园艺学报 ›› 2001, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 435-439.
• 研究论文 • 上一篇 下一篇
张 铭1;魏小勇2;黄华荣1
Zhang Ming1 , Wei Xiaoyong2 , and Huang Huarong1
摘要: 应用粘土和蛭石粉作基质包埋铁皮石斛种胚来制作人工种子。试验结果表明: 当粘土∶蛭石粉∶MS 培养液为2∶1∶2 时萌发率可达56. 8 %。在此系统中单独添加1. 0 %活性炭或同时添加1. 0 %活性炭和0. 5 %淀粉制作的铁皮石斛人工种子, 平均萌发率分别达76. 7 %和80. 3 %, 分别比对照提高了18. 4 %和24. 2 %。还研究了壳聚糖等作外种皮以及原球茎的失水率对铁皮石斛人工种子萌发及贮藏的影响。
关键词: 铁皮石斛, 人工种子, 固体包埋
Abstract: This paper describes the study on the Dendrobium candidum artificial seed prepared by using the clay and vermiculite powder as the encapsulating media. The results showed that the germination rate reached 56. 8 % , when the proportion of clay∶vermiculite∶water was 2∶1∶2. When this system was added with only 1. 0 % activated charcoal , or 1. 0 % activated charcoal and 0. 5 % starch , the corresponding average germination rates of the artificial seeds increased to 76. 7 % and 80. 3 %. The treatments enhanced the germination rate by 18. 4 % and 24. 2 % respectively , compared to the control . Both the effect of other seed coat materials used , such as chitosan , and the effect of protocorm-like bodies’water-loss rate on the rate of the artificial seed germination and storage were also studied.
Key words: Dendrobium candidum, Artificial seed, Solid encapsulatine
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张 铭;魏小勇;黄华荣. 铁皮石斛人工种子固形包埋系统的研究[J]. 园艺学报, 2001, 28(5): 435-439.
Zhang Ming;Wei Xiaoyong;and Huang Huarong. A Study on the Solid Encapsulating System of the Artificial Seed ofDendrobium candidum[J]. ACTA HORTICULTURAE SINICA, 2001, 28(5): 435-439.
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