园艺学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (2): 395-406.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0066
潘凤兵1, 陈冉1, 姜伟涛1, 王海燕1, 吕毅2, 沈向1, 陈学森1, 尹承苗1,*(), 毛志泉1,*(
PAN Fengbing1, CHEN Ran1, JIANG Weitao1, WANG Haiyan1, LÜ Yi2, SHEN Xiang1, CHEN Xuesen1, YIN Chengmiao1,*(), MAO Zhiquan1,*(
YIN Chengmiao,MAO Zhiquan
潘凤兵, 陈冉, 姜伟涛, 王海燕, 吕毅, 沈向, 陈学森, 尹承苗, 毛志泉. 不同蛋白发酵物对连作土壤微生物环境和平邑甜茶幼苗生长的影响[J]. 园艺学报, 2022, 49(2): 395-406.
PAN Fengbing, CHEN Ran, JIANG Weitao, WANG Haiyan, LÜ Yi, SHEN Xiang, CHEN Xuesen, YIN Chengmiao, MAO Zhiquan. Effects of Different Material Protein Fermentation Products on Apple Replanted Soil Microbial Environment and the Growth of Malus hupehensis Seedlings[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2022, 49(2): 395-406.
处理 Treatment | 基因拷贝数Gene copies | |||
尖孢镰孢菌/ (× 108 copies · g-1) Fusarium oxysporum | 层出镰孢菌/ (× 103 copies · g-1) F. proliferatum | 腐皮镰孢菌/ (× 108 copies · g-1) F. solani | 串珠镰孢菌/ (× 103 copies · g-1) F. moniliforme | |
连作土(对照)Control | 9.33 ± 0.50 a | 6.69 ± 0.38 a | 11.39 ± 0.68 a | 11.81 ± 0.71 a |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 3.04 ± 0.24 c | 1.98 ± 0.26 d | 2.86 ± 0.38 c | 2.69 ± 0.17 c |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 3.81 ± 0.25 c | 3.21 ± 0.31 c | 4.00 ± 0.15 c | 3.89 ± 0.31 c |
大豆粕发酵物Soybean meal fermentation products | 7.16 ± 0.18 b | 4.57 ± 0.28 b | 7.76 ± 0.35 b | 6.79 ± 0.27 b |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 6.58 ± 0.24 b | 4.10 ± 0.09 b | 6.59 ± 0.24 b | 7.47 ± 0.33 b |
表1 苹果连作土壤中添加不同蛋白发酵物对其有害真菌数量的影响
Table 1 Effect of different material protein fermentation products on harmful fungi in replanted soil
处理 Treatment | 基因拷贝数Gene copies | |||
尖孢镰孢菌/ (× 108 copies · g-1) Fusarium oxysporum | 层出镰孢菌/ (× 103 copies · g-1) F. proliferatum | 腐皮镰孢菌/ (× 108 copies · g-1) F. solani | 串珠镰孢菌/ (× 103 copies · g-1) F. moniliforme | |
连作土(对照)Control | 9.33 ± 0.50 a | 6.69 ± 0.38 a | 11.39 ± 0.68 a | 11.81 ± 0.71 a |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 3.04 ± 0.24 c | 1.98 ± 0.26 d | 2.86 ± 0.38 c | 2.69 ± 0.17 c |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 3.81 ± 0.25 c | 3.21 ± 0.31 c | 4.00 ± 0.15 c | 3.89 ± 0.31 c |
大豆粕发酵物Soybean meal fermentation products | 7.16 ± 0.18 b | 4.57 ± 0.28 b | 7.76 ± 0.35 b | 6.79 ± 0.27 b |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 6.58 ± 0.24 b | 4.10 ± 0.09 b | 6.59 ± 0.24 b | 7.47 ± 0.33 b |
图2 苹果连作土壤中添加不同蛋白发酵物对其真菌群落属水平相对丰度的影响
Fig. 2 Effect of different material protein fermentation products on relative abundances of fungi at the genus level in replanted soil
处理 Treatment | ACE指数 ACE index | Chao指数 Chao index | 辛普森指数 Simpson index | 香浓指数 Shannon index |
连作土(对照)Control | 563.55 ± 14.76 a | 563.54 ± 14.65 a | 0.04 ± 0.002 b | 4.05 ± 0.06 a |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 428.15 ± 25.97 b | 434.14 ± 28.88 b | 0.21 ± 0.079 a | 2.66 ± 0.31 b |
蚯蚓发酵物Earthworm fermentation products | 570.63 ± 8.95 a | 579.66 ± 8.98 a | 0.04 ± 0.001 b | 4.17 ± 0.03 a |
大豆粕发酵物Soybean meal fermentation products | 530.05 ± 6.92 a | 534.59 ± 7.87 a | 0.04 ± 0.003 b | 4.10 ± 0.04 a |
杂鱼发酵物Waste fish fermentation products | 463.91 ± 13.21 b | 460.43 ± 13.69 b | 0.13 ± 0.014 ab | 3.61 ± 0.16 b |
表2 苹果连作土壤中添加不同蛋白发酵物对其真菌群落α多样性的影响
Table 2 Effect of different material protein fermentation products on alpha diversity of soil fungi in replanted soil
