园艺学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 276-288.doi: 10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2020-0282
张庆雯, 祁静静, 谢宇, 谢竹, 彭蕴, 李强, 彭爱红, 邹修平, 何永睿, 陈善春*(), 姚利晓*(
ZHANG Qingwen, QI Jingjing, XIE Yu, XIE Zhu, PENG Yun, LI Qiang, PENG Aihong, ZOU Xiuping, HE Yongrui, CHEN Shanchun*(), YAO Lixiao*(
CHEN Shanchun,YAO Lixiao
胼胝质合成酶是控制胼胝质合成的关键酶,在植物生长发育和抗逆胁迫中具有重要作用。克隆并分析‘锦橙’胼胝质合成酶基因CsCalS5及其启动子序列,实时荧光定量PCR检测CsCalS5的组织表达模式以及植物生长调节剂、黄龙病菌和柑橘溃疡病菌的诱导表达模式,并通过组织切片观察感染黄龙病和柑橘溃疡病‘锦橙’叶脉胼胝质的沉积。结果显示,CsCalS5启动子序列中含有脱落酸和病原菌的响应元件;CsCalS5编码1 952个氨基酸含有保守结构域FKS1和β-1,3-葡聚糖合成酶功能域的跨膜蛋白;CsCalS5在‘锦橙’的茎中高表达,且受脱落酸的诱导;黄龙病菌侵染后叶脉韧皮部的胼胝质沉积明显,患病叶片CsCalS5的表达量是健康对照的4.02倍;柑橘溃疡病菌侵染叶片后,叶脉韧皮部胼胝质沉积无明显增加,且CsCalS5的表达量与健康对照无显著差异。综上,黄龙病菌可能通过上调‘锦橙’CsCalS5的表达促进韧皮部胼胝质的沉积,从而增强其防御能力,且这种抗性可能受到脱落酸的调控。
张庆雯, 祁静静, 谢宇, 谢竹, 彭蕴, 李强, 彭爱红, 邹修平, 何永睿, 陈善春, 姚利晓. 黄龙病菌胁迫下‘锦橙’CsCalS5表达和胼胝质沉积的初步分析[J]. 园艺学报, 2021, 48(2): 276-288.
ZHANG Qingwen, QI Jingjing, XIE Yu, XIE Zhu, PENG Yun, LI Qiang, PENG Aihong, ZOU Xiuping, HE Yongrui, CHEN Shanchun, YAO Lixiao. Preliminary Analysis of CsCalS5 and Callose Deposition in Citrus sinensis Infected with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2021, 48(2): 276-288.
引物名称 Primer name | 引物序列(5′-3′) Primer sequence |
表1 本试验中所用引物
Table 1 The sequences of primers in this study
引物名称 Primer name | 引物序列(5′-3′) Primer sequence |
图1 CsCalS5的4个片段及其启动子的PCR扩增 M:Marker;1 ~ 4:CsCalS5-1,2,3,4的PCR扩增产物;5P:启动子序列;CK+:阳性对照;CK-:阴性对照。
Fig. 1 PCR amplifications of four fragments and promoter of CsCalS5 M:Marker;1-4:PCR product of CsCalS5-1,2,3,4;5P:Promoter sequence;CK+:Positive control;CK-:Negative control.
