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2002, Vol.29, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue


  • The Effects of 6-BA on the Fruit Development and Transportation of Carbonand Nitrogen Assimilates in Grape
  • Huang Weidong;Zhang Ping;and Li Wenqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 303-306.
  • Abstract ( 1443 ) HTML ( 1297 ) PDF (179KB) ( 1297 )    
  • For 7-year-old Grape (Vitis vinifera ×V. labrusca cv. Fenghou) , inflorescence were treated with 6-BA at the rate of 100 , or 200 mg/ L in full bloom. The results showed that 62BA treatment markedly increased fruit set. However, there was no significant effect of 62BA treatment on fruit length (L) or fruit diameter (D), L/D ratio and total soluble solids of the fruit juice. Both 1 or 32year2old grape potted (V. vinifera ×V. labrusca cv. Jingya) were used as materials to test for the effect of 62BA on translocation and distribution of carbon (14CO2) and nitrogen 〔14C2Glutamic acid (14C2Glu) 〕assimilates. The result showed that 14CO2-fed leaves of 12year-old‘Jingya’grape with foliar daub at the rate of 50 mg/L 6-BA inhibited translocation of 14CO2-assimilates from fed2 leaves. However , leaves over 14CO2 2fet leaves with foliar daub at the rate of 50 mg/ L 62BA increased translocation of 14CO2-assimilates from 14CO2-fet leaves. For 32year-old‘Jingya’grape, inflorescence were treated with 6-BA at the rate of 200 mg/ L in full bloom and it repeated 10 days after the first treatment. Translocation of 14CO2- assimilates or 14C2- Glu-assimilates from 14CO2- or 14C2-Glu2treated leaves to fruits were enhanced, distribution of 14CO2- or 14C2- Glu assimilates to stem and other leaves were decreased.
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  • Studies on Inheritance Tendency of Some Characters of Pears
  • Li Juncai;Yi Kai;Liu Cheng;Sui Hongtao;and Wang Jiazhen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 307-312.
  • Abstract ( 1275 ) HTML ( 1557 ) PDF (244KB) ( 1557 )    
  • 12 progenies and 138 varieties of 4 species of pears were used for discussing the inheritance tendency of main characters of pears. The results were as following : The sugar content of the fruits of cultivated varieties was between 6% and 9 % , the average was 7. 39 % , and it was on the moderate low side . The sugar content of the fruits of the progenies was quantitative character and presented normal distribution. The total sugar content of the samples were between 6% and 8 % , The average was 7. 848 % , and the average inheritance of transfer ability was 90. 8%. The acid contents of cultivated varieties were from 0. 08 % to 0. 74% , the average was 0. 238%. The acid content of the fruits of pear hybrid progenies was the quantitative character , and its average inheritance of transfer ability was 69. 2%. There were 16 kinds of compounds including 5 kinds of ester , 8 kinds of alcohols , ethylene , aldehyde , and acetone as the volatile substance of the fruits of the pear progenies. Amyl alcohol was found in the fruits of pear hybrid progenies , which had not been in the parents. The flesh quality of pear was qualitative character. Comparing to soft-flesh , crisp-flesh was dominant . The fruit spot of pear hybrid progenies tended to get larger and thinner ; the fruit stalk tended to get longer ; and the fruit juice tended to get less ; and the thickness of the fruit coat was equal to the mid-parent value.
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  • A Study on Photoinhibition of Photosythesis in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.)Leaves
  • Lu Bingshe;Bai Zhiying;Liang Haiyong;Wu Jingmin;and Dong Yuan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 313-316.
  • Abstract ( 1431 ) HTML ( 1253 ) PDF (282KB) ( 1253 )    
  • Exposure of Pistacia vera L. plants to natural or imitating midday high irradiance induced lowering of apparent quantum yield (AQY) , Fm (maximal fluorescence) , Fo (minimal initial fluorescence) , Fv (variable fluorescence) , photochemical efficiency of PS Ⅱ (Fv/ Fm) , and photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) , but raising the non-photochemical quenching coefficient (qN) . By high irradiance , both net phtosythetic rate (Pn) and photorespiratory rate (Pr) were decreased , but the ratio of Pr/ Pn was improved.
