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2019, Vol.46, No.10 Previous Issue    Next Issue

Research Papers

  • Cytoplasmic pH is Involved in 5-aminolevulinic Acid(ALA)-induced Stomatal Opening in Apple Leaves
  • HU Jian,AN Yuyan,CAI Changyu,HE Shasha,and WANG Liangju*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1869-1881. DOI:doi:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0880
  • Abstract ( 243 ) HTML ( 623 ) PDF (1663KB) ( 623 )    
  • Stomata is the main channel for CO2 to enter into leaf mesophyll cells,and its aperture plays a key role in photosynthetic rate. Previous studies have shown that 5-aminolevulinic acid(ALA)is involved in stomatal regulation in apple leaves,but the underlying mechanism has not been fully elucidated. In the present work,the effects of ALA on cytoplasmic pH and stomatal movement were studied with the abaxial epidermis of leaves of Fuji apple(Malus × domenstica Borkh). Results showed that when stomatal closure was induced by ABA and benzylamine,the fluorescence intensity of cytoplasmic pH and reactive oxygen species(ROS)increased significantly. When ALA and butyrate were used to inhibit ABA-induced stomatal closure,they also inhibited ABA-induced increase of cytoplasmic pH and ROS fluorescence intensity. Benzylamine weakened the effect of ALA on the stomatal closure induced by ABA,while ALA and butyrate inhibited stomatal closure induced by exogenous H2O2 and Ca2+. These results suggest that cytoplasmic pH is involved in stomatal regulation at the upstream of the signal pathway of ALA regulating stomatal movement. Analysis of qRT-PCR showed that ABA induced up-expressions of Mdvha-c2 and Mdvha-c3 which encode subunits of tonoplast H+-ATPase,whereas ALA inhibited this effect. These suggest that cytosolic acidification induced by ALA may be related to the decrease of ion pump activity in the vacuolar membrane. Based on the above results,the authors conclude that the effect of ALA on stomatal movement in apple leaves is mediated by cytoplasmic pH pathway.

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  • Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analysis of the MADS-box Gene Family in Vitis vinifera
  • HUANG Xiaojing1,ZHANG Jun1,XIA Hui1,2,DENG Qunxian1,WANG Jin1,2,Lü Xiulan1,2,and LIANG Dong1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1882-1896. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0842
  • Abstract ( 357 ) HTML ( 817 ) PDF (2858KB) ( 817 )    
  • A total of 54 MADS-box genes were identified from the grape genome,including 10 Type-Ⅰand 44 Type-Ⅱgenes. All of them distributed on 15 chromosomes,encoded protein sequence was 62–596 amino acids,and the number of exons 1–16 pieces. The promoter region contains a large number of related functional domains such as light signal,plant hormone,stress and meristem. According to the results of qRT-PCR,the expression level of SEP,FUL,FLC,SVP,SOC1 and ANR1 gradually increased with the leaves growth,reaching the highest in mature leaves,then decreased in old leaves;the first fruit expansion period and fruit color change period are the two peak expression stages of SEP,SOC1 and ANR1 subclass genes;hydrogen cyanamide treatment induced the expression of SVP,AGL15,SOC1,AP3/PI,AGL12 and FLC subclass genes to increase continuously during dormancy and decrease during dormancy release.
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  • Cytomorphological Observation on Development of Pistil and Stamen of Male and Hermaphrodite Floral Buds of Diospyros kaki‘Longyan Yeshi 1’
  • LI Huawei1,WANG Liyuan2,SUN Peng2,SUO Yujing2,HAN Weijuan2,MAI Yini2,DIAO Songfeng2,YUAN Deyi1,*,and FU Jianmin2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1897-1906. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0888
  • Abstract ( 343 ) HTML ( 606 ) PDF (3733KB) ( 606 )    
  • An andromonoecy Diospyros kaki‘Longyan Yeshi 1’was found in the population of Longyan Yeshi. Its floral buds were three-flower cyme. The probability that the middle one was hermaphrodite floral buds was over 80%,and the two on both sides were unisexual male floral buds. It is a new excellent material for studying the regulatory mechanism of sex differentiation of Diospyros species. The developmental differences of male and hermaphrodite floral buds of‘Longyan Yeshi 1’was observed with paraffin section. The results showed that:the stamen and pistil primordia of hermaphrodite floral buds were normal. However,no ovary functional tissue was produced in the development of the pistil primordia of male floral buds. The anther of male and hermaphrodite floral buds were tetrasporangiate and the anther wall that consisted of epidermis,endotheca,middle layer and glandular tapetum was dicotyledonous development. The microspore were tetrahedral and symmetrical tetrads;Mature pollen grains were 2-cell type with three germ pores;A few abnormal pollen grain and empty pollen grain exsit at late uninucleate stage;Different or the same anther had asynchronous meiosis of microspore mother cells. The ovule of hermaphrodite floral buds had eight locules with axial placenta and anatropous ovule;The ovule was bitegmic and tenuinucellate with single spore cell. The megaspore tetrad arranged in a straight line and the functional megaspore located at the apex of the embryo sac which was polygonum type.
