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2019, Vol.46, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
  • Molecular Cloning and Tolerance Identification of Apple Cytokinin Oxidase Gene MdCKX7.2
  • YAO Jifang,AN Jianping,YOU Chunxiang,WANG Xiaofei*,and HAO Yujin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 409-420. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0578
  • Abstract ( 366 ) HTML ( 1102 ) PDF (1579KB) ( 1102 )    
  • MdCKX7.2 gene(MDP0000279125)was cloned from Malus × domestica Borkh‘Gala’using homologous cloning and RT-PCR. The gene contained a 1 542 bp complete open reading frame(ORF)and encoded 513 amino acids. The cis-acting elements of the MdCKX7.2 promoter were analyzed using the Plant CARE database. It was found that there were elements including light,drought,abscisic acid,salicylic acid,and methyl jasmonate in the MdCKX7.2 promoter sequence. Expression analysis revealed that the transcription of MdCKX7.2 in‘Gala’seedlings was significantly induced by drought and ABA treatments. MdCKX7.2 transgenic Arabidopsis plants were obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation. The stress tolerance assays showed that ectopic expression of MdCKX7.2 significantly increased the tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis to drought stress. Arabidopsis seed germination experiments showed that ectopic expression of MdCKX7.2 in Arabidopsis enhanced the sensitivity of Arabidopsis to ABA,the seed germination rate and seedling fresh weight decreased significantly,and the expression level of genes related to seed germination was significantly up-regulated. The above results indicate that MdCKX7.2 plays an important role in plant abiotic stress response.
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Research Papers

  • Genome Wide Identification and Expression Patterns in Response to Signals from Fungal Pathogens of L-LEC-RLK Gene Family in Apple
  • TIAN Dan,DUO Hu,LIU He,Lü Qianqian,and ZUO Cunwu*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 421-432. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0601
  • Abstract ( 323 ) HTML ( 936 ) PDF (2575KB) ( 936 )    
  • Based on conservd protein sequence of Lectin-LegB(Pfam:PF00139),Pkinase(Pfam:PF00069)domain,the L-LEC-RLKs of apple(Malus × domestica Borkh.)were identified at a genome-wide level. For all members,physicochemical parameters,evolutionary characteristics,subcellular localization,chromosomal position and expressional patterns were investigated. In total,41 L-LEC-RLKs were identified in the apple genome,with amino acid size,the molecular weight,and isoelectric point varying from 423 to 1 291 aa,47.12–143.27 kD and 5.50 to 8.91,respectively. Among these,28 members were predicted on plasma membrane. Evolutionary analysis showed that L-LEC-RLKs from Arabidopsis,rice,potato,Populus and apple could be divided into 8 sub-groups,the members from apple were distributed in sub-groupⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ and Ⅷ. Apple L-LEC-RLKs showed diverse expression patterns in different tissues. Twenty-seven members were differentially expressed when apple trees were infected with Valsa mili(Vm)or Alternaria alternata apple pathotype(AAAP). Strikingly,the expression levels of MD15G1226500 and MD14G1055200 were dramatically altered in apple infected with either pathogen. These differentially expressed genes could be used as candidate genes for disease resistance and further functional investigation.
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  • Ectopic Expressing MdSWEET1 in Tomato Enhanced Salt Tolerance
  • LU Jing,MA Qijun,KANG Hui,LI Wenhao,LIU Yajing,HAO Yujin,and YOU Chunxiang*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 433-443. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0744
  • Abstract ( 300 ) HTML ( 795 ) PDF (1664KB) ( 795 )    
  • Sugars are important energy source and signaling molecule in plant,and play important roles in plant growth and development as well as biotic and abiotic stresses. Sugar cannot be transported independently across the plant biofilm system and needs the assistance of corresponding sugar transporters. SWEET(sugars will eventually be exported transporters)is a class of sugar transporters,it can carry out bidirectional transport of sugar in plants,and participate in many important physiological processes of plant growth and development by regulating the transport,distribution and storage of sugar compounds in plants. In this study,we cloned a gene named MdSWEET1. Expression analysis suggested that MdSWEET1 expressed mainly in stems and flowers and can respond to various abiotic stresses including NaCl、PEG、H2O2 and ABA. Ectopic expressing MdSWEET1 in tomato enhanced salt tolerance and accumulated more soluble sugar especially sucrose and fructose.
