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2017, Vol.44, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • Effect of Constriction on Content of Endogenous Hormones and Expression Rooting Related Genes During Shoot Layering of Apple Dwarfing Rootstock‘9-3’
  • YANG Lifen,MENG Hongzhi,MA Hong,SUN Tianhua,LI Zhongyong,ZHANG Xueying*,and XU Jizhong*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 614-621. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0532
  • Abstract ( 368 ) HTML ( 1162 ) PDF (713KB) ( 1162 )    
  • One-year-old apple dwarfing rootstock9-3was used as material to study the effect of constriction on rooting of layering shoots and the content of endogenous hormones and the expression of rooting related genes during the rooting process. The results showed that the rooting time of shoots treated with constriction was earlier than that of the controland the rooting rate reached 90.63%significantly higher than that of the control. At callus formation stagethe content of IAAABA and ZRthe ratio of IAA/ABAIAA/GA3 and IAA/ZR in the treated shoots were significantly higher than those of the control. Meanwhile the expression of ARRO-1ARF7 and ARF19 in the treated shoots was also significantly higher than that of the control. During the adventitious-root-formation stagethe content of IAA and GA3 and the expression of ARRO-1 in the treated shoots were significantly higher than those of the control. At the adventitious-root-formation peak stage,the content of IAA and the ratio of IAA/ABA,IAA/GA3 and IAA/ZR were significantly lower than those of the control,while the content of ZR and the expression of ARRO-1 were significantly higher than those of the control.

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  • Effects of Overexpressing PpSnRK1α on the Growth of Tomato Plants Under Nutrient Stress
  • LUO Jingjing1,ZHANG Yafei1,PENG Yan2,PENG Futian1,*,ZHAO Yongfei1,and YU Wen1
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 644-652. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0639
  • Abstract ( 338 ) HTML ( 1086 ) PDF (1692KB) ( 1086 )    
  • PpSnRK1α-overexpressing tomato(T2-3)and wild type tomato were used to study the effects of SnRK1 on the growth of tomato plants under nutrient stress. The results shows that:compared with wild type tomato,SnRK1 activity in leaves and roots increased by 41.55% and 39.46% of PpSnRK1α-overexpressing tomato under nutrient stress. The average photosynthetic rates increased by 18.98% in mature leaves of T2-3 compared with wild type. After 12 days under low nutrient stress,the transgenic lines overexpressing PpSnRK1α showedbetter antioxidant enzymes and root activity. The SOD,POD,CAT activities and root activity were increased 35.56% 8.85% 14.90% and 26.39% compared with wild type. The content of N,P in the stem and leaf of T2-3 was higher than that of wild type plants,while there was no obvious difference in the K content. In the roots,there were no significant difference in  

    the N,P content,while the content of K of transgenic line is obviously higher than that of wild type. In addition,more N was distributed to aboveground parts. These results above show that overexpressing PpSnRK1α can improve the photosynthetic rates and promote the absorption of nitrogen,and then delay the leaf senescence.
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  • Bioinformatic and Expression Analysis of Fasciclin-like Arabinogalactan Proteins(FLAs)Gene Family in Peach
  • BIAN Kun1,2,SHAO Jiarong2,XU Liwei2,SHEN Ziming1,2,CHEN Wei2,and YANG Zhenfeng2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 653-663. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0604
  • Abstract ( 429 ) HTML ( 1256 ) PDF (2376KB) ( 1256 )    
  • Twelve Fasciclin-like arabinogalactan proteins(FLA)sequences were screened from the peach(Prunus persica)genome database. Protein structure analysis of the 12 FLAs revealed that PpFLA7 seems not the classical member of FLA family due to the absence of glycosylated sites. PpFLA6 showed a significant difference with other ones because of a distinctive composition and distribution of conserved domains. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that PpFLAs family could be classified into 3 groups:Clade Ⅰ,Clade Ⅱ,and Clade Ⅲ. Expression analysis by qPCR manifest that 12 PpFLAs were differentially expressed in various tissues,and the highest expression of PpFLA4 in firm-ripe peach fruit suggest that this member may play an important role in peach fruit during ripening.