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  • Reference Gene Selection and Genes Expression Analysis During Adventitious Root Formation in Walnut
  • SONG Xiaobo1,CHANG Yingying1,LIU Hao1,2,XU Huimin3,and PEI Dong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1907-1918. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0845
  • Abstract ( 312 ) HTML ( 683 ) PDF (1138KB) ( 683 )    
  • The expression stability of eight candidate internal reference genes(18S,ACT,ACT2,TUB,H2B,UBI,EF-2α and UBQ)during adventitious root development was evaluated by real-time PCR and geNorm and NormFinder software. Using the best selected internal reference genes for calibration,12 important functional genes(YUC4,PIN6,AUX/IAA8,SAUR24,WOX11,WOX5,LBD16,WRKY14,SHR,SCL,CYCA and CYCD)were found,and the level of expression was quantified during the adventitious root formation of walnut. The results of stability analysis of internal reference gene expression showed that ACT2 gene could be used as the best reference gene in qRT-PCR study of walnut adventitious root formation. ACT2 was used as reference to quantitatively analyze the expression levels of 12 genes in adventitious root formation. The results showed:the YUC gene was down-regulated significantly during the cutting process,and the other 11 genes were significantly up-regulated during different periods of adventitious root development. It is speculated that PIN6 and other gene-mediated auxin polar transport plays an important role in the high concentration of IAA enrichment required in the early stage of adventitious root formation. The SHR,WOX11,LBD16,WRKY14 and SCL genes are mainly involved in the transformation of the stratified cells into the root primordial cells. The SAUR24,WOX5,CYCA and CYCD genes are mainly involved in the regulation of root primordial cells to root primordial cells. At the same time,cyclin-related genes(CYCA,CYCD)can serve as marker genes for the transformation of root primordial cells into root primordial cells.
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  • Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Aux/IAA Gene Family in Banana
  • SUN Xueli,LIU Fan,TIAN Na,XIANG Leilei,HAO Xiangyang,WANG Yun,PENG Liyun,WANG Tianchi,CHENG Chunzhen*,and LAI Zhongxiong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1919-1935. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0743
  • Abstract ( 488 ) HTML ( 671 ) PDF (5338KB) ( 671 )    
  • In this study,the banana Aux/IAA gene family members were screened and identified from genome level using bioinformatic methods. A total of 44 Aux/IAA family members distributed in all the banana chromosomes except chromosome 1 were identified,among which 10 members own alternative splicing variants. The coding sequence of these genes ranges from 378 to 1 062 bp,encoding proteins with 125–353 aa. All of their encoded protein were hydrophilic proteins without signal peptide. Gene structure analysis showed that most members of the family shared 5 exons and 4 introns,and most of their encoded proteins contained 4 typical conserved motifs. Subcellular location prediction results showed that the Aux/IAA members were mainly located in nucleus,cytoplasm and chloroplast. MaIAA31 is the only member of the family that predicted a transmembrane region and was located outside the extracellular. Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that the family members could be divided into two major categories and eight subgroups. Promoter cis-acting elements prediction analysis identified several elements responsive to phytohormone and light,abiotic and biotic stresses. Gene expression analysis of several Aux/IAA members under different phytohormone and stress treatments revealed that the expression of Aux/IAAs were regulated by multiple factors. Among these investigated genes,the expression of MaIAA27 was found to be responsive to all the treatments,MaIAA15 was influenced by drought and salt,while MaIAA25 was greatly induced by heat,low-temperature and wound,indicating that they might contribute to the stress responses of banana.