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  • Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Cold Treatment Response Factor Gene PdCIbHLH in Peach
  • WANG Xiaodi,JI Xiaohao,ZHENG Xiaocui,WANG Yingying,SONG Yang*,and LIU Fengzhi*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 444-452. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0651
  • Abstract ( 264 ) HTML ( 1188 ) PDF (4269KB) ( 1188 )    
  • This study is aiming at cloning PdICbHLH from Prunus davidiana Franch,to analyze its expression pattern and reveal biological functions involved in cold stress. PdCIbHLH gene was obtained,and the open reading frame(ORF)contained 1 617 bp,encoding a protein of 539 amino acid residues. Sequence analysis indicated that PdCIbHLH exhibited the structures of bHLH domain. Phylogenetic relationship analysis showed that the homology of PdCIbHLH was close to the MdICE1. The qRT-PCR analysis indicated that PdCIbHLH was expressed in different organs. The expression showed high level in leaves,and the lowest in stems,and then expression of PdCIbHLH in leaves was induced by 4 ℃ treatment. The PdCIbHLH-overexpressing Arabidopsis exhibited increased tolerance to cold stress. Yeast one-hybrid assay showed that PdCIbHLH interacted with promoter of AtCBF3. The transient expression assays showed that PdCIbHLH could induce the expression of AtCBF3. It is speculated that PdCIbHLH was an important regulatory in response to cold treatment by directly activating the transcript of CBF.
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  • Genetic Diversity Analysis of Several Phenotypic Traits Related to Biennial Bearing Branch in Chinese Chestnut
  • LI Ying,ZHANG Shuhang,GUO Yan,ZHANG Xinfang,YAN Xiguang,and WANG Guangpeng*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 453-463. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0432
  • Abstract ( 368 ) HTML ( 743 ) PDF (744KB) ( 743 )    
  • For further enriching genetic diversity information of phenotypic traits on Chinese chestnut germplasm resources,9 phenotypic traits related to biennial bearing branch of 164 Chinese chestnut germplasms from 10 provinces(as 10 populations)were designed with hierarchical classification and then were done with analysis of variance and systematic cluster analysis. The results showed that differences among and within populations of 9 phenotypic traits value were highly significant,indicating a wide range of variation existed in these two levels. The average variation coefficient of the 9 phenotypic traits was 19.4%–64.0%,especially,variation coefficient concerning 3 of the 9 traits including the average male flower shoot number/biennial bearing branch,the delicate shoot number/biennial bearing branch and the average bur number/branch,reached > 40%,which suggested that the germplams had a great potential of genetic breeding in the 3 phenotypic traits. The average of phenotypic differentiation coefficient among populations and within populations were 65.9% and 34.1%,respectively,illustrating that the variation among populations was the leading source of trait variation. The systematic cluster analysis showed that 10 populations can be divided into 4 groups based on the variation of phenotypic traits,which indicated that the phenotypic traits of Chinese chestnut populations were basically clustered according to geographical distance.
