
园艺学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 513-522.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2014-0280

• 观赏植物 • 上一篇    下一篇


许莉莉,朱文莹,王海滨,房伟民,滕年军,陈素梅,廖 园,陈发棣   

  1. 南京农业大学园艺学院,南京 210095
  • 出版日期:2015-03-25 发布日期:2015-03-25
  • 基金资助:


Studies on Breeding Value of Three Intergeneric Hybrids Between Chrysanthemum and Tanacetum,Ajanina and Crossostephium

XU Li-li,ZHU Wen-ying,WANG Hai-bin,FANG Wei-min,TENG Nian-jun,CHEN Su-mei,LIAO Yuan,and CHEN Fa-di*   

  1. Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China
  • Online:2015-03-25 Published:2015-03-25

摘要: 以栽培菊品种‘秀曼戴花’、‘6045-7’、‘猫眼’、‘T1012’、‘韩2’为母本,分别与菊属菊花脑 × 菊蒿属菊蒿(简称JJ)、菊属大岛野路菊 × 亚菊属多花亚菊(简称DD)和菊属大岛野路菊 × 芙蓉菊属芙蓉菊(简称DF)等3个属间F1杂种进行人工杂交及回交研究。结果发现,以‘秀曼戴花’、‘6045-7’为母本,与JJ杂交,未获得种子;‘猫眼’× DD杂交结实率及回交结实率均较低,而‘T1012’× DF及‘韩2’× DF杂交结实率较高,以‘T1012’× DF杂交后代为父本,与‘T1012’回交,成功获得回交后代。杂交及回交后代性状出现不同程度分离,并存在超亲个体。杂交及回交后代的染色体数并不都是父母本的平均值,存在非整倍体。耐盐性鉴定结果表明,以属间杂种为“桥梁”可将芙蓉菊及多花亚菊的耐盐性导入栽培菊花,提高了栽培菊花的耐盐性。

关键词: 菊花, 属间杂种, 杂交, 回交, 耐盐性

Abstract: In allied genera of chrysanthemum,many wild species possess elite attributes such as resistance to to disease,insect,virus and environment,Crossostephium chinense(L.)Makino is one of them. It is mostly found in the coastal forest,mainly distributed in the cracks of bed rock,and possesses high salt tolerance. But it is usually difficult to obtain hybrids between these allied genera species and chrysanthemum cultivars. Bridge parent is an effective way to overcome distant hybridization and transfer useful genetic variation to elite germplasm. Here,three intergeneric hybrids,[Chrysanthemum nankingense(Hand.-Mazz.)Y. R. Ling × Tanacetum vulgare L.]F1(short for JJ),[Chrysanthemum crassum(Kitam.)Kitam. × Ajania myriantha(Franchet)Ling ex Shih] F1(short for DD),[Chrysanthemum crassum(Kitam.)Kitam. × Crossostephium chinense(L.)Makino] F1(short for DF),as bridge parent,were hybrided with chrysanthemum to study the possibility of transfer useful genetic variation to chrysanthemumcultivars and innovate chrysanthemum germplasm. The main results showed that:No seed was obtained between C. morifolium‘Xiumandaihua’,‘6045-7’and JJ. The seed set of cross and backcross between C. morifolium‘Maoyan’and DD was very low,only one cross hybrid and three single backcross hybrids using C. morifolium‘Maoyan’as paternal parent were obtained. The seed set of cross between C. morifolium‘T1012’,‘Han 2’(both female parent)and DF was comparatively higher,and single backcross hybrids using C. morifolium‘T1012’as paternal parent were successfully obtained. The cross hybrids and backcross hybrids differentiated obviously from their parents in many morphological characters and chromosome number and salt tolerance,and there existed transgressive individuals and aneuploids. The results of salt tolerance identification showed that using intergenneric hybrids as bridge parent can successfully introduce the salt tolerance of A. myriantha and Cr. chinense into chrysanthemum cultivars,and improve its salt tolerance.

Key words: chrysanthemum, intergeneric hybrids, cross, backcross, salt tolerance
