园艺学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 250-264.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-1188
叶子茂1, 申晚霞1,2,*(), 刘梦雨1, 王彤1, 张晓楠1, 余歆1,2, 刘小丰1,2, 赵晓春1,2,*(
YE Zimao1, SHEN Wanxia1,2,*(), LIU Mengyu1, WANG Tong1, ZHANG Xiaonan1, YU Xin1,2, LIU Xiaofeng1,2, ZHAO Xiaochun1,2,*(
以‘巴西酸橙’(Citrus aurantium L.)、‘本地早橘’(C. reticulata Blanco)、‘桂花蒂南丰蜜橘’(C. reticulata Blanco)、‘北碚447锦橙’[C. sinensis(L.)Osbeck]等30份柑橘种质为试材,挖掘与柑橘类黄酮生物合成相关的R2R3-MYB转录因子。通过比较转录组分析发现ERF、MYB以及Dof转录因子家族与果实发育过程中类黄酮的代谢密切相关,其中两个R2R3-MYB转录因子基因CitMYB21(Ciclev10021699m)和CitMYB33(Ciclev10012152m)的表达水平与类黄酮生物合成途径中的关键结构基因CitCHS2的表达量明显负相关。系统发育分析显示,这两个基因分别属于R2R3-MYB中的第2和第1亚族。从‘北碚447锦橙’中克隆得到了CitMYB21编码区的全长序列,共804 bp,编码267个氨基酸。CitMYB21的表达有显著的组织特异性及明显的种质特异性,并与类黄酮的含量呈显著负相关。CitMYB21沉默的柑橘植株叶片中类黄酮含量显著增加,而瞬时过表达的果皮中类黄酮的含量明显降低。研究结果表明CitMYB21显著负影响柑橘类黄酮的含量,可能是负调控类黄酮生物合成的重要转录因子。
叶子茂, 申晚霞, 刘梦雨, 王彤, 张晓楠, 余歆, 刘小丰, 赵晓春. R2R3-MYB转录因子CitMYB21对柑橘类黄酮生物合成的影响[J]. 园艺学报, 2023, 50(2): 250-264.
YE Zimao, SHEN Wanxia, LIU Mengyu, WANG Tong, ZHANG Xiaonan, YU Xin, LIU Xiaofeng, ZHAO Xiaochun. Effect of R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor CitMYB21 on Flavonoids Biosynthesis in Citrus[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2023, 50(2): 250-264.
种类 Specific name | 种质编号 Code | 名称 Name | 种类 Specific name | 种质编号 Code | 名称 Name |
宽皮橘 Citrus reticulate Blanco | ZY004 | 桂花蒂南丰蜜橘 Guihuadinanfeng Mandarin | 宽皮橘 C. reticulate Blanco | ZY198 | 半野生橘杂种No.3 Hybrid of Semi-wild No.3 |
ZY013 | 槾橘 Manju | ZY208 | 无核早橘 Seedless Zaoju | ||
ZY014 | 野橘 2 Yeju 2 | ZY215 | 丙中洛橘 Bingzhongluoju | ||
ZY026 | 酸橘 Suanju | ZY222 | 红橘 Hongju | ||
ZY035 | 鹅蛋香柑 E Dan Xianggan | ZY007 | 津优 Jinyou | ||
ZY036 | 汉源黄果柑 Hanyuan Huangguogan | ZY008 | 扁柑 Biangan | ||
ZY037 | 德昌金钱橘 Dechang Jinqianju | ZY011 | 久贺早生温州 Kuga Wase | ||
ZY049 | 冰糖香柑 Bingtang Xianggan | ZY012 | 北口温州 Kitaguchi Wase | ||
ZY084 | 青红橘 Qinghongju | 温州蜜柑 C. unshiu Macf. | ZY067 | 久能温州 Kunou Wase | |
ZY085 | 红橙 Hongcheng | ZY070 | 繁田温州 Shigeta Wase | ||
ZY090 | 元阳酸橘 Yuanyang Suanju | ZY124 | 大分1号温州 Dafen No.1 Wase | ||
ZY108 | 沅江南橘 Yuanjiang Nanju | ZY145 | 湘慈43号 Xiangci No.43 | ||
ZY119 | 马塔里橘 Matari Tangerine | ZY168 | 谷口系日南1号温州 | ||
ZY151 | 新生系3号椪柑 No.3 Ponkan | Taniguchi Line Nichinan No.1 Wase | |||
ZY174 | 春见 Harumi | ZY231 | 桥本温州 Hashimoto Wase | ||
ZY002 | 平阳橘 Duong Mandarin |
表1 种质名单
Table 1 List of citrus germplasms
种类 Specific name | 种质编号 Code | 名称 Name | 种类 Specific name | 种质编号 Code | 名称 Name |