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  • Allelopathic Effect of Intercropping with Multiplier Onion and Garlic on the Garlic Flowering
  • XU Mohang2,ZHANG Bingwei2,LOU Hu1,LIU Xue1,and XU Qijiang1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 464-472. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0499
  • Abstract ( 963 ) HTML ( 619 ) PDF (1609KB) ( 619 )    
  • As a study of the allelopathy of multiplier onion(Allium cepa var. aggregatum)on the reproductive development in garlic(Allium sativum),‘Yining Hongpi’garlic and‘M-4’bolting multiplier onion were used to examine the effect on garlic flowering through mixed intercropping. The results showed that bolting multiplier onion significantly enhanced the growth potential of garlic. The mean plant height and pseudostem diameter were 96.3 cm and 10.6 mm respectively and increased significantly by 6.1 cm,2.4 mm compared with control group. Bolting multiplier onion promoted the reproductive development in garlic. The bolting time was advanced by 4 days under allelopathic treatment in comparison with the control group. The number of functional florets per inflorescence increased,meanwhile the number and size of topsets decreased. The transcriptional levels of the floral meristem identity genes gaLFY and AsFUL were up-regulated. Bolting multiplier onion had allelopathic effects on garlic by promoting the functional flower development to potentially restore fertility.

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  • Expression and Functional Analysis of AmMYB2 Related to Betalain Metabolism of Amaranthus tricolor
  • PENG Liyun,WANG Yun,SUN Xueli,WANG Xiao,ZHAO Chunli,WANG Congqiao,XIANG Leilei,CHEN Jialan,LAI Zhongxiong*,and LIU Shengcai*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 473-485. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0572
  • Abstract ( 285 ) HTML ( 644 ) PDF (3708KB) ( 644 )    
  • In order to explore the role of AmMYB2 in the betalain synthesis in Amaranthus tricolor,the bioinformatics,gene expression and functional analysis of AmMYB2(Genbank accession No. KY814751.1)in the red amaranth cultivar‘Dahong’were conducted. The results showed that the open reading frame(ORF)of the AmMYB2 is 678 bp in length. The coding protein molecular mass fraction is 25.96 kD,which belongs to R2R3 MYB transcription factor with R2R3 MYB domain. Subcellular localization assay revealed that the AmMYB2 protein was localized in the nucleus. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the AmMYB2 is relatively close to betalain synthesis-related BvMYB1 and AmMYB1,with an identity of 62.11% and 49.93%,respectively. Quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR)results showed that the expression level of AmMYB2 was higher in red amaranth cultivar than that in green,and was different in different tissues and the different parts of leaves from the‘Dahong’amaranth,consistent with the proportional to the content of betalains. After the over expression vector of AmMYB2 was constructed and transferred to tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana,the expression level of AmMYB2 was higher in both plants,without color changes. Therefore,the AmMYB2 may be a positive regulatory factor for the synthesis of betalains in amaranth,and maybe not involved in anthocyanin synthesis.

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  • Analysis of miRNA in Water Spinach(Ipomoea aquatica)Under Long-time High Temperature
  • WANG Xingru1,LI Wenjing1,2,CHEN Bingxing 1,2,LIU Tao1,SHANG Wei1,LAI Zhongxiong2,*,and GUO Rongfang 1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 486-498. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0497
  • Abstract ( 272 ) HTML ( 777 ) PDF (1124KB) ( 777 )    
  • miRNAs are small non-coding RNAs of 20–24 nt widely present in eukaryotes and play important roles in plant growth and stress adaptation. Water spinach(Ipomoea aquatica)can tolerate prolonged high temperature. However,miRNAs in water spinach have not yet been identified and their role in long-time high temperature is still unknown. In this paper,taking highly heat-resistant‘Taiguo Sancha’and poorly heat-resistant‘Liuye’as material,two high-quality sRNA pools were constructed after treatment with 42 ℃ for 15 days. The number of high-quality sequences both exceeded 17.3 Mb,and the number of 24 nt clean reads in‘Taiguo Sancha’was much higher than that of‘Liuye’. After comparison with water spinach’s transcriptome,1 363 258 and 1 629 209 sequences were obtained respectively. The two libraries shared 1 047 133(11.36%)unique reads,indicating that sRNAs varied in cultivars with different heat resistance. A total of 71 miRNAs were identified in water spinach,of which 22 were differentially expressed. The target genes were predicted by TargetFinder and a sum of 233 target genes were obtained. In addition,water spinach‘Bendi Sancha’with strong-heat-resistance and weakly heat-resistant‘Zhuye’were used as materials to study the expression levels of pre-miR160,pre-miR166,pre-miR172,pre-miR393,and pre-miR3627 that were differentially expressed after long-time high temperature treatment. The results showed that the expression of pre-miR160-2 in‘Bendi Sancha’and‘Zhuye’increased significantly,but in different levels;the expression of miR166 was decreased in‘Bendi Sancha’but increased significantly in‘Zhuye’;miR172 could be induced by high temperature,however,there was no difference in the two cultivars;the expression of miR3627 was decreased in‘Bendi Sancha’after high temperature treatment while there was no obvious change in‘Zhuye’. The difference in the expression patterns of miRNA precursors suggests that the mechanism of miRNA is different during long-term high temperature in water spinach.

