园艺学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 295-306.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1246
宋艳红1, 陈亚铎1, 张晓玉2, 宋盼1, 刘丽锋1, 李刚1, 赵霞1, 周厚成1,*()
SONG Yanhong1, CHEN Yaduo1, ZHANG Xiaoyu2, SONG Pan1, LIU Lifeng1, LI Gang1, ZHAO Xia1, ZHOU Houcheng1,*()
分析草莓碱性螺旋—环—螺旋(basic helix-loop-helix,bHLH)转录因子家族,鉴定到森林草莓(Fragaria vesca)花特异表达的转录因子基因FvbHLH130。FvbHLH130编码区序列长度为960 bp,编码319个氨基酸,保守结构域预测结果显示第247 ~ 297 aa是bHLH结合域,其属于bHLH家族成员。FvbHLH130启动子含有生长素等激素响应、逆境胁迫和低温响应元件,推测基因表达可能受到生物和非生物胁迫诱导。FvbHLH130蛋白氨基酸序列与月季(Rosa chinensis)的相似性高达93.70%,与其他蔷薇科bHLH蛋白聚在一个分支上,与拟南芥AtFBH4是同源蛋白。农杆菌介导的FvbHLH130拟南芥转基因株系提前7 d开花,且促进开花相关基因AtAP1、AtFT、AtFUL和AtCO的表达。酵母双杂交实验结果表明FvbHLH130与FvARF4和FvARF6互作,可能作为蛋白复合体共同参与开花调控。
宋艳红, 陈亚铎, 张晓玉, 宋盼, 刘丽锋, 李刚, 赵霞, 周厚成. 森林草莓FvbHLH130转录因子调控植株提前开花[J]. 园艺学报, 2023, 50(2): 295-306.
SONG Yanhong, CHEN Yaduo, ZHANG Xiaoyu, SONG Pan, LIU Lifeng, LI Gang, ZHAO Xia, ZHOU Houcheng. The Transcription Factor FvbHLH130 Activates Flowering in Fragaria vesca[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2023, 50(2): 295-306.
用途 Usage | 引物名称 Primer name | 序列(5′-3′) Sequence |
FvbHLH130基因编码区克隆 Cloning the CDS of FvbHLH130 | FvbHLH130-CDS-F | ATGGATTCAAATACCCATCTCA |
FvbHLH130基因启动子克隆 Cloning the promoter of FvbHLH130 | FvbHLH130-Pro-F | GACATAATAACCTTGCATTT |
构建FvbHLH130过表达载体 Cloning onstruction of FvbHLH130-overexpression vector | FvbHLH130-121-F | gagaacacgggggactctagaATGGATTCAAATACCCATCTCA |
FvbHLH130-121-R | gcccttgctcaccatggatccAACTATCTGATTTTGAACCGG | |
转基因阳性苗鉴定 Identification of transgenic positive seedlings | 35S | GACGCACAATCCCACTATCC |
草莓荧光定量内参基因 Reference genes for qRT-PCR in Fragaria vesca | Fv28S-qF | TAACCGCATCAGGTCTCCAA |
拟南芥荧光定量内参基因 Reference genes for qRT-PCR in F. vesca | At18S-qF | GAGAAGTTACTCCGCAACCT |
FvbHLH130不同组织表达模式分析 Expression pattern of FvbHLH130 in different tissues | FvbHLH130-qF | ATCCCCGAAGCATTGCAGAA |
拟南芥开花相关基因表达分析 Expression of flowering-related genes in Arabidopsis thaliana | AtAP1-qF | CAATGAGCCCTAAAGAGCTT |
酵母双杂交载体构建 Construction the vector of yeast two-hybrid system | FvARF4-AD-F | gtaccagattacgctcatatgATGGAATTTGATCTGAACCA |
FvARF4-AD-R | cagctcgagctcgatggatccTCAGACCCTAATTGCTGTTG | |
FvARF6-AD-F | gtaccagattacgctcatatgATGAGGCTTTCTTCTTCGTC | |
FvARF6-AD-R | cagctcgagctcgatggatccTTAGTAGTCAAGGGAGCCCA | |
FvARF8-AD-F | gtaccagattacgctcatatgATGAAGCTTTCCACATCAGG | |
FvARF8-AD-R | cagctcgagctcgatggatccTCAATACTCAAGTGAGCCGA |
表1 在本研究中使用的引物列表
Table 1 A list of primers used in this study
用途 Usage | 引物名称 Primer name | 序列(5′-3′) Sequence |
FvbHLH130基因编码区克隆 Cloning the CDS of FvbHLH130 | FvbHLH130-CDS-F | ATGGATTCAAATACCCATCTCA |
FvbHLH130基因启动子克隆 Cloning the promoter of FvbHLH130 | FvbHLH130-Pro-F | GACATAATAACCTTGCATTT |