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  • Studies on the Absorption and Distribution of 15N-labelled Ammonium Calcium to Prunus mume Following Autumn Application
  • Sun Jun;Zhang Zhen;Sheng Bingcheng;and Sun Qibao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 317-320.
  • Abstract ( 1310 ) HTML ( 1034 ) PDF (176KB) ( 1034 )    
  • Mature plants of Prunus mume/ peach rootstock were fertilized with 15N-labelled ammonium calcium in autumn. Treatment with autumn application augmented 115N-storage in roots and the perennial branches and promoted flower-bud differentation in winter. During shoot rapid-growing period , kernel absorbed more nitrogen than did the new shoots ; After then, 15N in the new shoots was recovered to perennial tissues , perennial organs-thickening became the growing-centre. The 15N concentration in the current branchs was higher than the perennial branchs , the storage N could promote the next year flower2bud differentation. The withdrawed 15N from falled organs was remobilized in near tissues during dormant period. In the following season , the withdrawed 15N was translocated to neworgans. The remobilization and distribution of N were highly correlated with the centre of growth and development in Prunus mume. The absorbed N following autumn application could be utilized for a long time.
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  • Studies on Increasing Ginkgolides Synthesized in Suspension Cell Culture ofGinkgo biloba L.
  • Wang Guanlin;Li Chunbin;and Fang Hongjun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 321-325.
  • Abstract ( 1385 ) HTML ( 951 ) PDF (194KB) ( 951 )    
  • After determination of the content of ginkgolides from varieties of Ginkgo biloba L. , it was shown that therewere significantly different contents of ginkgolides from different genotypes of Ginkgo biloba L. , in which the highest were in Yuanling and Jinzhui, the contents reached 0. 43% and 0. 41% respectively, the lowest was in Qixingguo, the content was 0. 13%, the highest content of ginkgolides in calli from variet ies of Ginkgo biloba L.
    was in Jinzhui and reached 0. 334 % . There were calli from 3 varieties producing no ginkgolide. The callus with high content of ginkgolides and growing well was cultured on B5 media. The effects of different growth factors on growth of cell and content of ginkgolides were studied. The result showed that 50 mL culture solution in the 150 mL flask, the inoculat ion 30- 40 g/L, the initial pH in culture solution 5. 8, 3 000- 4 000 lx lumination in the
    intensity and the mixture of 30 g/ L sucrose and 15 g/L glucosewere optimum to synthesis of ginkgolides and growth of cell. The result by HPLC detection showed ginkgolides in suspension cells reached 0. 0785% of dry mass of cells
    from the variety Yuanling.
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  • Features of Potato Tuberization and Effect of Minituber Yield Increase from inVitro Virus-Free Plantlets by Aeroponics
  • Yang Yuanjun;Sun Huisheng;Wang Peilun;Ma Weiqing;Li Guangcun;Dong Daofeng;and Wang Yi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 333-336.
  • Abstract ( 1762 ) HTML ( 1333 ) PDF (245KB) ( 1333 )    
  • Both peat plus vermiculite double layer substrate culture and channel aeroponics were adopted in the study of tuberizing characteristics and minituber yield potential of virus2free (VF) potato plantlets in the same
    growing season. Trial results of the number and weight distribution of VF minituber indicated that , within 70-day growing period , stolons , total swelled minituber by substrate culture were 15 and 5. 7 respectively , while data obtained from aeroponics were 97 and 76 accordingly. The latter were 6. 5 fold and 13. 3 fold of the former separately. Comparing with substrate culture , aeroponics significantly improve the minituber propagation
    coefficient .
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  • Effect of Coexistence of Bicarbonate and Ammonium in Nutrient Solution onGrowth and Nutrient Uptake of Kidney Beans
  • Tian Xiaohong;Li Shengxiu;and Song Shuqin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 337-342.
