园艺学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (10): 2001-2017.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2021-0523
曾拓, 李伽文, 周黎, 李进进, 史安琪, 付瀚森, 罗靖, 郑日如, 王媛媛, 王彩云*()
ZENG Tuo, LI Jiawen, ZHOU Li, LI Jinjin, SHI Anqi, FU Hansen, LUO Jing, ZHENG Riru, WANG Yuanyuan, WANG Caiyun*()
WANG Caiyun
曾拓, 李伽文, 周黎, 李进进, 史安琪, 付瀚森, 罗靖, 郑日如, 王媛媛, 王彩云. 观赏植物花色与授粉昆虫相互适应关系的研究进展[J]. 园艺学报, 2021, 48(10): 2001-2017.
ZENG Tuo, LI Jiawen, ZHOU Li, LI Jinjin, SHI Anqi, FU Hansen, LUO Jing, ZHENG Riru, WANG Yuanyuan, WANG Caiyun. Advances in the Mutualistic and Antagonistic Interactions Between Flower Colors and the Pollinators of Ornamental Plants[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2021, 48(10): 2001-2017.
授粉昆虫 Pollinator | 膜翅目蜜蜂 Hymenoptera bee | 鞘翅目甲虫 Coleoptera beetle | 双翅目蝇类 Diptera fly | 鳞翅目蝴蝶 Lepidoptera butterfly | 鳞翅目蛾类 Lepidoptera moth |
花色Color | 蓝紫或紫外光 Blue,purple,UV | 奶白色或绿色 Cream,green | 黄白色 Yellow and white | 鲜艳或紫外光 Bright,UV | 白色或灰白 Whites,palm |
花卉向导Floral guide | 通常存在 Usually present | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 偶尔存在 Occasionally present | 无 Absent |
花蜜Nectar | 通常存在 Usually present | 偶尔存在 Occasionally present | 一般没有 Usually absent | 充裕;隐蔽 Ample,hidden | 充裕;隐蔽 Ample,hidden |
花粉Pollen | 少量 Limited | 丰富 Ample | 适中 Modest | 少量 Limited | 少量 Limited |
花香Odour | 温和或具芳香 Mild or sweet | 强烈的果味 Strongly fruity | 温和或霉臭 Mild or musty | 温和甜美 Mild,pleasant | 强烈,香味浓郁 Strong sweet |
花形Shape | 花冠筒浅,着陆台 Shallow,tubular, landing platform | 大花或顶生花序 Large or terminal inflorescences | 扁平或成簇花 Flat or cluster floret | 窄管带花距,着陆台 Narrow tube,spur, landing platform | 萼筒无唇,着陆台 Tubular without lip, landing platform |
访花时间Visit time | 白天,黎明 Daytime,dawn | 白天,夜间 Daytime,night | 白天 Daytime | 白天 Daytime | 黄昏或夜间 Dusk or night |
表1 经典传粉综合征的花部特征与昆虫的关系
Table 1 The relationship of flower characteristics and the pollinators under classical pollination syndromes
授粉昆虫 Pollinator | 膜翅目蜜蜂 Hymenoptera bee | 鞘翅目甲虫 Coleoptera beetle | 双翅目蝇类 Diptera fly | 鳞翅目蝴蝶 Lepidoptera butterfly | 鳞翅目蛾类 Lepidoptera moth |
花色Color | 蓝紫或紫外光 Blue,purple,UV | 奶白色或绿色 Cream,green | 黄白色 Yellow and white | 鲜艳或紫外光 Bright,UV | 白色或灰白 Whites,palm |
花卉向导Floral guide | 通常存在 Usually present | 无 Absent | 无 Absent | 偶尔存在 Occasionally present | 无 Absent |
花蜜Nectar | 通常存在 Usually present | 偶尔存在 Occasionally present | 一般没有 Usually absent | 充裕;隐蔽 Ample,hidden | 充裕;隐蔽 Ample,hidden |
花粉Pollen | 少量 Limited | 丰富 Ample | 适中 Modest | 少量 Limited | 少量 Limited |
花香Odour | 温和或具芳香 Mild or sweet | 强烈的果味 Strongly fruity | 温和或霉臭 Mild or musty | 温和甜美 Mild,pleasant | 强烈,香味浓郁 Strong sweet |
