
Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (9): 2089-2104.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0604

• Cultivation · Physiology & Biochemistry • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Improving Physicochemical Properties and Bacterial Communities of Peach-Heavy Soils Using Biofertilizers and Organic Fertilizers

ZHANG Fan, YANG Yang, WANG Hong*(), ZHANG Xuebing   

  1. Institute of Fruit and Floriculture Research,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou 730070,China
  • Received:2024-05-21 Revised:2024-07-02 Online:2024-09-25 Published:2024-09-19
  • Contact: WANG Hong


To explore the effects of different improvement measures on the soil physical and chemical properties and bacterial communities in a peach continuous cropping field. The peach seedling cultivation field planted for three years was collected and six treatments were established in the field experiment including the untreated(control),bio-organic fertilizer,ferrous sulfate,grondverbeteraar,bacillus subtilis and farmyard manure,and the effects of different improvement measures on soil physical and chemical properties and bacterial communities in the peach continuous cropping were investigated through a locational field trial. The results showed that the different treatments increased the content of nutrient elements in the soils. Compared with the control,the content of organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,total potassium,alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen,available phosphorus,available potassium,available iron and available zinc in the soil of the treatment of bio-organic fertilizer increased by 44.30%,62.18%,58.82%,9.20%,92.97%,80.18%,93.98%,31.77% and 94.51%,respectively. Compared with the control,the soil pH decreased by 11.15%,and the soil salt content and conductivity increased by 85.71% and 89.29%,respectively. Moreover,the different treatments increased the number of bacterial OTUs and bacterial diversity in the soil. Compared with the control,the farmyard manure and bacillus subtilis treatment significantly increased the abundance and diversity of bacteria in the soils,the treatment of farmyard manure promoted the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates in the soil,increased the synergistic effect between bacterial communities,and improved the stability of bacterial communities in the soils. Correlation analysis showed that the soil bacterial community characteristics were mainly affected by the soil total potassium,potassium ion,chloride ion,available potassium,magnesium ion,available iron,organic matter,pH and conductivity. Generally,compared with the control,the different treatments increased the height,stem thickness,and chlorophyll content of peach seedlings,especially the bio-organic and farmyard manure treatments promoted seedling growth. The results showed that the treatments of bio-organic fertilizer and farm manure can improve the physical and chemical properties and the microbial community characteristics of the soil in peach continuous cropping field. They also accelerate the growth of peach seedlings.

Key words: peach, recropping, soil improvement, physiochemical property, microbial community