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  • Isolation and Identification of Streptomyces lunalinharesii and its Control Effect on the Banana Fusarium Wilt Disease
  • ZHOU Dengbo1,JING Tao2,*,QI Dengfeng1,FENG Renjun1,DUAN Yajie3,CHEN Yufeng1,WANG Fei1,ZHANG Xiyan1,and XIE Jianghui1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 664-674. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0598
  • Abstract ( 421 ) HTML ( 1369 ) PDF (2670KB) ( 1369 )    
  • In order to obtain broad spectrum antagonistic strainswe isolated 25 Actinomycetes strains and 8 antagonist strains from healthy soil that had been cropping banana plants for a number of years in Hainan Province using Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Race 4 and 8 other pathogens as indicative strains. The antibacterial activity of the antagonistic bacteria was evaluated by plate confrontationcontaining medium and thin layer chromatography methods. One of the strainsdesignated B-03showed a strong and stable control effect against nine pathogens with the inhibition of mycelium growth of 48.34% to 85.43%,and the inhibition of spore germination rate of 38.43% to 80.14%. It also inhibits mycelium growth and spore germination of F. oxysporum Race 4 by 85.43% and 80.14%,respectively. Based on the morphological characteristics,cultural characteristics,physiological and biochemical characteristics,cell wall composition and 16S rDNA sequence analysisthe strain was identified as Streptomyces lunalinharesii. Pot experiment showed that the control effect of the strain fermentation broth on banana Fusarium wilt reached 72.72%. Taken together,our results suggest that the strain S. lunalinharesii could provide a new resource for biological control of banana Fusarium wilt disease.

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  • Codon Usage Bias in Pomegranate Transcriptome
  • ZHANG Taikui1,2,QI Guohai3,YE Honglian4,ZHANG Mengwei1,2,XIAO Wei1,2,and YUAN Zhaohe1,2,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 675-690. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0597
  • Abstract ( 491 ) HTML ( 1535 ) PDF (4932KB) ( 1535 )    
  • To elucidate the codon usages bias in pomegranate(Punica granatum),the transcriptome was assembled de novo to generate a transcript,and all putative complete CDSs in the transcript were identified. The relative synonymous codon usage(RSCU)patterns were compared among pomegranate and other 8 species of the Rosides. Functional evolution and RSCU models of the PgWRKY subfamilies were analyzed,and which of PgMYB subfamilies were performed likewise. The results showed as followed:(1) Under the natural selection pressure,the most genes in pomegranate had a small codon usage bias. The genes with strong bias functionally involved in the cell. By contrast,genes with none bias linked to maintaining the basic life. (2) During translating amino acids,differential high expression affected the RSCU,and high ratio of CG dinucleotides influenced the codon adaptation index. (3) The RSCU in one species was similar to that in the other species related closely. Pomegranate and eucalypt(Eucalyptus  grandis)are species of the order Myrtales,and had the same RSCU patterns. (4) Functional evolution of subfamily affected the codon usage bias. Groups 1,4 and 13 of PgWRKY family formed a disease- resistance clade. Genes in this clade preferred to use AGG to translate arginine and use CUC to translate leucine,indicating that the ongoing development of resistance to disease affected the codon usage bias. Genes of PgMYB subfamily 8 tended to use ACA to translate threonine,revealing that the expansion of woody in genome influenced the codon usage bias.