处理 Treatment | ACE指数 ACE index | Chao指数 Chao index | 辛普森指数 Simpson index | 香浓指数 Shannon index |
连作土(对照)Control | 563.55 ± 14.76 a | 563.54 ± 14.65 a | 0.04 ± 0.002 b | 4.05 ± 0.06 a |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 428.15 ± 25.97 b | 434.14 ± 28.88 b | 0.21 ± 0.079 a | 2.66 ± 0.31 b |
蚯蚓发酵物Earthworm fermentation products | 570.63 ± 8.95 a | 579.66 ± 8.98 a | 0.04 ± 0.001 b | 4.17 ± 0.03 a |
大豆粕发酵物Soybean meal fermentation products | 530.05 ± 6.92 a | 534.59 ± 7.87 a | 0.04 ± 0.003 b | 4.10 ± 0.04 a |
杂鱼发酵物Waste fish fermentation products | 463.91 ± 13.21 b | 460.43 ± 13.69 b | 0.13 ± 0.014 ab | 3.61 ± 0.16 b |
处理 Treatment | 酚酸类物质含量/(mg · kg-1 dry soil) Phenolic compounds | |||
根皮苷 Phlorizin | 根皮素Phloretin | 阿魏酸 Ferulic Acid | 苯甲酸Benzoic acid | |
连作土(对照)Control | 3.47 ± 0.06 a | 2.21 ± 0.10 a | 2.16 ± 0.25 a | 3.77 ± 0.02 a |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 1.64 ± 0.06 d | 0.43 ± 0.02 c | 1.68 ± 0.08 b | 0.54 ± 0.01 d |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 1.37 ± 0.08 e | 0.48 ± 0.03 c | 1.07 ± 0.20 c | 0.85 ± 0.03 cd |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 2.23 ± 0.03 c | 0.75 ± 0.08 b | 0.93 ± 0.15 c | 1.16 ± 0.04 c |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 2.54 ± 0.02 b | 0.57 ± 0.07 c | 1.35 ± 0.27 bc | 1.60 ± 0.23 b |
表3 苹果连作土壤中添加不同蛋白发酵物对其土壤酚酸含量的影响
Table 3 Effects of different material protein fermentation products on the concentration of phenolic compounds in replant soil
处理 Treatment | 酚酸类物质含量/(mg · kg-1 dry soil) Phenolic compounds | |||
根皮苷 Phlorizin | 根皮素Phloretin | 阿魏酸 Ferulic Acid | 苯甲酸Benzoic acid | |
连作土(对照)Control | 3.47 ± 0.06 a | 2.21 ± 0.10 a | 2.16 ± 0.25 a | 3.77 ± 0.02 a |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 1.64 ± 0.06 d | 0.43 ± 0.02 c | 1.68 ± 0.08 b | 0.54 ± 0.01 d |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 1.37 ± 0.08 e | 0.48 ± 0.03 c | 1.07 ± 0.20 c | 0.85 ± 0.03 cd |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 2.23 ± 0.03 c | 0.75 ± 0.08 b | 0.93 ± 0.15 c | 1.16 ± 0.04 c |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 2.54 ± 0.02 b | 0.57 ± 0.07 c | 1.35 ± 0.27 bc | 1.60 ± 0.23 b |
时间 Time | 处理 Treatment | 株高/cm Plant height | 地径/cm Ground diameter | 鲜质量/g Fresh weight | 干质量/g Dry weight |
2019 | 连作土(对照)Control | 37.47 ± 2.58 c | 5.39 ± 0.18 d | 21.43 ± 1.25 c | 10.22 ± 0.87 c |
灭菌土Sterile soil | 65.53 ± 7.57 a | 8.85 ± 0.41 a | 75.50 ± 4.90 a | 32.99 ± 2.40 a | |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 51.37 ± 0.95 b | 7.13 ± 0.24 b | 45.40 ± 3.12 b | 19.44 ± 2.22 b | |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 42.43 ± 7.16 bc | 6.88 ± 0.27 bc | 32.53 ± 3.82 c | 14.62 ± 2.23 bc | |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 41.37 ± 3.25 c | 6.18 ± 0.14 cd | 27.10 ± 3.21 c | 10.85 ± 0.98 c | |
2020 | 连作土(对照)Control | 50.10 ± 1.37 d | 6.37 ± 0.12 d | 46.90 ± 1.69 c | 20.54 ± 1.08 cd |
灭菌土Sterile soil | 89.57 ± 0.54 a | 10.07 ± 0.05 a | 102.81 ± 5.79 a | 43.19 ± 3.41 a | |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 82.50 ± 1.80 b | 9.11 ± 0.24 b | 78.47 ± 1.64 b | 33.00 ± 0.52 b | |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 71.20 ± 2.27 c | 8.23 ± 0.28 c | 74.43 ± 2.76 b | 28.08 ± 0.79 bc | |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 67.67 ± 2.07 c | 7.76 ± 0.11 c | 68.39 ± 2.25 b | 25.68 ± 0.29 c |