构建FvbHLH130过表达载体 Cloning onstruction of FvbHLH130-overexpression vector | FvbHLH130-121-F | gagaacacgggggactctagaATGGATTCAAATACCCATCTCA |
FvbHLH130-121-R | gcccttgctcaccatggatccAACTATCTGATTTTGAACCGG | |
转基因阳性苗鉴定 Identification of transgenic positive seedlings | 35S | GACGCACAATCCCACTATCC |
草莓荧光定量内参基因 Reference genes for qRT-PCR in Fragaria vesca | Fv28S-qF | TAACCGCATCAGGTCTCCAA |
拟南芥荧光定量内参基因 Reference genes for qRT-PCR in F. vesca | At18S-qF | GAGAAGTTACTCCGCAACCT |
FvbHLH130不同组织表达模式分析 Expression pattern of FvbHLH130 in different tissues | FvbHLH130-qF | ATCCCCGAAGCATTGCAGAA |
拟南芥开花相关基因表达分析 Expression of flowering-related genes in Arabidopsis thaliana | AtAP1-qF | CAATGAGCCCTAAAGAGCTT |
酵母双杂交载体构建 Construction the vector of yeast two-hybrid system | FvARF4-AD-F | gtaccagattacgctcatatgATGGAATTTGATCTGAACCA |
FvARF4-AD-R | cagctcgagctcgatggatccTCAGACCCTAATTGCTGTTG | |
FvARF6-AD-F | gtaccagattacgctcatatgATGAGGCTTTCTTCTTCGTC | |
FvARF6-AD-R | cagctcgagctcgatggatccTTAGTAGTCAAGGGAGCCCA | |
FvARF8-AD-F | gtaccagattacgctcatatgATGAAGCTTTCCACATCAGG | |
FvARF8-AD-R | cagctcgagctcgatggatccTCAATACTCAAGTGAGCCGA |
图1 FvbHLH130表达模式与启动子元件预测分析 A:SGR数据库中FvbHLH130对应基因的表达水平(柱头1:始花期的花柱和柱头;花药9:花后9 d的花药;心皮9:花后9 d心皮组织;皮层1:始花期皮层;Yw-15D和Yw-22D代表森林草莓‘Yellow Wonder’花后15 d和花后22 d果实)。B和C:FvbHLH130蛋白结构和基因启动子顺式作用元件分布;D:森林草莓不同组织FvbHLH130相对表达量。
Fig. 1 The gene expression pattern and prediction of the promoter cis-elements of FvbHLH130 A:Expression pattern of selected samples searched on SGR.(Style1:Styles and stigmas from just open flower;Anther9:Anthers from 9 days post-anthesis;Carpel9:Carpels from 9 days post-anthesis;Cortex1:Cortex from just open flower;Yw-15D and Yw-22D,15 days post-anthesis and 22 days post-anthesis of Fragaria vesca Yellow Wonder);B and C:Protein structure of FvbHLH130 and prediction of cis-elements in the promoter of FvbHLH130;D:The relative expression of FvbHLH130 in different tissues of F. vesca.
图2 bHLH130的氨基酸序列比对 At:拟南芥;Fv:森林草莓;Pt:胡杨;Pd:扁桃。
Fig. 2 Amino acid sequence alignment of bHLH130 At:Arabidopsis thaliana;Fv:Fragaria vesca;Pt:Populus trichocarpa;Pd:Prunus dulcis.
图4 FvbHLH130过表达拟南芥株系(OE)提前开花 A:转基因阳性株系鉴定,对照为转化空载质粒的拟南芥株系;B:单株莲座叶数量;C:转基因阳性株系开花时间。** 表示在P < 0.01水平上差异显著。
Fig. 4 Overexpression of FvbHLH130 accelerates flowing A. Identification of transgenic lines,the control was Arabidopsis plants with empty vector;B. The number of rosette leaves;C. Phenotypes of flowing of transgenic lines. ** indicates significantly difference at P < 0.01 level.
图5 FvbHLH130过表达(OE)拟南芥开花相关基因的表达 * 表示在P < 0.05水平上差异显著;** 表示在P < 0.01水平上差异显著。
Fig. 5 Flowering-related genes expression analysis of FvbHLH130-overexpression lines in Arabidopsis * indicates significantly difference at P < 0.05 level;** indicates significantly difference at P < 0.01 level.
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