
园艺学报 ›› 2008, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (10): 1411-1418.

• 果树 • 上一篇    下一篇


伍 涛1, 张绍铃1*, 吴 俊1, 肖家欣1, 吴华清1, 刘吉祥1, 张 华1, 吴桂法2   

  1. (1南京农业大学梨工程技术研究中心,南京 210095;2江苏省高邮市果树实验场,江苏高邮 225615)
  • 收稿日期:2008-05-15 修回日期:2008-08-18 出版日期:2008-10-25 发布日期:2008-10-25
  • 通讯作者: 张绍铃

Comparative Studies on Canopy Structure Characteristics , Yield and Fruit Quality in Horizontal Trellis System and Delayed-open Central Leader System of 'Hosui' Pear Tree

WU Tao1;ZHANG Shao-ling1*;WU Jun1;XIAO Jia-xin1;WU Hua-qing1;LIU Ji-xiang1;ZHANG Hua1;and WU Gui-fa2


  1. (1Center of Engineering and Technology Research, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095,China; 2Fruit Tree Experimental Orchard of Gaoyou city , Gaoyou,Jiangsu 225615, China)
  • Received:2008-05-15 Revised:2008-08-18 Online:2008-10-25 Published:2008-10-25
  • Contact: ZHANG Shao-ling


以丰水梨棚架形与疏散分层形树形为试材,应用WinSCANOPY2005a冠层分析仪比较研究了两种树形的冠层结构特点、产量、品质差异及其相关性,结果表明:棚架形平均叶倾角、冠层开度,冠下直射、散射及总光量子通量密度显著或极显著高于疏散分层形,而叶面积系数极显著低于疏散分层形。棚架形梨果实单果质量、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、糖酸比显著高于疏散分层形,分别高出23.59%、9.70%、11.25% 和29.08%,而产量、可滴定酸和石细胞含量均显著低于疏散分层形,分别低17.80%、13.45% 和30.43%。棚架形树冠不同部位梨果实品质一致性优于疏层分层形,冠层开度大、冠层总光量子通量密度高、结果枝条粗壮是棚架梨品质优的主要原因,而枝条总体积和叶面积系数小可能是棚架形梨产量偏低的直接原因。冠层特征参数与产量、品质指标存在显著相关性,其中冠层开度与可溶性固形物极显著正相关 (r = 0.9820**),与可滴定酸呈极显著负相关 ( r = - 0.9485**)。冠层分析仪的应用可望成为梨树形研究的新方法。

关键词: 梨, 树形, 冠层, 棚架形, 疏散分层形, 产量, 品质


The canopy structure characteristics, yield, and quality differences were comparatively investigated between the horizontal trellis system (HTS) and the delayed-open central leader system (DLS) of 'Hosui' pear tree with WinsCanopy2005a for Hemispherical Image Analysis. The results showed that mean leaf angle,canopy openness,direct PPFDs, indirect PPFDs and total PPFDs under tree were significantly or very significantly higher in HTS than that in DLS, but the leaf area indexes were significantly lower in HTS than in DLS. Single fruit weight, total contents of soluble solid and sugar, and sugar-acid ratio of HTS were higher by 23.59%, 9.7%, 11.25% and 29.08%, respectively. Whereas, fruit yield per tree, titratable acidity and stone cell contents were lower by 17.80%, 13.45%, and 30.43%, respectively, in comparison to DLS. Consistency of fruit quality in different positions of HDS was better than that of DLS, which was mainly ascribed to the relatively large canopy openness, higher PPFD and strong bearing branch, while its lower yield could be explained by its smaller shoot total volume and leaf area index. The significant correlations were found between the canopy characteristics parameters and yield as well as main quality indexes, for example, canopy openness were very significantly positively related to the total soluble sugars ( r = 0.9820**), but correlated negatively with titratable acidity ( r = - 0.9485**). It is suggested that the application of WinsCanopy2005a may be a new method for the research on tranining systems of pear tree.

Key words: pear, tree system, canopy, horizontal trellis system, delayed-open central leader system, yield, fruit quality