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  • Functional Analysis of Longan TFL1 Homologous Genes by Over- expression in Arabidopsis thaliana and Tobacco
  • ZHANG Yiyong,PENG Yuan,FU Zhiyuan,and ZENG Lihui*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1936-1946. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0571
  • Abstract ( 326 ) HTML ( 556 ) PDF (3516KB) ( 556 )    
  • In order to study the functions of longan TFL1 homologs DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2,Plant expression vectors pCAMBIA2300-DlTFL1-1 and pCAMBIA2300-DlTFL1-2 were constructed and DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2 were transformed into Arabidopsis and tobacco mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101. Effects of overexpression of DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2 on flowering time and phenotypes of transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants were observed. D1TFL1-1 and D1TFL1-2 proteins had a highly similar secondary structure with AtTFL1 and had a typical PEBP conserved domain,however,D1TFL1-1 and D1TFL1-1 proteins have significantly different protein tertiary structure with AtTFL1. The flowering time was delayed in both DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2 transgenic Arabidopsis under both long-day and short-day conditions. Under long-day conditions,the flowering time of DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2 transgenic Arabidopsis was delayed for 10.0 and 6.8 days,respectively. At the same time,DlTFL1 transgenic Arabidopsis plants had more branches in inflorescences. Under short-day conditions,the flowering time of DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2 transgenic Arabidopsis was delayed for 5.3 and 3.0 days respectively. In addition,the delay of flowering time was also observed in DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2 transgenic tobacco plants. qPCR results showed that under long-day conditions,the expression level of AtFT in leaves decreased significantly. The expression of AtLEAFY and AtAP1 in inflorescences were also significantly down-regulated. Our results suggested that DlTFL1-1 and DlTFL1-2 play an role in inhibiting floral bud differentiation,and they may be the flowering repressors in longan.
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  • Cloning,Subcellular Location and Expression Analysis of FaWRKY31 in Fragaria × ananassa
  • YUE Maolan1,JIANG Leiyu1,LIU Yi1,LI Yue1,LIU Yongqiang1,CHEN Qing1,LIN Yuanxiu1,2,and TANG Haoru1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1947-1959. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0904
  • Abstract ( 265 ) HTML ( 814 ) PDF (1590KB) ( 814 )    
  • To clarify the sequence characteristics,expression patterns and subcellular localization of FaWRKY31 in octoploid strawberry cultivar‘Benihoppe’,three CDS sequences with a length of 1 644 bp,one CDS sequence with a length of 1 669 bp and two promoter sequences about 2 000 bp were isolated by homology cloning strategy. Bioinformatics analysis indicated that the open reading frame of FaWRKY31-like with a length 1 669 bp was terminated prematurely because of a 25 bp sequence insertion,resulting the truncation of WRKY domain as well as C2H2 Zinc finger. Sequence analysis of promoter showed that there was a large divergence between FaWRKY31 promoter sequence and FvWRKY31. The similarity of those two promoter sequences was 70%,FaWRKY31 promoter existed some deletion and insertion of multiple fragments,which may lead to different inducing characteristics compared with FvWRKY31(F. vesca). The gene expression level of FaWRKY31 evaluated by q-PCR showed that FaWRKY31 was detected in all analyzed tissues. The highest relative expression level was in roots,followed by stems and functional leaves and the lowest relative expression was in fruits. FaWRKY31 could be induced by red and blue light treatments,and be downregulated by blue and red light in strawberry fruits. FaWRKY31 can also significantly induced by low potassium,low phosphorus,ABA,drought,salt stress and low temperature in different degrees,and low temperature,ABA,drought had negative effects on FaWRKY31. Subcellular location of FaWRKY31 showed that FaWRKY31 was a nuclear locatized protein.
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  • Association Analysis of Quality Traits with SSR Markers in Flowering Chinese Cabbage
  • XIA Yanshi1,ZHANG Runlin1,LU Yupeng1,LI Ronghua1,LI Guangguang2,ZHANG Hua2,and GUO Peiguo1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1960-1972. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0036
  • Abstract ( 277 ) HTML ( 494 ) PDF (1043KB) ( 494 )    
  • In order to identify molecular markers loci related to quality traits of flowering Chinese cabbage and promote marker-assisted breeding in flowering Chinese cabbage,84 polymorphic SSRs were used to genotype and analyze genetic diversity of 81 flowering Chinese cabbage accessions. Association analysis between genotypic data and six quality traits was performed by the method of MLM(mixed linear model)in Tassel 3.0. The results showed that 310 alleles were detected in 81 accessions,and the polymorphic information content(PIC)ranged from 0.1878 to 0.9902,with an average values of 0.6119. The genetic similarity coefficient(GS)of 81 flowering Chinese cabbage accessions was between 0.4742 to 0.8958,with an average of 0.6294. These accessions could be clustered into four groups at the GS value of 0.596. A total of 10 loci associated with quality traits were detected at P < 0.01 level by association analysis, with explained variance ranging from 8.59% to 11.50%,of which 5 loci had positive effect on phenotype traits,and the rest were negative effect. Based on the results of elite alleles analysis,11 typical materials with 4–8 elite alleles were identified. These elite alleles could be useful for marker-assisted selection breeding in flowering Chinese cabbage.