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  • Effect of Different LED Light Qualities on the Photosynthesis and Tuberization of Virus-free Potato in Hydroponic Culture
  • TANG Daobin1,2,3,ZHANG Xiaoyong1,*,WANG Jichun1,2,3,**,JIANG Yuchun1,JING Fu1,LUO Yulong1,BAI Hui1,HUANG Tingrong4,SHU Jinkang5,and CHEN Yongchun5
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 691-702. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0418
  • Abstract ( 526 ) HTML ( 1053 ) PDF (788KB) ( 1053 )    
  • The differences of virus-free potato’s plant leaf growth,photosynthesis,chlorophyll fluorescence and tuberization in different light qualities were studied. Taking white light as control,the red light,red + blue light generated by light-emitting-diode were applied to study the influences of different LED light qualities such as white,red,blue,red/blue(71)and red/blue(51)on favorite virus-free potato plantlet. It showed that,under different light qualities,there were differences in photosynthesis and tuberization:the red/blue(51)treatment resulted in better leaf area index,chlorophyll content,stomatal density,CiqPTr and ΦPSIIcompared with white light treatment;remarkably-improved PnGsand ETR;earliest tuberization compared with white light treatment. However,the contents of chlorophyll decreased,Pn and ΦPSII remarkably-decreased on the 60th day. It matured ahead of time with lower stolon. The micro-tuber yield and tuberization rate are the highest. Red light treatment resulted in decreased leaf area index,chlorophyll content,GsPnFv/FoΦPSII and qP,increased NPQ,slow-down tuber formation and lowest final yield. Furthermore,the blue light treatment was inhibit the formation of stolon and the limit the number of micro-tuber per plant. The analysis indicated that higher red light proportion in light quality can promote the formation of stolon while higher blue light proportion can promote the tuber formation and expansion,shorten the production cycle. Basing on the results,it is advisable to increase the red light proportion in the earlier stage of light adjustment to induce the formation of stolon,and to increase the blue light proportion in the late period to promote the tuber formation and expansion,increase the number and yield of tuber.

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  • Effects of Soil-applied Selenite and Selenate on Accumulation in Chinese Leek and Retention in Soil of Selenium
  • WAN Yanan,WANG Xiaofang,LUO Zhang,YU Yao,WANG Qi,GUO Yanbin,and LI Huafen*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 703-711. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0939
  • Abstract ( 320 ) HTML ( 1019 ) PDF (692KB) ( 1019 )    
  • A greenhouse experiment of Chinese leek was conducted to study the effects of selenium application(selenate and selenite)to soil on Se accumulation in the edible part of the vegetable and its fate in soil. Selenite and selenate were top-applied between sowing and germination. The edible part of Chinese leek would accumulate 0.008–0.128 mg · kg-1 FW of Se,as affected by selenite of 100,200 and 400 g · hm-2,and 0.067–0.441 mg · kg-1 FW of Se for that affected by 100 and 200 g · hm-2 of selenate. Se content in the edible part of Chinese leek affected by selenite of 200 g · hm-2 or selenate of 100 g · hm-2 could meet the standard for Se-enriched food products proposed by Shaanxi Province(0.02–0.1 mg · kg-1)for a single farming season. The recovery of selenate(the amount of Se accumulated in the vegetable against that added to soil)was about 10% while that of selenite was below 3%. Selenate was more effective in enhancing Se accumulation in Chinese leek than selenite,because selenite was less mobile and could not move as deeply as selenate,which made selenite retained in the surface of soil as selenate could move down and be taken up by the vegetable.

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  • Characterization of AmCSDP Gene from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and the Analysis of Cold Resistance in Transgenic Tobacco Plants
  • WANG Honglei,WANG Yanping,YU Tingqiao,LIU Shengli,CHEN Yuzhen,and LU Cunfu*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 712-722. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0758
  • Abstract ( 250 ) HTML ( 1249 ) PDF (3841KB) ( 1249 )    
  • Cold shock domain proteins(CSPs)are cold induced proteins which play a critical role for the adaptation of plant to low-temperature stress. They are widely distributed in bacteria,plants and animals. In this study,we have cloned a Cold shock domain protein gene AmCSDP(GenBank accession number KU744005)from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus. Bioinformatics analysis showed that the ORF of AmCSDP is 540 bp,encoding 180 amino acids. The AmCSDP secondary structure consists of 8.9% α-helix,47.8% β-floding and 43.3% random coil and contains an N-terminal CSD domain. Phylogenetic analysis showed that AmCSDP shared high similarity to the homologous gene(GenBank accession number XP_016170210.1)from Arachis ipaensis. To further confirm the functionof AmCSDP,eukaryotic expression vector Pcambia2300-35S-AmCSDP-OCS was constructed and transformed into Nicotiana   

    benthamiana by Agrobacterium. Moreover,the transgenic tobacco plants exhibited higher germination rates than the wild types under cold stress.The results suggested that AmCSDP could be a potential candidate for engineering cold tolerance in plants.

