园艺学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 65-78.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0985
崔建1,2, 钟雄辉2, 刘泽慈2, 陈登辉2, 李海龙2, 韩睿2, 乐祥庆2, 康俊根2,*(), 王超1,*(
CUI Jian1,2, ZHONG Xionghui2, LIU Zeci2, CHEN Denghui2, LI Hailong2, HAN Rui2, YUE Xiangqing2, KANG Jungen2,*(), WANG Chao1,*(
以结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)育种骨干亲本R2-P2(圆球形,抽薹晚,硫苷含量低,高感黑腐病、枯萎病和霜霉病)为轮回亲本,以野生甘蓝自交系R4-P1(不结球,抽薹早,蜡质厚,硫苷含量高,对黑腐病、枯萎病和霜霉病等多种病害具有抗性)为供体亲本,通过连续回交、自交和分子标记辅助选择,构建出一套由163个具有R2-P2遗传背景且具有R4-P1供体染色体片段单株组成的染色体片段替换系(Chromosome segment substitution line)。该替换系群体具有102个染色体替换片段,均匀分布在1 ~ 9号染色体上,平均每个株系携带1.3个染色体片段,平均替换长度为5.62 Mb。替换片段总长度为573.74 Mb,覆盖亲本R4-P1全基因组的73.4%,其中单片段替换片段总长度为139.91 Mb,覆盖全基因组的26.5%,双片段替换片段总长231.41 Mb,覆盖亲本R4-P1全基因组的43.82%,含有3个替换片段总长度为201.3 Mb,覆盖供体亲本基因组25.98%。
崔建, 钟雄辉, 刘泽慈, 陈登辉, 李海龙, 韩睿, 乐祥庆, 康俊根, 王超. 结球甘蓝染色体片段替换系构建[J]. 园艺学报, 2023, 50(1): 65-78.
CUI Jian, ZHONG Xionghui, LIU Zeci, CHEN Denghui, LI Hailong, HAN Rui, YUE Xiangqing, KANG Jungen, WANG Chao. Construction of Cabbage Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2023, 50(1): 65-78.
染色体 Chremosome | 标记数 Number of marker | 平均距离/Mb A average distance between 2 markers | 相邻标记最大距离/Mb Maximum distance between adjacent markers |
C01 | 16 | 1.76 | 9.69 |
C02 | 10 | 4.22 | 9.50 |
C03 | 7 | 4.60 | 16.86 |
C04 | 15 | 2.45 | 7.66 |
C05 | 10 | 2.34 | 5.59 |
C06 | 7 | 5.02 | 10.24 |
C07 | 23 | 1.20 | 12.58 |
C08 | 16 | 1.16 | 12.40 |
C09 | 13 | 2.04 | 18.66 |
合计Total | 113 | 2.75 |
表1 各标记在染色体上分布特征
Table 1 Distribution characteristics of each marker on chromosome
染色体 Chremosome | 标记数 Number of marker | 平均距离/Mb A average distance between 2 markers | 相邻标记最大距离/Mb Maximum distance between adjacent markers |
C01 | 16 | 1.76 | 9.69 |
C02 | 10 | 4.22 | 9.50 |
C03 | 7 | 4.60 | 16.86 |
C04 | 15 | 2.45 | 7.66 |
C05 | 10 | 2.34 | 5.59 |
C06 | 7 | 5.02 | 10.24 |
C07 | 23 | 1.20 | 12.58 |
C08 | 16 | 1.16 | 12.40 |
C09 | 13 | 2.04 | 18.66 |
合计Total | 113 | 2.75 |
图2 染色体片段替换长度示意图 X代表受体亲代基因型,Y代表供体亲本基因型,L代表染色体片段估计长度,LMAX、LMIN分别代表最大长度和最小长度。
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of replacement length of chromosome fragments X represents the recipient parental genotype,Y represents the donor parental genotype,L represents the estimated length of the chromosome segment,LMAX and LMIN represent the maximum and minimum lengths.