  • Abstract ( 1340 ) HTML ( 1243 ) PDF (124KB) ( 1243 )    
  • Solution culture was used to study the effect of different combination between ammonium and bicarbonate coexisted in the mediumon growth , nutritional element uptake by different kidney organs kidney beans. The
    obtained results showed that : ①supplying nitrate nitrogen as main N source , the growth status was the best ; supplying ammonium nitrogen as main N source without bicarbonate in the nutrient solution , the roots of kidney beans were harmed during the early growth period , and the wilting phenomena of leaves took place. In nutrient solution having ammonium as main N source with addition of bicarbonate , the growth status became increasingly better with the increase of bicarbonate concentration. This showed bicarbonate and ammonium coexisting in a moderate proportion could be against the inhibition to beans growth. ②Under the same reatment , the sequence of uptake amounts of several nutrient elements by whole plants of beans were : N > K> P >Mg > Fe >Mn ; When the ammonium nitrogen as main N source in the nutrient solution , with increasing bicarbonate concentration in nutrient solution , the N , P , Ca , and Mg uptake amounts were also increased. ③Mainly supplying NO3--N in the solution favored for the accumulation of P , Fe , and Mn in the root parts , and mainly supplying NH4+-N, with increasing bicarbonate concentration in the nutrient solution , the accumulation of N , P , Ca , Mn in the roots took place.
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  • Effect of Soil Water on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Cucumber during Fruit Stage in Greenhouse
  • Zhang Xianfa;Yu Xianchang;and Zhang Zhenxian
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 343-347.
  • Abstract ( 1401 ) HTML ( 1321 ) PDF (207KB) ( 1321 )    
  • Effect of soil water on the growth and physiological characteristics of cucumber during fruit stage in greenhouse were studied in this experiment . The results showed that soil water status had something with the growth
    and development of cucumber in greenhouse. Yield decreased and growing speed became slow due to over or deficit of soil water. Leaf color , leaf elevation and tendril appearance could be regarded as index to decide when and how much will be irrigated. Leaf water potential and leaf cytoliquid could also be regarded as irrigated index. Different leaves had different response to the change of soil water status. Grafted and non-grafted cucumber had different reaction on the same soil water conditions.
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  • Plant Regeneration from Cotyledonary Explants of Chinese Cabbage Cultured in Vitro
  • Zhang Fenglan;Takahata Yoshihito;and Xu Jiabing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 348-352.
  • Abstract ( 1534 ) HTML ( 1351 ) PDF (173KB) ( 1351 )    
  • Effect of hormone combinat ions, AgNO3 and agar concentrat ion on shoot and plant regeneration from cotyledonary explants of Chinese cabbage was described. Maximum shoot regeneration was obtained in MS medium containing 5 mg/ L BA, 0. 5mg/ L NAA, 2 mg/L AgNO3 and solidified with 1. 2 %- 1. 6 % agar. Ethylene production from cultured explants seemed to play important role in shoot regenerat ion. Explants of cultivars with high regenerat ion frequency or if cultured on the medium solidified with higher concentration of agar generally showed low levels of ethylene product ion. However, AgNO3, which also enhanced shoot induction, resulted in an
    increase in ethylene production. The possible interaction between ethylene and shoot regenerat ion is discussed.
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  • Studies on the Changes of DNA Methylation Level, GA Content and Protein inNon-heading Chinese Cabbage during Vernalization
  • Li Meilan;Wang Qiaomei;Zhu Zhujun;and Zeng Guangwen
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 353-357.
  • Abstract ( 1802 ) HTML ( 1577 ) PDF (220KB) ( 1577 )    
  • With common variety‘Youdonger’as experimental material , the effects of low temperature on flowering of non-heading Chinese cabbage were studied and the changes of DNA methylation level , gibberellin (GA) content and protein varieties were also researched during vernalization of germinated seeds and seedlings. The results showed that either germinated seeds or seedlings could be induced to flower after 4 ℃cold treatment for 30 days. After vernalization , DNA methylation level in shoot apices under both treatment condition was decreased comparing with control plants , but GA content was increased to 2 - 3 times of control’s. A specific protein with a
    molecular weight of 58 kD was induced during vernalization but an other kind of protein disappeared. According to the results mentioned above , it implied that vernalization induced flowering of plants by either decreasing DNA
    methylation level or increasing GA content in shoot apical tissues.
