southern blot. And transgenic lines with a copy number of 1–2 could be used as an experimental material for the evaluation of the GMO bio-safety.

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  • Development of a RT-LAMP Method for the Rapid Detection of Cucumber mosaic virus from Vegetables
  • ZHAO Xue-jun1,*,DENG Yong-jie1,*,WEI Zhou-ling1,ZHANG Wang1,HUANG Guo-lian2,LI Bin3,CHEN De-xin4,**,QING Ling1,and SUN Xian-chao1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1203-1210. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0006
  • Abstract ( 425 ) HTML ( 714 ) PDF (1751KB) ( 714 )    
  • In order to develop a reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplificationRT-LAMPassay for rapid and sensitive detection of Cucumber mosaic virusCMVfrom different kind of vegetablesfour primers were designed according to the coat proteinCPgene of CMV. The reaction conditions of RT-LAMPincluding the concentrations of dNTPsMg2+reaction temperature and reaction time were optimized. The specificity and sensitivity of RT-LAMP were testified. The optimum conditions for RT-LAMP can carried out under the concentrations of 1.2 mmol · L-1 dNTPs and 6 mmol · L-1 Mg2+RT-LAMP reaction was carried out at 61 for 40 min. The sensitivity of the RT-LAMP assay was 100-folder than that of a standard RT-PCR method. Furthermorethe products amplified by RT-LAMP could be visibly detected by the precipitate of the tube after fast centrifugation or by reacting with SYBR Green. The RT-LAMP is highly specificsensitive and economicalwhich makes it a quick method for detecting CMV from several kinds of infected vegetables and a useful technique for CMV detection in field condition.

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  • A New Bolting Tolerance Chinese Cabbage Cultivar‘Hanlü’
  • CHENG Yuan1,YUAN Ling-yun1,CHEN Guo-hu1,ZHOU Cheng-dong2,ZHU Shi-dong1,FANG Rou1,LIU Si-jia1,and WANG Cheng-gang1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1211-1212. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2015-0885
  • Abstract ( 392 ) HTML ( 853 ) PDF (1125KB) ( 853 )    
  • Hanlüis a new Chinese cabbage hybrid which is developed by crossing a self-incompatible lineWC-03-05-05with self-compatible lineWC-02-08-04. The plant type is up-right and girdlingthe height is about 25 cm and the expansion is about 25 cm × 27 cm. It has dark green glossy leaves which are unfolded and thick and crisp petioles. The single plant weights about 0.30 kg. It shows high quality and disease resistance in the fields and it has delicious tastestrong resistance to bolting and general diseases. Its outward appearanceflavor and quality are improved significantly. It is suitable to be cultivated for spring sowing in middle-lower Yangtze area and all-year production in the north of China.

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  • A New Cabbage Cultivar‘Xiyuan 16’
  • REN Xue-song*,SONG Hong-yuan,SI Jun,LI Cheng-qiong,and SONG Ming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1213-1214. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0015
  • Abstract ( 270 ) HTML ( 630 ) PDF (1397KB) ( 630 )    
  • Xiyuan 16is a new cabbage F1 hybrid developed by crossing self-incompatible line 2011B3 with self-incompatible line 2011214. It is middle-late maturingabout 100 days from planting to harvest. The head is flat round and compactwith good quality and head splitting resistance. The content of vitamin C is 0.335 mg · g-1fibre is 7 mg · g-1the solube solids concent is 6.7%. It is tolerant of clubroot. The average head weight is about 2.1 kg and the yield is 61.5 t · hm-2. The cultivar is suitable to be planted for winter cabbage in Chongqing and Sichuang Province.

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  • A New Hericium erinaceus Cultivar‘Jinhoutou 96’
  • LIU Jing-yu1,MENG Jun-long1,CHANG Ming-chang1,*,SHUANG Shu-lin2,ZHANG Hong-lang3,and ZHANG Yong4
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1215-1216. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0062
  • Abstract ( 428 ) HTML ( 545 ) PDF (1059KB) ( 545 )    
  • Jinhoutou 96is a new cultivar of edible mushroom Hericium erinaceus oriented from a wild strain collected from Lishan Nature Reserve of Shanxi Province by systematic breeding. The fruit body is single sphere with white color. The single fruit body weight is 150250 gand the diameter is from 8 cm to 15 cm. The yield of fresh fruit body is about 316.5 g per 450 g dry basis. The new cultivar has excellent characteristics such as good commodity qualityhigh yield. It is easily managed with high adaptability.

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  • A New Antirrhinum Cultivar‘Xingyue’
  • WANG Cheng-zhong*,TANG Rong,GU Guo-hai,ZHU Guang-hui,and LI Cheng-hui
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2016, 43(6): 1217-1218. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0073
  • Abstract ( 347 ) HTML ( 645 ) PDF (1356KB) ( 645 )    
  • AntirrhinumXingyueis derived from the cross of femaleYellow Generaland malePink General. It belongs to a standard cut flower cultivar. The plants are 105120 cm high. Racemes are 25.8028.83 cm in length with 36.6042.22 orange-pink flowers. Its first-flowering stage is early-Apriland full-bloom stage is mid-April. The field growth period is 110120 dand vase period is 1520 d. It is good at colddrought and insect resistancewhich is suitable for planting in the winter time at central and southern of Jiangsu Province.

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