Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (7): 1683-1694.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0503
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JIANG Rui1,2, ZHOU Shengjun2, ZHU Yuqiang2, WANG Xin2, TAN Jihong1,2, WANG Huasen1,*(), ZHANG Peng2,*(
WANG Huasen, ZHANG Peng
JIANG Rui, ZHOU Shengjun, ZHU Yuqiang, WANG Xin, TAN Jihong, WANG Huasen, ZHANG Peng. Research Progress of CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing Techniques in Melon Crops[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2024, 51(7): 1683-1694.
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植物 Plant | 基因 Gene | 基因功能 Gene function | 参考文献 Reference |
黄瓜 Cucumis sativus | eIF4E | 调控植株抗病毒性Regulation of plant virus resistance | Chandrasekaran et al., |
WIP1 | 抑制心皮发育Inhibition of plant carpel development | Hu et al., | |
CsVFB1 | 调控植株株高Regulation of plant height | 戚晶晶, | |
CsWIP1 | 抑制心皮发育Inhibition of plant carpel development | 杨丽, | |
FT | 调控花期及高纬度适应性Controlling blooming season and high latitude adaptation | Wang et al., | |
TEN | 调控乙烯合成,控制卷须的形态和攀援Regulation of ethylene synthesis and control of tendril morphology and climbing | Yang et al., | |
ACS1G | 雌花发育关键基因Key genes for female flower development | Zhang et al., | |
Bcmfs1 | 拮抗灰霉病菌Antagonism of grey mould | Samaras et al., | |
CsHEC2,CsGL3,CsTu | 调控果实刺瘤密度Regulation of fruit prickly tumour density | Wang et al., | |
NS | 调控果实多刺Regulation of fruit multispinning | Liu et al., | |
CsIAGLU | 调控叶柄角度Regulation of petiole angle | Chen et al., | |
Csalc | 调控黄瓜雌蕊育性Regulation of cucumber pistil fertility | Cheng et al., | |
CsPRE4 | 调控黄瓜卷须伸长Regulation of cucumber tendril elongation | Xu et al., | |
西瓜 Citrullus lanatus | PDS | 调控植株白化Regulation of plant whitening | Tian et al., |
ALS | 抗苯磺隆类除草剂Bensulfuron-resistant herbicides | Tian et al., | |
ClWIP1 | 调控性别分化Regulation of gender differentiation | 张月乔 等, | |
Cldf | 调控西瓜矮化Regulation of watermelon dwarfing | Wei et al., | |
Clpsk1 | 调控西瓜抗枯萎病Regulation of blight resistance in watermelon | Zhang et al., | |
ClSPO11-1 | 诱导产生不定根Inducing adventitious root production | Zhang et al., | |
ClCOMT1 | 调控植物内源褪黑素含量,参与多种非生物胁迫响应 Regulation of endogenous melatonin content in plants and involved in multiple abiotic stress responses | Chang et al., | |
ClGRF4-GIFl | 优化和改造基因编辑体系,二倍体无籽西瓜Optimisation and modification of gene editing systems for diploid seedless watermelon | Feng et al., | |
ClATM1 | 调控花期及雄性不育Regulation of flowering time and male sterility | Zhang et al., | |
GRF5,PDS | 建立西瓜遗传转化体系及突变体快速获取Establishment of watermelon genetic transformation system and rapid acquisition of watermelon mutants | Pan et al., | |
甜瓜 Cucumis melo | ACC | 抑制乙烯的生物合成及调控果实软化 Inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis and regulation of fruit softening | 王雪和李冠, |
eIF4E | 调控植株抗病毒性Regulation of plant virus resistance | 杨晶 等, | |
PLL | 调控植株叶形Regulation of plant leaf shape | 王丹 等, | |
CmPDS | 调控植株白化Regulation of plant whitening | Hooghvorst et al., | |
CTR1,ROS1 | 果实成熟和表观遗传调控Fruit ripening and epigenetic regulation | Giordano et al., | |
CmACS1,CmACS2,CmACS5 | 调控果实软化Regulation of fruit softening | 颜清成 等, | |
ER | 调控茎伸长Regulation of stem elongation | Xin et al., | |
