
园艺学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (8): 1493-1503.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2016-0230

• 蔬菜 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭广君1,2,孙  帅1,*,王孝宣1,国艳梅1,John C. Snyder3,王述彬2,杜永臣1,高建昌1,**   

  1. 1中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081;2江苏省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,江苏省高效园艺作物遗传改良重点实验室,南京 210014;3肯塔基大学园艺学院,美国肯塔基州列克星敦 40546-0091)
  • 出版日期:2016-08-25 发布日期:2016-08-25
  • 基金资助:


Analysis of Characteristics of Leaf Trichome and Secondary Metabolites Related to Resistance to Type B Bemisia tabaci of Tomato

GUO Guang-jun1,2,SUN Shuai1,*,WANG Xiao-xuan1,GUO Yan-mei1,JOHN C. Snyder3,WANG Shu-bin2,DU Yong-chen1,and GAO Jian-chang1,**   

  1. 1Institute of Vegetables and FlowersChinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesBeijing 100081China2Institute of Vegetable CropsJiangsu Academy of Agricultural SciencesJiangsu Key Laboratory for Horticultural Crop Genetic ImprovementNanjing 210014China3Department of HorticultureUniversity of KentuckyLexingtonKY 40546-0091USA
  • Online:2016-08-25 Published:2016-08-25


以2份普通番茄、3份多毛番茄、1份潘那利番茄和2份醋栗番茄为试验材料,采用离体叶片接B型烟粉虱的方法,以番茄叶背表面虫卵量作为抗性鉴定指标,进行抗虫性鉴定;利用扫描电子显微镜观察番茄叶表腺毛形态,解剖镜计数叶片背面不同类型腺毛密度;利用GC–MS分析叶表次生代谢物质种类和相对含量;使用SAS V8进行方差分析(ANOVA)和多个变量间的简单相关性分析。抗虫性鉴定发现3份多毛番茄LA2329’、LA1777’、PI134417’和潘那利番茄LA0716’具有稳定的抗虫性,醋栗番茄TO937’随植株生长抗性相对增强,普通番茄9706’、LA3556’和醋栗番茄PI126933’不具有抗虫性。番茄叶表腺毛类型和密度分析显示:抗虫的3份多毛番茄叶表主要为有腺体的Ⅳ型和Ⅵ型腺毛,二者密度分别介于8.0 ~ 15.4和4.7 ~ 19.5个 · mm-2;抗虫的潘那利番茄LA0716’和醋栗番茄TO937’叶表主要为有腺体的Ⅳ型腺毛,密度分别为15.4和6.7个 · mm-2;不抗虫的普通番茄9706’、LA3556’和醋栗番茄PI126933’叶表主要为无腺体Ⅴ型腺毛,密度介于3.6 ~ 10.6个 · mm-2,有腺体的Ⅳ型和Ⅵ型腺毛密度显著低于5份抗虫番茄材料,分别介于0 ~ 1.5和2.3 ~ 4.1个 · mm-2。番茄叶表次生代谢物质种类和含量分析显示:3份多毛番茄叶表萜类物质含量显著高于其他番茄材料;甲基酮类物质仅存在于多毛番茄‘PI134417’中;叶表蜡质含量在抗虫和感虫番茄材料间无显著差异。多个变量间的简单相关性分析显示:番茄叶表有腺体的Ⅳ型腺毛密度和萜类物质含量与叶表烟粉虱虫卵量负相关;无腺体腺毛密度与虫卵量显著正相关;有腺体的Ⅵ型腺毛密度与叶表萜类物质含量正相关,与虫卵量无相关性;叶表蜡质与8 h虫卵量负相关,与24 h虫卵量无相关性。叶表Ⅳ型腺毛密度和萜类物质含量可作为抗烟粉虱鉴定指标。烟粉虱倾向于在Ⅴ型腺毛浓密的番茄材料上产卵,抗烟粉虱育种时应注意剔除Ⅴ型腺毛密度较高的植株。Ⅵ型腺毛密度对烟粉虱无直接抗性,其主要是通过其产生的萜类物质发挥抗性。叶表蜡质短期内可以发挥一定抗性,无长效性。

关键词: 番茄, 烟粉虱, 抗虫性状, 腺毛, 次生代谢物质



The objectives of this study are to illustrate the difference of resistant traits to Bemisia tabaci between resistant and nonresistant tomato accessions and the relationship between resistant traits and resistance to Bemisia tabaci. Solanum lycopersicum‘9706’,‘LA3556S. habrochaites‘LA2329,‘LA1777,‘PI134417S. pennellii‘LA0716and S. pimpinellifolium‘TO937,‘PI126933were used in this study. Tomato accessions were bioassayed with whiteflies using an in vitro method. Trichome types on leaf abaxial were observed by environmental scanning electron microscope. The densities of trichome were counted by anatomical lens. The species and qualities of metabolisms on leaf surface were analysis by GC–MS. The data were subjected to ANOVA and correlation analysis by V8. The highest level of resistance was observed in S. habrochaites‘LA2329,‘LA1777,‘PI134417and S. pennellii ‘LA0176. The resistance of S. pimpinellifolium‘TO937to whitefly was strengthened followed plant development. S. lycopersicum‘9706’,‘LA3556and S. pimpinellifolium‘PI126933were nonresistant to whitefly. Type Ⅳ and Ⅵ trichome densities were superior on abaxial leaf surfaces of S. habrochaites,the densities of them were 8.0–15.4 and 4.7–19.5 per mm2,respectively. Type Ⅳ trichome densities were superior on abaxial leaf surfaces of S. pennellii ‘LA0716and S. pimpinellifolium‘TO937,the densities were 6.7 and 15.4 per mm2,respectively. Trichomes on abaxial leaf surfaces of nonresistant tomato accessions were mainly non-glandular trichomes,densities were 3.6–10.6 per mm2. Type Ⅳ and Ⅵ trichomes densities were 0–1.5 and 2.3–4.1 per mm2 of these tomato accessions. Terpenoids species and qualities of S. habrochaites were more than others tomato species. Presence of methyl ketones were species specific of‘PI134417. Wax qualities were not significant differences between resistant and nonresistant tomato accessions. Density of type Ⅳ trichomes and terpenoid content were significantly negative correlated with number of whitefly eggs laid on abaxial leaf surfaces. Conversely,density of type Ⅴ trichomes was positive correlated with the number of whitefly eggs. Density of type Ⅵ trichomes was positively correlated with terpenoid concentration but not correlated with number of whitefly eggs. Wax content was significantly negative correlated with 8 hours number of whitefly eggs,but not correlated with 24 hours number of whitefly eggs. Trichome types and densities on abaxial leaf surfaceⅣ trichome and terpenoid content resulted in reduce whitefly ovipositionⅤ trichomes which should be abandoned in the process of breeding for whitefly resistance. Type Ⅵ trichome was not resistance to Bemisia tabaci directly. The resistance to Bemisia tabaci of wax content was not long-acting. So type Ⅵ trichomes and wax content were not relatable selection criterions for resistance to Bemisia tabaci. and were reliable selection criterions for resistance to Bemisia tabaci. Whitefly preferred to oviposition on tomato accessions of high densities of type of the different tomato accessions showed significant inter- and intra-specific differences. Type

Key words: Solanum lycopersicum, Bemisia tabaci, insect resistance trait, trichome, secondary metabolism