宽皮橘 Citrus reticulate Blanco | ZY004 | 桂花蒂南丰蜜橘 Guihuadinanfeng Mandarin | 宽皮橘 C. reticulate Blanco | ZY198 | 半野生橘杂种No.3 Hybrid of Semi-wild No.3 |
ZY013 | 槾橘 Manju | ZY208 | 无核早橘 Seedless Zaoju | ||
ZY014 | 野橘 2 Yeju 2 | ZY215 | 丙中洛橘 Bingzhongluoju | ||
ZY026 | 酸橘 Suanju | ZY222 | 红橘 Hongju | ||
ZY035 | 鹅蛋香柑 E Dan Xianggan | ZY007 | 津优 Jinyou | ||
ZY036 | 汉源黄果柑 Hanyuan Huangguogan | ZY008 | 扁柑 Biangan | ||
ZY037 | 德昌金钱橘 Dechang Jinqianju | ZY011 | 久贺早生温州 Kuga Wase | ||
ZY049 | 冰糖香柑 Bingtang Xianggan | ZY012 | 北口温州 Kitaguchi Wase | ||
ZY084 | 青红橘 Qinghongju | 温州蜜柑 C. unshiu Macf. | ZY067 | 久能温州 Kunou Wase | |
ZY085 | 红橙 Hongcheng | ZY070 | 繁田温州 Shigeta Wase | ||
ZY090 | 元阳酸橘 Yuanyang Suanju | ZY124 | 大分1号温州 Dafen No.1 Wase | ||
ZY108 | 沅江南橘 Yuanjiang Nanju | ZY145 | 湘慈43号 Xiangci No.43 | ||
ZY119 | 马塔里橘 Matari Tangerine | ZY168 | 谷口系日南1号温州 | ||
ZY151 | 新生系3号椪柑 No.3 Ponkan | Taniguchi Line Nichinan No.1 Wase | |||
ZY174 | 春见 Harumi | ZY231 | 桥本温州 Hashimoto Wase | ||
ZY002 | 平阳橘 Duong Mandarin |
引物名称 Primers name | 序列(5′-3′) Sequence | 酶切位点 Restriction site |
表2 所用引物
Table 2 Sequences of primers
引物名称 Primers name | 序列(5′-3′) Sequence | 酶切位点 Restriction site |
图1 ‘巴西酸橙’和‘本地早橘’花后160 d vs. 100 d果实间差异表达基因数量(A)及维恩图(B)
Fig. 1 The number of differentially expressed genes(A)and Venn diagram(B)between the fruits of Brazil Sour Orange and Bendizao Mandarin at 160 d vs. 100 d after flowering
图2 ‘巴西酸橙’和‘本地早橘’花后160 d vs. 100 d果实共有的差异表达基因KEGG功能注释
Fig. 2 KEGG functional annotation of co-shared differently expression genes between Brazil Sour Orange and Bendizao Mandarin at 160 d vs. 100 d after flowering
图5 与类黄酮生物合成相关的R2R3-MYB的鉴定 A:与结构基因CitCHS2相关的R2R3-MYB转录因子;B:预测的R2R3-MYB与差异表达基因中筛选的R2R3-MYB的交集。
Fig. 5 Identification of candidate R2R3-MYB transcription factors related to flavonoids biosynthesis A:Correlation analysis of R2R3-MYB transcription factors with flavonoids biosynthesis related structural genes CitCHS2. B:The Venn diagram of predicted R2R3-MYB and identified R2R3-MYB from DEGs.
图6 候选R2R3-MYB成员的系统发育分析 Cit:柑橘;At:拟南芥;Ptr:杨树;Vv:葡萄;Md:苹果;Pp:桃;Pb:梨;Ft:荞麦;Gm:大豆;Fa:草莓;Fc:智利草莓;Ph:矮牵牛;Cs:茶树;Nt:水仙。
Fig. 5 Phylogenetic analysis of candidate R2R3-MYB members Cit:Citrus clementina;At:Arabidopsis thaliana;Ptr:Populus trichocarpa;Vv:Vitis vinifera;Md:Malus × domestica;Pp:Prunus persica;Pb:Pyrus bretschneideri;Ft:Fagopyrum tataricum;Gm:Glycine max;Fa:Fragaria × ananassa;Fc:Fragaria chiloensis;Ph:Petunia × hybrida;Cs:Camellia sinensis;Nt:Narcissus tazetta.