表4 苹果连作土壤中添加不同蛋白发酵物对平邑甜茶生物量的影响
Table 4 Effects of different material protein fermentation products on plant biomass of M. hupehensis Rehd. seedlings
时间 Time | 处理 Treatment | 株高/cm Plant height | 地径/cm Ground diameter | 鲜质量/g Fresh weight | 干质量/g Dry weight |
2019 | 连作土(对照)Control | 37.47 ± 2.58 c | 5.39 ± 0.18 d | 21.43 ± 1.25 c | 10.22 ± 0.87 c |
灭菌土Sterile soil | 65.53 ± 7.57 a | 8.85 ± 0.41 a | 75.50 ± 4.90 a | 32.99 ± 2.40 a | |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 51.37 ± 0.95 b | 7.13 ± 0.24 b | 45.40 ± 3.12 b | 19.44 ± 2.22 b | |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 42.43 ± 7.16 bc | 6.88 ± 0.27 bc | 32.53 ± 3.82 c | 14.62 ± 2.23 bc | |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 41.37 ± 3.25 c | 6.18 ± 0.14 cd | 27.10 ± 3.21 c | 10.85 ± 0.98 c | |
2020 | 连作土(对照)Control | 50.10 ± 1.37 d | 6.37 ± 0.12 d | 46.90 ± 1.69 c | 20.54 ± 1.08 cd |
灭菌土Sterile soil | 89.57 ± 0.54 a | 10.07 ± 0.05 a | 102.81 ± 5.79 a | 43.19 ± 3.41 a | |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 82.50 ± 1.80 b | 9.11 ± 0.24 b | 78.47 ± 1.64 b | 33.00 ± 0.52 b | |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 71.20 ± 2.27 c | 8.23 ± 0.28 c | 74.43 ± 2.76 b | 28.08 ± 0.79 bc | |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 67.67 ± 2.07 c | 7.76 ± 0.11 c | 68.39 ± 2.25 b | 25.68 ± 0.29 c |
处理 Treatment | 总根长/cm Total fine root length | 表面积/cm2 Total fine root surface area | 根体积/cm3 Total fine root volume | 根尖数 Fine root tip number |
连作土(对照)Control | 1 227.13 ± 27.58 d | 323.59 ± 29.38 d | 6.47 ± 0.85 d | 2 901.30 ± 336.16 d |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 3 928.21 ± 159.49 a | 1 377.04 ± 133.17 a | 34.12 ± 3.08 a | 16 175.67 ± 2 118.52 a |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 3 033.54 ± 476.96 b | 1 054.47 ± 46.23 b | 25.87 ± 2.10 b | 11 345.00 ± 1 144.84 b |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 2 157.90 ± 138.20 c | 518.18 ± 19.39 d | 13.45 ± 1.56 c | 7 038.67 ± 1 038.84 c |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 2 292.67 ± 77.50 bc | 821.10 ± 21.54 c | 25.67 ± 1.21 b | 8 114.33 ± 799.70 bc |
表5 苹果连作土壤中添加不同蛋白发酵物对平邑甜茶根系形态的影响
Table 5 Effects of different material protein fermentation products on the root morphology of M. hupehensis Rehd. seedlings
处理 Treatment | 总根长/cm Total fine root length | 表面积/cm2 Total fine root surface area | 根体积/cm3 Total fine root volume | 根尖数 Fine root tip number |
连作土(对照)Control | 1 227.13 ± 27.58 d | 323.59 ± 29.38 d | 6.47 ± 0.85 d | 2 901.30 ± 336.16 d |
灭菌土 Sterile soil | 3 928.21 ± 159.49 a | 1 377.04 ± 133.17 a | 34.12 ± 3.08 a | 16 175.67 ± 2 118.52 a |
蚯蚓发酵物 Earthworm fermentation products | 3 033.54 ± 476.96 b | 1 054.47 ± 46.23 b | 25.87 ± 2.10 b | 11 345.00 ± 1 144.84 b |
大豆粕发酵物 Soybean meal fermentation products | 2 157.90 ± 138.20 c | 518.18 ± 19.39 d | 13.45 ± 1.56 c | 7 038.67 ± 1 038.84 c |
杂鱼发酵物 Waste fish fermentation products | 2 292.67 ± 77.50 bc | 821.10 ± 21.54 c | 25.67 ± 1.21 b | 8 114.33 ± 799.70 bc |
图4 苹果连作土壤中添加不同蛋白发酵物对平邑甜茶根系呼吸速率和抗氧化酶活性的影响
Fig. 4 Effect of different material protein fermentation products on root respiration rate and antioxidant enzymes activity of M. hupehensis Rehd.
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