元件名称 Element name | 序列 Sequence | 数量 Number | 功能 Function | 位置 Location |
GT1 box | GAAAAA | 2 | 病原菌和盐响应 Pathogen or salt-induced responsiveness | -264(+)/-976(-) |
dof box | AAAG | 23 | 病原菌响应Pathogen responsiveness | -1281/-1178/-1097/-974/-927/ -838/-260/-161/-148/-81/-7(+)-1486/-1340/-1264/-1060/-869/-707/-656/-610/-545/-479/-207/-85(-) |
W box | TGACT | 2 | 病原菌和损伤响应 Pathogen and wound responsiveness | -474(+)/-582(+) |
GARE-motif | TCTGTTG | 2 | 赤霉素响应元件Gibberellin-responsive element | -281(+) |
CCTTTT | -1490(+) | |||
TCA-element | CCATCTTTTT | 1 | 水杨酸响应元件Salicylic acid responsiveness | -1067(+) |
ABRE | ACGTG | 1 | 脱落酸响应元件Abscisic acid responsiveness | -814(+) |
WUN-motif | AAATTACTA | 1 | 损伤响应元件Wound responsiveness | -1369(-) |
MYC | CATTTG | 2 | 干旱和冻害响应元件 Drought and freeze responsiveness | -1473(+)/-1400(-) |
MBS | CAACTG | 1 | 参与干旱诱导Involved in drought-inducibility | -1259(-) |
ARE | AAACCA | 2 | 厌氧诱导所需Essential for the anaerobic induction | -1255(+)/-456(-) |
MBSI | TTTTTACGGTTA | 1 | 参与类黄酮合成基因的调控 Involved in flavonoid biosynthetic genes regulation | -131(+) |
RY-element | CATGCATG | 1 | 参与种子特异性调控 Involved in seed-specific regulation | -696(-) |
GATA-motif | AAGATAAGATT | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1400(-) |
GT1-motif | GGTTAA | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1336(-) |
chs-CMA2a | TCACTTGA | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1268(-) |
Box 4 | ATTAAT | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1293(+) |
LAMP-element | CTTTATCA | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1123(+) |
G-box | TACGTG | 2 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -810(+) |
GGTTAAT | -194(+) |
表2 CsCalS5启动子的顺式作用元件
Table 2 cis-Acting elements of CsCalS5 promoter
元件名称 Element name | 序列 Sequence | 数量 Number | 功能 Function | 位置 Location |
GT1 box | GAAAAA | 2 | 病原菌和盐响应 Pathogen or salt-induced responsiveness | -264(+)/-976(-) |
dof box | AAAG | 23 | 病原菌响应Pathogen responsiveness | -1281/-1178/-1097/-974/-927/ -838/-260/-161/-148/-81/-7(+)-1486/-1340/-1264/-1060/-869/-707/-656/-610/-545/-479/-207/-85(-) |
W box | TGACT | 2 | 病原菌和损伤响应 Pathogen and wound responsiveness | -474(+)/-582(+) |
GARE-motif | TCTGTTG | 2 | 赤霉素响应元件Gibberellin-responsive element | -281(+) |
CCTTTT | -1490(+) | |||
TCA-element | CCATCTTTTT | 1 | 水杨酸响应元件Salicylic acid responsiveness | -1067(+) |
ABRE | ACGTG | 1 | 脱落酸响应元件Abscisic acid responsiveness | -814(+) |
WUN-motif | AAATTACTA | 1 | 损伤响应元件Wound responsiveness | -1369(-) |
MYC | CATTTG | 2 | 干旱和冻害响应元件 Drought and freeze responsiveness | -1473(+)/-1400(-) |
MBS | CAACTG | 1 | 参与干旱诱导Involved in drought-inducibility | -1259(-) |
ARE | AAACCA | 2 | 厌氧诱导所需Essential for the anaerobic induction | -1255(+)/-456(-) |
MBSI | TTTTTACGGTTA | 1 | 参与类黄酮合成基因的调控 Involved in flavonoid biosynthetic genes regulation | -131(+) |
RY-element | CATGCATG | 1 | 参与种子特异性调控 Involved in seed-specific regulation | -696(-) |
GATA-motif | AAGATAAGATT | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1400(-) |
GT1-motif | GGTTAA | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1336(-) |
chs-CMA2a | TCACTTGA | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1268(-) |
Box 4 | ATTAAT | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1293(+) |
LAMP-element | CTTTATCA | 1 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -1123(+) |
G-box | TACGTG | 2 | 光响应元件Light responsiveness | -810(+) |
GGTTAAT | -194(+) |
图6 健康(A、C)和感染黄龙病(B、D)‘锦橙’叶脉 黄色箭头指向韧皮部塌陷,红色箭头指向的蓝色荧光为胼胝质沉积。Co:皮层;P:韧皮部;Fi:纤维;Pi:髓;X:木质部。
Fig. 6 Vein of healthy(A,C)and CLas-infected(B,D)C. sinensis Yellow arrows point to the collapse of the phloem,red arrows point to the callose with blue fluorescence. Co:Cortex;P:Phloem;Fi:Fiber;Pi:Pith;X:Xylem.
图8 健康‘锦橙’(A)和感染溃疡病‘锦橙’(B)叶脉 红色箭头指向的蓝色荧光为胼胝质沉积。Co:皮层;P:韧皮部;Fi:纤维;Pi:髓;X:木质部。
Fig. 8 Vein of healthy(A)and Xcc-infected(B)C. sinensis Red arrows point to the callose with blue fluorescence. Co:Cortex;P:Phloem;Fi:Fiber;Pi:Pith;X:Xylem.
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