花形Shape | 花冠筒浅,着陆台 Shallow,tubular, landing platform | 大花或顶生花序 Large or terminal inflorescences | 扁平或成簇花 Flat or cluster floret | 窄管带花距,着陆台 Narrow tube,spur, landing platform | 萼筒无唇,着陆台 Tubular without lip, landing platform |
访花时间Visit time | 白天,黎明 Daytime,dawn | 白天,夜间 Daytime,night | 白天 Daytime | 白天 Daytime | 黄昏或夜间 Dusk or night |
图1 授粉昆虫和蜂鸟访花 A:蜜蜂造访紫色的琉璃苣;B:瓢虫造访白花除虫菊;C:食蚜蝇造访白花除虫菊;D:蝴蝶造访红花除虫菊;E:飞蛾夜间造访白花除虫菊;F:蜂鸟访花(© fred prose,来自Pixabay免版权网站)。
Fig. 1 Visiting of pollinating insect and hummingbird to flowering plants A:Honeybee visits Borago officinalis(purple flower color);B:Ladybeetle visits Tanacetum cinerariifolium;C:Hoverfly visits T. cinerariifolium;D:Butterfly visits T. coccineum(red flower color);E:Moths visits T. cinerariifolium at night;F:Hummingbird visits flowers(© fred prose from Pixabay copyright free website).
图2 显花植物的花卉向导与结构色 A:森林草莓在可见光下(© David Kennard);B:森林草莓在紫外线照射下可以清晰看见花卉向导(© David Kennard);C:红蝉花的表面结构能增强可见视觉信号(© Hans Braxmeier);D:香铃草花瓣的结构色增强了可见信号(© Jo Rosenberry);E:花菱草花瓣表面结构能够使花瓣呈现强烈明亮的橙色或黄色(© Elke Stürznickel);F:南非雏菊花瓣有深色斑点,能够吸引甲虫授粉(© SAplants)。A ~ C,F图来源维基共享;D、E图来源Pixabay免版权网站,知识共享许可协议。
Fig. 2 Flower guides and the structure color of flowering plants A:Fragaria vesca under visible light(© David Kennard);B:The floral guides can be clearly seen in the ultraviolet spectrum of Fragaria vesca(© David Kennard);C:The surface structure of the Mandevilla sanderi flower can enhance the visual signal(© Hans Braxmeier);D:The structural color on the petals of Hibiscus trionum enhances the visible signal(© Jo Rosenberry);E:The surface structure of Eschscholzia californica can make the petals show a strong bright orange or yellow(© Elke Stürznickel);F:The petals of Gorteria diffusa have dark spots that attract beetles to pollinate(© Saplants). A-C,F images source Wikimedia Commons;D,E images Pixabay with Creative Commons attribution.
图3 花色的地域性和多样性 A:鸟媒的红色猴面花Mimulus aurantiacus(© Takwish);B:蛾媒的黄色猴面花Mimulus aurantiacus(© Dick Culbert);C:麦夸里岛虫媒花反射蝇类所喜好的黄绿色(© M. Murphy);D:手参的多样花色(© Orchi);E:孔雀银莲花 [E1:低海拔下由嗜好红色的甲虫授粉(© Katya);E2、E3:高海拔下花色多样性(E2:© Joseba Garmendia,E3:© Katya)]。以上图片均来源维基共享,知识共享许可协议。
Fig. 3 The regionality and variation of flower colors A:Red bird flowers of Mimulus aurantiacus(© Takwish);B:Yellow moth flowers of Mimulus aurantiacus(© Dick Culbert);C:Macquarie island insects reflect the long waves favored by flies(© M. Murphy);D:The polymorphism color of Gymnadenia rhellicani(© Orchi);E:Anemone pavonina[E1:Pollinated by red-loving beetles at low altitudes(© ghislain118);E2,E3:The flower color of Anemone pavonina polymorphism at high altitude(E2:© Joseba Garmendia,E3:© Katya)]. The above pictures are from Wikimedia Commons with Creative Commons attribution.
