园艺学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 336-346.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0151
俞蕾1, 周雅1, 宗宇1,2, 张颖1, 邱佳琪1, 李永强1,2, 杨莉1,2,*(), 郭卫东1,2,*(
YU Lei1, ZHOU Ya1, ZONG Yu1,2, ZHANG Ying1, QIU Jiaqi1, LI Yongqiang1,2, YANG Li1,2,*(), GUO Weidong1,2,*(
YANG Li,GUO Weidong
以高丛越橘(Vaccinium corymbosum)大果型品种‘奥尼尔’和小果型品种‘蓝雨’为试材,测定花芽膨大与果实发育期间生长曲线及成熟果实的部分生理指标;开展包含PLAC8保守结构域的FWL(fruit weight like)基因全基因组鉴定与序列分析,并应用实时荧光定量PCR法检测VcFWL/PLAC8基因亚家族成员在花芽膨大与果实发育进程中的相对表达水平。结果表明:‘奥尼尔’果实单果质量与横径自S2期起均显著高于‘蓝雨’,其成熟果实中心室数、单果种子数及种子质量也显著高于‘蓝雨’果实。越橘VcFWL/PLAC8家族包含11个成员,分布于10条染色体上,结构分析显示这些基因均包含2 ~ 3个外显子。大部分VcFWL/PLAC8基因包含高度保守的结构域,聚类分析可将其分为3个亚家族,其中B和C亚家族成员间高度保守。qPCR分析表明A与C亚家族基因的表达模式和越橘花芽与果实发育进程中细胞增殖趋势一致,B亚家族基因的表达丰度较低,推测VcFWL/PLAC8基因可能通过不同的机制和途径参与调控果实的生长发育。
俞蕾, 周雅, 宗宇, 张颖, 邱佳琪, 李永强, 杨莉, 郭卫东. 越橘FWL/PLAC8家族基因特征及表达分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2021, 48(2): 336-346.
YU Lei, ZHOU Ya, ZONG Yu, ZHANG Ying, QIU Jiaqi, LI Yongqiang, YANG Li, GUO Weidong. Characteristic and Relative Expression Pattern Analysis of FWL/PLAC8 Family in Blueberry[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2021, 48(2): 336-346.
引物名称 Primer name | 上游引物(5′-3′) Forward primer | 下游引物(5′-3′) Reverse primer | 扩增长度/bp Predicted length |
表1 qPCR引物信息
Table 1 The primer sequences for qPCR analysis
引物名称 Primer name | 上游引物(5′-3′) Forward primer | 下游引物(5′-3′) Reverse primer | 扩增长度/bp Predicted length |
图2 ‘奥尼尔’与‘蓝雨’越橘花芽膨大与果实发育进程中花果质量及纵横径生长曲线
Fig. 2 Growth curves of single flower/fruit mass,horizontal and vertical diameters during Vaccinium corymbosum ‘O’Neal’and‘Bluerain’flower bud and fruit development ** P < 0.01.
品种 Cultivar | 百粒种子质量/g Weight / 100 seeds | 单果种子数 Seed number | 单果种子质量/g Seed weight pre fruit | 心室数比例/% Locule number | |||
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ||||
奥尼尔O’Neal | 0.04 ± 0.00 | 83.00 ± 4.06** | 0.036 ± 0.007** | 57.39 | 21.09 | 16.52 | |
蓝雨Bluerain | 0.04 ± 0.00 | 30.42 ± 8.31 | 0.012 ± 0.004 | 1.64 | 98.36 |
表2 ‘奥尼尔’与‘蓝雨’越橘成熟果实部分生理指标分析及心室数统计
Table 2 Conventionally physicochemical indexes and locule number of Vaccinium corymbosum‘O’Neal’and‘Bluerain’mature fruit
品种 Cultivar | 百粒种子质量/g Weight / 100 seeds | 单果种子数 Seed number | 单果种子质量/g Seed weight pre fruit | 心室数比例/% Locule number | |||
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ||||
奥尼尔O’Neal | 0.04 ± 0.00 | 83.00 ± 4.06** | 0.036 ± 0.007** | 57.39 | 21.09 | 16.52 | |
蓝雨Bluerain | 0.04 ± 0.00 | 30.42 ± 8.31 | 0.012 ± 0.004 | 1.64 | 98.36 |
基因名称 Gene name | 染色体位置 Chromosome location | CDS/bp | 外显子数 Exon number | 大小/aa Size | 分子量/kD Molecular weight | 等电点 pI |