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  • Content Change of Main Chemical Component Relating to the Red Leaf of Bud Mutation Camellia Variety‘Jinhua Meinü’
  • YING Zhen1,ZHANG Jin3,YIN Hengfu1,FAN Zhengqi1,NI Sui2,WU Bin1,and LI Jiyuan1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 723-732. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0714
  • Abstract ( 712 ) HTML ( 1155 ) PDF (1358KB) ( 1155 )    
  • Camellia japonica‘Jinhua Meinü’,a bud mutation cultivar,is selected from C. japonica ‘Nuccio’s Bella Rossa’. As a new cultivar for appreciating both flowers and leaves,the characteristic of them are that they own red leaves during the growth period. For researching the colour-change mechanism of the new cultivar,we choose the leaves of‘Jinhua Meinü’for plant materials and 7 physiological indexes related the leaves color,which are the content of chlorophyll,carotenoid,total anthocyanin,cyanidin 3-O-glucoside,total polyphenols,catechinsepicatechins. The results show:(1)The quantity of chlorophyll a and b is approximate in the same stage,So chlorophyll can’t cause the leaves difference of the 2 cultivars;(2)Although the content of carotenoid in red leaf cultivar is high than the green cultivar,according to the chemical property of carotenoid,the interference of it can be preliminarily excluded;(3)In the 4 leaf stages,the average content of total polyphenols,catechins and epicatechins account for only 33.1%,42% and 15% of‘Nuccio’s Bella Rossa’,so we can speculate the biosynthetic pathway of polyphenols is suffocated at some level;(4)The average content of total anthocyanins is 3.06 mg · g-1,which is 7 times of‘Nuccio’s Bella Rossa’. Accordingly,we think the accumulation of anthocyanins incarnadine the leaves of‘Jinhua Meinü’,and the changes of biosynthetic pathway of anthocyanins and polyphenols can be the reason.

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  • Comparsion of Antioxidant and Antifungal Activities of Various Solvent Extracts of Lemon Peel and Analysis the Relationship with Polyphenol Composition
  • ZUO Longya1,TENG Zuo1,WANG Xiaoshi2,JIANG Dong3,and YU Jie1,4,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 743-754. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0715
  • Abstract ( 280 ) HTML ( 1304 ) PDF (1306KB) ( 1304 )    
  • The peel extracts of Citrus limon(L.)Burm. F. were obtained via an ultrasonic extraction method but with different solvents(methanol,ethanol,acetone,ethyl acetate,distilled water). Their antioxidant and anti-fungi(Panicum italicumPenicillium digitatumColletotrichum gloeosporioides)activities were tested. Further on the bioactive compounds of phenols from the extraction were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC). This study provides evidences for the comprehensive utilization of peels of Citrus limon(L.)Burm. F. Our studies suggested that the varieties and concentrations  of phenolic compounds extracted from peels of Citrus limon(L.)Burm. F. via different solvents were with significant differences(P < 0.05)to antioxidant and anti-fungi activities. The solvents’ contributions to antioxidant and anti-fungi were listed in their descending order,methanol,acetone,distilled water,ethanol,ethyl acetate;methanol,acetone,ethanol,distilled water,ethyl acetate. There were 16 phenolic bioactive compounds can be detected with the extraction method with different solvents,including 4 phenolic acids and 12 flavonoids,their content were closely related to antioxidant and anti-fungi abilities. In terms of the bioactive compounds contributing to antioxidant abilities,narirutin,hesperidin,neohesperidin,galic acid,chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid were considered to play the most important roles;whereas contributing to anti-fungi abilities,narirutin,neohesperidin and caffeic acid were the best candidates. Methanol as the best solvent for peel extraction of Citrus limon(L.)Burm. F. can be used for promoting the antioxidant and anti-fungi activities.