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  • RAPD Analysis and Taxology Discussion on Loropetalum chinense var. rubrumMaterials from Different Fountainhead Areas
  • Li Chendong;Tang Qianrui;Chen Defu;Xia Lixin;Chen Xiwen;and Chen Youyun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 358-362.
  • Abstract ( 1352 ) HTML ( 974 ) PDF (216KB) ( 974 )    
  • Contrasted with 2 different Loropetalum chinense ecotypes, fourteen Lorop etalum chinense var. rubrum materials representing almost all the types could be were analyzed by RAPD in this paper. Fifty􀀁five random primers produced 632 steady amplified bands in total, among them 427 bands were polymorphic. Strong and clear bands were scored for their presence or absence in a binary data matrix. Nei's similarity coeff icients and genet ic
    distances were calculated by NTSYS􀀁pc software, and principal components analysis was done by SAS software. The result demonstrated that L . chinense var. rubrum is a mutant of L . chinense on molecular level and 14 L.
    var. rubrum materials were classified into 4 groups. The mutant pathway of 4 groups is possibly a complicated process, including interactions between different ecotypes L . chinense, interactions between L.
    and L . chinense var. rubrum, and ineractions between different L . chinense var. rubrum.
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  • Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Ethylene Receptor ETR1 cDNA from CutRoses
  • Liu Qinglin;Bai Shuangyi;Ouyang Qing;Qu Hao;and Cai Wenqi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 363-366.
  • Abstract ( 1663 ) HTML ( 1033 ) PDF (231KB) ( 1033 )    
  • The primers were designed according to the conservative domain of ETR1 cDNA from other heterogeneous plants. The fragments of 797 bp cDNA , which encoding 265 amino acid residues were amplified through RT-PCR from petals of cut roses ‘Texas’and ‘Viraldi’with different vase lives. Sequence analyses show that the nucleotides of insert fragments in recombinants of ‘Texas’are completely identical ; which named
    pRT-ETR1. Sequence homologies of nucleotide and deduced amino acid residues between two kinds of recombination of ‘Viraldi’are 85. 2 % and 92. 5 % respectively , the two kinds of recombination were named pRV-ETR1-V4 and pRV-ETR1-V5. The nucleotide sequence of pRV-ETR1-V5 is 99 % of homology with that of ‘Texas’. Sequence homologies of nucleotide and deduced amino acid residues between pRV-ETR1-V4 and those of
    ‘Texas’are 85. 0 % and 92. 5 % respectively. Compared with other heterogeneous high plants , all of the above fragments of ETR1 cDNA of cut roses are highly homologous with other high plants , such as peach , apple ,
    Arabidopsis and geranium , and homology of amino residues are all beyond 90 %.
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  • Leaf Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Pear (Pyrus)
  • Xu Lingfei;Ma Fengwang;Wang Zhezhi;Ren Xiaolin;and Cao Xiaoyan
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 367-368.
  • Abstract ( 1383 ) HTML ( 1230 ) PDF (117KB) ( 1230 )    
  • Adventitious bud was regenerated from in vitro leaf culture of four pear scion cultivars. 20 days of dark culture was conducted , it was proved that using leaf of upper part of the plantlet as explant , and plating leaf
    with abaxial layer downside may significantly enhanced the regeneration efficiency of leaf . The regeneration frequency and mean number of bud per leaf of‘Bayuehong’pear were 100 % and 5. 78 on NN69 + TDZ 1. 0 mg/ L + IBA 0. 5 mg/ L. The regenerated plants of‘Bayuehong’and‘Suisho’pear rooted in the 1/ 2 MS media supplemented with IBA.
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  • Studies on the Isolation, Culture of Protoplast and Plant Regeration inLuotiantianshi Persimmon
  • Gu Xiaofeng and Luo Zhengrong;
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 369-371.
