
园艺学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 1291-1298.

• 蔬菜 • 上一篇    下一篇

不同浓度NO3- 胁迫下黄瓜幼苗根系分生区细胞内Ca2+分布变化的差异


  1. (1 山东农业大学, 作物生物学国家重点实验室, 山东泰安271018; 2 山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院, 山东泰安 271018; 3 山东农业大学化学与材料科学学院, 山东泰安271018)
  • 收稿日期:2009-03-31 修回日期:2009-06-26 出版日期:2009-09-25 发布日期:2009-09-25
  • 通讯作者: 王秀峰

The Differences of Subcellular Ca2+ Distribution in Root Meristem Region ofCucumber Seedling Under Different NO3- Concentrations Stress

YANG Feng-juan1,2;WEI Min1,2;SU Xiu-rong3;WANG Xiu-feng1,2   

  1. (1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an, Shandong 271018, China; 2College of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an, Shandong 271018, China; 3College of Chem istry and Material Science, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an,Shandong 271018, China)
  • Received:2009-03-31 Revised:2009-06-26 Online:2009-09-25 Published:2009-09-25
  • Contact: WANG Xiu-feng

摘要: 以‘新泰密刺’黄瓜为试材, 采用焦锑酸钙沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法, 研究不同浓度NO3- 胁迫下黄瓜幼苗根系分生区细胞内Ca2+的分布变化, 以期为探讨不同浓度NO3- 胁迫下细胞Ca2+行为特征与黄瓜对NO3- 适应性之间的关系。结果表明, 对照生长条件下(14 mmol·L-1 NO3- ) , 黄瓜根系分生区细胞内Ca2+主要出现在细胞膜和小液泡内, 线粒体、细胞质和细胞核及核仁内也有少量的较小颗粒钙沉淀。而其它浓度NO3- 胁迫下, 其根系分生区细胞Ca2+定位分布变化明显。在56和140 mmol·L -1NO3- 浓度下, Ca2+有向细胞基质分布的趋势, 其细胞间隙、细胞质和线粒体中亦出现大量钙沉淀颗粒。且不同处理浓度下, 线粒体和小液泡数量及结构变化较大。而当NO3- 浓度达182 mmol·L -1时, 根系分生区各细胞器内钙沉淀颗粒明显减少, 此时Ca2+的变化是各细胞器及膜系统遭严重破坏的结果。综上可知, 黄瓜幼苗可通过根系分生区液泡内Ca2+向细胞基质分布变化, 来增加对高浓度NO3- 胁迫的抗性。

关键词: 黄瓜, NO3- 浓度, 焦锑酸钙沉淀, 细胞生物化学, 钙离子

Abstract: The changes of calcium level in rootmeristem region of cucumber seedling (‘XintaiMici’) under different NO3- concentrations stress were determined by the imp roved cytochemical method of calcium pyroantimonate p recip itation. After 7 days of treatment, under op timum NO3- (14 mmol·L -1) conditions,
calcium antimonite deposits, which indicates calcium distribution, were mainly localized in cellmembrane and vacuoles, as a storeroom of Ca2+, and smaller amounts of calcium p recip itates randomly resided in mitochon2dria, cytop lasm and nucleus. But under excessive NO3-stress, the distribution of Ca2+ in subcellular was changed greatly. After 7 days treated with 56 and 140 mmol·L-1 NO3-, Ca2+level in the intercellular spaces, cytop lasm and mitochondria elevated. With the increasing NO3-concentrations, the shape and amount of mitochondria and vacuoleswere changed greatly. Higher NO3-concentrations (182 mmol·L-1) caused a series of disorders of metabolic p rocesses and serious damages of membrane system of organelles in cucumber seedling roots, thus, Ca2+deposits in each compartments became smaller significantly. The result indicated that the change of Ca2+ from vacuoles to hyalop lasm can reduce the NO3-stress in cucumber seedlings.

Key words: cucumber seedling, NO3-stress, calcium pyroantimonate precipitation, cytochemistry, Ca2+