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  • Antifungal Activity of Paenibacillus polymyxa HK18-8 Against Pepper Anthracnose and Its Colonization Ability
  • Antifungal Activity of Paenibacillus polymyxa HK18-8 Against Pepper Anthracnose and Its Colonization Ability
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 499-507. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0639
  • Abstract ( 258 ) HTML ( 625 ) PDF (2577KB) ( 625 )    
  • A promising biocontrol agent HK18-8,a strain with strong effect on pepper anthracnose,was selected from the rhizosphere of healthy dyetree plant. Its antifungal effect and colonization ability were detected by in vitro experiments. The results showed that,HK18-8 was able to inhibit the mycelial growth and conidia germination of Colletotrichum acutatum significantly in the in vitro experiment. The inhibition zone of the mycelial growth reached to 10 mm,and the inhibition rate of conidia germination was 70.15%. HK18-8 performed the successful potential control against pepper anthracnose(the control efficiency was 88.58%),and the preventive effect was higher than its therapeutic effect. In addition,HK18-8 was readily able to colonize on fruit surface of pepper,persisting with a relative population density of more than 106 cfu ? g-1. Based on the morphological,physiological characteristics and 16S rRNA sequence analysis,the strain HK18-8 was identified as Paenibacillus polymyxa.
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  • Identification of Viruses Causing Eggplant Purple Mottle Flower Disease by siRNA High-throughput Sequencing and RT-PCR detection
  • CHAI Ali,CHEN Lida,CAO Jinqiang,KANG Huajun,SHI Yanxia,XIE Xuewen,and LI Baoju*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 508-518. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0097
  • Abstract ( 492 ) HTML ( 931 ) PDF (2357KB) ( 931 )    
  • To identify the virus causing eggplant purple mottle flower disease,high-throughput sequencing of small interfering RNA(siRNA)was performed with eggplant samples,and then the RNA virus was screened with bioinformatics methods. Results showed that genomic information of Tobacco mild green mosaic virus(TMGMV)and Tomato mottle mosaic virus(ToMMV)were detected in eggplant samples. To confirm the results,total RNAs were analyzed by reverse transcription(RT)-PCR to amplify the full-length coat protein(CP)gene of 500 bp TMGMV and 482 bp ToMMV. Blast analysis confirmed the identity of the virus,showing 98%–100% and 100% similarity to TMGMV-CP and ToMMV-CP sequence,respectively. Twenty-three suspected mottled eggplant samples from Shandong,Henan,Liaoning,and Hebei provinces were tested with specific primers 524-F/R and ToMMV-F/R. The expected 500 bp TMGMV-CP fragment was amplified from all 23 samples,and 289 bp ToMMV-CP fragment was amplified from 20 samples. In pathogenicity test,all leaves of inoculated eggplant,tomato and pepper,and flowers of eggplant showed the same symptoms as the field. The results showed that TMGMV and ToMMV were identified in the eggplant mottled purple flower disease.