  • Abstract ( 1813 ) HTML ( 1057 ) PDF (151KB) ( 1057 )    
  • The conditions of isolation and culture of protoplasts from leaf primordial excised from dormant buds of adult nonastringent presimmon Luot iantianshi were studied. The best combination of enzymes selected for protoplast isolation from the calli subcultured 10 d was CPW+ 0. 5% Cellulas R-10+ 0. 03% Pedinase+0. 7 mol/ L Mannitol+ 1% PVP-10. Protoplast purification could be obtained by means of floating collection and centrifugat ion. Protoplast divided for the f irst time after 5- 6 d, formed multicell clusters and grew into visible minicallus after 60- 70 d, then minicallus was transferred onto calli agar medium for proliferat ion. When the calli grew to more than 5 mm in diameter, they were induced to advent itious bud and rooted.
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  • Production of Citrus Intergeneric Tetraploid Somatic Hybrids Plant from Elec􀀁tricity-mediated Protoplast Fusion
  • Liu Jihong;Hu Chungen;and Deng Xiuxin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 372-374.
  • Abstract ( 1866 ) HTML ( 935 ) PDF (146KB) ( 935 )    
  • Ponkan (Citrus reticulata Blanco) , which is very seedy, is one of the most widely grown mandarin cultivars in China for its good quality. Mitochondrial genome of Microcitrus papuana is related to seedlessness. But it is of difficulty to transfer the cytoplasmic genome of the latter. The present research involves electrofusing embryonic protoplasts of M. papuana and leaf derived protoplasts of Ponkan, from which plants were obtained. Chromo􀀁
    some detection showed that the plants were tetraploids with 36 hromosomes. Amplification with six 10-mer arbitrary primers ident ified the plant as true somatic hybrids though complex band profiles of the regenerated plant were observed. The somatic hybrid plant holds great potential for breeding seedless varieties of Citrus . In addit ion, abnor􀀁
    mal growth of the plant in field is discussed herein.
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  • Activity and Subcellular Localization of Sucrose Synthase in‘Starkrimson’Apple during Fruit Development
  • Li Peihuan;Dong Xiaoying;Wang Yongzhang;Liu Chenglian;Yuan Yongbing;and Li Peng
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 375-377.
  • Abstract ( 1415 ) HTML ( 1064 ) PDF (159KB) ( 1064 )    
  • The experiment conducted with ‘Starkrimson’ apple fruit showed that the degradation activity of sucrose synthase declined gradually with the accumulation of fructose, glucose and sucrose during fruit development.
    However, the synthesis activity of sucrose synthase decreased during the early stage of fruit development and then increased significantly during the late development stage. Western blotting assay of sucrose synthase detected the presence of a 90 kD peptide and the intensity of immuno􀀁signal increased with fruit developing. On the other hand,
    the results of immunogold electron􀀁microscopy assay showed that sucrose synthase was mainly located in the cytoplasm of apple flesh cell and few immunogold particles were found on cell wall or in vacuole. The results also indicated that the quantity of sucrose synthase increased with fruit development and was consistent with the results of Western blotting. So it is suggested that the degradation and synthesis of sucrose in apple fruit may be modulated by sucrose synthase. Fructose may act as sugar signal and modulate the activity of sucrose synthase.
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  • Studies on Chromosome Preparations Using Plant Tendril as Source Tissue
  • Chen Jinfeng and Qian Chuntao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 378-380.
  • Abstract ( 1555 ) HTML ( 1297 ) PDF (164KB) ( 1297 )    
  • Plant tendrils of several horticulture species were used as tissue source to research the procedure of making-slides for chromosome preparation. The condition required by tendrils was more stringent than that required
    by root tips in pretreatment and hydrolyzation. Through the developed procedure , chromosome number of the new species Cucumis ×hytivus Chen & Kirbride was first cytogenetically confirmed to be 2n = 38. When root tips
    cannot be obtained easily , this technique is an optimal alternate method for chromosome visualization in tendril-producing species , and especially valuable for some rare genetic germplasm.
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  • The Preliminary Study on ps-2 Male Sterile Lines in Tomato
  • Li Junming;Bistra Atanassova;Xu Hejin;Zhou Yongjian;and Yang Baojun
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 381-382.