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  • The Strcture,Genome-Wide Distribution and Expression Analysis of Pectin Methylesterase Inhibitor Genes in Brassica oleracea
  • BAI Xiaojing1,WANG Yukui1,ZUO Tonghong1,LIU Qianying1,LIAN Xiaoping2,ZHANG Hecui1,ZHANG Yizhong1,PU Min1,LUO Shaolan1,and ZHU Liquan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1973-1988. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0028
  • Abstract ( 247 ) HTML ( 659 ) PDF (1809KB) ( 659 )    
  • In order to clarify the number of members,structures and distribution of BoPMEI family,and find out the relationship between BoPMEI family and self-incompatibility,transcriptome data and bioinformatics approaches were used to analyze the gene structure and identify the whole genome. The expression profile of BoPMEI family genes was analyzed,and it was verified by quantitative real-time PCR. The results showed that a total of 101 BoPMEI genes were identified and they were divided into 11 groups. The expansion of BoPMEI family genes distributed unevenly on 9 chromosomes were mainly caused by whole genome triplication and tandem duplication. The divergence time was determined to be 15.56 million years ago. Among the 101 genes,9 genes,such as BoPMEI56,BoPMEI54,BoPMEI32,BoPMEI29,BoPMEI78,BoPMEI30,BoPMEI57,BoPMEI58 and BoPMEI84,had significant expression differences. qRT-PCR analysis revealed that the mRNA expression patterns of BoPMEI was similar to the RNA-seq analysis. These results indicated that at least 9 of 101 gene members were involved in the regulation of self-pollination and cross-pollination of Brassica oleracea in different ways and may be related to the self-incompatibility of Brassica oleracea.
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  • Cloning and Expression Analysis of CmCRL1 in Melon
  • ZHANG Huanxin,CAO Na,YANG Huidong,LI Guoquan*,and ZHU Fanghong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1989-1998. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0004
  • Abstract ( 240 ) HTML ( 569 ) PDF (1462KB) ( 569 )    
  • In the present study,CmCRL1(MELO3C012908)was cloned by PCR approach from‘L8’melon strain(Cucumis melo L.). The tissue-specific transcription pattern of CmCRL1 and responses to low temperature,sorbitol,PEG6000,salt and waterlogging stresses were analyzed by real-time PCR method. CmCRL1 gene contained two exons and one intron. The length of cDNA sequence was 996 bp and the open reading frame(ORF)was 732 bp which encoded a protein of 243 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed that CmCRL1 habored a highly conserved LOB domain,belonging to the LBD/AS2(Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain/Asymmetric Leaves2)family. Multiple alignment analysis revealed that the LOB domain of CmCRL1 had a high conservation with Csa3G396920,Cla005992,AtLBD16,AtLBD29,OsCRL1,ZmRTCS and ZmRTCL,with sequence consistency of 100%,99.02%,74.51%,86.27%,88.24%,89.22% and 80.39%,respectively. Transcriptional expression pattern showed that CmCRL1 was predominantly expressed in roots. The expression level of CmCRL1 in roots was 178.39,7.54,26.95,65.19 and 75.86 times higher than in cotyledons,hypocotyls,epicotyls,leaves and shoot tips. Furthermore,CmCRL1 was identified as being responsive to low temperature,sorbitol,PEG6000 and salt stresses. In addition,CmCRL1 was strongly up-regulated during adventitious root development under waterlogging stress in melon.