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  • Diversity Analysis of Loquat(Eriobotrya)Defoliation Color
  • SHAN Youxia1,DENG Chaojun2,3,HU Wenshun2,3,CHEN Junwei4,CHEN Xiuping2,3,QIN Qiaoping1,*,and ZHENG Shaoquan2,3,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 755-767. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0576
  • Abstract ( 399 ) HTML ( 1335 ) PDF (1833KB) ( 1335 )    
  • The investigation found that the defoliation color of Eriobotrya is abundant and various,including 24 kinds of representative colors such as red brown,golden yellow,purple red,etc. In this study,defoliation front and rear color parameters of 10 genera,176 materials were determined by portable colorimeter in order to reveal the diversity characteristic of loquat defoliation color. Our results showed that:1The coefficient range of variation(CV)of the defoliation color parameters were 8.65%–185.30%,Shannon’s diversity index reached to 1.95,which reveals the variance diversity of loquat defoliation color. 2 Shannon’s genetic diversity index and CV between different germplasm types and different origin groups were distinct obviously,color parameter a increased but b decreased with higher domestication;Shannon’s diversity index of Yunnan,Guizhou and Fuzhou groups were relatively higher than others. 3 The front colors of defoliation were divided into 12 groups,and the rear colors were divided into 10 groups by systematic cluster analysis. And there are great differences among germplasm types within these groups. 4 Color parameter L and b make a greater contribution to the systematic cluster analysis. There was a very significant correlation between color parameter L and b of defoliation front and rear color. 5 Genetic diversity of defoliation color may be the complement of morphological feature description for loquat. Our results provide new reference for the  identification and utilization of loquat resources and have potential value on loquat classification.

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  • Effects of Red and Blue Light Quality on Nitrogen Levels,Activities and Gene Expression of Key Enzymes Involved in Nitrogen Metabolism from Leaves of Tomato Seedlings
  • WANG Liwei1,LI Yan2,3,*,XIN Guofeng2,WEI Min2,3,YANG Qichang1,*,and MI Qinghua3,4,
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 768-777. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0002
  • Abstract ( 505 ) HTML ( 1223 ) PDF (706KB) ( 1223 )    
  • The light-emitting-diode(LED)as precision modulation light sources were used in this study with 3 treatments comprised of red(R)light,blue(B)light and combination of red and blue light with proportion of 31(3R1B),white light as the control. The content of main nitrogenous substances including total nitrogen,nitrate nitrogen,ammonium nitrogen,free amino acids and soluble protein,activities and gene expression of key enzymes from nitrogen metabolism including nitrate reductase(NR),nitrite reductase(NiR),glutamine synthetase(GS),glutamate dehydrogenase(GDH),asparagine synthetase(AS)and glutamate synthase(GOGAT)in leaf of tomato seedlings with‘SV0313TG’as experiment material were determined. The results showed that the nitrate nitrogen content and activities of NR and GDH and gene expression levels of 6 key enzymes for nitrogen metabolism under treatment of 3R1B were significantly higher than those of other treatments and the control,and the soluble protein content was also higher under this treatment than that of red and white light. While no significant difference was found between this treatment and blue light. In addition,the content of ammonium nitrogen and free amino acids under blue light was significantly increased compared with those of other treatments and the control,and activities of NR,NiR,GS and GOGAT,as well as relative expression of NRNiRGS2FdGOGAT and LEAS1 were significantly higher than those of the control. Comparing with white light,red light significantly reduced the total nitrogen content,and activities of NiR,GOGAT,GDH and AS and expression of GDH1 were inhibited as well. In conclusion,in comparison with white light,the total nitrogen content and activities of some nitrogen metabolizing enzymes were reduced by red light. However,the content of free amino acids and ammonium nitrogen were enhanced by blue light. Combination of red and blue light could improve transcription levels of nitrogen metabolism-related enzymes and activities of some key enzymes in this pathway,thereby,promoting nitrogen absorption and converting into soluble protein. It is evidently that the combination of red and blue light with appropriate proportion could promote the nitrogen assimilation and the absorption of transformed nitrogen in tomato seedlings,accelerating substances accumulation,and then,stimulating the growth of tomato seedlings.

