
园艺学报 ›› 2008, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9): 1331-1338.

• 观赏植物 • 上一篇    下一篇


葛雨萱1,2;王亮生1*;徐彦军3;刘政安1;李崇晖1,2;贾 妮1,2   

  1. (1中国科学院植物研究所北京植物园,北京 100093;2中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049;3中国农业大学理学院,北京 100094)
  • 收稿日期:2008-05-09 修回日期:2008-08-18 出版日期:2008-09-25 发布日期:2008-09-25
  • 通讯作者: 王亮生

Flower Color, Pigment Composition and Their Changes During Flowering in Chimonanthus praecox Link.

Ge Yu-xuan1,2,WANG Liang-sheng1*,XU Yan-jun3,LIU Zheng-an1,LI Chong-hui1,2,and JIA Ni1,2

  1. (1Beijing Botanical Garden, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China; 2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094)
  • Received:2008-05-09 Revised:2008-08-18 Online:2008-09-25 Published:2008-09-25
  • Contact: WANG Liang-sheng


以蜡梅的4个变种为材料,对其在开花过程中的花色、花色素组成及含量的变化进行研究。花色测定采用英国皇家园艺学会比色卡(RHSCC)和分光色差计,色素的定性及定量分析采用高效液相色谱 —二极管阵列检测技术(HPLC-PAD)和高效液相色谱—电喷雾离子化—质谱联用技术(HPLC-ESI-MS)。结果表明,在开花过程中,各蜡梅变种的花色呈明显变化。黄色外瓣和红色内瓣彩度C* 值均变小,黄色外瓣色相角h增大,由黄色向浅黄方向变化,而红色内瓣色相角h变小,由红色向深红方向变化。在蜡梅红色内瓣中检测到2种花青苷和3种黄酮醇,在黄色外瓣中检测到与红色内瓣相同的3种黄酮醇。其中花青苷为:矢车菊素 3-O-葡萄糖苷和矢车菊素 3-O-芸香糖苷;黄酮醇为:槲皮素 3-O-芸香糖苷、山奈酚 3-O-芸香糖苷和槲皮素苷元。首次检测出蜡梅花瓣中含有矢车菊素 3-O-芸香糖苷。蜡梅各变种间及每个变种的各开花阶段,色素种类没有差异,但色素含量发生了明显变化。从蕾期到初花期,黄色外瓣和红色内瓣的总黄酮醇(TF)含量迅速减少,花朵开放后变化平稳。红色内瓣的总花青苷(TA)含量在开花过程中较稳定。

关键词: 蜡梅, 花色, 花青苷, 类黄酮, 高效液相色谱, 液质联用


The changes of flower color, pigment composition during flowering in four varieties of Chimonanthus praecox Link. were studied. The flower color was measured according to the Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (RHSCC) and by a NF333 spectrophotometer, respectively. A high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PAD) and a HPLC-electrospray ionization-mass spectroscopy (HPLC-ESI-MS) were employed for qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanins and flavonoids. The results indicated that the flower color of each variety showed significant difference during flowering. The chroma (C*) of the both perianths decreased, while the hue angle (h) of the yellow outer perianths increased from yellow to pale yellow, and the red inner perianths decreased from red to dark red. Two anthocyanins (cyanidin 3-O-glucoside and cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside) and three flavonols (quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside and quercetin aglycone) were detected in the red inner perianths. The three flavonols in the red inner perianths were also detected in the yellow outer perianths. Cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside was detected from C. praecox petals for the first time. Although the kind of pigments kept unchanged during flowering, the pigment contents showed significant difference. Total flavonols (TF) content decreased rapidly from the alabastrum period to the initial flowering period, and then changed smoothly, while total anthocyanins (TA) content in the red inner perianths kept no remarkable changed.

Key words: Chimonanthus praecox, Flower color, Anthocyanin, Flavonoid, HPLC - PAD, HPLC -ESI-MS