gene-169.8 | VaccDscaff5:16978476..16983996- | 561 | 3 | 186 | 20.39 | 5.60 |
gene-244.19 | VaccDscaff8:24434249..24439769+ | 693 | 2 | 230 | 25.72 | 4.92 |
gene-228.26 | VaccDscaff10:22828768..22834442+ | 672 | 4 | 223 | 24.22 | 5.35 |
gene-180.23 | VaccDscaff1:18011712..18017230- | 777 | 3 | 258 | 27.84 | 8.12 |
gene-48.40 | VaccDscaff27:4876429..4880014+ | 741 | 3 | 246 | 26.38 | 5.40 |
gene-85.17 | VaccDscaff17:8569670..8572170+ | 657 | 2 | 218 | 23.42 | 8.54 |
gene-85.18 | VaccDscaff17:8572400..8573369+ | 396 | 2 | 131 | 14.60 | 6.27 |
gene-305.30 | VaccDscaff34:30578948..30582561- | 738 | 3 | 246 | 26.40 | 5.37 |
gene-296.30 | VaccDscaff29:29591240..29601268- | 603 | 3 | 200 | 21.34 | 4.76 |
gene-308.41 | VaccDscaff26:30828379..30838346- | 603 | 3 | 200 | 21.34 | 4.76 |
gene-316.28 | VaccDscaff21:31596223..31606319- | 603 | 3 | 200 | 21.30 | 4.76 |
VcFW2.2 | v.corymbosum_GDV_reftransV1_0004680 | 732 | / | 243 | 26.32 | 5.97 |
表3 越橘VcFWL/PLAC8家族的理化特征
Table 3 Physical and chemical characteristics of VcFWL/PLAC8 family in Vaccinium corymbosum
基因名称 Gene name | 染色体位置 Chromosome location | CDS/bp | 外显子数 Exon number | 大小/aa Size | 分子量/kD Molecular weight | 等电点 pI |
gene-169.8 | VaccDscaff5:16978476..16983996- | 561 | 3 | 186 | 20.39 | 5.60 |
gene-244.19 | VaccDscaff8:24434249..24439769+ | 693 | 2 | 230 | 25.72 | 4.92 |
gene-228.26 | VaccDscaff10:22828768..22834442+ | 672 | 4 | 223 | 24.22 | 5.35 |
gene-180.23 | VaccDscaff1:18011712..18017230- | 777 | 3 | 258 | 27.84 | 8.12 |
gene-48.40 | VaccDscaff27:4876429..4880014+ | 741 | 3 | 246 | 26.38 | 5.40 |
gene-85.17 | VaccDscaff17:8569670..8572170+ | 657 | 2 | 218 | 23.42 | 8.54 |
gene-85.18 | VaccDscaff17:8572400..8573369+ | 396 | 2 | 131 | 14.60 | 6.27 |
gene-305.30 | VaccDscaff34:30578948..30582561- | 738 | 3 | 246 | 26.40 | 5.37 |
gene-296.30 | VaccDscaff29:29591240..29601268- | 603 | 3 | 200 | 21.34 | 4.76 |
gene-308.41 | VaccDscaff26:30828379..30838346- | 603 | 3 | 200 | 21.34 | 4.76 |
gene-316.28 | VaccDscaff21:31596223..31606319- | 603 | 3 | 200 | 21.30 | 4.76 |
VcFW2.2 | v.corymbosum_GDV_reftransV1_0004680 | 732 | / | 243 | 26.32 | 5.97 |
图4 越橘、番茄、拟南芥、大豆及玉米FWL/PLAC8蛋白的系统进化树
Fig. 4 Phylogenetic tree of FWL/PLAC8 proteins in Vaccinium corymbosum,Solanaceae lycopersicum,Arabidopsis thaliana,Glycine max and Zea mays
图5 VcFWL/PLAC8 基因亚家族成员在‘奥尼尔’与‘蓝雨’花芽膨大与果实发育进程中的相对表达
Fig. 5 Relative expression levels of VcFWL/PLAC8 subfamilies during Vaccinium corymbosum ‘O’Neal’and‘Bluerain’flower bud and fruit development * P < 0.05;** P < 0.01.
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