AMS | 调控雄性不育Regulation of male sterility | 才羿 等, | |
南瓜Cucurbita moschata | RBOHD | 调控耐盐性Regulation of salt tolerance | Huang et al., |
ER | 调控茎伸长Regulation of stem elongation | Xin et al., | |
丝瓜Luffa aegyptiaca Miller | LcPPO1 | 调控果实褐变Regulation of fruit browning | 陈敏氡 等, |
Table 1 Gene editing studies in major cucurbits
植物 Plant | 基因 Gene | 基因功能 Gene function | 参考文献 Reference |
黄瓜 Cucumis sativus | eIF4E | 调控植株抗病毒性Regulation of plant virus resistance | Chandrasekaran et al., |
WIP1 | 抑制心皮发育Inhibition of plant carpel development | Hu et al., | |
CsVFB1 | 调控植株株高Regulation of plant height | 戚晶晶, | |
CsWIP1 | 抑制心皮发育Inhibition of plant carpel development | 杨丽, | |
FT | 调控花期及高纬度适应性Controlling blooming season and high latitude adaptation | Wang et al., | |
TEN | 调控乙烯合成,控制卷须的形态和攀援Regulation of ethylene synthesis and control of tendril morphology and climbing | Yang et al., | |
ACS1G | 雌花发育关键基因Key genes for female flower development | Zhang et al., | |
Bcmfs1 | 拮抗灰霉病菌Antagonism of grey mould | Samaras et al., | |
CsHEC2,CsGL3,CsTu | 调控果实刺瘤密度Regulation of fruit prickly tumour density | Wang et al., | |
NS | 调控果实多刺Regulation of fruit multispinning | Liu et al., | |
CsIAGLU | 调控叶柄角度Regulation of petiole angle | Chen et al., | |
Csalc | 调控黄瓜雌蕊育性Regulation of cucumber pistil fertility | Cheng et al., | |
CsPRE4 | 调控黄瓜卷须伸长Regulation of cucumber tendril elongation | Xu et al., | |
西瓜 Citrullus lanatus | PDS | 调控植株白化Regulation of plant whitening | Tian et al., |
ALS | 抗苯磺隆类除草剂Bensulfuron-resistant herbicides | Tian et al., | |
ClWIP1 | 调控性别分化Regulation of gender differentiation | 张月乔 等, | |
Cldf | 调控西瓜矮化Regulation of watermelon dwarfing | Wei et al., | |
Clpsk1 | 调控西瓜抗枯萎病Regulation of blight resistance in watermelon | Zhang et al., | |
ClSPO11-1 | 诱导产生不定根Inducing adventitious root production | Zhang et al., | |
ClCOMT1 | 调控植物内源褪黑素含量,参与多种非生物胁迫响应 Regulation of endogenous melatonin content in plants and involved in multiple abiotic stress responses | Chang et al., | |
ClGRF4-GIFl | 优化和改造基因编辑体系,二倍体无籽西瓜Optimisation and modification of gene editing systems for diploid seedless watermelon | Feng et al., | |
ClATM1 | 调控花期及雄性不育Regulation of flowering time and male sterility | Zhang et al., | |
GRF5,PDS | 建立西瓜遗传转化体系及突变体快速获取Establishment of watermelon genetic transformation system and rapid acquisition of watermelon mutants | Pan et al., | |
甜瓜 Cucumis melo | ACC | 抑制乙烯的生物合成及调控果实软化 Inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis and regulation of fruit softening | 王雪和李冠, |
eIF4E | 调控植株抗病毒性Regulation of plant virus resistance | 杨晶 等, | |
PLL | 调控植株叶形Regulation of plant leaf shape | 王丹 等, | |
CmPDS | 调控植株白化Regulation of plant whitening | Hooghvorst et al., | |
CTR1,ROS1 | 果实成熟和表观遗传调控Fruit ripening and epigenetic regulation | Giordano et al., | |
CmACS1,CmACS2,CmACS5 | 调控果实软化Regulation of fruit softening | 颜清成 等, | |
ER | 调控茎伸长Regulation of stem elongation | Xin et al., | |
AMS | 调控雄性不育Regulation of male sterility | 才羿 等, | |
南瓜Cucurbita moschata | RBOHD | 调控耐盐性Regulation of salt tolerance | Huang et al., |
ER | 调控茎伸长Regulation of stem elongation | Xin et al., | |
丝瓜Luffa aegyptiaca Miller | LcPPO1 | 调控果实褐变Regulation of fruit browning | 陈敏氡 等, |
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