染色体 Chromosome | 代换片段数 Number | 长度范围/Mb Lengh range | 总长度/Mb Total length | 平均长度/Mb Average length | 覆盖长度/Mb Coverage length |
1 | 12 | 0.45 ~ 9.69 | 41.79 | 3.49 | 41.79 |
2 | 11 | 0.24 ~ 18.67 | 101.11 | 9.19 | 38.22 |
3 | 4 | 4.61 ~ 9.13 | 24.65 | 6.17 | 19.79 |
4 | 14 | 0.27 ~ 13.41 | 59.81 | 4.27 | 34.90 |
5 | 7 | 0.80 ~ 5.59 | 17.91 | 2.56 | 17.91 |
6 | 8 | 0.26 ~ 26.66 | 95.70 | 11.96 | 32.14 |
7 | 17 | 0.06 ~ 14.69 | 54.83 | 3.22 | 38.19 |
8 | 12 | 0.13 ~ 12.40 | 42.79 | 3.57 | 38.97 |
9 | 17 | 0.49 ~ 46.30 | 135.21 | 7.95 | 49.23 |
总计Total | 102 | 0.81 ~ 17.39 | 573.80 | 5.82 | 532.00 |
表2 甘蓝染色体片段替换系遗传评价
Table 2 Genetic evaluation of Chromosome segment substitution lines
染色体 Chromosome | 代换片段数 Number | 长度范围/Mb Lengh range | 总长度/Mb Total length | 平均长度/Mb Average length | 覆盖长度/Mb Coverage length |
1 | 12 | 0.45 ~ 9.69 | 41.79 | 3.49 | 41.79 |
2 | 11 | 0.24 ~ 18.67 | 101.11 | 9.19 | 38.22 |
3 | 4 | 4.61 ~ 9.13 | 24.65 | 6.17 | 19.79 |
4 | 14 | 0.27 ~ 13.41 | 59.81 | 4.27 | 34.90 |
5 | 7 | 0.80 ~ 5.59 | 17.91 | 2.56 | 17.91 |
6 | 8 | 0.26 ~ 26.66 | 95.70 | 11.96 | 32.14 |
7 | 17 | 0.06 ~ 14.69 | 54.83 | 3.22 | 38.19 |
8 | 12 | 0.13 ~ 12.40 | 42.79 | 3.57 | 38.97 |
9 | 17 | 0.49 ~ 46.30 | 135.21 | 7.95 | 49.23 |
总计Total | 102 | 0.81 ~ 17.39 | 573.80 | 5.82 | 532.00 |
相关性状 Correlated character | 基因或QTL Gene or QTL | 连锁标记 Linked marker | 参考文献 Reference | 染色体物理位置 Physical position in chromosome | 群体中的位置 Closest markers in the genetic map | 替换片段 长/Mb Length of replacement segment | 连锁单株号 Serial number of linkage line |
抗根肿病 Tolerance clubro | Pb(Anju)1a | KBrH059L13 | Nagaoka et al., | C02:24842317 ~ 24842620 | 8C022 ~ BoSF2745 | 7.98 | 29 |
抗黑腐病 Resistance to black rot | BRQTL-C1-1a Bo1g056920b | BbRSdcaps-11 | Lee et al., | C01:14884502 ~ 16579946 C01:25091903 ~ 25095843 | BoSF1426 ~ BoSF2345 BoSF1245 ~ BoABL1 | 6.74 9.69 | 5 |
QTL-1a | BoCL5989s | Kifuji et al., | C02 | 8C022 ~ BoSF2745 | 7.98 | 29 | |
枯萎病 Blight | FOCa re-Bol037156b | V17 ~ S9 | Lv et al., | C06:40618342 ~ 40705720 C06 | 8C0464 ~ BoE569 | 5.21 | 95 |
抽薹 Bolting | FLCb | — | Lin et al., | C03:2116755 ~ 2137112 | S31 ~ CG750001 | 4.86 | 41 |
FLC1a | PC14 ~ AC-CATR14 | Razi et al., | C09 | BoSF2645 ~ CK610011 | 18.66 | 163 | |
COa | PO118E2~PO160E1 | Bohuon et al., | C09 | BoSF2645 ~ CK610011 | 18.66 | 163 | |
耐裂球 Crack- resistant ball | SPL-2-2a SPL-4-1a | BRPGM06 BRMS111 | Pang et al., | C02 C04 | 8C022 ~ BoSF2745 CD834770 ~ BoSF1269 | 7.98 5.75 | — 65 |
表3 部分已报道的基因或QTL位点在本群体中的位置
Table 3 The position of some reported genes or QTL loci in this study
相关性状 Correlated character | 基因或QTL Gene or QTL | 连锁标记 Linked marker | 参考文献 Reference | 染色体物理位置 Physical position in chromosome | 群体中的位置 Closest markers in the genetic map | 替换片段 长/Mb Length of replacement segment | 连锁单株号 Serial number of linkage line |
抗根肿病 Tolerance clubro | Pb(Anju)1a | KBrH059L13 | Nagaoka et al., | C02:24842317 ~ 24842620 | 8C022 ~ BoSF2745 | 7.98 | 29 |
抗黑腐病 Resistance to black rot | BRQTL-C1-1a Bo1g056920b | BbRSdcaps-11 | Lee et al., | C01:14884502 ~ 16579946 C01:25091903 ~ 25095843 | BoSF1426 ~ BoSF2345 BoSF1245 ~ BoABL1 | 6.74 9.69 | 5 |
QTL-1a | BoCL5989s | Kifuji et al., | C02 | 8C022 ~ BoSF2745 | 7.98 | 29 | |
枯萎病 Blight | FOCa re-Bol037156b | V17 ~ S9 | Lv et al., | C06:40618342 ~ 40705720 C06 | 8C0464 ~ BoE569 | 5.21 | 95 |
抽薹 Bolting | FLCb | — | Lin et al., | C03:2116755 ~ 2137112 | S31 ~ CG750001 | 4.86 | 41 |
FLC1a | PC14 ~ AC-CATR14 | Razi et al., | C09 | BoSF2645 ~ CK610011 | 18.66 | 163 | |
COa | PO118E2~PO160E1 | Bohuon et al., | C09 | BoSF2645 ~ CK610011 | 18.66 | 163 | |
耐裂球 Crack- resistant ball | SPL-2-2a SPL-4-1a | BRPGM06 BRMS111 | Pang et al., | C02 C04 | 8C022 ~ BoSF2745 CD834770 ~ BoSF1269 | 7.98 5.75 | — 65 |
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