园艺学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 566-576.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0483
LI Zheng, LIU Bing, ZHOU Hong, WANG Xiuyun(), XIA Yiping(
WANG Xiuyun,XIA Yiping
为了阐述RhRCA1基因的调控机制,以海南杜鹃(Rhododendron hainanense)3年生扦插苗为材料,分析RhRCA1高温响应和组织表达特性;并克隆获得RhRCA1的启动子序列,将该启动子分别驱动荧光素酶报告基因在烟草中瞬时表达、GUS报告基因在拟南芥中稳定表达,分析该启动子活性、组织特异性和热诱导性。结果显示:(1)25 ℃条件下,RhRCA1表达量极低,37 ℃处理后其表达量显著升高,呈现典型的热诱导特性,并且RhRCA1在绿色组织中的表达量显著高于非绿色组织,呈现组织特异性;(2)获得的启动子长1 624 bp,其含有多个非生物胁迫响应、光响应、组织特异性等相关元件;(3)构建RhRCA1启动子和萤光素酶融合的植物表达载体,在烟草叶片中瞬时表达,荧光成像结果表明RhRCA1启动子能强烈响应高温胁迫;(4)构建RhRCA1启动子和GUS融合的植物表达载体,转化拟南芥植株筛选至T3代,GUS染色结果显示,高温能显著诱导RhRCA1启动子在拟南芥子叶、成熟叶、茎、萼片、果荚等绿色组织中的表达。研究结果表明RhRCA1启动子是1个兼具高温诱导型和组织特异性的启动子,可应用于植物抗逆基因工程,提高植物在高温胁迫下的抗性。
李铮, 刘冰, 周泓, 王秀云, 夏宜平. 海南杜鹃热诱导基因RhRCA1启动子的克隆与功能分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2021, 48(3): 566-576.
LI Zheng, LIU Bing, ZHOU Hong, WANG Xiuyun, XIA Yiping. Isolation and Function Analysis of the Promoter of a Thermal Inducible Gene RCA1 in Rhododendron hainanense[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2021, 48(3): 566-576.
名称 Name | 序列 Sequence(5′-3′) | ||||
表1 试验中使用的引物
Table 1 Primers used in this study
名称 Name | 序列 Sequence(5′-3′) | ||||
图4 RhRCA1启动子PCR扩增(A)和表达载体PCR鉴定(B、C) 1 ~ 3:RhRCA1启动子片段;4 ~ 6:prRCA1::GUS载体;7 ~ 9:prRCA1::LUC载体;M:DL5000 marker。
Fig. 4 PCR amplification of RhRCA1 promotor(A)and PCR detection of recombinant plasmids(B,C) 1 -3:fragments of promoter of RhRCA1;4-6:prRCA1::GUS;7-9:prRCA1::LUC;M:DL5000 marker.
类型 Type | 调控元件 Regulated element | 基序 Motif sequence | 数量 Amount | 生物学功能 Biological function |
非生物胁迫响应元件 Abiotic stress responsive element | ARE | AAACCA | 1 | 厌氧诱导必需的调控元件 cis-acting regulatory element essential for the anaerobic induction |
TC-rich repeats | GTTTTCTTAC | 1 | 防御和胁迫响应元件cis-acting element involved in defense and stress responsiveness | |
ABRE | ACGTG | 5 | 脱落酸响应元件cis-acting element involved in the abscisic acid responsiveness | |
RGAANNTTC | GGGAGTTTC | 1 | HSF1的结合位点 HSF1 binding site | |
CCAAT-box | CCAAT | 2 | 热激蛋白基因表达元件cis-element for heat shock protein gene expression | |
组织特异性相关元件 Tissue-specific element | CACTFTPPCA1 | CACT | 20 | 叶肉特异性表达元件cis-regulatory element for mesophyll-specific gene expression |
TGACGTVMAMY | TGACGT | 2 | 子叶特异性表达元件cis-element for Expression in cotyledons of germinated seeds | |
RBCSCONSENSUS | AATCAA | 1 | 光调节和叶特异性表达元件cis-element for light-regulated and leaf-specific expression | |
光响应元件 Light responsive element | Box 4 | ATTAAT | 4 | 参与部分光响应保守DNA组件 Part of a conserved DNA module involved in light responsiveness |
G-box | CACGTC/ACACGTGGC/ TGACACGTGGCTCT | 5 | 参与光反应的元件 cis-acting regulatory element involved in light responsiveness | |
AE-box | AGAAACTT | 1 | 部分光响应组件 Part of a module for light response | |
基础元件 Basal element | CAAT-box | CAAT/TGCCAAC | 28 | 启动子和增强子调控元件 Common cis-acting element in promoter and enhancer regions |
TATA-box | TATA/TACAAAA | 11 | 转录起始位点 Transcription initiation site | |
其他 Others | TGACG-motif | TGACG | 5 | 参与茉莉酸甲酯诱导表达cis-acting regulatory element involved in the MeJA-responsiveness |
表2 RhRCA1启动子的部分顺式作用元件
Table 2 Part of cis-acting elements in promoter of RhRCA1
类型 Type | 调控元件 Regulated element | 基序 Motif sequence | 数量 Amount | 生物学功能 Biological function |
非生物胁迫响应元件 Abiotic stress responsive element | ARE | AAACCA | 1 | 厌氧诱导必需的调控元件 cis-acting regulatory element essential for the anaerobic induction |
TC-rich repeats | GTTTTCTTAC | 1 | 防御和胁迫响应元件cis-acting element involved in defense and stress responsiveness | |
ABRE | ACGTG | 5 | 脱落酸响应元件cis-acting element involved in the abscisic acid responsiveness | |
RGAANNTTC | GGGAGTTTC | 1 | HSF1的结合位点 HSF1 binding site | |
CCAAT-box | CCAAT | 2 | 热激蛋白基因表达元件cis-element for heat shock protein gene expression | |
组织特异性相关元件 Tissue-specific element | CACTFTPPCA1 | CACT | 20 | 叶肉特异性表达元件cis-regulatory element for mesophyll-specific gene expression |
TGACGTVMAMY | TGACGT | 2 | 子叶特异性表达元件cis-element for Expression in cotyledons of germinated seeds | |
RBCSCONSENSUS | AATCAA | 1 | 光调节和叶特异性表达元件cis-element for light-regulated and leaf-specific expression | |
光响应元件 Light responsive element | Box 4 | ATTAAT | 4 | 参与部分光响应保守DNA组件 Part of a conserved DNA module involved in light responsiveness |
G-box | CACGTC/ACACGTGGC/ TGACACGTGGCTCT | 5 | 参与光反应的元件 cis-acting regulatory element involved in light responsiveness | |
AE-box | AGAAACTT | 1 | 部分光响应组件 Part of a module for light response | |
基础元件 Basal element | CAAT-box | CAAT/TGCCAAC | 28 | 启动子和增强子调控元件 Common cis-acting element in promoter and enhancer regions |
TATA-box | TATA/TACAAAA | 11 | 转录起始位点 Transcription initiation site | |
其他 Others | TGACG-motif | TGACG | 5 | 参与茉莉酸甲酯诱导表达cis-acting regulatory element involved in the MeJA-responsiveness |
图6 转基因拟南芥PCR检测 1:prRCA1::GUS质粒(阳性对照);2:野生型植株(阴性对照)3 ~ 13:转基因植株;M:DL5000 marker。
Fig. 6 PCR detection of transgenic Arabidopsis 1:prRCA1::GUS(positive control)plasmid;2:Non-transgenic plant(negative control);3-13:Transgenic plant;M:DL5000 marker.
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