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  • QTL Mapping of Lateral Branch Associated Traits in Cucumis melo
  • ZHANG Xiaojing1,ZHANG Kaige1,ZHU Huayu1,2,ZHANG Yu1,HU Qianmei1,CHENG Siyuan1, ZHANG Minjuan1,HU Jianbin1,2,and YANG Luming1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 519-528. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0642
  • Abstract ( 306 ) HTML ( 682 ) PDF (2909KB) ( 682 )    
  • To map lateral branch associated QTL in melon,a long lateral branch inbred line‘TopMark’and a short lateral branch inbred line‘PI 353814’was crossed to generate a F2 population and F2:3 line in this study. Using a mapping population containing 92 F2 plants and the SSR markers developed from melon genome,a genetic map containing 353 SSR markers was constructed. The total genetic map covered 1 565.88 cM with an average distance between interval markers of 4.44 cM. The genetic length of these linkage groups ranged from 86.98 cM to 186.68 cM. QTL analysis was carried out by combining the phenotypes of lateral branch related traits in F2:3 lines and the genotyping data,and 6 QTLs for these traits were detected on LGⅠ,LGⅢ and LGⅦ,explaining 9.9242% ~ 48.2348% of total phenotypic variation.Among them,two major QTL lbtl7.1 and lbal7.1 were mapped on chromosome LGVⅡ between markers CmSSR17145 and CmSSR17293,explaining 38.5923% and 48.2348% of the phenotypic variation,respectively. In order to validate these major QTLs,new SSR markers were developed in the candidate region,and an extended population of 186 F2:3 lines were used for QTL mapping. The results showed that the major QTL lbtl7.1 was further mapped between CmSSR17251 and CmSSR17253 markers with a genetic distance of 2.5 cM and 0.5 cM,explaining 41.2742% of the phenotypic variation. Another major QTL lbal7.1 was further mapped between CmSSR17238 and CmSSR17251,with a genetic distance of 1.5 cM and 0.5 cM,respectively,explaining 55.1739% phenotypic variation.
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  • Identification and Biological Characteristics of a Novel Pathogen Fusarium incarnatum Causing Muskmelon Fruit Fusarium Rot
  • WANG Yan1,WANG Chunwei1,*,WANG Lin2,LI Zhiyuan1,ZHANG Xiqian1,LIU Zheng1,CHEN Ermao1,WANG Meiqin1,ZHANG Zuogang1,and WANG Jianming1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 529-539. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0820
  • Abstract ( 436 ) HTML ( 1019 ) PDF (2835KB) ( 1019 )    
  • A novel disease of suspected Fusarium fruit rot was observed on muskmelon in Taigu County,Shanxi Province. The isolate was obtained from diseased sample by conventional tissue isolation method. The pathogenicity was confirmed by Koch’s postulates. The pathogen was identified as Fusarium incarnatum based on morphological characteristics and the sequence analysis of rDNA-ITS,EF-1α,histone 3 and mtSSU. The results of biological characteristics showed that PSA medium was most conducive to mycelium growth and sporulation;the ideal temperature conditions for mycelium growth and sporulation were in the range of 20–35 ℃ and 20–25 ℃,respectively;the suitable carbon sources for mycelium growth were CMC-Na,starch and xylose,the optimal carbon source for sporulation was lactose. The pathogen could grow fastly on the medium with kinds of nitrogen sources,the optimal nitrogen source for sporulation was yeast powder. The optimal pH for mycelium growth was 8. The full illumination and full darkness was suitable for mycelium growth. The sporulation under pH and light conditions had not significant difference. The mycelial lethal temperature was at 61 ℃ for 10 min,and the spore lethal temperature was at 56 ℃ for 10 min.