  • Abstract ( 1354 ) HTML ( 1042 ) PDF (117KB) ( 1042 )    
  • Some lines with ps-2 male sterile gene were introduced from Bulgaria. The results observed in the open field proved that their sterility was stable without emasculation. The plants had normal stamen and pollen , and
    indehiscent anther. The percentage of selfing fruits was about 5. 25 % - 10. 83 %. Among them , the normally developed fruits with seeds occupied only 3. 8 % - 6. 2 %. Furthermore , the male sterile lines can be maintained
    easily by artificial pollination.
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  • Effects of La3+ on Tissue Culture of Gerbera jasmesonil ‘Sunbird’
  • Chen Fadi and Chen Bin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 383-385.
  • Abstract ( 1341 ) HTML ( 980 ) PDF (86KB) ( 980 )    
  • Effects of La3+ on the callus formation and growth , bud initiation and multiplication of Gerbera jasmesonil‘sunbird’were studied. Floral receptacle , leaf and bud explants were inoculated on the media with different concentration of La3+. The result showed that La3+ could stimulate the callus formation and growth , and the bud differentiation at low concentration , the suitable concentration was 10 mg/L in receptacle explants and over this concentration , the bud initiation was inhibited and much more explants turned browning. In leaf explants , the suitable concentration for callus formation and growth was 15 mg/L , and 30 mg/L for bud initiation and multiplication respectively.
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  • Studies on the Essential Constituent of Rhododendron thymifolium Maxim.
  • Zhang Ji;Ma Junyi;Huang Ailun;Yao Jian;and Yang Yongli
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 386-388.
  • Abstract ( 1411 ) HTML ( 1156 ) PDF (149KB) ( 1156 )    
  • The essential oil from Rhododendron thymifolium Maxim. was abstracted by steam-stilling and analyzed by capillary GC-MS method. By capillary chromatography , more than 83 peaks were isolated , and 77 compounds of them were identified , the identification rate was 98. 63 %. The relative percentages of the constituents were determined by GC method , and the main chemical component parts of the oil were 5-Hydroxy-2-methyl benzaldehyde ; 22Fluorophenyl isocyanate ; Cyclohexanone , 5-ethenyl-5-methyl-; Cyclohexane , 1-ethenyl-1-methyl-; Naphthalene , decahydro-4α-methyl-; β-Elemenone ; Naphthalene , 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 8α-octahydro- and
    etc. The study provided solid and scientific proof for the further development of Rhododendron thymifolium Maxim.
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  • Study on Indoor Processing Technique for Dracaena sanderiana ‘Virens’
  • Liu Fu Dongbiao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 389-391.
  • Abstract ( 1872 ) HTML ( 1004 ) PDF (120KB) ( 1004 )    
  • Ridomil-MZ (a fungicide) , Atonik (a nutrient solution) and IBA (a rooting agent) as 3 factors at 3 levels in 9 treatment combinat ions were orthogonally tried to show their effects on the cutting surface, the
    growth of the lateral bud on top and the rooting of cuttings of Dracaena sanderiana Virens! with leaves removed. The results showed that there were very significant differences between 3 levels of in terms of their respective effects. The best combination of treatments deducted for cuttings from small plants was Ridomil-MZ 0. 8 g/L-1+ Atonik 0. 15 mL/L-1+ IBA 30 mg/L-1, and for cuttings from large plants, Ridomil-MZ 0. 8 g/L-1+ Atonik 0. 30 mL/L-1+ IBA 30 mg/L-1.
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  • A New Early2ripening peach Variety —‘Chunyan’
  • Shao Yongchun;Wang Zhenghua;Sha Guangli;and Yin Tao
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 394-394.
  • Abstract ( 1536 ) HTML ( 830 ) PDF (69KB) ( 830 )    
  • ‘Chunyan’is a new peach variety selected from the hybrid of ‘Zaoxiangyu’בCangfangzaosheng’. The embryos of the hybrid were cultured in tubes. The tree grow moderately , bear early , and provides
    round and sweet fruit with long2storage life at room temperature. Its average fruit mass is 150 g , the heaviest is 220 g. More than half part of the fruit surface is bright red. Its tree has strong adaptability , ripen on middle June in the open field , and on early May in greenhouse in Qingdao area.
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  • A Large and High Quality Sweet Orange Variety‘Licheng’
  • Liao Congxue;Cheng Changfeng;Guo Shumin;Liu Changwen;and Wu Chunqing
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 395-395.