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  • Construction of Core Collection of Cymbidium ensifolium Cultivars Based on SSR Fluorescent Markers
  • AI Ye,CHEN Lu,XIE Taixiang,CHEN Juan,LAN Siren,and PENG Donghui*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 1999-2008. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0327
  • Abstract ( 296 ) HTML ( 557 ) PDF (2558KB) ( 557 )    
  • In this study,226 Cymbidium ensifolium cultivars were used as materials,and 16 pairs of SSR fluorescent primers were used for amplification. Based on the maximum allele method,stepwise clustering according to 11 compression ratios(93.36%,83.19%,71.68%,64.16%,54.42%,47.35%,32.30%,23.45%,17.26%,12.39%,8.41%)were performed to form alternative germplasm. The results showed that a total of 135 alleles were detected in 16 pairs of SSR fluorescent primers,the number of observed alleles(Na),the number of effective alleles(Ne),the Nei's genetic diversity index(H)and the Shannon's index(I),the observational heterozygosity(Ho),the expected heterozygosity(He)and the polymorphic information(PIC)were 8.5,3.218,0.584,1.228,0.617,0.384 and 0.539,respectively,indicating that the genetic diversity of C. ensifolium cultivars is abundant. The genetic diversity coefficients among the cultivars ranged from 0.64 to 1.0,and were classified into four categories at 0.75. The clustering results objectively reflect the genetic relationship between the cultivars. After comparing 11 candidate core collection,the 32.30% compression ratio was considered to be the optimal ratio for constructing core collections. The t-test results showed that there were no significant differences in the genetic parameters of the core collections containing 73 cultivars and the original germplasm,which could fully represent the diversity of the original germplasm.
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  • Analysis of Volatile Components in Whorl Tepals of Magnolia denudata ‘Feihuang’During Its Development
  • LI Xiaoying1,WU JunKai1,WANG Haijing1,ZHANG Hongxia2,and GUO Xuemin2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2009-2020. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-1055
  • Abstract ( 162 ) HTML ( 485 ) PDF (829KB) ( 485 )    
  • In this study,the volatile components in every whorl of the tepal of Magnolia denudata ‘Feihuang’flower at bud stage,semi-open stage and fully-open stage were identified using Headspace–Gas Chromatography–Mass spectrometry(HS–GC–MS)and confirmed with NIST11 database and retention index(RI). The quantitative data were obtained by internal standard and the odor-activity values(OAVs)were evaluated by referring the thresholds. Total of 74 volatiles were identified in tepals during its development. Among 39 volatiles,52.70% of the total,were present in each whorl,others were present varied with the whorls. The results showed terpenoids were the main volatile components existed in M. denudate‘Feihuang’flower,reached 54 kinds(72.98 % of the total),β-pinene,β-myrcene,eucalyptol,sabinene,α-pinene,terpinolene,d-limonene,cis-β-ocimene,γ-terpinene were the major volatiles(content over 1.0 μg ? kg-1). The most 61 volatiles were detected in middle whorl,and the highest 148.40 μg ? kg-1 was found in inner wheel at semi-open stage. The volatiles were mainly formed at the bud stage,then several new substances were found at semi-open stage,however,just one generated at follow stage. The whole tepal,from the bud stage to semi-open stage,the volatiles generated was greater than released,leading to accumulation during the development,but from semi-open stage to fully-open stage,on the contrary,the content obviously decreased,which raised highest amount and strongest aroma intensity presented at semi-open stage. Herbal,green and woody were the main aroma characteristics,and 9 higher content terpenoids possessed of obvious aromatic effect showed by aroma quality and strength.