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  • Quantitative Evaluation on Rooting Capacity for Cutting Propagation of Chrysanthemum
  • SUN Wei,YU Ruining,ZHANG Fei,JIANG Jiafu,CHEN Fadi,and FANG Weimin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 540-548. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0339
  • Abstract ( 550 ) HTML ( 811 ) PDF (848KB) ( 811 )    
  • A total of 7 indexes in 51 chrysanthemum cultivars were identified after 12 days,including root number,average single length(L),average diameter(AD),the longest root length,root surface area(SA),root projected area(PA)and the average number of single root tips(N Tips). Base on the above statics,the rooting ability of different ornamental chrysanthemum cultivars were evaluated by the correlation and principal component of the 7 indexes and the subordinate function value method. Comparing with the longest root length,the extreme value of these materials showed significant differences of the distribution range in root number,L,N Tips,while the distribution range in AD,SA and PA showed no difference. There is a significant correlation among these indexes(P < 0.01)with all positively correlated. In addition,seven single items were translated into the two independent comprehensive indexes by the principal component analysis,and the cumulative contribution rate was 84.01%. Furthermore,the comprehensive index,subordinate function values and the Score(D)were calculated by the subordinate function value method,the results showed that D values were mainly concentrated between 0.20 and 0.40,and there were 23 cultivars,accounting for 45.1% of the total;five potted chrysanthemum cultivars whose D value were more than 0.40,among of them,the highest was‘Zhongshan Yunge’with 0.88 with the strongest rooting ability of cutting. There were 10 cultivars with the value less than or equal to 0.10,among which 6 were traditional chrysanthemum,the lowest‘Guohua Youji’and‘Guohua Bashizhu’were only 0.03,and the rooting ability was the weakest.
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  • Analysis of Potential Double Resistances for 49 Camellia Cultivars Under Low Temperature and Salt Stress
  • WANG Jiangying1,2,ZHAO Tongli1,ZHU Pengbo1,LI Jiyuan2,TANG Xueyan1,SUN Mingwei1,HUI Linchong1,and SHAO Xiaobin1,3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 549-558. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0331
  • Abstract ( 274 ) HTML ( 652 ) PDF (2192KB) ( 652 )    
  • On the basic of CaAPX1(GenBank accession ID:KP635267) sequence of Camellia azalea,a pair of qPCR primer was designed and synthesized. Fluorescent quantitative Real-time PCR analysis indicated that the expression levels of CaAPX1 in leaves of Camellia azalea were both upregulated under 4 ℃ and 200 mg ? L-1 NaCl treatment,reaching peaks at 8 h and 12 h treatment respectively,which indicated that CaAPX1 could be expressed in camellia plants after separately exposed to cold and salt stresses. It was also found that CaAPX1 gene was expressed in the 49 camellia cultivars,but the expression levels were different. Furthermore,on the basis of comprehensive evaluation,49 camellia cultivars were evaluated for their potential of double resistance through the field investigation and CaAPX1 relative expression,the first category(typeⅠ)with strong cold-salt resistance including four camellias;the second category(typeⅡ)to moderate cold-salt resistance including eleven camellias;while the third category (type Ⅲ)with weaker cold-salt resistance including thirty four camellias.
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Research Notes

  • Effect of Biochar on Water and Nutrient Conservation and Apple Growth in Sandy Soil
  • LI Hanhao,LI Wenqing*,WANG Yuan,and WANG Guiwei
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 559-566. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0216
  • Abstract ( 313 ) HTML ( 874 ) PDF (789KB) ( 874 )    
  • In order to solve the problem of low water and nutrient conserving capacity of sandy soil,five-year-old Fuji/Malus hupeheusis Rehd. was taken as material to study the effects of biochar and compost on soil water and nutrient conserving capacity and apple growth. The results showed the percentage of high quality fruit,single apple fruit weight and apple yield of biochar combined with chemical fertilizer were 70.21%,261.92 g and 59.62 kg,respectively,increasing by 43.40%,15.21% and 36.06%,respectively,compared with the single hole application of chemical fertilizer treatment(control). The content of fruit soluble solids and vitamin C increased by 7.10% and 30.30%,respectively. Biochar combined with chemical fertilizer increased soil available nitrogen,available potassium,being 153.58 and 142.2 mg ? kg-1,respectively,which increased by 15.69% and 33.27%,compared with the conventional fertilization treatment. On the third days after precipitation,soil water content of biochar application was 36.65% and 27.92% higher than that of upper and lower soil layers respectively. After one month evaporation,the soil water was still 56.65% and 45.79% higher than the upper and lower soil layers,respectively. The results showed that the combination of biochar and chemical fertilizer had significant effects on soil water,nutrient content,yield and quality of apple fruit in sandy soil.