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  • Climatic Regionalization and Viticulture Suggestion of Grape in Gansu Province
  • WANG Yanjun1,2,*,WANG Lei3,*,BAI Wenke4,HAO Yan2,WANG Xueqiu1,and FANG Yulin1,**
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 792-802. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0574
  • Abstract ( 1063 ) HTML ( 1148 ) PDF (2825KB) ( 1148 )    
  • This study considered frost-free period and active accumulated temperature as the heat index of the climatic regionalization of grape in Gansu Province,and the dryness index in the grape growth season as the moisture index,buried line as an auxiliary index,to establish the multivariate stepwise regression model of the frost-free period and active accumulated temperature on the basic of the meteorological data of 80 stations during the past 30 years(from 1981 to 2010)and the digital elevation model(DEM)with the resolution of 3"(90 meter) in Gansu Province,and divided the province into 3 zones for each one we established the multivariate stepwise regression model of dryness index,made residual interpolation correction for each spatial regression models with different index,the climatic regionalization map of grape in Gansu Province was produced on this basis,the suitable cultivation area for Eurasian grape in Gansu Province was divided into 4 districts and 11 sub-districts. The mountain grape cultivation area was divided into ordinary cultivation area and suitable cultivation area,opinions and suggestions for grape cultivation in different regions were also put forward according to the different regional characteristics.

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  • A New and Early-ripening Kumquat Cultivar‘Jinqiuzao’
  • CHENG Chunzhen1,CHEN Dengyun2,LIU Weihua1,LIN Yuling1,ZHUO Chunxuan3,LIU Shengcai1,CHEN Yukun1,ZHANG Zihao1,and LAI Zhongxiong1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 803-804. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0807
  • Abstract ( 254 ) HTML ( 1018 ) PDF (1076KB) ( 1018 )    
  • ‘Jinqiuzao’is a new and early-ripening cultivar selected from‘Youxi Jingan’kumquat in Youxi,Fujian. Its tree is very robust,and its fruit is spherodial with orange-yellow or orange-red peel. The fruit weight mostly ranges from 17 to 26 g. Its peel and flesh have excellent quality with crisp,melting and rich taste. The content of soluble solids,total acids and total sugar in‘Jinqiuzao’fruit juice is about 13%,0.8% and 9%,respectively. The vitamin C content is about 394 mg · L-1. The fruit of‘Jinqiuzao’matures in early November,which is about 15–20 days earlier than‘Youxi Jingan’. All the‘Youxi Jingan’Growing areas in Fujian are suitable for planting‘Jinqiuzao’.

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  • A New Tomato Cultivar‘Liaofen 2’
  • ZOU Qingdao,ZHANG Zijun*,ZHANG Yiming,WANG Tao,ZHU Hua,and LI Haitao*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 805-806. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0666
  • Abstract ( 352 ) HTML ( 719 ) PDF (869KB) ( 719 )    
  • ‘Liaofen 2is a new tomato hybrid. It is indeterminate growth type,which grows vigorously. It is resistant to Tomato yellow leaves curl virus(TYLCV),Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV),root-knot nematode,Tomato leaf mildewdisease etc. The fruit is oblate with pink-red color and green shoulder,the average fruit weight is 142 g. The soluble solids content in the fruit is 4.7%.‘Liaofen 2is a high yield tomato hybrid and the yield can be up to 109.1 t · hm-2 when 3 cluster fruits are remained. The fruits taste nice,with medium hard flesh and suitable to be stored and transported.

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  • A New Spinach Hybrid‘Hubo 5’
  • GE Chenhui1,CAI Xiaofeng1,*,WANG Xiaoli1,XU Chenxi1,DENG Jie2,DAI Shaojun1,and WANG Quanhua1,*
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2017, 44(4): 807-808. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2017-0044
  • Abstract ( 431 ) HTML ( 1098 ) PDF (1185KB) ( 1098 )    
  • ‘Hubo 5is a new spinach F1 hybrid developed by crossing SJ10-1-7 as female parents and HL10-4-2-5 as male parents. It is resistant to downy mildew,heat and bolting. The plant is erect and compact,with strong growth. The color of the root is pink. The leaf is dark green,with pointy round shape,bright and smooth surface. The plant grows fast,and the yield amounts up to 19 000 kg ? hm-2,suitable for both protected and open field cultivation.

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