  • Abstract ( 1478 ) HTML ( 925 ) PDF (61KB) ( 925 )    
  • ‘Licheng’is a sweet orange selected from grafted-Jincheng Orange in 1976. It was approbated by Chongqing farm crop variety approbation committe in 2000. It has Pyriform􀀁shaped or obovate. Fruit form index is 1. 07, its average fruit mass is 220 g, average number of seeds is 1. 8 with single-embryo. The total soluble solid concentration averages 11. 8%. The ratio TSS/ Acid is 14. 57. It completely maturates in mid􀀁December in Chongqing. The flesh is crisp and tender and it has sightly aroma, ‘Licheng’orange is not only large and high quality variety but also rare cross-breeding materials.
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  • New Pomelo Variety with High Quality and Good Tolerance to Storage —‘Gongshui White Pomelo’
  • Zheng Xiaojiang;LüZonghao;Li Qiuwen;Yang Changyong;Qin Shuanghe;and Hu Shouzhou
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 396-396.
  • Abstract ( 1681 ) HTML ( 799 ) PDF (176KB) ( 799 )    
  • The fruit of ‘Gongshui white pomelo’is pipless or only a few pips. The flesh of fruit is tender and crisp and juicy , and also with a moderate taste of sweet and sour. The smell of ‘Gongshui white pomelo’is fragrant , and it is tolerant to storage. More long the time is , more strong the sweet and fragrance is. The crown of ‘Gongshui white pomelo’tree closed together , so it can plant closely ,and also , it has many other advantages such as bearing fruit early , high product , good adaptability , stable shape and properties , strong resistance to dry weather.
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  • A New Cucumber Hybrid—‘Zhongnong 14’
  • Gu Xingfang;Fang Xiujuan;and Zhang Tianming
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 398-398.
  • Abstract ( 1266 ) HTML ( 863 ) PDF (188KB) ( 863 )    
  • ‘Zhongnong 14’ is a newly bred cucumber hybrid by crossing the disease-resistant inbred line 96283 with 96149. Its vine growth is vigorous. It has very good quality and high yield. In addition, it is resistant to downy mildew, powdery mildew, bacteria angular leaf spot and CMV. It is suitable for open field cultivation in spring, and also can be grown in autumn in protected cult ivat ion.
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  • ‘Qintai 1’—New Flowering Chinese Cabbage Variety by Male Sterile Line
  • Zhao Limin;Ke Guilan;and Song Yanzhi
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 399-399.
  • Abstract ( 1376 ) HTML ( 907 ) PDF (63KB) ( 907 )    
  • With the cytoplasm male sterile line of the TCMS6-1-2-7-5-1-3 bred by Vegetable and Flower Institute of College of Horticulture of NWSUAF as female parent, the self􀀁bred line 97TS14-11-5-4 as the male parent, which
    was selected by means of several generations’self-bred and purification of different local varieties in Guangxi, the Qintai 1 was bred. The new variety was characterized by strong adaption, good resistance to diseases and high
    yield, and it has been extended to Shaanxi, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan and Hubei etc.
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  • A New Cultivar of Sweet Osmanthus —‘Tian Xiang Taige’
  • Bao Zhixian;Chen Shiqiang;and Yang Kangmin
  • Acta Horticulturae Sinica. 2002, 29(4): 400-400.
  • Abstract ( 3429 ) HTML ( 1148 ) PDF (214KB) ( 1148 )    
  • ‘Tian Xiang Taige’, in flower form and flower organ , is very particular. Sometimes , the flower centre contains leaves within ; Sometimes , the flower centre includes mili-flower like duplication. The separate parts of flower crown as petals are big and thick. The flower diameter is 1. 0 - 2. 5 cm , while the biggest is up to 3. 0 cm. The colours of flowers are changing periodically with season : milk white or light yellow in spring and summer ; golden yellow in autumn and winter. As for scent of flowers , the cultivar is better than other Fragrans group. It is suitable for potted cultivation and gardening. Now the cultivar is preserved at institute of sweet smanthus Huaan , Jinhua , Zhejiang province.
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