
Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (S1): 129-129.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2023-0216

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New Anthurium andraeanum Cultivars‘Huagang Liren’and‘Huagang Jiaren’

WANG Hui1,*,HUO Wenyu1 ,XIAO Bo2 ,ZHANG Xiaoxue2 ,and SHEN Qiang1   

  1. (1 Sino-Dutch Horticultural Training and Demonstration Center,Shanghai 201303,China;2 Shanghai Flower Port Enterprise Development Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201303,China)
  • Online:2023-06-26 Published:2023-06-26

Abstract: The new Anthurium cultivar‘Huagang Liren’originated from the hybrid crossed ‘Alabama’and‘Pink Champion’. It is a new potted cultivar with average plant height of 32.32 cm. The leaf length is 14.34 cm,width is 8.64 cm . The average length and width of spathe are 6.64 cm and 4.36 cm. The spathe is white,flat and weak glossy,and the angle of distal part to pedicel is nearly Obtuse angle. The spadix is yellow in color and in curved with average length of 2.72 cm. The‘Huagang Jiaren’ is a new potted flower cultivar selected from the hybrid offspring of‘Pandora’(female)and‘Teresa’ (male). The average plant height is 42.2 cm. The leaf length is 20.93 cm,width is 11.31 cm. The buddha flame bud is red with weak gloss,with an average length of 11.64 cm and a width of 6.32 cm,and its angle to the pedicel is nearly right angle;The average length of fleshy panicles is 3.90 cm,orange. The two cultivars of Anthurium andraeanum are easy to bloom,have higher flowers than leaves,long ornamental period,strong disease resistance,and good adaptability. They both take 15–16 months from tissue culture seedlings to the commercial potted product.

Key words: Anthurium, cross breeding, cultivar ,  

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