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  • Isolation and Expression Analysis of Full-length cDNAs of NPR1 Homologous Genes in Nai(Prunus salicina var. cordata)
  • CAI Weiwei1,2,ZENG Zhifang3,WEI Chun3,YANG Huali1,SHE Wenqin1,*,and CHEN Guixin1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 567-576. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0030
  • Abstract ( 311 ) HTML ( 704 ) PDF (4627KB) ( 704 )    
  • NPR1 is one of important regulatory factors inducing expression of desease-resistant genes,and mainly acts in the up- or down-streams on salicylic acid signal transduction pathway. Full-length cDNAs of NPR1 homologous genes were screened from enriched full-length normalized cDNA library by pool-dilued PCR method in Nai’s leaves;young leaves in one-year grafted seedlings were sprayed with salicylic acid solutions of different concentrations,the differences in expression levels of the isolated NPR1 genes were detected by fluorescence quantitative PCR. The results showed that 4 full-length cDNAs of NPR1 homologous genes were obtained and named as PsNPR1,PsNPR3.1,PsNPR3.2 and PsNPR3.3 respectively;their responding full lengths were 2 442,1 827,2 244 and 2 615 bp;their reponding lengths of ORFs were 1 788,1 770,1 767 and 1 782 bp,encoding proteins containing 596,590,589 and 594 amino acids,respectively;the results of amino acid sequence alignment showed that coding regions of the 4 NPR1 homologous genes contained two conservative domains(BTB/POZ and ANK)and nuclear localization signal(NLS);Nai’s PsNPR1 was clustered with Arabidopsis thaliana’s AtNPR1 and AtNPR2 forming a cluster,Nai’s PsNPR3.1,PsNPR3.2 and PsNPR3.3 were clustered with Arabidopsis thaliana’s AtNPR3 and AtNPR4 forming another cluster. The expression level of PsNPR1 was the highest in Nai’s young leaves sprayed with 1.0 mmol ? L-1 salicylic acid solutions;the expression levels of PsNPR1,PsNPR3.1 and PsNPR3.2 continuously increased in process of response to 1.0 mmol ? L-1 salicylic acid,and reached maximum at 30 hours after spraying,then tended to decrease,therefore,the optimal spraying concentration of salicylic acid was 1.0 mmol ? L-1,the optimal responsing time of 1.0 mmol ? L-1 salicylic acid was 30 hours.

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  • Obtained Interspecific Hybrids Between Ogura CMS Lines of Brassica oleracea and Brassica napus Through Embryo Rescue
  • JIANG Jiao,ZHANG Enhui,LI Shengjuan,SHI Wenwen,WU Xiaofeng,GUO Jia,GONG Haijun,and XU Zhongmin*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 590-600. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0713
  • Abstract ( 212 ) HTML ( 736 ) PDF (2104KB) ( 736 )    
  • In order to transfer the Ogura CMS restorer gene of Brassica napus to the Ogura CMS lines of Brassica oleracea,6 Ogura CMS lines of cabbage and the B. napus which contained the restorer gene were used as the female and male parents respectively to obtain the F1 generation through embryo rescue culture and the artificial hybridization technology,and their authenticity was also identified. Investigation was carried out on the factors which could affect ovule seedling formation,including sampling time,medium composition and cross combination. The results showed that the ovular seedling formation efficiency was the highest while using ovules 16 d after pollination,altogether the seedling rate was 4.56%. The medium of MS + GA 0.1 mg ? L-1 + NAA 0.1 mg ? L-1 + 0.5% casein hydrolyzate + 0.5% activated carbon,had the best seedling growing-up with the seedling rate as high as 6.24%. The cross combination of M09CMS × RFO-46 generated the most F1 generation seedlings with the 5.96% seedling rate. Sixty five out of 67 F1 generation seedlings were identified as the true hybrids through flow cytometry,SSR molecular markers and morphological identification,accounting for 97%.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Super Early Maturing Yellow-fleshed Nectarine Cultivar‘Zaochunhong’
  • SHEN Junling1,* and LIU Shenkun2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 601-602. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0323
  • Abstract ( 651 ) HTML ( 596 ) PDF (3657KB) ( 596 )    
  • ‘Zaochunhong’is a new super early maturing yellow-flesh nectarine cultivar which is selected from the bud mutation of‘Zhongnong Jinhui’. When planted in greenhouse,it is matured in early April,the fruit is oval shape with a little bit sharp on top,weighing 131.5 g on average,while the biggest one can reach to 163.2 g. The flesh is yellow,with 10.5%–12.5% soluble solids content and 0.35% titratable acid content. The stone is cling. The fruit development period is about 55 days. When planted in open field,it is matured in early June. This cultivar has self-fruitful ability and high and steady yield. The average yield is 52 500 kg ? hm-2.