图7 CitMYB21克隆及其表达量与类黄酮含量的相关性分析 A:CitMYB21克隆产物电泳图;B:CitMYB21基因结构图及与Cs5g29830序列相似性比对;C:30份种质(详见表1)中CitMYB21表达量与类黄酮含量。
Fig. 7 CitMYB21 gene cloning and correlation analysis of its expression and flavonoid content A:Gel electrophoresis of cloned production of CitMYB21. B:The structure and sequence similarity of CitMYB21 and Cs5g29830. C:Relative expression level of CitMYB21 and flavonoids content in 30 citrus germplasms(See Table 1).
图9 ‘桂花蒂南丰蜜橘’叶片发育过程中CitMYB21表达水平和类黄酮含量的变化
Fig. 9 The change pattern of CitMYB21 expression and flavonoids content during leaf developing of Guihuadi Nanfeng Mandarin
图10 ‘北碚447锦橙’基因沉默植株(A、B)和过表达果皮(C、D)中CitMYB21表达水平和类黄酮含量 ** 表示处理间差异极显著(P < 0.01)。
Fig. 10 CitMYB21 expression level and flavonoid content in Beibei 447 Jincheng gene-silenced plants(A,B)and overexpressed peels(C,D) ** indicate extremely significant differences between different treatments at 0.01 level.
转化方式 Transformation method | r 相关性Correlation | P 显著性Significance |
病毒诱导的基因沉默Virus induced gene slicing | -0.8 | < 0.01 |
瞬时表达Transient expression | -0.8 | > 0.05 |
表3 ‘北碚447锦橙’转基因植株中CitMYB21表达与类黄酮含量的相关性
Table 3 The correlation of CitMYB21 expression and flavonoids content in transgenic lines of Beibei 447 Jincheng
转化方式 Transformation method | r 相关性Correlation | P 显著性Significance |
病毒诱导的基因沉默Virus induced gene slicing | -0.8 | < 0.01 |
瞬时表达Transient expression | -0.8 | > 0.05 |
基因 Gene | CitPAL | CitC4H | Cit4CL1 | Cit4CL2 | CitCHS2 | CitCHI | 条件 Condition |
CitMYB21 | -0.7** | 0.3 | -0.5* | 0.3 | -0.4 | -0.5 | 叶片发育早期Leaf early developmental stage |
CitMYB21 | 0.1 | -0.4 | 0.5* | -0.5 | 0.6* | 0.4 | 叶片发育后期Leaf late developmental stage |
CitMYB21 | 0.1 | 0.9** | -0.6 | 0.7 | -0.6 | 0.8** | 组织部位Tissue |
CitMYB21 | 0.3 | 0.6* | -0.4 | -0.5 | -0.7** | -0.6** | 基因沉默Gene silencing |
CitMYB21 | 0.2 | 0.8 | -0.3** | 0.7 | -0.9** | -0.9** | 瞬时表达Transient expression |
表4 CitMYB21表达与类黄酮合成相关基因表达水平的相关性
Table 4 The correlation analysis of expression level of CitMYB21 and structural genes related to flavonoids biosynthesis
基因 Gene | CitPAL | CitC4H | Cit4CL1 | Cit4CL2 | CitCHS2 | CitCHI | 条件 Condition |
CitMYB21 | -0.7** | 0.3 | -0.5* | 0.3 | -0.4 | -0.5 | 叶片发育早期Leaf early developmental stage |
CitMYB21 | 0.1 | -0.4 | 0.5* | -0.5 | 0.6* | 0.4 | 叶片发育后期Leaf late developmental stage |
CitMYB21 | 0.1 | 0.9** | -0.6 | 0.7 | -0.6 | 0.8** | 组织部位Tissue |
CitMYB21 | 0.3 | 0.6* | -0.4 | -0.5 | -0.7** | -0.6** | 基因沉默Gene silencing |
CitMYB21 | 0.2 | 0.8 | -0.3** | 0.7 | -0.9** | -0.9** | 瞬时表达Transient expression |
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