图4 观赏植物授粉前后花色的变化 A:海仙花授粉后花冠从白色转变为红色(© Peganum);B:欧洲七叶树上部花瓣黄色斑纹授粉后转变为粉红色(© MichalPL);C:马缨丹授粉后花色从黄色转变为红色(© Vengolis);D:厚叶石斑雄蕊从黄色变成红色(© A.Barra);E:角堇菜授粉后颜色从白色变为紫色(© David J. Stang);F:鸳鸯茉莉花开放从白色转变为蓝色(© Izu navi)。以上图片均来自维基共享,知识共享许可协议。
Fig. 4 The change of flower color after or before pollination of flowering plants A:After pollination,the Corolla of Weigela coraeensis changed from yellow-white to red(©Peganum);B:The yellow mark on the upper petals of Aesculus hippocastanum changed to pink after pollination(© MichalPL);C:After pollination,the flower color of Lantana camara changed from yellow to red(© Vengolis);D:The stamens of Raphiolepis umellata changed from yellow to red(©A.Barra);E:The flower color of Viola cornuta changes from white to purple after pollination(©David J. Stang);F:The flowers of Brunfelsia brasiliensis changed from white to blue(© Izu navi). The above pictures are from Wikimedia Commons with Creative Commons attribution.
图5 花卉的色彩模仿和欺骗 A:斜序距心兰(左)外观与产油植物金虎尾科叶柱藤属(右)非常相似,能够欺骗采油蜜蜂光顾(© Papadopulos);B:红花头蕊兰(左© Hans Stieglitz)拟态匍匐风铃草(右©Ivar Leidus),两者的花都为紫红色且具有近似的反射光谱;C:角蜂眉兰的花像雌性胡蜂(© Marc Pascual);D:Telipogon peruvianus能通过模仿花蜜植物的食物欺骗并结合性欺骗,诱骗授粉者(© Manfred Ayasse);E:兜兰属唇瓣上有黑色凸起物或者棒状腺毛以拟态蚜虫,吸引雌性食蚜蝇来产卵,诱骗其掉入陷阱式囊中,起到传粉的作用(© Naoki Takebayashi);F:以色列鸢尾Iris atropurpurea开暗紫红花无蜜的品种通过给雄性独居蜜蜂提供庇所获得授粉(© Veereshin)。以上图片除C图来源于Pixabay免版权网站,其他均来自维基共享,知识共享许可协议。
Fig. 5 The imitation and deception of flower colors A:Trichocentrum ascendens(left)is very similar in appearance to Stigmaphyllon sp(Malpighiaceae,right),an oil-producing plant,and can deceive the patronage of bees(© Papadopulos);B:Cephalanthera rubra(left,© Hans Stieglitz)successfully mimicks Campanula rapunculoides(right ©Ivar Leidus). Both flowers are purplish red and have similar reflectance spectra;C:The flower of Ophrys speculum looks like a female wasp (© Marc Pascual);D:Telipogon peruvianus can deceive pollinators by directly imitating the food of nectar plants and combining sexual deception with two different ways of deception(© Manfred Ayasse);E:Paphiopedilum has black protuberances or stick-shaped hairs glandular on their lips to mimic aphids,to attract female hoverfly to lay eggs,thus luring hoverfly into a trap bag to pollination(© Naoki Takebayashi);F:Iris atropurpurea,a safflower without honey is pollinated by providing shelter for male solitary bees(© Veereshin). The above images except C picture are from Pixabay,and others from Wikimedia Commons with Creative Commons attribution.
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