园艺学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3): 596-606.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1250
薛玉前1,2,*, 柳志勇2,*, 孙凯荣2, 张秀新2, 吕英民1,**(), 薛璟祺2,**(
XUE Yuqian1,2,*, LIU Zhiyong2,*, SUN Kairong2, ZHANG Xiuxin2, LÜ Yingmin1,**(), XUE Jingqi2,**(
薛玉前, 柳志勇, 孙凯荣, 张秀新, 吕英民, 薛璟祺. 牡丹促成栽培中糖信号调控成花的机理研究[J]. 园艺学报, 2023, 50(3): 596-606.
XUE Yuqian, LIU Zhiyong, SUN Kairong, ZHANG Xiuxin, LÜ Yingmin, XUE Jingqi. The Mechanism of Sugar Signal Involved in Regulating Re-flowering of Tree Peony Under Forcing Culture[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2023, 50(3): 596-606.
基因名称 Gene name | 引物名称 Primer name | 引物序列(5′-3′) Sequence | 产物长度/bp Length of product |
表1 糖信号相关基因表达引物序列
Table 1 Primers sequences of sugar signaling-related genes for expression analysis
基因名称 Gene name | 引物名称 Primer name | 引物序列(5′-3′) Sequence | 产物长度/bp Length of product |
图2 ‘洛阳红’牡丹剥叶和赤霉素处理15 d 时叶片气孔的扫描电镜观察
Fig. 2 SEM micrograph cross-sections of tree peony‘Luoyang Hong’leaf stomata under partial defoliation and GA treatment on the 15th day
处理 Treatment | 气孔开度/μm Stomatal aperture | 气孔密度/(No · mm-2) Stomatal density | 气孔长度/μm Stomatal length | 气孔宽度/μm Stomatal width | 气孔面积/μm2 Stomatal area |
对照Control | 0.27 ± 0.21 c | 251.85 ± 26.91 a | 28.68 ± 2.81 a | 23.58 ± 1.96 b | 501.44 ± 31.66 c |
剥叶Partial defoliation | 0.55 ± 0.20 b | 237.04 ± 36.29 a | 28.96 ± 1.95 a | 24.92 ± 1.31 a | 559.46 ± 23.42 b |
赤霉素GA | 0.98 ± 0.47 a | 181.49 ± 21.85 b | 28.80 ± 2.20 a | 25.69 ± 2.11 a | 593.61 ± 26.55 a |
表2 ‘洛阳红’牡丹剥叶和赤霉素处理15 d时叶片气孔的特征
Table 2 Characteristics of leaf stomata of tree peony‘Luoyang Hong’under partial defoliation and GA treatment on the 15th day
处理 Treatment | 气孔开度/μm Stomatal aperture | 气孔密度/(No · mm-2) Stomatal density | 气孔长度/μm Stomatal length | 气孔宽度/μm Stomatal width | 气孔面积/μm2 Stomatal area |
对照Control | 0.27 ± 0.21 c | 251.85 ± 26.91 a | 28.68 ± 2.81 a | 23.58 ± 1.96 b | 501.44 ± 31.66 c |
剥叶Partial defoliation | 0.55 ± 0.20 b | 237.04 ± 36.29 a | 28.96 ± 1.95 a | 24.92 ± 1.31 a | 559.46 ± 23.42 b |
赤霉素GA | 0.98 ± 0.47 a | 181.49 ± 21.85 b | 28.80 ± 2.20 a | 25.69 ± 2.11 a | 593.61 ± 26.55 a |
图3 ‘洛阳红’牡丹促成栽培条件下叶片中蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖和T6P含量的变化 不同小字母表示在P < 0.05水平上显著差异,n = 3。
Fig. 3 The change of sucrose,glucose,fructose and T6P content at‘Luoyang Hong’tree peony under forcing culture Different letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level,n = 3.
图4 不同植物中TPS1(A)、SnRK1(B)和HXK1(C)氨基酸序列进化树 标尺表示不同植物TPS1、SnRK1或HXK1氨基酸序列之间的差异。
Fig. 4 Phylogenetic analysis of TPS1(A),SnRK1(B)and HXK1(C)amino acid in various plants The scale in represent the difference of every TPS1,SnRK1 and HXK1 amino acid from different plants.
图5 ‘洛阳红’牡丹剥叶和赤霉素处理对糖信号相关基因PsTPS1、PsSnRK1和PsHXK1在叶片中的表达水平的影响 不同的小写字母表示同一时期不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著(数据为平均数 ± 标准差,n = 3)。
Fig. 5 Effect of defoliation and GA treatment on the expression of PsTPS1,PsSnRK1,and PsHXK1 in leaves of tree peony‘Luoyang Hong’ The different lowercase letters indicated a significant difference among different treatment in expression of gene(Duncan’s test at P < 0.05 after analysis of variance;data are shown as mean ± SD,n = 3).
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