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  • A Yellow-fleshed Kiwifruit Cultivar With Better Storability‘Beimu’
  • LIU Shibiao1,*,XIANG Xiaoqi1,TIAN Qijian1,CHEN Jifu2,ZHANG Hui1,PENG Xiaolie1,PENG Qingzhong1,and SHI Zeliang1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 603-604. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0167
  • Abstract ( 318 ) HTML ( 517 ) PDF (1018KB) ( 517 )    
  • ‘Beimu’kiwifruit is a new yellow flesh cultivar with better storability,selected from wild candidate vines of Actinidia chinensis. The fruit is short cylinder in shape,with short hairs rarely distributed on the light brown skin. The average fruit weight is 100.25 g. The flesh color is yellow,with tender,juicy taste and rich flavor. The soluble solids content is 16.8%,total sugar content is 13.6%,titratable acid content is 1.54% and the content of vitamin C is 3.67 mg ? g-1. The ripening date is the early to mid October in west parts of Hunan Province,with a high yield of 30 000 kg ? hm-2.
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  • A New Litchi Cultivar‘Bingli’
  • MA Ke1,LAI Xuhui1,HU Ruiqing1,LUO Shi1,and LI Jianguo2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 605-606. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0305
  • Abstract ( 861 ) HTML ( 636 ) PDF (949KB) ( 636 )    
  • ‘Bingli’is a new litchi cultivar selected from offspring plants of mutated individual seedlings in Guangdong. The fruit is short heart-shaped with bright red skin. The flesh tastes sweet,soft and smooth,which exhibits strong aroma. The average weight of single fruit,edible portion and content of soluble solids were 20.7 g,75.3% and 19.4%,respectively.‘Bingli’litchi is a promising cultivar for its high quality,aborted seed,seldom cracking as well as high and stable yield. The average yield per plant in the third and fourth year of high-grafted trees is 15.5 and 30.1 kg,respectively.
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Research Notes

  • Pink-flowered Blackberry Cultivar‘Jingyu 1’
  • ZHANG Yuping,Xu Yihua,CAO Jun,LIU Guobin,PAN Qinghua*,and YAOYanwu
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(3): 607-608. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0137
  • Abstract ( 309 ) HTML ( 411 ) PDF (1701KB) ( 411 )    
  • ‘Jingyu 1’is a new pink-flowered cultivar of blackberry(Rubus L. subgenus Rubus Watson)which was selected from the seedlings of cultivar‘Kiowa’from the United States.‘Jingyu 1’is thornless. Its flower is pink,and fruit is black,weighing about 6.7 g on average. The flesh has a sour and light sweet taste,with soluble solids content of 10.3%,and it is early maturing. The yield is up to 15 300 kg ? hm-2. The ripening period is from mid-June to mid-July in Beijing region. It is suitable for fresh food and processing.
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New Cultivars