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  • Genome-Wide Identification,Classification and Expression Analysis of TCP Gene Family in Tea Plant
  • ZHOU Qiying1,HAN Yuehua2,ZHU Yue1,CHEN Sai1,LI Xianwen1,PENG Bo1,and YUAN Hongyu1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2021-2036. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0389
  • Abstract ( 252 ) HTML ( 731 ) PDF (2775KB) ( 731 )    
  • The TCP genes of tea plant(CsTCPs)were identified from the‘Shuchazao’(Camellia sinensis L.)genomic database based on the TCP protein sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana and the conserved domain sequence of TCP proteins(Pfam:03634). In total,37 CsTCP members were identified in the tea plant genome,with the amino acid size,molecular weight,isoelectric point,and the gene intron numbers varying from 150–607 aa,16.8–67.6 kD,5.10–10.52,and 0–5,respectively. Subcellular-location analysis showed that 35 CsTCP members were localized in cell nucleus,1 CsTCP member was localized in chloroplast,and 1 CsTCP member was localized in both cell nucleus and chloroplast. There are 21 PCF,11 CIN and 5 CYC/TB1 clusters in tea plant genome according to the phylogenetic analysis,suggesting that functional differentiation occurred among the CsTCP members. Conserved motifs analysis showed that there were at least 20 motifs in CsTCP members,and similar conserved motifs were identified in CsTCP members with a closer phylogenetic relationship. Subcellular location assay demonstrated that CsTCP32 localized in nucleus,but CsTCP24 had both nuclear and cytoplasmic locations. The result suggested that the identified CsTCPs were transcription factors with nuclear localization. Drought stress,salt stress,cold stress and pathogen infection related cis elements were abundant in the promoter region of the CsTCP genes. Based on the transcriptomic data,semi-qPCR and qPCR analysis,CsTCP gene members displayed differential expression patterns in different organs of tea plants and under various stresses treatment. Thereinto CsTCP14 was mainly expressed in stems and florets,CsTCP32 was mainly expressed in buds and leaves of tea plants,CsTCP19,CsTCP20,CsTCP12 and CsTCP32 was respectively up-regulated after salt,cold and MeJA treatment,CsTCP18 and CsTCP30 was respectively down-regulated after cold and MeJA treatment.
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Research Notes

  • Genome and Biology of an Isolate of Apple stem pitting virus from Inner Mongolia,China
  • SUN Pingping,JU Mingxiu,MA Qiang*,and LI Zhengnan*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2037-2046. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-1074
  • Abstract ( 247 ) HTML ( 464 ) PDF (1043KB) ( 464 )    
  • One Apple spot pitting virus(ASPV)isolate NM was collected from an infected‘Jinhong’apple in Hohhot,Inner Mongolia,China,and its complete genome sequence was determined by RT-PCR and RACE techniques. The Genbank accession No. is MK239268. The single-stranded positive RNA genome of ASPV-NM had 9286 nucleotides, excluding the poly A tail, and its shared sequence identities with the 17 published ASPV genomes in NCBI were from 70.6% to 79.2%. The phylogenetic trees based on complete genome,RNA-dependent RNA polymerase(RdRp)and Coat protein(CP)sequences showed ASPV-NM clustered into Group Ⅲ,Ⅲ andⅠ,respectively. One clear recombination event was identified in the isolate ASPV-NM. The ASPV-NM was sap-inoculated into Nicotiana occidentalis 37B,causing typical symptoms of yellow spots and chlorosis,and the infection was further confirmed by the transmission electron microscope.
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  • Carbon Convert of Cultivating Substrate and Carbon Dioxide Emission during the growth of Ganoderma lucidum
  • LIU Lingyun1,*,HUANG Zaixing1,2,*,XING Shihe3,WENG Boqi4,LUO Xuhui4,and LIU Penghu1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2047-2054. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2019-0215
  • Abstract ( 227 ) HTML ( 510 ) PDF (756KB) ( 510 )    
  • In this study,carbon utilization of Ganoderma lucidum was analyzed following CO2 emission and lignocellulose degradation during colonization of substrate and during fruiting body formation. The results show that during growth of G. lucidum the utilization rate of carbon was 48.3% of which 12.5% of carbon was converted into the fruiting body and 35.8% of the carbon was emitted in the form of CO2. CO2 emission peaked at three times,respectively when the mycelium finished colonizing the substrate,during primordium formation,and during fruiting body maturation. Cellulose and hemicellulose were mainly degraded during colonization of the substrate by the mycelium up to primordium formation,while lignin was mainly degraded during the growing period of the fruiting body.

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  • Identification of Cucumber mosaic virus Infecting Pandanus tectorius
  • WANG Kaili1,2,ZHANG Jie2,WU Kuo2,YANG Xuebao3,WEI Jianli2,WANG Changming1,*,and DONG Jiahong2,4,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2055-2060. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-1003
  • Abstract ( 274 ) HTML ( 405 ) PDF (1266KB) ( 405 )    
  • In order to confirm the viral pathogen causing yellowing and mosaic spots symptoms in the leaves of Pandanus tectorius in Yuanjiang County,Yunnan Province. Electron microscopy revealed that the virus in the dips of the diseased leaves has icosahedral particles ca. 30 nm in diameter. With the specific primer pairs for coat protein(CP)gene sequence of Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV),RT-PCR was used to detect the viral pathogen infection to P. tectorius and the target fragment was cloned and sequenced. The sequence analysis showed that it had the highest identity of 98% with CP gene sequence of CMV isolates from Indian,Sichuan and Thailand. This isolate belongs to CMV subgroup I. It is the first report of infection of P. tectorius by a viral pathogen.
