Acta Horticulturae Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 319-330.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1274
• Research Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
HAN Rui1,2, ZHONG Xionghui2, CHEN Denghui1,2, CUI Jian2, YUE Xiangqing1,2, XIE Jianming1,*(), KANG Jungen2,*(
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HAN Rui, ZHONG Xionghui, CHEN Denghui, CUI Jian, YUE Xiangqing, XIE Jianming, KANG Jungen. Cloning and Functional Analysis of BobHLH34 Gene in Cabbage that Interacts with XopR from Xanthomonas[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2023, 50(2): 319-330.
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引物名称 Primer name | 序列(5′-3′) Sequence |
Table 1 Primers used in this study
引物名称 Primer name | 序列(5′-3′) Sequence |
Fig. 4 The transient expression of BobHLH34 gene in Nicotiana benthamiana leaf epidermal cells A-C:BobHLH34-PYBA1132 recombinant expression vector showed green fluorescence in the nucleus;D-F:PYBA1132 showed green fluorescence in the whole cells.
Fig. 8 Sensitivity analysis of BobHLH34 silenced cabbage plants to Xcc A,B:Cabbage seedlings were infected with Agrobacterium containing empty vectors(PCVA/PCVB)or silenced vectors(BobHLH34-PCVA/PCVB). Leaves were sampled on the three weeks after vacuum infiltration for detection of susceptiblity to Xcc. C:Cabbage seedlings were infected with Agrobacterium containing silenced vectors(PDS-PCVA/PCVB),and the photobleached phenotype was observed in cabbage plants. D:Analysis of BobHLH34 expression by qRT-PCR in silenced plants. E:The lesion area was measured 8-12 days after Xcc inoculation.* P ≤ 0.05,**P ≤ 0.01.
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