
园艺学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 761-774.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2018-0468

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


辛明志1,陶 炼2,樊 胜1,艾炳伟3,闫 淼1,王 珏1,韩明玉1,张 东1,*   

  1. 1西北农林科技大学园艺学院,国家苹果改良中心杨凌分中心,陕西杨凌 712100;2四川省农业科学院园艺研究所,成都 610066;3静宁果树果品研究所,甘肃静宁 743400
  • 出版日期:2019-04-25 发布日期:2019-04-25
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Latitude and Altitude on Flower Bud Differentiation of Major Apple Cultivars

XIN Mingzhi1,TAO Lian2,FAN Sheng1,AI Bingwei3,YAN Miao1,WANG Jue1,HAN Mingyu1,and ZHANG Dong 1,*   

  1. 1College of Horticulture,Northwest A & F University,The Yangling Subsidiary Center Project of the National Apple Improvement Center,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100,China;2Horticulture Institute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China;3Fruit Research Institute of Jingning County,Jingning,Gansu 743400,China
  • Online:2019-04-25 Published:2019-04-25

摘要: 花芽分化调控是苹果优质高产高效栽培的关键环节之一,准确把握花芽分化时期是精准调控的前提和基础,为探究纬度和海拔对苹果花芽分化期的影响,在陕西省杨凌示范区、甘肃省静宁县和四川省茂县3个苹果产区,用摘叶和摘果的方法研究了茂县(海拔1 425、1 680和2 050 m)、静宁(海拔1 601 m)‘长富2号’苹果,杨凌地区(海拔525 m)‘长富2号’、‘烟富6号’、‘嘎拉’和‘秦冠’苹果的花芽分化差异。结果表明:在杨凌地区花芽生理分化的时间为‘长富2号’56 d,‘烟富6号’49 d,‘嘎拉’56 d,‘秦冠’42 d。在茂县不同海拔试验点,‘长富2号’花芽生理分化期持续的时间长短为低海拔 > 高海拔(海拔1 425 m试验点为75 d,1 680 m为70 d,2 050 m为65 d)。‘长富2号’在不同地区,花芽分化持续时间的长短为低纬度 > 高纬度[茂县(31o33′N)为70 d,杨凌(34o18′N)为56 d,静宁(35o41′N)为49 d]。枝条停长时间与花芽分化密切相关,枝条停长越晚越不易形成花芽。在高纬度和高海拔地区枝条停长晚,但是花芽分化持续时间相对短。‘嘎拉’和‘长富2号’花芽分化从6月初开始至10月底分为6个时期,每个时期有明显的特征,各个时期相互交叉重叠;‘长富2号’各分化时期比‘嘎拉’开始的早,结束的晚,并且持续时间长,相对分散,认为这可能与富士苹果成花难有关。

关键词: 苹果, 纬度, 海拔, 环境因子, 花芽分化, 丛枝菌根, 非生物胁迫, 园艺植物, 转录因子, 外源因子, 菌根效应

Abstract: Regulation of flower bud differentiation is one of the key ways to improve yield and quality of apple products. Flower bud differentiation was regulated by many external factors,such as latitude and altitude. In order to explore the influence of latitude and altitude on the period of apple flower bud differentiation,this research was performed in three apple producing areas,including Yangling,Shaanxi Province,Jingning,Gansu Province,and Maoxian,Sichuan Province.‘Nagafu 2’at different altitudes (1 425,1 680,and 2 050 m)from Maoxian and Jingning(1 601 m),as well as different cultivars (‘Nagafu 2’,‘Yanfu 6’,‘Gala’,‘Qinguan’)from Yangling were used to determine their flower buds physiological differentiation. De-leaves and de-fruits were used to investigate the start time of floral induction. Dissection was used to observe morphological difference during flower bud development. The results show different cultivars need different time to finish flower bud physiological differentiation:‘Nagafu 2’lasts 56 days,‘Yanfu 6’needs 49 days,‘Gala’maintains 56 days and‘Qinguan’requests 42 days. In same place,flower buds physiological differentiation lasts longer time at low altitude than that at high altitude. At the altitude of 1 425 m,it needs about 75 days,while at an altitude of 1 680 m and 2 050 m,it only lasts 70 and 65 days. In different regions,flower buds differentiation of‘Nagafu 2’from the low latitude was longer than that from the high latitude,the results showed as below:Maoxian(70 d),Yangling(56 d),Jingning(49 d). Growing stop of current-year shoots indicates beginning of flower buds physiological differentiation. At high altitude and high latitude regions,the growth of branches stopped late and a duration of flower buds physiological differentiation became short. Flower bud morphological differentiation of‘Gala’and‘Nagafu 2’started from the beginning of June to the end of October,and they are classified into six periods with significantly marked features,and some periods are overlapped with each other.‘Nagafu 2’always shows an earlier start and a later ending when compared with‘Gala’.‘Nagafu 2’also shows a long differentiation time.‘Gala’shows a more concentrated differentiation time than that of‘Nagafu 2’,which is believed to be related to the flower formation difficulty for Fuji apple.

Key words: apple, latitude, altitude, environmental factor, flower bud differentiation, arbuscular mycorrhiza, abiotic stress, horticulture plants, transcription factor, external factors, mycorrhizal effect