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New Cultivars

  • A New Mid-late-ripening Peach Cultivar‘Qiuzhumi’
  • ZHAO Lanying1,LEI Shijun1,*,HAN Xiandong2,SUN Xiaobo1,JU Rongfeng1,XIAO Yongcheng3,LI Xiangzhai4,and WANG Rujie5
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2061-2062. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0618
  • Abstract ( 209 ) HTML ( 440 ) PDF (909KB) ( 440 )    
  • ‘Qiuzhumi’is a new peach cultivar bred by‘Anqiu peach’as female parent and‘Zaohongzhu’as male parent. The fruit is round,and the average fruit quality is 188.6 g;the skin is pale yellow,and the color is bright red to purple red;the flesh is white and the near nucleus is bright red;the meat is close,the flavor is sweet,the soluble solids are 12.90%,and the storage and transportation are resistant. The fruit development period is about 140 days. Early fruit,high yield,and high fruit yield 50.18 t ? hm-2.
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  • A New Actinidia melanandra Cultivar‘Qinzi 1’
  • WU Yongpeng1,ZHANG Ying1,*,LI Sifeng1,LINGHU Yuwei1,and XI Shengcun2
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2063-2064. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0750
  • Abstract ( 284 ) HTML ( 397 ) PDF (893KB) ( 397 )    
  • ‘Qinzi 1’ was selected from the wild Actinidia melanandra population in Qinling Mountains. The fruit shape is short cylindrical, and mean weight is 9.2 g,with 2.88 cm longitudinal diameter and 2.17 cm transverse diameter. The fruit pericarp is red-purple, smooth and hairless,and the fruit flesh is red-purple. The fruit of ‘Qinzi 1’ contains 7.48% total sugar,1.11% total acid,0.50 mg ? g-1 vitamin C and 13.8% soluble solids. It has desirable taste with suitable sweetness and acidity. However, ‘Qinzi 1’has poor storage life and the fruit is easy to ripening after harvest. It matured from September to October in Xi’an. The cutting seedlings of ‘Qinzi 1’ begun to set fruit in 2—3 years, and high yield is 9 000 kg﹒hm-2.
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  • A New Eggplant Cultivar‘Ganqie 2’
  • FANG Rong,CHEN Xuejun*,ZHOU Kunhua,and YUAN Xinjie
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2065-2066. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0906
  • Abstract ( 248 ) HTML ( 327 ) PDF (1249KB) ( 327 )    
  • ‘Ganqie 2’is a new hybrid of eggplant developed by crossing inbred line H099-9-2-3 with inbred line H001-1-2. It grows vigorously, the first flower is in 10–11th node. The shape of fruit is long cylindrical,average fruit weight is 200.0 g to 240.0 g,fruit length is 24.0 cm to 32.0 cm,and fruit diameter is 4.8 cm to 5.5 cm. The peel color is purplish red colored evenly,and the fruit surface is smooth possessing good luster. The color of flesh is white,and the tightness of flesh is moderate. It has high quality and good commodity. It also has high disease resistance and high yield,and appropriate cultivation area is in the Yangtze River Valley.
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  • A New Potato Cultivar‘Minshu 2’in Winter Planting Area
  • LUO Wenbin,LI Huawei,XU Yongqing,LIN Zhijian,JI Rongchang,QIU Sixin,and TANG Hao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2019, 46(10): 2067-2068. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0646
  • Abstract ( 333 ) HTML ( 338 ) PDF (1090KB) ( 338 )    
  • The new potato cultivar‘Minshu 2’was bred from the hybrid offspring of‘Golden Crown’ב389746.2’. Its growth period is 89 days. The plant is erect,which stem is thick. The average number of tubers per plant is 5,the commercial rate is 87.15%,the tuber shape is short-oval,the tuber skin is medium yellow,the flesh is medium yellow, and the eye depth is shallow. It tastes good. Its dry matter content is 17.78%,protein 10.6%(dry),total potassium 2.43%(dry),vitamin C 0.28 mg ? g-1,reducing sugar 5.6 mg ? g-1. It is moderatly resistant to PVX,PVY and early blight,moderately susceptible to late blight. The average yield is 30 019 kg ? hm-2. It is suitable for winter planting in south China.
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